Crew 88 Vows to Take Back SL from the Perverts (Whores, Furries, Elves and Emo Goths)
by Urizenus Sklar on 16/01/06 at 10:00 am
Last night I ran across a crew of 4 skinheads brandishing baseball bats, tire irons, and lag inducing weapons, torching a suburban cul de sac in second life. I invited the group – called Crew 88 for purposes of the interview – back to Herald Media Inc. HQ in Jessie for a chat about their motives, their plans, and their methods. In short, they are on a mission to take back second like from all the degenerate perverts (including prostitutes, druggies, furries, elves, Goths, goreans, emos, etc. etc.). So who’s left? Interview below the fold.
You: so why are you doing this?
D 88: to stop oppression of SL
You: by what?
R 88: Were all about taking pride in what we are
You: which is what?
You: besides avatars
R 88: Our history
R 88: of our people
D 88: our goal is to take down anyone that isn’t for our dream and right
You: anyway why did you pick on those houses besides that they are fugly
D 88: we had to run from lindens
F 88: because we must secure the existence for our people and a future for white children
You: yeah ok, but the question remains. why *those* houses
D 88: we pick thoese houses for who;s in them
D 88: druggys, whores, pervs
You: druggys whores and pervs are in every house in SL
D 88: scum of the game
D 88: we don’t go in every house
D: but they are in many houses
D 88: yes
D 88: we are trying to clean the game up
F 88: Totally against drugees and perverts
You: what’s wrong with druggies and whores and perverts?
R 88: What makes one want to be one of them?
R 88: I don’t see the glamour of living in a shack with your dope and a 40 oz of Malt Liquior
You: fun and money I suppose
You: I could use a 40 about now
F 88: money has nothing to do with our cause
B 88: We thought that there was too much scum and disrespect going on in this game, and we aim to change it
You: how you gonna change it?
B 88: Have something that people will fear
R 88: Were going to change it any way we have to
B 88: That maybe if they mess with someone, then they will end up with us following them
You: so why don’t you break up a club instead of suburban houses?
B 88: The worst things are happening right under your nose
B 88: Where you would LEAST expect it
R 88: Thats right
You: yeah like in the Herald HQ!
F 88: you’ll never know where we’re going to hit next
F 88: be it a suburban house, a strip club, or a mall
You: can we expect more attacks?
G 88: yes
F 88: Hell yes
G 88: most likey as soon as we are done with this
G 88: we will hit the streets again
You: who you gonna attack next
F 88: Never know
F 88: it could be anywhere
G 88: at anytime
You: any last message for the pervs ?
B 88: No matter who you are
B 88: Well find you.
You: they aren’t hard to find here
R 88: When we see them – were gonna give them a boot party
D 88: Furry, BDSM all of that will end
You: Goreans too?
G 88: yes goreans
F 88: down with the elves
You: Elves? what do they do?
D 88: too goths emos
B 88: Especially emos
D 88: vampires
You: I’m with you on the emo stuff
D 88: they are all scum
D 88: ghetto people all
You: yeah emo is straight from the ghetto
You: any message for the Lindens?
d: Lindens need to let free-speech rule and stop being Communist
You: amen to that!
B 88: Fuckin commys
You: alright guys, have a good night. try not to get permabanned
You: or sent to the corn field
D 88: lol
B 88: heh
D 88 we will try not
You: are you afraid of the cornfield?
D 88: haha
D 88: maybe
D 88: B loves it
B 88: lol
You: I hear the tractor is a sweet ride
F 88: lol
D 88: yeah
D 88: wouldn’t know
D 88: lets go do some houses
F 88: right on
You: Night guys, have fun, thanks for stopping by
D 88: np
D 88: hey uri are u a elf
You: are my ears pointy?
