The Confessions of Ario Gomez: mobster, prankster, or racist fucktard?

by Alphaville Herald on 08/07/05 at 8:47 pm

by Gina Fatale

Ario Gomez formerly the infamous John Gotti from TSO (think back to SSG wars), wants to set the record straight on why he was kicked from his family in SecondLife, The Blackhand Mafia. Ario is currently serving a 13 day ban from SecondLife for what he claims was a prank but Lindens saw it as racism. The incident involved a burning cross that supposedly had a picture of a Linden on it. Racist or is it just a mindless prank? Read on and judge for yourself.

The Herald: Hello Ario, thank you for contacting the Herald you have stated you would like to take this time to get the record straight on past dirty deeds you were involved with. Please start off by telling us why the sudden need to come clean?
Ario: sure thing
Ario: First I’d like to tell you why the black hand decided to kick me out
Ario: Well the Godfather Santino and i go way back
Ario: we met in TSO
Ario: and we also were in SWG together
The Herald: So the relationship was tight before you came to SL?
Ario: it was still good in SL as well
The Herald: Ok so why were you kicked from BH?
Ario: well…
Ario: the reason i was kicked out was a thought of me being racist
The Herald: Who felt you were being a racist? Was it just one or two members of the family or the entire clan?
Ario: which its not true its just from being bored
The Herald: And what was the reason for this accusation?
Ario: half the family
Ario: I’m not sure if you know my friend his name is Hash Valentino
Ario: We’ve been great friends for a while and still are but occasionally we love to have fun and screw with people
Ario: anyway back to the stroy
Ario: we were on land that was forsale
Ario: and our friends friends live right next to it and we were screwing with them
Ario: than after a while they banned us from they’re land and we decided to camp out on the for sale land we started on
The Herald: Screwing as in kidding around joking? Were their racial slurs involved?
Ario: none what so ever
The Herald: So how does the racist issue come into play?
Ario: well
Ario: while being on the land we built a few stuff like a camp fire and such
Ario: than as a joke we built a cross with fire on it but what they didn’t see is it wasn’t being racist we but a linden picture on it
Ario: the only problem was
Ario: if you only view it from the front u can see the linden pic but not from the back
The Herald: Is this the reason you are currently on ban?
Ario: yes
Ario: they took pictures of it and they happened to be friends with the black hand
The Herald: Who were the people you were “screwing around with” that I’m going to assume here reported you?
The Herald: At this time though you were still currently in the Blackhand Mafia correct?
Ario: no i was exiled
Ario: i forgot the girls names but we thought they had no connection with them at all
The Herald: Why were you exiled from BH?
Ario: the racist symbol supposedly meant for blacks which it wasn’t it was a joke for lindens
Ario: the BH wanted to know why i did this so most of them came to a store i was at with my friend Hash
The Herald: Well yes usually a burning cross is associated with the KKK in real life…But back to the other question before this incident you were exiled from BH what was the reason you were kicked?
Ario: for the cross
Ario: yes i know it is associated with the KKK
The Herald: Wait you said at this time while you were doing the cross you were already kicked from BH is that correct?
Ario: no this led up to me being kicked out
The Herald: Oh ok was misunderstanding that part
Ario: sorry about that
Ario: alright i just asked hash here are the girls names
Ario: Kierra Nightshade
Ario: Anna Ramona
Ario: and Costella something
The Herald: So while you were burning linden’s heads on a cross you were in BH, these people that you did it in front of were friends of BH that you were unaware of at that time, so they contacted your boss Santino Molinari and told him of the cross burning? Is that correct?
Ario: partly true yes
Ario: only it wasn’t santino it was the GM
The Herald: Ok so what was the reaction from her and what happened when she contacted you to speak about this?
Ario: i still don’t think santino knows about this
Ario: she was shocked
Ario: it was pretty funny if i might add
Ario: she explained alot to me about the family
Ario: about 3/4s being black
Ario: which i didn’t know i thought 1/2 or 1/4
Ario: maybe thats why its called BLACK hand
The Herald: No thats not the reason….
Ario: lol
The Herald: Anyway… please tell us how it ended up you were kicked
Ario: well while i was shopping with hash
