Post Six Grrrl Ava Fleming
by Alphaville Herald on 02/12/05 at 10:24 pm
The Herald is very happy to bring you this week’s Post Six Grrrl, Ava Fleming! Ava has a personal consulting business within SecondLife to help you with all of your personal consulting needs and says that she loves riding her SL horse! Our thanks to Heart Wishbringer and Joe Stravinsky for photographing and submitting this Post Six Grrrl.
Hi! I’m Ava Fleming…some of you know me already! I am a personal consultant for SecondLife, and I run a new firm called Flemings Consulting, Inc. I help people here to be their most attractive. I was really thrilled to get the opportunity to work with Heart and Joe to do this photo shoot for SL Herald. I feel that they are both extremely classy people and very professional. I would like to thank them both for the chance to get to shout out to all the SL Herald fans, and to show everyone just how exceptional one can look here. I hope you all enjoy the photos. And if you ever get a chance to work with Heart…go for it! If you need help in game just IM me. Things I like to do here: My consulting business, putting together my store “Rock Artist”, please stop in…and riding my SL horse! Do have some things in the making, but you will have to stay in touch to find out what they are! Anyways…enough said! Enjoy the photos and give me a shout, if I can help you with anything in game! Nice meeting everyone out there!!! ~
Ava Fleming
Dec 3rd, 2005
HUMMUNA HUMMUNA! is all I have to say
Stellsy ( Fallen Hasp )
Dec 3rd, 2005
awww, is that paraplegic or epileptic Barbie? Shes layin on the floor with her head turned funny. Thats gotta hurt. I didnt think it was scientifically possible for a woman so top heavy to support that kind of weight with a waist the size of a toothpick.
Dec 4th, 2005
ooowww ava damnn girll you are fineeeeeeeee !!!
your gonna make me need a cold shower this morning and have me thinking about that fine body alll day long .
sound to me like that stellsy is jelouse they dont look like that
Dec 4th, 2005
My fave pic is the last lower right… stunning! Beautiful, Sexy, Strong and utterly Desireable
) I would like to add Classy! While her breasts are ‘perfect perfect’… it’s the seductive sultry eyes and pouty lips that probably pushes me over the edge… and I’ve fallen hard, lol
Stellsy ( Fallen Hasp )
Dec 4th, 2005
whatever floats your boat I think its retarded and i think youre retarded. And honestly i hope none of you breed. If you must ejaculate do it in your pants prematurely while thinkin about cartoon Barbie. A real woman wouldnt have you anyway. Hafta hit puberty for that
Dec 4th, 2005
looking very nice ava;)
Dec 4th, 2005
[elided and following posts elided as well by Uri. Why? Because you guys can take your rl issues elsewhere]
boo parks
Dec 4th, 2005
lol what did he say hahhaha
boo parks
Dec 4th, 2005
elided ? what does that mean? any way nice rack brawd
Ava Fleming
Dec 4th, 2005
Thanks for the comments guys, we’re all entitled to our opinions. Obviously …Id rather you know me for me than my body, but it was created by a famous vendor in the game, therefore… I am not the only one walking around with the barbie figure. I did not expect everyone to find me attractive, but for those of you who do..I’d love to help you achieve a look like mine. Stellsy, thanks for your comments…I’d love to see your pics sometime!
