Sex and the Simmy
by Alphaville Herald on 06/10/05 at 10:07 am
As if Sociolotron weren’t enough! For those interested in the eroto-sexual possibilities of the online world, there’s a new MMO in town, one in which “adults can meet other adults and act out their fantasies through graphically rich avatars,” according to the news in Next Generation.
Spend the Night, from Republik Games (the company’s first product), will encourage adult players to act out their sexual fantasies in an avatar-based 3D world. Interestingly, the company expects the game to appeal mainly to female players. “Men will follow,” says CEO Robert Coshland. You bet they will.
Coshland says the goal is not to create real-life hook-ups but to let people explore sexual fantasies they might not want to approach in the real world. (Sound familiar?)
The big mistake Republik is making, especially in a game designed to appeal mainly to women, is that avatars will be customizable, but “not to an especially deep degree,” according to the article. Well, of course: Isn’t it every woman’s fantasy to go around trying to get a date while looking just like every other woman on the scene? Not.
Spend the Night sounds like it’s pretty early in the development cycle: not even screenshots are available yet. If the game ever does come online, though, the Herald will be there to report from the front lines, let us assure you.
Oct 7th, 2005
Sounds like a much more sophisticated version of Sims Online. lol.
- RB.
Stellsy Fallen Ava
Oct 11th, 2005
My talents are going to waste in WoW and id rather eat jagged glass and spew blood and stab my eyes out with knitting needles then deal with the grief rampant in Second Life . .humm wonder if they will need designers . . Thanks Uri
Oct 11th, 2005
Oct 12th, 2005
*how the hell are ya!?
Yes, I hope they re-think that bit about customization of avs as well. If variety in graphics aren’t important enough to offer a lot of individuality and options, then they might as well just make it a text-based world where people explore their sexual fantasies with words, hmm?
Stellsy Fallen Ava
Oct 13th, 2005
omg well hey guys
tiny kisses Miss you both and others just bunches and yeah i concur totally. Hopin if we get in there and get her ear maybe she will change her mind about it because I cant speak for other women but clothing and social are high on my list. There has to be room for individuality in a game crawlin with women. If you go on the street and see someone wearin the same skirt you are wearin, the first thing you wanna do is die from horror and then b. change your outfit. Am i right? Anyway Im here and watchin You havent seen the last of me