MTV Hosts Nutty Wacky Avi Contest. Joy.
by Alphaville Herald on 29/12/05 at 2:19 am
According to a post by Glitchy Gumshoe on the SL Future Salon site, MTV will be “filming’ an in game fashion shoot, and they are soliciting pics of interesting — nay “craziest looking” avatars. Well now. Zero Grace is decidedly unimpressed by this turn of events, but he is a crotchety old man. We, on the other hand, consider the exercise to be merely born of confusion. If we are to belive the call, this has nothing at all to do with the typical SL fashion shows, which are serious enterprises, and it sounds much more like the wacky avi contests that we see in game from time to time. Still, I guess this is positive. It is, right? A little?
Dec 29th, 2005
I thought it was positive. And one of the most positive aspects about it was it was announced in the PR Suggestion Box, I believe, or in announcements, that they were looking for people to use for this. Rather than just hauling off and picking people arbitrarily.
Tony Walsh
Dec 29th, 2005
You kids get out of my apple tree or I’ll fetch my blunderbus loaded with rock-salt! That’ll learn ya!
Fallen Hasp
Dec 29th, 2005
Does anyone remember 120 minutes? Today, MTV is corporate CRAP and their interest in SL proves it. Guess they are running out of mind numbingly dumb topics for shows. Meh they are really scraping the bottom of the barrel this time.
yeah i said it . .so what . . have a nice fucking day.
Dec 30th, 2005
Fallenhas, go back to playing World of Warcraft.
Look! A Tauren!
Fallen Hasp
Dec 31st, 2005
Look! A Moron!