D 88: haha no
You: tonight they are having a party you know
You: 500 members
D 88 god damn
F 88: :O
You: and you guys are just 4
D 88: we can go out swinging
You: hehe
You: ok guys later
Jan 16th, 2006
Oh what the hell ever. Just what SL needs, a bunch of lame wanna be nazi’s running around with their ‘hate crimes’ and ‘holier than thou’ attitudes. Didn’t they know there was a Teen Grid? LMFAO
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 16th, 2006
This may have been covered in the article, but I did not read it all. If I am not mistaken 88 stands for 8th letter, 8th letter which is HH which is Hail Hitler. I think I read that Target a few years back took 88 off some of their clothes becuase of this.
You guys probably didn’t get hugged enough as kids. You guys just need someone to hug you more than likely. Group hug everyone! LOLOL
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Katiahnya Muromachi
Jan 16th, 2006
Ahaha.. gotta love self-contradictory kiddie bigots. So adamant in their views and so convinced they are in the right that they have to.. well, ask that their names be withheld from the article! Unfortunately, hiding under a Klan mask won’t protect them from being identified in an AR once they go about griefing people. If they’re as motivated as they hype themselves up to be, they’re probably already banned by now.
Interesting theory about the “88″ standing for Heil Hitler. You’re probably right about that, as I found out there was a hate group called Schultz-88 whose 88 moniker was derived from “HH” as well. And I was thinking they were just a cheezy knock-off of Kill Bill..
Budd: You’re telling me she cut through eighty-eight bodyguards before she got to O-Ren?
Bill: Nah, there weren’t really eighty-eight of them. They just called themselves “The Crazy 88.”
Budd: How come?
Bill: I don’t know. I guess they thought it sounded cool.
Crew 88 Leader
Jan 16th, 2006
We are growing everyday, we have far surpassed the 4 that was present at the time of interview. All you sick freaks, that stand agent the right will fall! Hail the New Dawn
Victory forever, Defeat Never
Crew 88 “coming to a neighborhood near you”
Jan 17th, 2006
welps since you guys already have at least on AR enjoy your short stay taa taa
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 17th, 2006
This is no different then w-hat or any other group that follows their bliss interfering and bringing misery to complete strangers who want fuk all to do with them online or off. Its anti social behavior and really pathetic. Deal with your own issues and leave other people alone. You have zero authority over anyone. You arent doing a very good job governing yourselves. Where the hell do you get off.
Also, seriously, why are you people participating in a game where you basically pay to take abuse off losers you wouldnt have the time of day for in real life? Linden Labs doesnt care. They encourage this type of behavior. Why do you think griefers flock to second life? Hello? anyone? anyone at all.
Lumber Yard
Jan 17th, 2006
If residents have any suspicions about other players being underage in SL they can report them to the Lindens and they’ll look into it. I would think these guys belong on the teen grid.
Denise Domela
Jan 17th, 2006
These guys look familiar to me for some reason. LOL!
Denise Domela
aka Gina Fatale
Furry Gorean Communist
Jan 17th, 2006
“Illinois Nazis. I HATE Illinois Nazis.”
These guys won’t last long.
Sleet Rockwell
Jan 17th, 2006
That’s why I’ve moved on to Eve. Later, SL, you could have been grand.
Jan 17th, 2006
High five on that Fallen.
Anyhow wake me up when the next played out group comes along.
Actually, don’t.
Embarassing how the youth of America can’t even come up with anything original to do with their spare time.
I was watching this TV show awhile back and it was about these teenage heroin addicts. One of the guys when asked why or how he got hooked, said he was bored one day so he decided to do heroin.
these guys remind of that dude.
Mirra Maradona
Jan 17th, 2006
I know who these guys are. If anyone wants names, message me in game. -Mirra
Div. 88
Jan 17th, 2006
we did not choose 88 because it means heil hitler. we simply chose it randomly and thought it fit best
Mr. Eighty Eight
Jan 17th, 2006
Alright, heres what you people dont understand. Never, did anyone in the group ONCE say that the 88 in their group title stood for Heil Hitler. Which would make sense if they did, because it was an anonomous interveiw and they very well could have. The significance of 88 in this circumstance is a much different reason.
The reason we chose 88 as the number to represent our group is we know it would offend some people, and thats exactly why we chose it. The people in this group and the founders of this group have a strong belief in freedom of speech, and by naming this group “Crew 88″ then they are exersizing their right to speak freely, to the offense, or not, of others.