Ario: some of the members followed up and ended at the place
Ario: i was on the top floor and he was on the other floor
The Herald: Back up a minute here before you go into the shopping story…
Ario: sure
The Herald: After you burned the cross someone contacted Aislyn McTeague the GM and she had a talk with you? Correct?
Ario: yes
Ario: first she kicked me out and than she wanted me to go on the chat to talk about this
Ario: becuase i didn’t know what i had done wrong at the time
The Herald: And what was the outcome of this chat?
Ario: i asked what i did and she talked about the cross and the 3/4s stuff
Ario: and why would i do that
The Herald: What was your response
Ario: after i found out what i’ve done
Ario: in r/l i thought it was humorous becuase it was a mistake
Ario: it wasn’t racist it was a linden thing
Ario: but i tried to tell her my side of the story
The Herald: Ok so you were kicked and then you went shopping with Hash? What happened at the store? After you were kicked did you assume things were still ok with you and BH? Or were you somewhat aware that you could be attacked by the family?
Ario: well i did think things were normal untill they came at the store
Ario: anyway me being on another floor didn’t know they were there
Ario: i think they assumed i was with hash and all i remember is that they opened fire on him for no reason
Ario: becuase i saw a giant cloud of smoke and shields going off
The Herald: But you were not shot at?
Ario: No – finaly i went down there and hash is a good friend of mine and he wouldn’t lie
Ario: they said hash opened fire at irst
Ario: but that was ludicrous
Ario: he has no reason to shoot
Ario: he knows he could be banned
The Herald: What happned then?
Ario: they wanted to talk to me
Ario: and why i did it
Ario: and they had an actual picture of the cross
The Herald: Did what? the cross burning or shopping with Hash?
Ario: cross lol
Ario: the picture was taken from the back
Ario: so you could not see the linden pic on it
The Herald: Which linden was on the cross?
Ario: uh i don’t think it was a specific one i think it was a pic of a sim with the name linden as the title
The Herald: Ok so now your all in the store talking this over and what?
Ario: and than i think it got even more out of control
Ario: hash imed me saying i should put this ghost costume on that i had
Ario: and i knew this wasn’t a good idea
Ario: so anyway i put it on
Ario: and they freaked out again
Ario: while hash and i cracked up laughing
Ario: we are not racist people
Ario: we do it as a joke
Ario: than after that they were even more angry and hash and i fled to this “meth house”
Ario: and than him and i talked and than my game shut off and the ban came on
The Herald: And since then anything happen?
Ario: No
The Herald: Ok.. now you mentioned also you wanted to come clean about other issues what else were they?
Ario: hmm basically my other stuff was short pranks
Ario: the outcome was me being banned from every major club in the game
The Herald: Were you doing these pranks the entire time you were in BH?
Ario: hmm i think it was before i joined
Ario: it was a while ago
Ario: what i would like to address is
Ario: people think i’m gone
Ario: or people think i’m a punk
Ario: since i started wars
Ario: but
Ario: i”d like to say to them
Ario: they could F**K off
The Herald: What wars are you referring too so we know?
Ario: SSG
The Herald: ok back in TSO days
Ario: yes
The Herald: So its no secret that you have a history of being a prankster and a war starter?
Ario: yup
Ario: and a godfather
Ario: i wouldn’t say i was the best
Ario: i wouldn’t say i was the worst
Ario: i kept it orginal
Ario: and i’ll never change how i do it
The Herald: Your friend Santino what did he have to say to all of this?
The Herald: Since you two go way back did he try to talk to you at all?
Ario: actuly we haven’t spoken
Ario: i haven’t talked to him
Ario: i don’t think he even knows about all this
The Herald: Isnt he the big boss?
Ario: well maybe he does now
Ario: well santino is a good godfather i dunno if he pays attention to every detail
The Herald: Have you tried to contact him to state your side of this
Ario: hell no
Ario: i don’t feel like being yelled at lol
The Herald: Ok any final words or that it?
Ario: hmm
Arion: i’d like to say that i am the original Godfather John Gotti i am not a wannabe i’m not washed up i’m not dead
Ario: if anyone has a problem they could contact me on yahoo
Ario: thegottimafia
Ario: lol
The Herald: sure thing ty again for the time
Ario: your very welcome

*The writer of this story has no association with Ario Gomez, cross burnings or anything discussed in the above interview. Only the writer folks :)

