Neal Stewart Departs
by Alphaville Herald on 16/05/05 at 8:00 pm
I am stepping down from my position at the Herald, to spend more time in-world experimenting with things like content-creation, land, events, management, porn-event-management, and government.
I hope you have enjoyed our time together as we interviewed Native American tribesmen, entrepreneurial teens, giant wolves, Lindens, Dionysian artists, alleged stalkers, Nazis and murderous detectives. We wanked about New Games Journalism and Virtual Free Speech and blew the lid on gnome sweatshops and Linden Lab’s controversial secret government plans.
Well, it was really more me than you. You just sat there naked, a lazy asshat, drinking and singing Numa Numa until you passed out in front of your monitor.
And I trusted you.
Thank you to Urizenus Sklar and Walker Spaight for their friendship, support and their contacts within arms-dealing, narco-terrorist organizations. And thank you to all the writers and artists whose work I had the privilege of posting, including Pirate Cotton, Rose Karuna, Gwyneth Llewelyn, Marilyn Murphy, Cienna Samiam and Aimee Weber.
Tony Walsh
May 16th, 2005
Rock on, Neal. I look forward to the fruits of your diabolical machinations, may you inject SL with some high-octane vodka.
May 16th, 2005
I’m still all in a lather over that gnome sweatshop!
marilyn murphy
May 16th, 2005
but… but… neal, if u go, what will i do?? where will i go??
(ok if u dont recognize this opening, i pity you)
Torley Torgeson
May 17th, 2005
*tips watermelon hat respectfully to Neal*
You’re a great guy, wherever you are. Maybe we’ll see each other again inworld one of these days… oh wait, we just did.
(At the Welcome Area.)
A new chapter in your Second Life now opens, and I’ve always enjoyed your contributions to SL Herald.
Gina Fatale
May 17th, 2005
best of luck to you neal always enjoyed your work here
you will be missed from the herald staff.
Pirate Cotton
May 18th, 2005
Keep up the good work, whatever work that be! We’ll have to do another tour tho…
Prokofy Neva
May 19th, 2005
Hey, this is terrible you’re going. Because what could be in your place? Only something worse…But hey talk to me about that land/pron/events/management thingie, I have some ideas LOL