Post Six Grrrl: Heather Steinbeck
by Alphaville Herald on 30/09/05 at 8:03 pm
I am happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Heather Steinbeck! Heather enjoys exploring SecondLife and says that she’s constantly amazed by all of the things that she sees here. She currently also works at the Bad Girls club as a dancer! Many thanks to Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky for photographing and submitting this Post Six Grrrl.
Hmmm some things about me well here goes…
I am new here. Still trying to figure things out but I am loving it! I came here with my partener to spend time together and have fun! I have met alot of wonderful people and have been having a blast!
Currently I am working at Bad Girls as a dancer. Had so much fun hanging out there decided to work there. I love the dancing and the whole club atmosphere. And of course I love the people! Have so much fun messing around and playing dress up at their events.
Not sure what I want to do in SL still feeling my way around seeing what’s out there and still amazed at everything I am finding here. There is still so much to do and see and explore!
I live with my wonderful partener Michael in a little place he bought for us. Still working on trying to fit everything in a tiny space but having fun doing it.
My favorite thing to do here other then hang at the club is shopping! Gotta love all the fun clothes and things to make yourself so ever changing.
Have told alot of people about SL and have even stole a couple from other games .
I have a very special friend here I would also like to mention…Tabby Hatfield. She took my hand and showed me around and helped me when I had a box head from not unpacking items that I had bought hehe. She has been a big help to me here in SL and just want her to know how much I appreciate it. So remember people help someone new. I have talked to alot of people who didn’t stay in the game cause they couldn’t figure it out. So if you help someone new it will make more fun people here to play with.
Michael Steinbeck
Sep 30th, 2005
My sexy baby. I love you. :-*
Sep 30th, 2005
Front page pic is great. good pose, good clothes, just lovely background.
First nude pic is fairly good. looks a bit stretched and thin to me tho. Must be wider. Good background, subtle lens flare adds something without overdoing it. Good to see a woman without HUGE breasts for a change too.
2nd pic, the implied red velvet sheet is a great setting, pose is simple but seductive. overall good image. simple stuff but all nice.
A quality shoot overall.
- RB.
Candy Cannoli
Oct 1st, 2005
Hey Heather! She and Michael are my new neighbors and one couldn’t ask for better. Great shots girl! See you in SL ; )
Christian Singer
Oct 1st, 2005
Very nice, Heather. See you at the club!
Oct 1st, 2005
Um…can’t you take pictures of different kinds of women. Ones that don’t always look like sex dolls.
Oct 4th, 2005
Oh Joy, Another Dancer!! I guess the all girls need to be escorts and dancers and look like Barbie, or in this case look like a Heart Wishbringer wannabe to be displayed. Like morgan said, lets see some real women…anyone can buy a skin, some hair, and turn up their ass and tits full blast.
Heather Steinbeck
Oct 5th, 2005
Aww sorry you feel that way whatever! And for your info I am not an escort never have been hun. I dance at a very fun place cause I choose too not because I have to. Oh and another thing I made this avie…she’s what I created hun with my blood sweat and tears so glad that you think she looks so well
) I take that as a compliment. And as far as the Heart Wishbringer comment yes I would love to be like her a warm caring fun person
) These pics are here for enjoyment. Before you start judging people you might try getting to know the people behind the pictures and the avies.
marilyn murphy
Oct 5th, 2005
heather you have to bear in mind children lurk here and there on the net and use fake names like this (whatever) person just to stir up people.
ignoring the childish prattle is best i think.
Oct 5th, 2005
You created your avie with blood sweat and tears? LMFAO Ok you bought some pixel skin, hair, and clothes…what exactly did you ‘create’ ? You ‘created’ an avie that looks like 90% of the females on SL. WAY TO GO!!!
Show us some real women who actually put thought into their avs and are not the everyday cookie cutter avs. I am still waiting to see some originality in the people chosen for these pics.
Tasty Tapioca
Oct 5th, 2005
I think some of the background are great, just the bodies are kinda ‘yawn’. Guess as you said there are just to many cookie cutter look-a-likes. But that stems from lack of tattoos and such, having to go through a creator for those to be put on is a pain sometimes (but worth it IMO).
And the reason you prolly dont see the other 10% who are actually creative is because they have too much self respect or worth to been seen in this.
PS my name is fake just like any other name in SL.
“Prattle on” kids.
Oct 6th, 2005
*applauds Tapioca*
Being a male, I just want to see some more diversity and creativity. But, like you said, those women respect themselves too much to be photographed.