CBC Confirms Linden Attempts to Discredit Plastic Duck in RL

by Alphaville Herald on 19/12/05 at 5:42 pm

Wow, kudos to Tony Walsh (aka Rat Boy aka Zero Grace) for contacting the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and confirming that the document we republished in the Herald was in fact an excerpt from an actual letter send by Linden Lab to the CBC. According to Tony’s contacts at the CBC, the letter was sent by Catherine Linden, who is SL’s Director of Marketing. Tony takes a dim view of the latest customer relations disaster from Kremlinden Lab. And we quote:

Linden Lab’s move to discredit one of its customers is an interesting approach to public relations. The company can hardly be blamed for attempting to control its portrayal in the media, but such efforts are best left to the arena of press-releases, advertisements, and other public messaging. Contacting a reporter with a series of lurid and cryptic charges against a former customer is only likely to result in confusion or worse. From my perspective as a virtual-world reporter, Linden Lab’s move is somewhat insulting to the craft: every experienced journalist already knows that relying on a single interview subject only provides a single viewpoint–it’s neither necessary nor appropriate for Linden Lab to reiterate this. Furthermore, the company assumes Michael isn’t looking for a notorious, controversial, and/or colourful interview subject–a potentially-incorrect assumption (and one the company shouldn’t even be making). Lastly, as a customer of Linden Lab, I wouldn’t stand for the company meddling in any of my affairs that take place outside its virtual-world gates. In Plastic Duck’s case, Linden Lab’s efforts are all the more awkward–Duck isn’t even a customer of the company any more, therefore Linden Lab literally has no business interfering in his personal life.

11 Responses to “CBC Confirms Linden Attempts to Discredit Plastic Duck in RL”

  1. Fallen Hasp

    Dec 19th, 2005

    Plastic Duck isnt a sympathetic character. But, this is another example of LL’s increasingly aggressive behavior, stepping out of their game world to attack gamers. If only they could harness these vindictive energies to bring chaos under control in the world they created.

  2. Prokofy Neva

    Dec 19th, 2005

    Plastic Duck is like the Unabomber. He’s to be condemned. But this game company’s overreach outside its own game and its forums into RL media is even farther than Stratics tried to reach in censoring all of us over the SLH issues and Urizenus’ banning.

    Maybe they’re afraid that the story won’t stand on its own without a lot of spinning? but it surely will

    The bit about PD not being their customer any more is especially relevant. And it puts a chill on anybody who departs from SL, voluntarily or not, in describing their experiences, good or bad, to the media. That’s like the USSR. “Deliberate defamation of the Soviet social order while abroad” etc.

    I do hope CBC will try to frame this story a little better than just focusing on PD however, it’s like having the story be only about Basayev or only about Saddam or something. The evil-doer isn’t the only character in the story.

    The question to ponder is whether this is a blunder by people who are only now starting to blink their weak eyes in the light of the real world after being in the dark Plato’s cave of the game for so long…that it reflects just a lack of consciousness of the wider real world outside the Internet…or whether it’s a more diabolical plan of control meriting the title “Kremlinden Lab” — I’m thinking the former, and the title Uri keeps using for them is a bit over the top.

  3. Urizenus

    Dec 19th, 2005

    Yeah, the stuff that EA’s Jeff Brown sent to CNN and other media outlets was pretty outrageous, but not this bad. And he only sent that material out in response to specific queries about my banning.

    But this borders on the bizzare, it is so self-defeating.

    I mean, what reporter wouldn’t read Catherine’s letter and think: “Holy shit! I’ve stumbled onto a story!”

    Will the game companies never learn?

  4. TrannyPet Barmy

    Dec 19th, 2005

    I hardly think Plato’s Analogy of The Cave is at all applicable here(that would imply the abililty to see and comprehend the light, something i dont think the Lindens have, their comprehension seems to be VERY limited), nor any larger hidden agenda on KremlinLab’s part either.

    It’s just yet another display of plain idiocy on LindenLab’s part, again showing their lack of forethought on a given action’s repercussions. That combined with some false ego they feel they have.

    Yes Lindens, you may well be God in the game, however, your immunity to the rules of the game is only such in your game. Step out side of that game and you’re subject to all the same as any one else of us is, and you really needed to think with out the ego before taking actions. In the game you may well be able to shut some one up at the click of a mouse button, lol, in the real world, get over your ego, YOU CANT.

    Freedom of speech and all that ……….. something that SL has NEVER had !!!! Have to admit, as much as i have a low opinion of Spastic Fuck, it is nice to see the tables turned, and now it’s time for LindenLab to shut up and eat the shit :)

    I think some how that any FBI case that could have once been sound(not that i think there was any) could rapidly begin drowning into a case of aggravated assault. I know for a fact that LindenLab’s treatment of it’s own users, let alone those that have left or been expelled, is less than fair or neutral to all, and the attitude/behaviour of some Lindens is by far less than acceptable. There is only so much shit any body has to take before their reactions could be deemed just.

    TrannyPet Barmy
    The REAL ONE

  5. RB

    Dec 20th, 2005

    KremLinden taking PR and ethics classes from The Borg (EA) now?

    - RB.

  6. Marsellus Wallace

    Dec 20th, 2005

    No shit RB. Cathrine Linden and Tigger should hang out sometime. lol

    Marsellus Wallace
    Words are just words, it’s called libel/slander and not agrevated assault… Duh

  7. Stubblehead

    Dec 20th, 2005

    Ah yes, another balanced and well researched piece by Urinous Scar.

    There is no scandal here, and no customer relations disaster. Plastic Dick IS a serial griefer, and there’s nought in the letter that the bulk of SL residents don’t agree with.

    Urinous, does your academic research all rise to the Second Life Herald’s level of rigor? Or does the Department of Phrenology at Phuck U. have somewhat even lower standards than this virtual rag?

  8. Urizenus

    Dec 20th, 2005

    Actually the Dept. of Phrenology has very rigorous standards, and, judging from the bumps in your head, I’d say that your brain has rolled out of your ear. Phrenology doesn’t lie. Everyone, watch where you step!

  9. One Song/Mr Fariplay

    Dec 20th, 2005

    Well I couldn’t care if Plastic Duck was the online griefer of the century. The steps taken by Linden Lab to attack this player in real life is trully disgusting.

    Everyday that goes by we are seeing more and more immoral behaviour from this Nazistic gaming company, I think LL is starting to make EA look good, and thats telling something!

    One thing that they are pending to cross paths with, is our good old friend Karma. And I’m pretty sure Karma is not too far off the coast. You chose to screw with the people that made you who you are Linden Lab, its just a matter of time until the people will get you back.
    On top of that there is so much bad publicity going on about your activities that its only a matter of time until another gaming giant tackles your angle of business. Then whats gonna happen? You’re going to start losing the large custumer base you worked so well to develop in a matter of months, its happened to TSO who says you aren’t next. All I can say its been a fun ride, and I am gonna sit back drink my beer and eat popcorn whilst events unfold.

    Viva la Revolution!
    Over and Out,
    One Song

  10. nonsense

    Dec 20th, 2005

    LL didn’t discredit Plastic Duck. Plastic Duck is discredited Plastic Duck. LL AVOIDED a public relations disaster by sending their letter, they didn’t make one. How silly are you people?

  11. RB

    Dec 21st, 2005

    Wait a minute, wait a minute. Something’s not right here.

    Mr One Song are you saying T afk SO at one time hard a large player base *AND* that the dev “team” behind it worked well to grow it in a short period of time?

    or was this another game with the same 3 letter initials that i don’t know about?

    Im guessing option 2, but please clarify for everyone. :-)

    - RB.

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