Dec 5th, 2005
Reading the comments, it is again obvisious that the men like what Ava has done for her appearance and yet again, a female has come out from behind the curtains to make her assault on her physical features. Why is it that one must use such childish references in describing their dislike of her appearance, it is beyond comprehension that you cannot accept that the game allows one the opportunity to enhance themselves thru their physical nature. Yes, its cosmetic, but so you are Stellsy, for however you look, you made yourself to look a certain way, that you find appealing, I would hope. Ava did purchase a body from a well know designer here and her attributes are reflected of those set by the creator, not her own, otherwise, she would probably appear more to your liking. I would like to say, that her/our physical appearance helps to get us noticed her, and allows for initial conversation as to how good one looks, etc, but after the initial “greet” phase, the physical appearance is less important and more the persons personality comes to the forefront. As an old saying goes, “never judge a book, by it’s cover”, well it seems you have yet to have heard that and purely make an immature statement based solely on some photos taken of her. Unfortunately, the people who do the editing and poses, I would say need to refine their craft, as Ava does not look as endowed as the top photo suggests, their use in photoshop looks to need some work, and I do agree on the pose, it is contorted but this is the decision of the people behind the camera. So before you judge her, let’s see you have the courage to put yourself in front of a camera, knowing that people will come on here, for the sole purpose of doing exactly what you did, act without thinking and more than anyting making yourself sound more foolish, than you wish. But I’m sure you will think long and hard for a sound thrashing of my comments in some rebuttal on my gender or lack of puberty, very original, very original. Please before your retort, find a thesaurus so you can expand upon your base vocabulary, since you seem to lack much in the way of being able to express yourself but in the simplest of manners. Thank in advance of your eagerly anticipated reply.
Stellsy ( Fallen Hasp )
Dec 5th, 2005
oh no you dont Matthew . . im not puttin a cartoon on this site for men to drool over or pick apart. Ive been told my avatar was one of the more beautiful avis in Second Life and there are images of Fallen Hasp on Snapzilla, but they hardly do Fallen justice. I got better results when i took the pics myself during sessions to promote my clothing line. As a designer I had a very public image BUT my personality was as big as my tits. I was sexy without being obscene. I teased all men and they wanted me. And i never had to strip naked or act like an attention whore exposing my naughty pixel bits to have men drool. It had very little to do with my avatar. But thats not even the point. When i see these layouts it makes me laugh and also digusts me a tiny bit. How much you wanna bet the women in these shoots are 300 lb mousy computer geeks who cant get attention any other way then to make avatars that look like Barbie. Or better yet, maybe they are men? Oh please if youre gonna use sex to get attention at least try to be origional and have a bit of class. Nothin sexy to me about a stereotype. And thats all this avatar is. I dont actually expect any male here to care about what im sayin. But i felt like makin a joke and i did so and if i harshed your sleezy wood by laughin at you then thats your problem not mine. Its asthetics to me and i simply dont find it attractive at all because of what this represents. Every stupid male porno fantasty. Well go ahead and keep dreamin because no woman exists like that in real life. And thats fine but she might as well be an alien for all the appeal she has. This avatar is a freakshow, the proportions are all wrong. Her shoulders are huge for that frame. And not only makes her breasts look way too large, but makes her entire ribcage look obscenely thick. Also her frame looks cut in half cuz her waist is too small. It looks unnatural and ugly. Thats my opinion. However im not takin issue with the damn avatar or the person who plays it. to each their own. But please dont not accuse me of havin an issue. Im an attractive female in real life and in every game i play. Its not insecurity that made me post. I have confidence and will post whatever i want. If i think an avatar looks dumb ill say so or not depending on how i feel at that moment. More to the point, i would like to see a monthly beefcake contest sponsored by The Second Life Herald to find the hottest male avatars. We can vote on them and have like 5 contestants each month. I would like to see Uri in his speedos and Baron from Relic as well thank you. Id like to see Torley as a male contestant also. Strip for me Matthew and let me be the judge.
Dec 5th, 2005
Ava You Look GREAT!!! It Takes Alot To Do What You Did…And Do What You Do For People Everyday In SL!! This Girl Will Do What Ever She Needs To Do To Make Someones Life Easier Or Better!
The Real whatever
Dec 5th, 2005
Well it seems my post didn’t make it to the list here so I will do it again.
Here we see yet another representation of the typical SL girl: Blonde hair, Big tits, Big ass, Big hips, Big mouth, ridiculously small waist. It all makes me yawn. Why don’t they just post the same girl week after week. it’s sad because there had been some originality the past few weeks. As a man I’m tired of seeing the Barbbie playhouse wannabes. Her bio was sooooo boring and UNinformative I almost fell asleep. For someone who is a consultant she didn’t have much to say about herself or her ambitions. She talked more about Heart and Joe than herself. I really hope no one goes to her for a ‘consult’ We have enough of these types of women running around SL as it is.
