Incriminating Photos Leaked from Herald Birthday Party

by Alphaville Herald on 20/12/05 at 8:41 pm

“Banned” Gang Leader One Song Schmoozes with Pathfinder Linden at Herald Debauche.

The Herald Staff did their best to keep it all under wraps, but pictures of the virtual debauche that was the 2nd Birthday Party of the Herald have been leaked into the blogosphere by New Games Journalism legend Always_Black. Shit. Well, there is nothing for it now but to come clean with the rest of the incriminating evidence. Under the fold are some candid shots that Pat the Rat snapped off at the affair.

Guests get sloppy drunk at the open bar.

The general feelings of good will that the Herald radiate like sunshine upon the metaverse can make even sworn enemies love each other. Here Prokofy Neva and Pathfinder Linden barely resist the temptation to hug one another. Really. I’m serious.

Not sure, but isn’t that Always_Black himself, in the foreground?

Is that a spider on the cake?

Be sure to check out the picks on the Always_Black site!

8 Responses to “Incriminating Photos Leaked from Herald Birthday Party”

  1. Wandering Yaffle

    Dec 21st, 2005

    Nah, that’s not always_black, that’s Terra Nova’s Ren Reynolds doing Serious Academic Research into the Sociological and Psycho-Semantic-Semiotic Implications of Bobbly Party Hats in a Neuro-Linguistic Environment. And eating all the little sausages on sticks.

    Also, that was the first Second Life gig I’ve seen that ended in actual structural damage. Seriously, in the sober light of the following morning there were missing walls and parts of the floor.

  2. Urizenus

    Dec 21st, 2005

    Yikes! Of course! That was Ren. And it even looks like him too. Ow well, sorry Ren.

  3. Walker Spaight

    Dec 21st, 2005

    *All* Herald do’s end up in structural damage, Yaffs. You should have seen the party we threw in Manhattan. Uri is still paying off the Tribeca Grand for that one.

  4. One Song/Mr Fariplay

    Dec 21st, 2005

    Pathfinder Linden seemed to have all da booze, hence why I was to sit next to him. I tried snatch it outta him when wasn’t looking but I failed. :(

  5. montserrat

    Dec 21st, 2005

    yeah but it was worth it.

  6. Prokofy Neva

    Dec 21st, 2005

    We do not “hug” Pathfinder. We are not amused. Signed, Prokofy Neva et. al.

  7. TrannyPet Barmy

    Dec 21st, 2005

    In the forthcoming elections ……….. VOTE FOR ANSHE CHUNG !!!!!!

    TrannyPet Barmy
    The REAL ONE

  8. emmi

    Dec 29th, 2005

    i cant play the game

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