NOR, did anyone in this group ever say that they hated African-Americans or any people of African or non-white decent. Which would also make sense to say if they were really trying to make that their objective, since it was an anonomous interveiw, as much as people would like to exploit that or not, i think that their decision to not be known to the public of SL should be respected weather you agree with that or not.
Furthermore, all of us have to admit, there is a problem in SL and going on in the rest of the world too. People disregarding morals and values so far has had no reprocussions of significant value, as to date. What we as a group aim to do is change that, try to make people get values again. Never ONCE did we say our aim was to run the ‘black people’ out of Second Life, which is what we are being claimed to have as our goal. Nor did we say that we wanted to run anyone out of Second Life, we just wanted people to act a little more like decent people and not like animals which is what we as a group have seen.
What the aim of me writing this has been is that i hope to change your veiw on this group, we know that we may come off as being so called ‘skin heads’ or ‘nazis’, but that is not at all our intent. We just believe that people should act decent, and that Second Life should not be limiting free speech to the extent that they do. This is all we are hoping to do. Through meathods of talk or other ways. We do NOT have any alternate motives or goals than these stated. If you seem to think otherwise, then you are’nt looking at the whole picture.
Thank you,
Crew 88 Representative
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 18th, 2006
Im open-minded, clever, with a strong personal moral compass. You are tryin to tell us you wanna help us? If thats true then why do you make blanket statements about going after goths and all these others who are guilty only because of their interests? I listen to industrial ebm and wear black nail polish. Does that make me a target? How do you weed out all these offenders other than by using stereotypes to label people? The reason we have psychopathic behavior in games is because certain players have a common belief that its only a game therefore doesnt matter how one’s behavior affects others. Decent human beings become raving assholes given the freedom to abuse others without personal consequences. Its that simple and has nothin to do with their interests in or out of game. Likewise, you are really pushing the idea that you are saviors implanted in world to free us all from opression. But, you havent the authority or common sense to make judgements about anyone else. Therefore, ultimately you become part of the problem you claim to want eliminated. When you cross the line and interfer with another players game you are assuming authority you havent earned and infact you become the opressor. How ironic . . Free speech huh? As long as its in line with your vision for Second Life. So fucking typical. If you feel so strongly about deviant behavior in world then why dont you stop tossing off and pressure Linden Labs to enforce their own god damn ToS.
Non Second Life Player
Jan 18th, 2006
I don’t play second life, but I really enjoy the Second Life Herald. This story, along with the W-Hats stories, is just too funny.
Are these guys serious? Or are they W-Hats pulling another prank, in a different guise. I love the bit about “we did not choose 88 because it means heil hitler. we simply chose it randomly and thought it fit best” — ha ha ha! Really subtle there! That’s pretty good trolling, if nothing else.
And how is that they suddenly look the part so well? Wifebeater T’s, clubs, bats. Lag inducing weapons — so nicely organized. Clearly they have been playing SL for a while, right?
Patroklus Murakami
Jan 18th, 2006
Hmmm. So they’re not really nazis, they *just* chose the name ‘crew 88′ cos they knew it would get a rise out people. They’re not racists but they just want to kick all the furries, goreans and so-called ‘perverts’ out of SL.
Ah well, that’s okay then! These people are pathetic, especially for thinking that anyone will fall for this nonsense. They only reason they don’t reveal their true, racist views is cos they know that’s the surest way to get themselves banned and out of SL. Sadly they haven’t grasped that their comments about ‘making things safe for white children’ kinda give the game away.
And free speech? But only for white people presumably? Not for furries, goreans…… Very, very very stupid little boys.
I give em two weeks. Anyone else want to place bets on when they get permabanned?
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 18th, 2006
If you feel so strongly about deviant behavior in world then why dont you stop tossing off and pressure Linden Labs to enforce their own god damn ToS.
But ohhh noooo You dont wanna do THAT . .
Because then youd be out on your ass.