As for Stellsy and her comments, I see no jealousy there. Why is it when a female makes an opinion of another female it is considered jealousy? Can a woman not make an honest opinion without being called that? Makes me glad I’m not a woman for men don’t act that way that I know of. She seems to be just as tired of the same old same old as I am. Kudos to you Stellsy for speaking your mind, please continue to do so.
Anyone who gets hot and hard by nude pixels needs rl help in my opinion. I view these hoping to see an artistic representation but it seems to be a rerun almost every week.
Anyways, better luck on the next girl.
Dec 5th, 2005
Thank you for your compelling commentary. Boy, I thought this was RL and all women looked like Ava…oh my god, so this is SL and not real life…your kidding me. Well only a fool which sounds like you might be, believes in apperances, and that we all believe this is the norm. No, its not, but for the community at large in SL, it is…so deal with it and stop putting down people for attempting to creat their own fantasy and btw, knock off the uber female view point, that I’m better than this, I would nevet stoop so low…get a life, more to the point a real life. In case you havent noticed, this is all fantasy and if some chooses to look a certain way and be “Barbie” so be it whether its her or one of the thousand of others who look the same. The game is geared towards women, anyone can easily see this, so I don’t think it’s unrealistic for the masses to want to be “Barbie” in appearance…so cut the girl some slack and go on to your “real” career here. BTW, thanks for telling us you like to tease men and they alll want you…I’m sure thats truly a sign of dignity too. Look, my point, is this…people come here to be what they want…Vamp, Goth, Furry, Model as far as appearances go, except that fact and let them have their time, and if anything be less quick to turn to the common criticism that she looks like this, or soo unreal here and there and that all the men here are getting a cheap VR thrill. Dear you said you are “supposedly” attractive…well you have done the same as this women and all the others, but she choose to show herself on here…its all about marketing one’s image and if this is an avenue to allow that for her and others, so be it. Yes, maybe there should be something for the women here to look at, but there isn’t and until so, I guess you will stuck here looking at women, for whatever reason, it is that you are here doing that.
Dec 5th, 2005
Elided means the poster spoke the truth, so Urianus took it off.
This paper is biased it does not allow such posts. Remember?
Impeach the Herald!
Stellsy ( Fallen Hasp )
Dec 5th, 2005
Matthew, I have a right to my opinion just like everyone else. I have a right to look at any article this Herald publishes online. Women are gamers too. They read the Herald. You have no authority to dismiss me or tell me which articles i can look at or comment on. Youre just pissy i laughed at what makes you hot. Thats right. Im laughin at you. Because youre a mindless idiot. Whatever and tons of other men think perpetuating this stereotype is a huge turn off. Its not just me. My boyfriend thinks so to. And ultimately his opinion is the only one i care about.
Ava Fleming
Dec 5th, 2005
Omg, …you two, both great opinions. I love hearing it all, and Matthew’s opinion is my most valued. Stellsy, I am not a man, nor a 300lb computer geek. I am a very attractive woman in RL and Matt has seen my pics. I’m sorry you think I’m distorted and all, but they approached me and so have many others in game because they think I’m beautiful. I think your really need to meet me in RL before you put me down so much, you may think differently of me if you actually met and saw me, and didnt judge me by a few pics. I am not ashamed to show my body, I think I have done a awesome job with my avatar. I have seen many, many more disfigured than me, and you are entitled to your opinion, but before you get to personal with your blows, you should really meet the real avie. I’d be glad to show you my RL pics too!
