Herald Pot Boiler Boils Over, Gossip Columnists Salivate

by Alphaville Herald on 10/10/05 at 11:06 am

In the futurtainment blog Hollywood 2020, Joyce Schwarz – a kind of grade B “Pat the Rat” — is blogging the impending arrival of Only a Game, by Ludlow and Wallace, and who can blame her? It promises to crack open the deepest darkest secrets of the metaverse, and expose it for the pixilated Babylon that it is. As Joyce puts it, it’s going to deliver “a gaggle of geekster gossip.” (Sigh, illiteration is so pre-Katrina.) The only question is, how many virtual careers will be destroyed, how many pristeen virtual reputations will be besmirched, and whether the Herald will be able to afford a bigger jet, more yes men, and even better champagne when all is said and done. (But someone should point out to Joyce though that she is confusing SL and TSO at times.)

Meanwhile, thanks to all who came to the Herald Debauch last Thursday night at the Tribeca Grand. I don’t know who brought the twin dwarves from the Falkland Islands but… score!

9 Responses to “Herald Pot Boiler Boils Over, Gossip Columnists Salivate”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Oct 10th, 2005

    Um, yeah, thanks for inviting me to that, Uri — not! It’s nice to know I’ve kept my non-FIC credentials intact, however!

  2. urizenus

    Oct 10th, 2005

    No one was invited per se, some people just felt their FIC senses go all tingly, and they knew they had to be at the Tribeca Grand.

  3. Prokofy Neva

    Oct 10th, 2005

    Yeah, well, it helped to be *first* invited to the FIC-ety-FIC closed workshops as a speaker or an attendant at SOP, then you’d be positioned to have your FIC attenae go on alert and plug into Maxx Monde’s GPS “shiny lights the path to victory” FIC-finder.

  4. urizenus

    Oct 10th, 2005

    Yes yes, the same complaints I heard from the MTV guys when they interviewed me, in their vain attempt to establish cred with the young folk by trying to latch on to the supernova cyberlebrity that is Urizenus Sklar. In that moment they implored thusly: “Why weren’t we invited??? Waaaa!!!” But like I told *them* — “hey, you’re just not FIC enough, call us when you start playing music again.” But, you know, if they are doing stories on online games now, well, by the booty of J-Lo I declare that the music is gone forever.

  5. Prokofy Neva

    Oct 10th, 2005

    Sigh. You couldn’t get to feel like such a cyberlebrity, Uri, if you didn’t have Prok wailing and nashing his teeth outside the party gates. Well, I tend to keep RL and SL separate and don’t invoke credentials from either but I can see I’m going to have to do that next year : ) Either that, or Donald and I will have to host the party at the Tower ourselves : )

  6. RB

    Oct 11th, 2005

    Looking forward to the book Uri.

    - RB.

  7. Hollywood2020

    Oct 15th, 2005

    HMMPH….Grade B PAT THE RAT …we’ll see about that? Just don’t get your hopes up when we launch our own Red Carpet in SL. We’re yanking our HOLLYWOOD room at Habbo Hotel — with all of its Red TV’s and working with A-LIST interior designers on blueprints for our Holllywood2020 premire at SL. So what if we confuse SL and TSO — at least we have a REEL LIFE..bet you wer enot at Paramount tonight with Paris Hilton like we were. Paris at Paramount…ahh alliteration is so aweoome!!!!!!!!!!! js

  8. Urizenus

    Oct 16th, 2005

    Now Hollywood, we are not impressed that you saw Paris Hilton, for we are in posession of the Uri/Paris 53X video, and it is something to behold — much better than “A Night in Paris.” The only reason I haven’t released it is because gentlemen don’t tell, and also out of respect for the dwarf twins from the Falkland Islands who deserve some privacy, don’t you think?

  9. montserrat

    Oct 19th, 2005

    need book.
    signed first edition, please.
    thank you.

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