Blogosphere Debates Philip’s Turn to the FBI

by Alphaville Herald on 17/12/05 at 11:42 am

As first reported by Dow Jonas in this newspaper, a few days ago Philip Linden announced that he was turning to the FBI for help with griefers that were involved in global attacks on the grid – effectively taking Second Life offline. Since then the blogosphere has been all a gaggle over this move (assuming Philip actually did what he said he did). Some argue that the problem is with the scripting tools that allow self-replicating objects. Others argue that it is wrong to expect a game company to engineer away every possible attempt at griefing – that just creates a meta-game for the griefers. Instead it is argued that people must behave responsibly – just because you *can* do it does not mean you *should* do it. Following are some sites where the discussion percolates:

Freedom to Tinker”
Unintended Consequences
Clickable Culture

8 Responses to “Blogosphere Debates Philip’s Turn to the FBI”

  1. TrannyPet Barmy

    Dec 17th, 2005

    old news now, waiting for news of the next grid attack

    “STOP THE PRESS : WHat say fuck the FBI, Phillip Linden Shits Himself !!!”

    TrannyPet Barmy
    The REAL ONE

  2. Fallen Hasp

    Dec 17th, 2005

    LOL . .

  3. Tony Walsh

    Dec 17th, 2005

    Uri, all those links are broken– malformed URLs. Congrats on breaking the original story, I’m not sure Terdiman would have much Second Life news to report on without the Herald as a source.

  4. Urizenus

    Dec 17th, 2005

    links should be fixed now.

  5. Doug Simpson

    Dec 17th, 2005

    Thanks for the link to my blog, Unintended Consequences, but it is still broken. Here is a direct link to the story:

  6. Urizenus

    Dec 17th, 2005

    ugh, smartquotes. Should work now. I hope.

  7. Louis Neutra

    Dec 17th, 2005

    Your sense of “journalism” sucks.

  8. Fallen Hasp

    Dec 17th, 2005

    Dont talk to my friend Uri that way or I will beat you down like the dog you are.

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