IM some time in game! I’d love to meet you! *hugz
Jenna Callahan
Dec 5th, 2005
hey STELLSY,and whoever else likes to be really stupid and judgemental just because they have a big mouth and dont realize that they are talking shit on people they dont even know!… you ever stop to think about, how people dont really give a shit about your opinion?! I know ava! and she is a beautiful person in SL and in RL weather you tend to believe so or not! i dont really see why you are being so CHILDISH! so what, who cares what you think about her av, cute ugly, no one gives a damn, why dont you try getting to know her rather than judging her over a stupid 3dimention character? ok so your bored of the same blondes or w/e? why is that?? cuz your not one? cuz you never make it on the list? thats what it sounds like to me, and if that is the case, then its kind of obvious you are jelous. i’m not a blonde in rl or the game, but i still think ava is beautiful in both sl and rl and as a person. so i dont see where you have room to judge her by appearance anyway. but i guess to you appearance is all that matters. so people have some of the same tastes on how they like their avs to be, dont mean they are all the same, nor do they all act the same, i really think you should get to know who your talking about before you make any judgements on ava, because if you dont know ava, you dont have room to say shit about her. you ever heard that saying “if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all” maybe you should practice that, appearance isnt everything, and no matter what you say, anyone who is avas friend will stand against you because you dont know her as a person, and she is a beautiful person. you might think your “av” is prettier or more realistic or some shit, but if your personality is all about appearance, and judgement, than i believe you could be the ugliest person in the world. no one is perfect, not you, not ava, not me, so your not really proving any kind of point, your just humiliating yourself infront of everyone who knows ava. because as many friends as she has for being such a beautiful person inside and out, they all know your the ones who are wrong. and your only saying that shit to make yourselves feel better, because even as many as you there are of you people judging ava like that, you could never add up to her potential.
Stellsy ( Fallen Hasp )
Dec 6th, 2005
If you dont care about my opinion then why are you writing me novels telling me how much you dont care? I assumed no one would care if i made a joke. COME ON, its a cartoon . . Who CARES. Not meeee. How can it be insulting for me to say i dont like someone’s cartoon artistically in a game when the person who owns it didnt even create it. Im an artist. Im gonna have an opinion but it doesnt mean i think the person who plays that character is a bad person. Grow up please because its tedious to explain simple concepts like asthetics to half wits. If you dont want truthful comments about your avatars then maybe you shouldnt post naked pictures of them in the Herald. Oh let me guess . . you thought everyone would worship and adore you for your Barbiness. Well not everyone who reads this paper is impressed and awed by your pixels. Cry more about it please. I never attacked anyone personally so im not sure where youre gettin that or why your panties are bunched up.
“if you cant say anything nice, dont say anything at all”
Jenna, if you really feel that way you shouldnt be reading this paper, or be in Second Life or online for that matter. It will be a cruel unloving place for you.
Yeah? everyone loves Ava? Shes the best most awesomest person in the whole wide world? Thats super amazingly fantastic. I hope you are all very happy together and live a fairytale Second Life with unicorns and rainbows where all the women are Barbie and la la la la la I DONT REALLY CARE which i guess is a point completely lost on brainiacs like you.
Avril Lehane
Dec 6th, 2005
Kudos, to yu whatever for speakin your mind also! I havent seen anyone at all that looks like Ava in the game. I have seen mostly brunettes running around, and none with a realistic face like Ava’s. I dont see where she is a bit out of porportion, in fact I know what famous hollywood star’s shape she used, and it looks perfect on her! There is nothing wrong with speaking your mind here, as long as your not rude, calling people names, such as idiot, retarded, and sick because the look at avatars and hope you dont breed and all that is very unclassy and distasteful! Constructive criticism is great but putting people down shows what kind of person you both really are! If these kinds of pictures offend you…then why you here lookin at em? Some of us do enjoy the art work involved in putting together a good avatar, and Ava by far is more realistic than the past post 6 girls, who were to me very good, but more of a cartoony quality. All I gotta say is post nicely people, keep your insults to yourself…and by all means give Ava a break…she looks awesome! If you saw her in world…you’d eat your words, she looks great and she gets top$$$ for her work as a consultant. You should be so lucky to look like her! And her bio…she is the only one I know that thanked the people that put her pics together, no one else…so that tells me she is genuinely kind, thinkin of the others first. Wow…what a concept! Wish more people would! You go girl! As for Fallen Hasp or Stellsy or whatever your name is…I cant find you in game anywhere…did you get booted? I can see why if ya did. You should practice constructive criticism, and not be so personal! Your blows to others just shows your own insecurities. If you dont like the pics….dont look at em…next page please! Love ya Ava! Your brave, confident, you look awesome…I’ll cya in game!
