Archive for November, 2005
Grand Theft Dreadnought: EVE Online Crimeplay Rolls On
A dreadnought in flight EVE Online‘s player pirates have struck again, this time in a case of Grand Theft Dreadnought, making off with one of the most formidable ships in the game in a heist that has alternately been called “brilliant,” “stupid” and, inevitably, a reprehensible “h4xploit” that should be disallowed by the game. But [...]
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl Lillika Leandros
The Herald is very happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Lillika Leandros! Lillika describes herself as “strong” and “mischevious,” enjoys trying new things that she comes across in SecondLIfe, and enjoys talking to people in every society within SL. Our thanks to Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky for photographing and submitting this [...]
Full StoryFamily Reunion?
Pat the Rat undercover in Chinatown You didn’t hear it from Pat the Rat, dear readers (well, actually, you did), but word on the streets of Second Life is that the original virtual mobsters are coming to town. Having left The Sims Online and gone to the mattresses some time ago (the virtual matresses, that [...]
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