Heard on the Hardware

by Alphaville Herald on 07/05/05 at 10:31 am

A brand-new feature from a brand-new Herald stringer (who shall remain anonymous), Heard on the Hardware brings you occasional snippets from actual conversations overheard on the Grid. So prick up your ears and, if you think the Herald’s listening, sharpen your tongues…

Heard in the Morris sandbox, May 3:
Resident #1: Dolls freak my sister out. I like that.
Resident #2: I freak dolls out.

Heard at the Elbow Room in Mare sim, May 5:
Resident #1: I’m a firm believer that prim genitals have no place in SL.
Resident #2: Hard to get the real ones here.
Resident #3: You’re just too cheap to spend 1k on nards!

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