Eve Callahan
Dec 6th, 2005
Hey Ava! Wow you caused some comotion…means one thing! You affect people!!! My friend told me to check this out and I havent seen so many comments posted for one Post 6 girl before! I have to say, to cause this type of attention, you gotta have a unique look and you definitely do! Have been in SL for almost a full year now and I havent seen a more beautiful avatar. You give me something to work towards. Please IM me with your secrets! If others say your a dime a dozen…Id love to see where the rest are hiding! I have been in many clubs, many fashion shows, and the avatars are either too flat and too thin (looking like worms) or too wide and too heavy and short. I think you got it down. You look like a blond Laura Croft!! Keep up what your doin..your obviously gettin attentions, bad or good, itll all only help you in the long run! Best of luck! Hold your head high…and give me a shout in game…PLEASE!!
Dec 6th, 2005
*YAWN* Where are the male centerfolds?
Dec 6th, 2005
What?? Where?? How old are you ppl anyways! For all you ppl wanting to bitch about blondes and barbie types heres one for you: #1 Don’t See Any Of YOU Up Here Now Do YA!! (didnt think so)
#2 Like Someone Else Said You CANT Judge People U DONT Know
#3 And SO WHAT Even If She Was A 300lb Computer Geek In RL What Business Is It Of Yours…HELLO PPL SL HERE!! Where You Can Be Who U Wanna Be…Look Like Who EVER The HELL U Wanna Look Like…And Do What You Damn Well PLEASE!!!
#5 BACK TO #3 SL PPL!!!!!
Fallen Hasp
Dec 6th, 2005
Actually these posts arent about Ava. They are about me
These posts are about what i like and dont like and why everyone thinks im a big meanie head. Which means i stole her glory because she might have gotten one post here if it wasnt for me. Therefore i win and you all lose. Next time i make a joke about an avatar maybe youll wanna refrain from making an example out of me. Bad attention doesnt hurt me anymore than good attention does. Im used to being the center of attention. I never hafta ask for it or meh . . strip naked to get it. Hell i didnt even particularly want your attention. I was postin to amuse myself and make myself giggle. But of course you all want me to keep going and keep ripping her down. Well you must or otherwise youd shut the hell up.
Dec 6th, 2005
Stellsy…yet again your ignorance shows thru, by having to result to such low end retorts…idiot, how unimaginative. Very weak but then again, I think its coming from a woman with a very low IQ, who just likes to see her name somewhere, because she has nothing else going for her but to make the lame and typical male assaults. No, I’m not fantasizing about an avie, but since you cannot see beyond that fact…you constantly have only one thing to assault here. Maybe if you could comprehend more than you appear to show, you might be able to put together one comment without having to revert to your idiotic, immature, short-sighted and typical responses. Sadly, though that appears to ask too much of you….I feel sorry for your lack of an ability to communicate your thoughts a bit more initelligently. Maybe you are from SL Teen, judging by some of your comments thrown my way. Please, please, please…purchase a thesaurus, so you can expand that liimited vocabulary.
Dec 6th, 2005
Only a man would have a ridiculously disproportioned female avatar like that. If you want to find real women in sl, look for avatars with wide hips, a bit of a tummy and smallish boobs. I guarantee the real life person behind the avatar will be female.
And for the men out there who are busy pixel slapping avatars like the post six grrls… your girlfriend is a man.
Fallen Hasp
Dec 6th, 2005
giggles thank you Chiki, Whatever, Simone and whomever else here i missed who hasnt completely lost touch with reality. Matthew . . . Matt . . Matty . dont be sour luv. Its not your fault you hafta wank off like a knob to Barbie Pixels to get off . /cry . . Im super sorry i made fun of you for havin a small one and only being able to relate to a stereotype sexually. Im losing a bunch of sleep over it and i care sooo much about hurting your tender man feelings.