44 Responses to “The Confessions of Ario Gomez: mobster, prankster, or racist fucktard?”

  1. Hash

    Jul 9th, 2005


  2. Gotti

    Jul 9th, 2005

    thats down right silly

  3. Aislyn

    Jul 10th, 2005

    You were dressed in “white ghost costumes” with burning crosses.
    You left the chat when i tried to ask you wtf you were doing. This was BEFORE you were kicked out. We did not “discuss” the percentage of black members in the family, i can take a count for you if you really need to know. And, you told people we paid you to do it….

    my vote is fucktard…. fucktard with short term memory

  4. Gotti

    Jul 10th, 2005

    why don’t you shut the fuck up, i don’t work for you no more so i could say what ever i want to you, i vote all three for myself.

  5. Gotti

    Jul 10th, 2005

    and what if i mixed up some stuff its all true in there, you guys just have a stick up your ass becuase you think your so great, well no ones great everyones the same in this game, maybe you should actuly not spend your whole time worrying what shit happeneds in a game and maybe about reality. and black hand mafia i’d watch your back when we get unbanned.


  6. Aislyn

    Jul 10th, 2005

    yeah… um… ok

    I’m scripting us all some shaking prim boots while we wait for your big return.
    And work for us implies you ever did anything. I stand behind my original vote from when you joined.
    “I don’t want that assbag in our family”

  7. Diamonique

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Hey Ario remember me. Yeah you do you chicken shit ass punk. I’m the one you were so scared of the day you were at Naughty Designs in your KKK uniform burning a cross. Remember? You sat your scarey ass down when I stepped up to you. Me….a Capo. LMAO. Ummm guess what sweety. I can prove your lying throught your damn teeth. I was there that day. I’m the one that told Santino what you did at Naughty Designs. I’m the one that sent him the PIC and CONVO. Remember the convo? The one where you stated TBH paid you to do that shit. We all knew your ass was lyin then like you are now. Bored? Bored my ass. You ain’t shit you know that. But you know what…in the end you still got got by the Costello Diamond. Now you can add me to your hit list when you get back. Next time you wanna lie…make sure one of the people you lie too isn’t the niece of the people you lie about. Your the “Original Godfather” you should be more careful then that ROFL


  8. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    *raises hand to join in with the FUCKTARD votes* If your John Gotti…Then TBH is what like the 3rd family you tried to be in , in SL? While trying to start your own (which obviously did not succeed). Oh yes I remember when you started, however a different name then. Oh wait let me guess someone else is running around claiming to be the “original” while also claiming 2 other family names from TSO….Typical eh? Burning cross, white costumes yes common sense would tell you RACIST. You come to the Herald spewing out what you call words out of your mouth, you think your cool now? Well congratulations *pats you on back* the one thing you accomplished is making yourself look more like a pansy then we already thought you were. A chicken is a chicken, a fool is a fool and a RACIST is a RACIST,in this case you are all three. Mobster?(LOL) Prankster?(LOL) Nah your just a plain FUCKTARD!

  9. stormy

    Jul 11th, 2005

    she has no real life or second life that is why she spends it all day on the game sitting by herself lonely in her house waiting on a rapper who treats everyone like shit – including her

  10. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Oh and might I add a comical thing here… “original” Godfather turned soldier whos AFRAID of getting “yelled” at. That in itself is something to giggle at.
    Gotti: Maybe you should not spend you time worrying about shit that happens in a game and maybe about reality.<~~~~If I had a dime for everytime someone got called out and used that staement I would be hell rich by now!!!
    Gotti:and black hand mafia i’d watch your back when we get unbanned. <~~~~ That does not make much sense following a statement on reality, OyE and who needs the reality check?

  11. Gotti

    Jul 11th, 2005

    oh har de har har thats funny, look who joined the chat 3 other fuckers, well i can’t wait to see you all in second life again, and don’t worry i didn’t ask to be in the family santino put me in the family, why would i want to be in a family thats 3/4s black thats not a mafia, thats a fuckin ghetto gang you cockknockers.

  12. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Hmmm *wonders why my post was cut off* Well let me try this again.

