The Second Life Crusades
by Alphaville Herald on 08/01/05 at 5:34 am
The Second Life Crusades: Lindens Crack Down on BallerMoMo’s Crew in the UAE
by Mr Fairplay and Walker Spaight
While the motivation behind the move remains unclear, it seems that Braveman Drago incurred the Linden wrath on Friday and was subject to the same ban that took the Second Life of infamous gang leader BallerMoMo King late last year. Sources close to the Baller crew tell the SL Herald that Braveman Drago, a Baller associate who logs from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), was banned entirely from Second Life on Friday, though the duration of the ban wasn’t known at press time. In addition, sources say, friends and associates in the UAE were suddenly booted as well, leading one source to speculate that the Lindens had IP-blocked the entire country for a time.
Calls to Linden Labs by the affected parties, however, resulted in access being restored to some accounts. Attempts by Herald staff to reach the Lindens in-world late Friday were unsuccessful.
Sources also claimed that much of the Threemile sim, which Braveman and BallerMoMo jointly owned at one point in time, had been confiscated by the Lindens. The Herald is hoping to acquire documents supporting this claim, but has not secured them as of posting time.
The ban is only the latest chapter in a saga that has seen the Lindens using the few tools at their disposal to battle against perceived transgressions of their delicately wrought in-world code of conduct. Given the absence of due process in world, it is difficult to know if these actions are justified, or simply cases of overreaction. As one woman associated with the Baller crew put it:
“braveman did nothing wrong i do not understand why they can take this land and ban all of them… i am almost afraid to say anything , what if Lindens dont like what i have to say and as [one of the] MOMO women i will be banned next?”
We will continue to follow this rapidly developing story.
BallerMoMo in happier times.
Jan 8th, 2005
I only read what I know about SL from the Herald…. but from the previous headline/quote of MoMo “They can’t fuck with me”…… evidently they can.
Sounds like a bit of an overreaction by ip banning an entire country… I shall follow this one with interest.
Robert Vito Leone
Jan 8th, 2005
I really don’t see why the lindens can have all this power so they can use it to be corrupted or do things they aren’t suppose to do..In my idea..Lindens should have something like Tso does but it watches the lindens and can punish them..
Jan 8th, 2005
Jeska Linden: Please note that Governor Linden is reclaiming land in Threemile where there is land set to a group that you are an officer of. You may wish to make other arrangements for the content there or it will be returned to your account on Monday, January 10.
Jan 8th, 2005
That is the IM (email?) you got from the Lindens?
Jan 8th, 2005
I think Sl needs to review this case because they went and banned a whole country i find that racist and a cruel act for even doing something like that just sounds like lawsuits to me…lolbut i know for a fact braveman drago and baller momo are 2 different ppl and they need to look into those ips and fix this problem because it seems like some lindens are running a big money scam taking lands from ppl that don’t commit crimes so they can buy more lands to profit? not good they have much proof if they read chat logs but as u can see someone isn’t doing there job or must get paid well to play dumb or was just born stupid.punish the guilty ppl not innocent ones
Jan 8th, 2005
We haven’t confirmed that the UAE was IP banned. Linden Lab has said it cannot comment on any part of our story (including this part, it seems).
Jan 8th, 2005
yeah they can’t comment because they done wrong and are running a dirty business they have proof and copy and paste chats isn’t hard either those lindens think they have power over innocent ppl also with comment like nova linden made to baller momo laughing saying haha i know your baller momo and i will have to take care of this av to right after sl unbanned him nova made that comment and had him banned mintues later. some lindens are stupid should watch what u say it gets around fast. I think there is a scam be runned because threemile is on auctioned and they have not even reviewd braveman Drago case all they have to do is see where brave signs on is way different from where baller momo signs in from .. 2 different ppl different ips and they even pee wtf do u guys need blood too review that case and leave innocent ppl alone free braveman Drago
Gina Fatale
Jan 9th, 2005
banning a whole country would do what exactly? piss off a lot of people thats for sure. good grief what next am i to get banned for living with hellsing? momo’s real life brother? oh shit i better not of said it on here they will blame the herald once again lol
Innocent Bystander
Jan 9th, 2005
Oh please, why’s everyone giving Linden Labs such a hard time? All people can seem to do is complain complain complain. LL is just doing their job. If someone causes trouble in SL consistantly, then they have every right to ban him from the game and confiscate his land.
If LL did infact ban the entire UAE, I highly doubt it had anything to do with racisim. More then likely there is not a high number of people playing from there and they just wanted to see who was who, as MoMo is known to have several accounts. No one suffered much from it either, because after making a phone call most were unbanned.
Just remember people that if MoMo had not crashed sims and caused problems in game, then LL wouldn’t be banning Braveman or others from the UAE. Therefore the blame for all this is all on MoMo.
Jan 9th, 2005
seems to me ppl can be so stupid …we don’t need to point out who is at fault here duh…we already know.we seem to be complaining about the fact innocent ppl should not have to be invovled for another persons mistakes. that goes out to the idiot for sticking there damn nose where it don’t belong.hide behind your fake name just to make a stupid comment oh please go get your baby bottle and shove it up ***
Jan 11th, 2005
OMG, some of you guys are unbeleivable! First, look at who are the writers of this great little tabloid article. One of them is one of SL’s bigest dhrama mongers. Take a part of it with a grain of salt and don’t be so freakin naive.
Now that aside, I highly doubt that there is any truth to the statement of the the entire IP blocks of the UAE being blocked. “leading one source to speculate that the Lindens had IP-blocked the entire country for a time” NOTE, speculate. Who here noticed this word? Furthermore, who is this “leading source”? I say bull, people speculating (say it with me kids) and blowing around rumours. Why wouldn’t LL do this? LL is a business. A business wants to make money. If a business goes banning entire countries, current “innocent” customers and new customers get turned away at the door; thus, money being lost.
As for Momo and some of his crew all getting a royal boot? Common! To make the herald, ya gotta be a disturber
Having said that, Momo and some of his associates specifically tried to push the Lindens back. You get pulled over by the cops, do you push back? No way! You’re gonna get bitch slapped, and I mean that in every way. Momo and some of his crew specifically went lookin’ for trouble, and they got trouble.
As for those who scream fowl, ever deal with a situation like this? People playin with Nukes takin down blocks of sims, public statements saying “Screw you” to the Lindens, teraforming attacks and other kinds of BS? Oh please, while I enjoy dhrama, and I bet the Lindens do, theres a point where the foot is gonna come down. Guess Momo and some of his boyz found it.
Heh, well, my popcorn just finished popping, so I’m gonna sit down in my lazy boy and enjoy the show. Good job Momo, if one is gonna start trouble, do it “Momo-Style”
Jan 11th, 2005
rotfl. Pass the popcorn!
Mr Fairplay
Jan 12th, 2005
I want some popcorn too. /me grabs the popcorn forcefully off Urizenus
Jan 16th, 2005
Were you just insanely drunk when you wrote that garbage, yexi, or do your braincell need repair again ?
Linden are stupid, running a dirty business, a big money scam ?
OMG, you people are killing me !
This tabloid is better than anything in the RL. What will be next ? “Elvis seen in Ahern” or “Aliens sucked me dry”, by Urizenus ?????
Any popcorn left ?
Jan 16th, 2005
“Elvis Sucked Me Dry”
He may be dead, but he’s goooood!