Dec 6th, 2005
Oh, not to worry there Stell…I’m not even concerned about the physical appearance of any avatar here, my only thing is how dumb a person can sound, when constantly having to refer to male genitals in every response. Makes me wonder if your sexually repressed, or you most likely are that 300lb fat person you refer to. So, I guess, I will refer to you as Sal, because I cannot believe a woman can possess such a small grasp of the english language to convey her thoughts. So my assumption, is your very frustrated being who you are and feel compelled to just try and gain some attention. My rebuttals to you, Sal..are only to see if I can get to just once, increase that narrow grasp of a language, we call english and maybe, just maybe come up with one response without nob? Can you do that perhaps? Or has the GED education that you seem to possess prevent you from a grasp of the limited vocabulary you seem to possess. Glad you can sleep, because so can I, I just really feel sorry for you…quite pathetic, but than again we all can sense that from your posts.
Fallen Hasp
Dec 6th, 2005
Youre so predictable Matt. Guess thats because you are intimidated by a confident woman. Call me a man for having a spine and laughing right in your chauvinistic face. This topic lost my full attention awhile back. The last four posts sent where only to bait and taunt you, again, for my own amusement. Ava defended her avatar and suggested i meet her in RL before i make judgements on her cartoon. double-U. tee. eff. ? Ive never read anything so funny. Matthew’s posts arent very interesting. But, a whole slew of Ava devotees posted in support, rabid and foaming at the mouth. Im barely skimming the posts, payin only enough attention to respond with a smart ass comment. Long ago i stopped tryin to articulate my thoughts and opinion on the topic of negative female stereotypes which are glamourized and held up as a model and ideal. I made my point serveral posts ago and really have nothing more to offer on the topic. If youre so dense and shallow that you cant understand my perspective then i cant help. And its not my job to explain to you anyway. Do what you want. Think what you want. I really dont care. You can not silence me. You can not intimidate me. My convictions are not fluid. You cant see that youre arguing with someone that isnt really engaged or interested in Ava or her avatar or this topic or this thread. Maybe its time to let the thread die eh?
Avril Lehane
Dec 6th, 2005
My comment is to you chicki? Stellsy? You all are soooo WRONG!
Attackin Ava again! She is so NOT a man…she is a gorgeous girl in RL. I work with her. We are both from the “Show Me” state and we are not at all afraid to show what we got. I believe there is another person in the post that knows her RL also that has posted she is a RL woman…and didnt Ava offer to show her pic to you Fallen???? Why do you keep resorting to saying someone is a male. Im sure if you looked her up in game she’d prove to you she’s now. Is this your last resort as a way to demean someone? Its very childish. I bet if you put RL pics side by side, Ava would surpass you both! And I dont see that this is about you Stells…I see this is about alot of people defending a sweet and intelligent person, who looks great because a few childish people have to post trash because they have nothin better to do. Do me a favor…meet her in game and tell her to her face how bad she looks, she’ll make you both look ridiculous! I guarantee it! She has more class and more female in her lil figure than all ya! You dont have to be fat or have a belly to be RL female. This SL you can be whomever you wish, ….and this is where you do it…its make believe, and you can have the avie of your dreams here, why would one wanna be fat and shorter and imperfect???? I also try to make my avie as attractive as possible. If you dont…its because you dont know how!
Macon Partridge
Dec 6th, 2005
hey chicki or whoever the fuck I know Ava in rl she is a relative she is most definately not a man I play sl too but I sure as hell don’t look at fat women with small titties thats messed up.. I look for the Most attractive women… and who the hell jerks off to cartoons? people can be something they’re not in the game.. why would they want to be ugly? (btw good job. From one family member toanother.) lol
Fallen Hasp
Dec 6th, 2005
yeah yeah Ava is a wonderful person i hear you i hear you i hear you i hear you i hear you i just dont really care Have no interest what so ever about some woman i never met in real life yes i see you brought your family online to set me straight yeah yeah i get it blah blah blah krikey man this too funny seriously tho i hafta go offline now giggles i have things to do and you guys are silly trying to suck all my attention and time I almost do feel bad for ever posting just because you guys are so sweet and simple minded, defending your friend awww so sweet but yeah her avatar is really bad and i dont like it
sorry This is an incredibly moving display of friendship for your friend Ava. And the demonization of my person for speaking up about an issue that honestly has absolutely nothing to do with your friend but was mostly a statement about stereotypes created depicting females negatively. Youre welcome to continue raging against me while im offline. But im afraid this is my last post in this thread. LOL wooohoooooo
Dec 6th, 2005
Awwwww Fallen Hasp wanted to be popular in highschool too…
But couldnt-probably struggling in SL also. Leave your frustrations elsewhere. Thank god, alah and jehova there are girls like Ava in SL, damn hot!
