Are You Ready for the Avi of the Year Awards?
by Alphaville Herald on 24/12/05 at 11:23 am

Once again, boys and girls, it’s time for the most eagerly awaited event of the virtual journalistic year: the Second Life Herald’s Second Annual Avatar of the Year Awards. Each year, the Herald brings you the three avatars who have had the most impact on the news over the course of the preceding 12 months. The winners are picked by an anonymous research team at the Herald Brain Trust, and their decisions delivered to the Herald yacht in plain brown sealed envelopes. Winners receive a free subscription to the Herald’s online edition and all the virtual-world notoriety they can stomach. Faithful readers will call that last years winner was One Song, with Ian/Father Callahan coming in second, and Mr-President and Ashley Richardson coming in a very respectable third.
The decision this year was not easy, and deliberations saw the Herald Brain Trust working overtime (much to the chagrin of our accountants). They’ve been chewing over the many fascinating stories that were produced in 2005, but have finally made their decisions, which have been placed in a vault, and guarded by former employees of Arthur Anderson and Co.. We will be announcing the winners over the next two weeks.
Dec 28th, 2005
I’m still flattered that I was even considered for last year’s awards.