    Gotti: Maybe you should not spend you time worrying about shit that happens in a game and maybe about reality. <~~~ Typical line by a punk

  13. Gotti

    Jul 11th, 2005

    and i am original i didn’t sell out like you guys did, i don’t do it for the money i do it for the fiun of being one, i didn’t turn my mafias into a ghetto themed piece of shit they were original, i was one for 5 years back to JC Soprano so don’t tell me i don’t know how to run one, i had real life experiences and fucking reading book like you dumb fucks who say oh, i have the money i bet i could do this. Myabe you shouldn’t have your time focased at me and run you “big ol mafias” than worry about me lmao. oh and stormy you got my yahoo why don’t you talk to me in person than on here, and its hard to forget a mother fucker wigger like that costello asshole. I can’t die out so try it, i’ll eventualy get back into the game if you ban me and i’ve been through it all, and its hard to make someone like me mad becuase i really don’t ive a shit like you guys do.

  14. goootttiiiii

    Jul 11th, 2005

    [Spoken] This is the greatest and best song in the world… Tribute. Long time ago me and my brother Kyle here, we was hitchhikin’ down a long and lonesome road. All of a sudden, there shined a shiny demon… in the middle… of the road. And he said: [Sung] “Play the best song in the world, or I’ll eat your soul.” (soul) [Spoken] Well me and Kyle, we looked at each other, and we each said… “Okay.” [Sung] And we played the first thing that came to our heads, Just so happened to be, The Best Song in the World, it was The Best Song in the World. Look into my eyes and it’s easy to see One and one make two, two and one make three, It was destiny. Once every hundred-thousand years or so, When the sun doth shine and the moon doth glow And the grass doth grow… Needless to say, the beast was stunned. Whip-crack went his Whoopy tail, And the beast was done. He asked us: “(snort) Be you angels?” And we said, “Nay. We are but men.” Rock! Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah, Ohhh, whoah, ah-whoah-oh! This is not The Greatest Song in the World, no. This is just a tribute. Couldn’t remember The Greatest Song in the World, no, no. This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Song in the World, All right! It was The Greatest Song in the World, All right! It was the best muthafuckin’ song the greatest song in the world. [2-part skat] [Spoken] And the peculiar thing is this my friends: the song we sang on that fateful night it didn’t actually sound anything like this song. [Sung] This is just a tribute! You gotta believe me! And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion. Ah, fuck! Good God, God lovin’, So surprised to find you can’t stop it. [Skat] All right! All right!

    its not a cross its a tribute

  15. TheOne

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Ok, leme set the record straight right naw.. 1st off, Yall so called “mafioso” BITCHES are so pussy you dont speak, you QUEEF, your all a bunch of washed up played out dirty pussy EGOTISTICAL LATHARGIC BATARDS! 2nd off,Yall so called “mafioso” cum rags have cow size dillys shoved SO FAR UP YOUR ASS that you seem to have lost your sense of HUMOR. SECOND LIFE is a GAME get your fucking priorities straight you dumb fucks find sumthin better to do than rag on my dude Ario, he did NOTHING wrong.. in my opinion its “racist fucktards” like us who bring life to the game.. 3rd off.. YOUR ALL SOME POSER CUNTS! Mafios DIED on TSO and should stay DEAD theres nothing glorious about them, never has been, never will be. If you really gave a fuck and actually wanted to ROLEPLAY Mafioso, you wouldnt portray yourself as a bunch of insecure lifeless morons who jump on each incident because they THINK they are somewhat signifigant in life.. leme tell ya, your only a gangster when your on the internet.

  16. TheOne

    Jul 11th, 2005


  17. TheOne

    Jul 11th, 2005

    and incase you bitch fucks get in a hussle about what I said e-mail your fukin comments to because I’ll never be checkin this website again.. I have a life, and better things to do which is more than I can say for you.. have a nice day.

  18. Santino Molinari

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Ario, After all these years of friendship? after all the times you let me down and I still loved you? You speak to my wife this way? I have to watch My back? well Sir from my point of view this is all self promotion.. and in fact YOU ARE washed up.. you have been washed up since TSO. An over the years with me I have givine you love and high positions only to be let down by you. and again.. after the last conversation we had, when you Admitted to me you are not fit to be a GF and wanted to quit the family… I said there is no reason for you to leave. and that we love you and you will always have a place here.. rember that? ot even 2 weeks ago? Now because you have your little 15min of fame you want to threaten us? bro… I have problems in the game from REAL mobsters… I dont need a part time jedi acting tough…

    this is really disspointing Ario to see you say those things.. really it is.. out of all these people in this game who have fucked me over.. i thought for sure you were my friend… but again… Im wrong…