Dec 6th, 2005
Oh please….no, tell you arent done?????? Oh well, it was fun, but I guess the power in the trailer park must have gone offline…we’ll miss your insightful views. Thanks for all your constructive insights and yes we all are entitled to our opinions, even those coming from people like you….keep up the good work!!!!!
Fallen Hasp
Dec 6th, 2005
Ava’s avatar is crap.
Every male that posted in this thread to insult me is a pig.
Dec 6th, 2005
Oink Oink…get a life
Fallen Hasp
Dec 7th, 2005
Fuck you Matthew and every chauvinist like you.
Insult my intelligence and call me trash. Encouraging women to exploit themselves and attacking any woman who voices an objection. Burn in hell skewered like the pig you are.
Avril Lehane
Dec 7th, 2005
OMG…do we have issues??? Back to Ava…you look great! Cant see what you do next! Above is what I’m talkin about, the name calling…not constructive criticism, by any means! Grow up people!
Dec 7th, 2005
Dear Hasp,
You can put down men, accuse them of being pigs, playing with themselves, etc, but when someone challenges you, let alone throws back some insults…you get soo easily offended. You can throw out the criticism but cannot take the expected backlash…I must say…its less about the person (Ava) and more about your being an idiot.
Fallen Hasp
Dec 7th, 2005
Youre right this thread isnt about Ava. Ava who? Its about everytime a female gamer posts in the Post 6 Girl threads objecting to the negative stereotypes on display some dimwit loser male decides to attack any female that dares open her mouth. And then you get braindead females coming on to post their own insults because they are so stupid they dont even realize they are being used or exploited or that people like me arent even attacking the women displayed here but the stereotype they sell out to. You can kiss my ass and so can anyone else here cant deal with it.
Just Another Mirage ;)
Dec 7th, 2005
Well, Well.. First off I would like to say Ava darling your beautiful on sl & Rl & Your one of the people I’ve lookd up to since the day I was born. Yea as you could guess Fallen Hasp.. I’m also RL family. Show me state
Hells yes! It sounds to me that Ms. Fallen Hasp (I think she’s a chick) *Shrugs* Is insanley jealous of you Ava.
I love you Ava! *big hugs* see ya friday!
Dear Foul Mouth Ms. Hasp
All I seem to see is “You chauvinist; Me this Me that ME this and ME that some more..” Fallen… Most forum people I know that seem to get off on accusing others of rediculous crap same for you “chick” Have no life whats so ever.. Ava has 3 beautiful kids in rl so I know for fact she’s a woman, Ive seen her pregnant 3 times. So.. Who the fuck are you to call her a man? Especially when she bought a product.. on a game.. *rolls eyes* just like you buy stupid shoes on game, if someone made it a certain way not much YOU can do about it. And just because YOU dont like it YOU dont have to look at it, move the fuck on already. Unlike.. YOU some of us are very proud of what we create, or who we are RL & SL so YOUr jealous kiniving lil self needs to go elswhere.. like the sewer your stank ass crawled out of! Ms this is my last post but I wait 5 minutes to check it again.. Whatever. All I hear is you you you you you you you you you… If YOU dont like it click next; turn the page, put the book down and get another. Got it? Btw. I hope YOU like my novel baby. Made it just for YOU.. Because YOU are so special and YOU think that if YOU post mean things it gets YOU attention and YOU enjoy it because YOU have no life in rl at all. It was nice to meet YOU, and I hope YOU have a great day! Can YOU get a big FUCK OFF! Thats right bitch
For the record: No Fallen Hasp; or Stellsy exists in sl.. Hiding behind an alter ego I presume?! All Big & Bad on here, but sheepishly hiding behind a non-existant name.. *points & Laughs*
Matt; Oink oink LOL Love ya *hugs*
I think I’ma tease you bout that it’s to funny… so rediculous LMAO!
