Post Six Grrrl Kitty Zamboni
by Alphaville Herald on 15/06/05 at 1:06 pm
We at the Herald are happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Kitty Zamboni! Kitty is a not only a lovely model for talented photographers, but she is also a DJ and dancer who can be seen and heard in SecondLife. Thanks to Marilyn Murphy, the publisher of Players Magazine for these wonderful pictures and those of all of our Post Six Grrrls.
Hey there Second lifer’s ! My name is KItty Zamboni I started playing second life On June 2nd 2004 ,after hearing my friends in talking about a new game that they’ve been trying out. So I decided to try it out as well ! When I first logged in I looked at my Avatar and said to myself “God! that’s an ugly looking avatar,and OMFG what the hell kind of clothes do they supply you with!?” LOL! But shortly after wandering around I found the newbie welcome area in Ahern . I met some wonderful and kind people there that hooked me up with clothes, dances,tips on ways to improve my avatars looks etc etc!. I was enjoying the game so much! I couldn’t stop playing (yes an addict! lol)
Then I found a home , some where that I could be myself and listen to the music I love which is Metal,rock,alt music ,and this place was called Transylvania *Vampire Empire* .I met two people there that were running the sim, one own’s it ,they took me in as one of there own, and showed me a new light in SL! I Loved the game much more!! Around this time I met Archus Brodie he introduced me to the * OLD * Brimstone Bar ,and that’s when I met Hiro Chung, he was the owner of the Bar .I heard he was looking for DJ’s and event host so I said ” what the heck why not ” I started DJing / hosting event’s and I made so many new friends!…didn’t last to long until Hiro said he had to sell the club ….and that’s wen it went down hill…lmao we wont get into that…so since that bar ended up in horrible hands. I started Djing and doing events at Transylvania. I did this for hmm a good 5mths made some awesome friends there like , Kazzy Karuna, Kenzie Craven,Kiamat Dusk, Dement Dinova and many more!
Now let me tell you about the person I didn’t mention that I met in Transylvania. She’s my heart, my best friend ,aunt, sister,mother whatever you wanna call it ,you will not find a truer friend then this Woman.Her name is Wench Phaeton ,she knows how I feel about our friendship. She know very well I’d give my Left Avatar arm for her lmao!
One more Person I would like to mention is someone I brought into game my RL and sl Best friend Geegee Opel I love this girl more then words can explain!
Back to me ,as of now I am no Longer in Trans after 11mths of being in the biggest vamp family in SL I left and don’t think im going back again. Also at the moment I DJ and dance at Club Elite thanks to Bigjohn ,made me a part of the Elite Family . I wanna say I do appreciate all my real friends on Sl and I do Wuv you all to bits! I hope you Enjoyed reading about Little ol’me ! TTYL
Garbage Prototype
Jun 15th, 2005
Kitty is one of my good friends in second life and she is also one of my models for my store the random i love her she is so cool and down to earth and shes hot ;P
Jun 15th, 2005
She is the most wonderfull girl….even more than most shall ever know…i’ve had the chance to get to know this amazing person…and wouldn’t trade it for anything. Now that it’s come this far what would i do without her in my life. <3<3 ~*MuAhS*~
Miraren Firefly
Jun 15th, 2005
Oh sis, you’re so amazingly sexy
Girl wishes she could be a model… And yes, she’d totally go for a modelling job if you have one laying around
fusion Dusk
Jun 15th, 2005
Kitty!!! What cant I say about this girl?! She amazes me!
We’ve been great friends since we met on THERE and I’ve loved spending time with her. She is so much fun and such a lovable chicky!
A few highlights of my time with Kitty…
The crazy ventures that Kitty, Digi and I got upto when we were the inseperable threesome in THERE (Yes we even tried to have a threesome in THERE…doesnt work too well but I have pics muahaha!!!) and the love for our fat avies….damn we made some fat asses outta those geeky lookin avatars ROFL!…
We all have a time when we cant type and it ends up being something like “khbgklhsbgk”…well we had to make a group about it ROFL but seriously you wouldn’t understand the group name so its no use me even trying to explain Lol!
There are heaps more awesome times that we’ve had but this was the big highlights for me…
Meeting Kitty in THERE in the infamous Karuna Plaza…even flirting with each other ROFL! Some fun times there hey Kit?
And last but not least….
I went to have an event in Second Life….a surprise that I had planned for my SL boyffriend Dogs Roo. Everything was going great…had the event all planned for, and Kitty was to be the DJ …aswell as the little special something I had planned for me and Dogs afterwards….ten minutes before the event was to start, I thought I would reboot my computer…came back onto Second Life and it told me that the sim was unavailable and re-directed me, Kitty and Leon (one of the owners of the club where I was to have the event) to a new place. Met up with Leon and we were like “noooooooooooooo wtf we gonna do!!!” We were so mad and disappointed Lol! Then Kitty IM’ed me and said “Have the event at mine and Wench’s place”. I couldn’t thank her enough. Without her, my special event would not have gone ahead. You are probably wondering what event this was…well I asked Dogs to marry me half way through the event…and yes he accepted
Then I asked Kitty and my sl/there friend Redrose if they would be my bridesmaids for the wedding and they both accepted too.
Thankyou so much Kitty!!! Thankyou for being you. Cant wait for the day that we finally meet…and she’s with my SL bro Delacroix!!!! They met coz of me! YAYS!! ROFL!!!! Hope you guys have the best times that you’ve ever had…maybe down the track there may be another wedding planned
OK, too much of an essay to read I know, but I couldn’t help it. This girl is one in a million!!!
<3333333333333 Love you forever Kitty <3333333333333
Dement Dinova
Jun 16th, 2005
What can I say about this one. Well except I wasnt talked about enough!…heh kidding… anywho.. the kitty is a kewl friend and mucho fun to hang out with both in times of partying and times of rest and ..relaxation
.. Awesome dj always spinning wht the crowds want to get their grove on. Sl is definity more fun and adventurous with pixels like kitty arround… keep it up M’lady
DJ Dement