Archive for November, 2005
Lindentown Provokes Land Baron Outcry: Stop GOMing us!!!
by Dow Jonas Sim crashes and texture upload failures, “I see grey people” and frozen avatars – all the joys of the new Second Life software update 1.7 and its patchlets have played havoc on SL’s volatile land market in recent weeks as both would-be first-land stakers and land dealers give up when they can’t [...]
Full StoryTigger Fired?!!!

Veterans of TSO will remember Tigger as the Maxis rep on the Stratics Boards. As reported by Father Callahan in the Herald one year ago, she departed EA/Maxis for the greener pastures of SOE, where she was the community relations rep for SWG. But according to sources playing SWG, she has now been removed from [...]
Full StoryPolitical Speech or Land Extortion? Or Both?
by Prokofy Neva Huge, bright blue spinning signs calling on Americans to IMPEACH BUSH and RESTORE U.S. CREDIBILITY have spread like kudzu all over the Second Life grid in recent weeks on numerous plots for sale. Many residents — even those who share the billboard artist’s sentiments about the U.S. president — are increasingly angered [...]
Full StoryCamping Chairs: Slowly But Surely, SL Catches up to TSO
Uri and Prok earning big bucks doing what they do best: nothing! Ever so slowly Second Life is becoming more like TSO. We’ve had the mafias. We’ve had the gnome building tables. But now we can make bucks just by sitting in a chair and doing nothing. It’s a win win situation. Noobs get paid [...]
Full StoryHerald Literary Suppository: Pencil Me In!
Humdog talks about prehistoric writing instruments. Loyal lifetime readers will recall the contributions from Herald reporter Humdog. Let’s see, there was her interview with Mrs. President Chomsky during the TSO Pet Culling scandals, her ever so insightful “History of the Board Ho” essay, and who could forget her review of Waiting for Godot, performed in [...]
Full StoryPost Six Grrrl Silkie Muir
The Herald is very happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Silkie Muir! Silkie loves living out her fantasies in the world that SecondLife presents, and as her first interest, lists (let’s try to act surprised here) SHOPPING! Our thanks to Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky for photographing and submitting this Post Six [...]
Full StoryHo Hum… Grid Crashed Again…Yawn
For the second time in the ever shrinking envelope of my Cristal-addled long term memory, the grid went down thanks to apparent griefer action. Or, if not griefer action, the then functional equivalent of it. As the Linden’s put it … … the grid was been taken down due to an IM object in the [...]
Full StoryA SLOG Throught the Second Life Political Landscape
The tony and oh so FIC second life blog project known as SLOG, has an interesting piece by Aimee Weber that has caught the attention of residents ranging from Hammie Linden to the ubiquitous Prokofy Neva. It is a fine exercise, in our view, but we wonder if the Herald is correctly placed as endorsing [...]
Full StoryThe End of Civilization as we Know it?
AP Newswires and Forbes are reporting that Take-Two Interactive (Grand Theft Auto) has purchased Firaxis games (Civilization). The imagination goes wild.
Full StoryHerald Literary Suppository: Interview with Noam Chomsky on Mind, Representation, and Reality
Say what? An interview with Noam Chomsky? In the Herald? WTF??? Yes, dear readers, it’s true: for too long I have worried that the steady diet of griefer news, Linden screw-ups (known as “brownies” in the post-Katrina era) and nekkid avatars was turning all of you into drooling brain-dead pixel-zombies, seeking your daily dose of [...]
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