Skin Review: CherryBomb Hare
by Alphaville Herald on 17/07/05 at 3:17 pm
by Matthias Zander
Continuing with the Herald’s review of skins, beginning with the five creators previously featured in the Herald, I’m happy to bring you a review today of a skin by CherryBomb Hare! The specific skin reviewed today is her dark male skin with the enhanced abdominal features for males (yes, that means male nudity for once in the Herald, for those who have been hoping for that for a while ). The advertisement in CherryBomb’s store claims that this skin has the “best abs in game” and has a “perfect color match” for the head, even though it’s just a slider head.
The first thing that will surprise most people about this skin is its old-style price: $L5000. Some would see it worth it, though, if the abs truly are the best that are available in SecondLife. Unlike most skins, it is only available in one skin tone: dark. I’ll start this review with a review of the overall appearance, and then move on to specific points that could be improved upon.
From a distance, this skin doesn’t look too bad, but does look very fuzzy. The belly button is a bit too high on the avatar, and the heart-shaped small pubic patch is very…well, odd. The back, from a distance is very obviously muscled, and as promised, there is no apparent seam where the drawn part becomes the head. The abs, while clearly defined, do appear rather unnatural, especially towards the top.
Problems with this skin really become apparent upon a closer look. For example, take the picture of the back (just above). The shoulderblades look very unnatural and absolutely huge. A little bit of shading there would have gone a long way – this just goes overboard. The spine is also way too defined. It looks almost like it pops out around 6 inches, and is quite unappealing. Towards the bottom of that picture, there is also a VERY obvious seam between the upper and lower body. In my mind, that’s a big no-no for a skin, even moreso than on clothing. It’s natural for clothing to have seams, but our skin does not have seams at the waist where it abruptly changes color.
The picture just above of the torso area on this skin shows even more problems. First, the seam around the waist is still clearly visible from the front. Second, the problems with the abs become even more apparent with this close view, once again, at the top especially. The third problem is that the nipples appear very fuzzy and undefined. On this skin, they just appear to be deep red or purple dots in the middle of a brown blob. Finally, there is a VERY apparent seam on the inside of each of the arms. This isn’t just a minor visibility – on the front of the arms, the skin is red, on the back, it is brown. That’s a major flaw with this skin that virtually makes it unwearable for those who wish to look even a bit realistic or who wish to model with the skin.
If this skin has any redeeming points, they are very minor. Even the big toes have a huge pink blob where the nail should be. Probably the best part of this skin is the butt, but that’s not saying much. There are certainly far better skins on the market for far less than CherryBomb charges for this skin. I hope that you will take what I have said, CherryBomb, and improve upon these points and come out with a much better skin. I give this skin one star out of a possible five.
Jul 17th, 2005
matt’s so hot
Jul 17th, 2005
what happened to his unit?
Jul 17th, 2005
This is a skin review, not a genitalia review, Uri
Prokofy Neva
Jul 17th, 2005
Why don’t the boys in SL have very much bush? Just wondering. Don’t understand all the ragging on the pecs tho, they look fine to me. The face is a bit Doby Gillis/surfer but…isn’t that what we want to see in SL?
Jul 17th, 2005
well, if you can show the sunglasses I think you can give that poor avi its manhood back!
Jul 17th, 2005
The sunglasses are a part of the hair, Uri
Otherwise, they wouldn’t have been there.
Prok, there are skins that have more of a bush – CherryBomb I guess just decides to have very, very little.
Jul 17th, 2005
In what universe is that white boy’s skin considered dark?
Smiley Sneerwell
Jul 17th, 2005
For such an brutally honest review, I think the designer reviewed deserves equal time. How about Matthias Zander posting a front and back shot of his own skin and let Cherrybomb post a counter-review?
Jul 17th, 2005
I should note that the Herald previously published a positive story/interview on CBH’s skins.
KamaSutra Koolhaas
Jul 18th, 2005
Well Matthias i was one of the first to have this skin and i think it is best in game every where i go i’m complimented on it and asked where i got it and for your so called flaws they aren’t even noticable in everyday walk of sl life ans i see alot more of this skin everyday so for being virtually unwearable and realistic umm personally its the most realistic skin tone i’ve seen yet and i’m sure cherry will improve on it even more so i really thik this review was totally bias
Jul 18th, 2005
Half the men in my family wear Cherry’s skin. And damn they look hot.
Your MommaSteve
Jul 18th, 2005
well i supose its easy for a child to tear apart other peoples work. im sorry did you find time in between wanks to pull that one off? anyways its a sad state of affairs when a child is the athority on an adult game. supose mommy and daddy let you use their CC? lol. i know this post will get deleted but i hardly care i doubt enough people even come to this site to make a difference. but maybe ill get lucky and ill sneak it in while your beating your meat to a pick of jessica alba. in conclusion your a fuck your shoes suck and so do you.
Jazmina Firefly
Jul 19th, 2005
I will have to disagree with this review. I love Cherry’s male skins.Cherry is all that many of the malesi know wear and they all look hella fine in it.As for your “flaws” that you pointed out the diff tones on the arms are not seams they are ment to be that way to define the upper armmuscles.The only thing i agree with you on is the booty.By far cherry makes the best male booty.
Xaviar Holiday
Jul 19th, 2005
There’s something wrong with Cherrys skins??? Well I’ll be damned, been wearing the thing since coming into game and like Kama I’m constantly asked where they can obtain it. Cherry never mind this review and keep up the good work, hell maybe we can get together and combine my tats to your skins for a more permanent affect.
Jul 21st, 2005
Why are you people so upset? It’s a review, not a personal attack. Each of you are entitled to your opinion, but Matt is doing his job and pointing out obvious flaws in the skin so that the general populous of SecondLife can make in informed choice the next time they go skin hunting.
I don’t know about all of you, but abs as seen here, provided by google, have a belly button below the bottom muscle, for one. I also don’t see a big huge visible line running down this woman’s arms either.
So please people, don’t get mad at the next person who doesn’t agree with you or your friend’s ideas or creations. Take it as a free critique to help improve for the next time you do anything of this magnitude.
PS – If the heat is too hot, get out of the fucking kitchen.
Sep 15th, 2005
Actually not. These sample skins could not impress me.