    Even if you were joking and not making racist comments… that is nothing to joke about… and I hope to god you and your wife and children never have to wake up in the middle of the night to hatred like 100′s of African American families in Amaerica have experienced with cross burnings… your actions and your words of late on prove my point that you are not a smart person whatsoever….

    all these other people who have fallen out with in game fuck em… but you man.. you were like my brother… this really hurts me.

    you have always been a bubmling fool you know that? and everytime i give you the benefit of the doubt… everytime you let me down…

    so bring what you have to bring when you get un banned Ario… Because I know you very well and i doubt you can do anything effective…

  19. Diamonique

    Jul 11th, 2005

    GOOD remember me Ario. That’s exactly what I want you to do. Remember the name (let me spell it out for you just in case you can’t remember hun) DIAMONIQUE COSTELLO. Hit me up when you get back in game. LMAO

  20. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Wow….what intelligence the 2 of you have displayed here. First your sentances run together, hell I couldnt even keep up with them. The filth that comes out of those mouths clearly shows your maturity. As we have stated before ppl who have dealings with RL mafias dont speak of it…but in your case I guess you feel the need to make yourself bigger than what you are?
    Pissy because you go to the Herald for 5 minutes of fame and get your punk ass called out? Your not a racist? ummm looks as tho you have proven everyone right and that you are one.
    Gotti your an original and did not sell out? How do you figure you noone else is an original from TSO? I had my family in TSO and moved to SL, didnt change names , didnt family hop. Been Costello for 2 yrs (check it out on TSO same sim in CC)and if you must know Costello still is in TSO ….so original, yes we are. You on the other hand gave me 2 other names besides Gotti that you have had and then you join TBH so who actually sold thier own out?
    THE ONE, is that like Neo from the matrix? Wow way cool man, props to you

  21. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Well guys, sorry for my bitchy comments.. but Im just an old sold out whore whose pussy is sandier than the gobi desert! Its not my fault my TSO and SL families give me a false sense of importance.. And Neo baby, Im sorry for makin fun of you.. you are really WAY COOL.. please come plow my ass tonight

  22. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Oh… another thing.. I WAS HIT IN THE FACE WITH A BRICK AS A CHILD, Thats why Im such an ugly cunt rag

  23. TheOn

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Yes, I happen to be a Matrix fan.. Youve answered the million dollar question.. Bitch.

  24. Agent Smith

    Jul 11th, 2005

    NEO! I am coming for you, you will not escape me this time.. it is inevitable

  25. Morpheous

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Gm Costella, I know why you sit at your computer.. each and every night, and play Second Life.. it is because Second Life has you.. it controlls you, you are a mindless drone.. Take the red pill, it’ll help you loose some of that ass fat on your chin.. chins too

  26. Second Life

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Thats right GM Costella, I have you.. Your mine bitch, Ive got my programs hardwired so far up your ass it would be nearly impossible to pull them out! hahaha!

  27. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    ROFL…Wow did someone get a lil upset?Dumbasses first off take lessons in spelling…if you are going to speak to me atleast address the name correctly, I will spell it out slowly for you..C…O…S…T…E…L…L…O was that slow enough? Let me guess momma sent you to school with out your helmet again eh? Oh and now I see your name is The On? Thought it was TheOne?LOl cant even spell your own name right? Yes Bitch would be a correct thing to call me..I wear that title proudly. Think you can OWN me bring it baby as you will learn quicky you and your virtual gun does not scare me. And if your going to fake post on me atleast use correct spelling and grammer. Wow you guys sling the same things EVERY jack ass that gets busted down does….”you have no life…you need a sense of security…your a fat ass” Again shows your intelligence. I wish someone would come up with something better…. speaking of sitting around at a PC….”THEONE” thought you wouldnt be checking the site anymore? Oh let me guess couldnt help,it was calling your name? Had to get your fix of trying to be a bad ass? Atleast I post with my know who to look up …you are a sorry poor ass excuse that you have to hide behind a false name so that noone knows who you are… thanks for the laughs >giggles<

  28. GM Bellini

    Jul 11th, 2005

    Yanno, I read this and laugh my ass off, but today i MUST post. Maybe GM Costello can help me with this one? WHY do we always gotta be fat and shit? As if they know?

