Op/Ed: Privacy in Second Life

by Alphaville Herald on 01/01/05 at 8:52 pm

Hiro Pendragon riffs on Privacy

I ran across the following essay by Hiro Pendragon on the SL Forums, and thought it deserved some more consideration. Please check it out. (And thanks to Hiro for permission to republish.) –Uri

Privacy: An Open Letter to Linden Lab
and a discussion with residents.

Dear Linden Lab,

Here is my thoughts on privacy in Second Life, including an interpretation of what exists, questions raised by the current state of SL privacy, and major issues that I see that exist that will eventually (if not sooner) become impossible to ignore. I realize you folks are well aware of the importance of the legal ramifications of hosting a Massive Multiplayer Online service of Second Life’s scope. I personally have been very happy with the large degree that you do listen to the player base, and I know many people would agree with me.

This is perhaps the most expansive and important issue facing Second Life, since it is both a technological and human issue. I bring up this issue because I see more and more examples of problems dealing around the issue of privacy, and I want the Metaverse to be a success story from Second Life. I hope you consider my thoughts seriously.

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