This is a Nipple Free Zone
by Alphaville Herald on 03/02/05 at 10:27 am
Tony at Clickable Culture reports that the Lindens are cracking down on Stormy Roentgen’s sculptures in PG areas because they have…
Sunday, February 23rd, 2025
by Alphaville Herald on 03/02/05 at 10:27 am
Tony at Clickable Culture reports that the Lindens are cracking down on Stormy Roentgen’s sculptures in PG areas because they have…
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Maria LaVeaux
Feb 4th, 2005
PG, Means PG.
No Mature Content here.
I live a Very controversial lifestyle, and i am proud of it, But i Respect the Boundries, and i even remove my identifying group titles if i am spending more than a few minutes in a PG area.
I Respect the people in these areas do Not wish to be exposed to Mature content. That is the whole purpose of having PG sims.
I’ve said it before, I am Not concerned about things like this, because i Live within the TOS of the game, the only ones who need to worry are the ones trying to write their own Rule Book. You know the ones, Their first rule is usually “I do what I want, and Sc**w everyone else.”
If you want mature content, Go to a mature sim, there are plenty of them, and enough you should never have to receive a warning in a PG lot.
Neal Stewart
Feb 5th, 2005
Are male statues allowed to have nipples? Will the fine art classics provide the litmus test for the girls? Edvard Munch’s ‘Madonna’ or Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Leda’?
Feb 11th, 2005
Get over yourself Maria. Stone nipples are all over publically-accessible places in real life and nobody bitches and moans about it. Art is not by definition “mature” if the statues are anatomically accurate.
Kathmandu Gilman
Feb 21st, 2005
Kinda silly, don’t you think? Do we blindfold babies to breastfeed next? Anyway, nipples are allowed under the PG definition as long as it isn’t in a sexual context. Unfortunatly the Lindens don’t really adhere to the actual standards of the terms they use.
If you watch Disney’s Fantasia, there are nipples a plenty. A statue with nipples, not showing any overt sexuallity, is not leagaly determined as mature content. If it were, a great deal of the world’s art would be censored. It is a bit ridiculas, don’t you think?