    Im thinking MAYBE just MAYBEEEE, that they call us fat as they sit at their computer full of pimples, wearing birth control glasses and braces getting bullied at school everyday, thrown into the lunchroom trash can, and getting wedgies, and maybe a couple of head slams into lockers, then they come HERE to be bad asses, and they SUCK soooooo BAD at it, that they cant even STAY in game long enough to be successful.

    Just a thought………

    *grabs another Twinkie and sits back to watch more fireworks*

    damn kids…….

    Oooooooooo GM Costello, wanna twinkie? Im sorry so rude of me not to share!!! :-)

    GM Bellini

  29. GM Costello

    Jul 11th, 2005

    *takes twinkie from GM Bellini* Ty auntie! so nice of you to share…I think you called it perfect!!!! lmao @ birth control glasses! Atleast someone can post something original!!! Oye….*shakes head* I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go around and well they were just the last pick of the litter so here they are foul mouthed and all making themselves look dumber and dumber with each new post.

  30. Gotti

    Jul 11th, 2005

    this is so funny lmao you guys are still on here fighting

  31. stormy

    Jul 12th, 2005

    and there goes sant again with the i had love for you, you were family, how could you do this to me, poor sant =(

  32. TheOne

    Jul 12th, 2005

    I spelled yur name wrong once and you jump on my dick.. like it really matters bitch? God I hate you.

  33. Gotti

    Jul 12th, 2005

    the one your so silly hardy har har

  34. Snipe Cipriani

    Jul 12th, 2005

    I am from TSO I think most of the people from TSO would know me. I was Snipe Cipriani, Antonio Cipriani, Luciano, Costello Jr. John is a good friend of mine. And most of you (Costellos) dont know who he is as a person. And for Santino, you have got the wrong impression of John. I trust him 100%. And even because of this incident John is not racist. For myself I am half mexican and half black. And John knows this and he has never made any racist comment to me. And I know all about this prank. He was joking people. I am black and I let this go. And if i can let it go and think of it as a prank I think everyone can. But of course I know you Costellos are just here in the forums to bitch. So please save your comments and give this shit up its a god damn prank, let along a GAME.

    Snipe Cipriani

  35. RB

    Jul 13th, 2005

    In Reply to #34

    Ive never heard of you. =P

    try “some of tso” instead.

    And you should leave T-afk-SO while there’s still something to leave behind. lol.

    - RB.

  36. Gotti

    Jul 13th, 2005

    ANTONIO!!!! where’ve you been doode!!!

  37. PetKa

    Jul 14th, 2005

    WHY THE FUCK IS THIS EVEN ON THE HERALD?! NOBODY BUT YOU POSING DOUCHBAGS GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT THIS! You’re all an embarassment to true mobsters. Fucking black cyber sexing mafia woo hoo! TAKE IT OFF THE DAMN HERALD.


  38. PetKa

    Jul 14th, 2005

    BTW This Costello broad is really annoying. I’ve seen her comment on a lot of articles. She always ends up saying what another person said before her or mocking you for a typo. It’s really annoying Mrs. Badassmafiababe so please SHUT THE FUCK UP

  39. Snipe Cipriani

    Jul 14th, 2005

    And Mr. RB,
    Most of the people do know me from TSO. And the key word is most not all.

  40. Kasie Costello

    Jul 15th, 2005

    ROFL Petka!!! Whatever ; )

  41. Gotti

    Jul 15th, 2005

    lol…black cyber sexing mafia

  42. Snipe Cipriani

    Jul 18th, 2005

    Oh Kasie I wondered where the hell you ended up. Havent seen you since i was Leo Luciano.

  43. Kasie Costello

    Jul 18th, 2005

    lol…. I left TSO back in October…things got boring, so we moved to SL where obviously its never boring…..I go in to TSO once in awhile to see everyone thats left there and not in SL

  44. Pedro

    Jul 23rd, 2005

    I didnt even read everything that has been posted on this topic. But I know for a fact that gotti aka ario is not a racist. You all on SL are some pussy as motherfuckers, the creators of SL and all the people that play on it. Everyone from sims posting on this, you all know that you all are pussies too. Sims and SL are a big chat room, go play a real game or go play some real life for once. Gotti is a good guy that means no harm most of the time, he is for sure not a racist, if i was there i would have played the same joke, and i am a minority myself.

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