Dec 7th, 2005
See your soo limited in scope, no need to resort to such attacks but then again a GED, trailer park trash piece of a crap like you has nothing better to do. So as you say, soo kindly here…FUCK YOU!
Fallen Hasp
Dec 7th, 2005
Marsellus Wallace
Dec 7th, 2005
And you tell me to calm down Uri? lolol
Marsellus Wallace
In a good mood today..
Dec 9th, 2005
first time i ever post here…first time i ever even come to see the SL Herald since i never hear about it before…
Ava…i think your photos are just great and good on you to have them post here
i think its nice for everyone to have an opinion…its how the world communicate with each other
but insult is only gonna lead to insult so why even start to do it
i am a RL woman…married for ten years to a man who still thinks i am beautiful…even when my tummy is bigger than when i met him…even if my breast dont stand the way they used to…i am living proof that gravity works and that the ability to defy it becomes less as the years get more
so…i have an avatar here in SL…and i am told it is beautiful…so thats great for me…i wanted my avatar to look good…to be attractive…sure i could make my avatar to look like the real me but then what is gonna be the point…if i am playing in a game why cant i play as a vamp or a super model
if someone want to judge me cause of how my avatar looks…i have to think that they just dont have too much to do with their time…
someone said that you dont judge a book from its cover…but we all know that a book with a nice cover is more likely to be read
Fallen Hasp
Dec 9th, 2005
I wasnt judging her for her avatar. I was judging her avatar. They attacked me personally for posting negative feedback on an avatar. Not a person. An avatar.
“sound to me like that stellsy is jelouse they dont look like that”
Ive done nothing wrong and Im not apologetic. Because i was wrongfully attacked i hijacked this thread. And, as its Ava’s thread – and, as she did nothing to discourgage the attacks – I dont feel guilty about that either.
For someone so objective and new to this forum and thread, its bemusing you couldnt ferret out the truth.
Ava Fleming
Dec 9th, 2005
Thanks for your comments everyone. I dont want anyone attacked for their views. Its just I feel some of my friends had to defend me, because they have seen the real avatar, and my pics are good but they dont do justice to the real avatar. I would love for you all to meet me in game and decide. As for Manon, she just met me last night, and I appreciate her kind words. I believe she could tell you my avatar is awesome, as is hers. Sorry you felt attacked for your opinions Fallen, but it seems the personal insults is what got people going and the name calling. No need for that here, because we know no matter how much we disagree with each other, we wont change each others opinions. So cant we all agree to just disagree? I still would love to meet you tho, Fallen. Take care all!
Fallen Hasp
Dec 10th, 2005
You brought it all on yourself, Ava. You cant hide behind your smile and manipulate people into attacking or intimidating other women. Consider it dropped and hopefully, for you, a lesson learned.
Dec 10th, 2005
its a bit true how you say if Fallen Hasp
that first you attacked her avatar only…but as your second post you started to personally attack anyone who would disagree with your opinon
your first post i think was so mean and so pointless to make me wonder why even you would take the time to write it except maybe for some personal sastisfaction…each post after was more and more mean and more directed to personality to sound as a six years old child in a school ground
you say you did not do anything wrong but i dont see it that way… the things you said were so mean, so bitter and so disrespectul… to me it was only natural that someone is going to attack against you as well and you shouldnt have been surprise at all unless maybe you are the most insensitif person who is alive
i dont claim to be objective at all since i know Ava a little tiny bit since a very short time and i dont know you from a hole in the ground but i do recognize truth when i see it and i dont see truth in the mean things that you write here…i see only bitterness and jealousy and maybe you gonna try to pass me off as stupid or ugly cause i have an avatar who looks good but i dont give a damn for your comment since how it comes is wrapped in an evil package
maybe you gonna learn something too but honestly i dont think so since you dont seem to me to be the type who cares to learn anything