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 18th, 2006
TrannyPet Barmy
The Lone Ranger
Jan 18th, 2006
Quote: ” 88: because we must secure the existence for our people and a future for white children”
This is said, and it *does* show a preference for white people, which does exclude people from African or other non-white descent. So do not give us that shit about not being racist or not having nazi sympathies.
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 18th, 2006
So they chose it randomly and it has nothing to do with the true meaning of 88 (hail hitler and yes, I looked it up to make sure and thats what it means), yet another guy says you picked it for controversy. Which is it? Maybe you guys need another Klan meeting to get your stories straight before you post. =P
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
haha loser
Jan 18th, 2006
Dear Mr. 88
You can stop worrying about what people think fo you now. Soon you will be shipped off to the teen grid, if you don’t get banned first. Maybe someone who cares will listen to you there. Enjoy!
Katiahnya Muromachi
Jan 18th, 2006
Hate has made you moronic, Crew 88 Representative. Let’s get a looksie at your brilliant logic, shall we?…
–”Never, did anyone in the group ONCE say that the 88 in their group title stood for Heil Hitler. … The reason we chose 88 as the number to represent our group is we know it would offend some people, and thats exactly why we chose it.”
So it doesn’t stand for Heil Hitler, yet you choose the name for the purpose of offending the 1% of people who actually know enough to equate “88″ with “Heil Hitler”? No.. it seems like you chose the name for the exact opposite reason- so you could be a hate group without being identified by the other 99% of the SL population. Had you wanted to offend people, you would have chosen a group name like “Gay Furry Gorean Non-White Haters” that had the most chances of offending your target demographic.
–”NOR, did anyone in this group ever say that they hated African-Americans or any people of African or non-white decent. … Never ONCE did we say our aim was to run the ‘black people’ out of Second Life, which is what we are being claimed to have as our goal.”
I think hate has made you blind as well- if you read our responses up until your post, none of us claimed you wanted to run blacks out of SL. If you are referring to my comment about hiding underneath your Klan hoods, I used it as an analogy that fit to the T: You don’t want to take accountability and accept the ramifications for what you say and do, so you hide behind your white sheet of anonimity. Double cowardice even- you’re already untouchable over the Internet via a virtual identity, now you have to even hide your virtual identity behind an anonymous identity!
It’s a typical response for your kind though- you lash your hate out at a bunch of groups, then when you don’t get favorable responses, you try to play the victim card: “Help! Help! I’m being oppressed! I don’t want black people out, I just want to ‘secure the existence for our people and a future for white children’”. Nigga, please.
–”The people in this group and the founders of this group have a strong belief in freedom of speech, and by naming this group “Crew 88″ then they are exersizing their right to speak freely, to the offense, or not, of others. … We just believe that people should act decent, and that Second Life should not be limiting free speech to the extent that they do. This is all we are hoping to do.”
Hatred has made you contradictory. You believe in freedom of speech all right- as long as you agree with it. Again, trying to play the victim in this case- saying you are being persecuted for having your speech taken away, when in reality, your whole group’s purpose is trying to silence and drive out those whose speech and expression you don’t like. You are asking for freedom of speech without any responsibility or accountability that speech creates. Your freedom of expression ends when your actions encroach on the rights and freedoms of others.
I would refute the rest of your nonsensical drivel, however I have productive work to do that doesn’t involve ignorantly spewing out hateful, prejudiced diatribes.
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 18th, 2006
haha says the man Marsellus who thinks he wont get banned for torching clubs, and if he doesn’t, i reckon it’s just about proof enough he’s a raving fag with his tongue up a Linden’s ass.
TrannyPet Barmy
John Balogne
Jan 18th, 2006
jesus christ, can Marsellus Wallace like get over himself. Somebody please tell this man that second life is just a game and people can play whatever they chose. I may not agree with how these people act, but I respect that they stand up for what they believe in. Look, Marsellus Wallace, this is a game, please stop paying the second life herald to put your name in the paper, thats just pathetic that the only way you can get attention is through a video game. Get a life man, seriously
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 18th, 2006
Perhaps in my activities I am smart enough to not break game rules. Perhaps a bit of social engineering was involved. You cannot simply delete something that is not yours. I am not stupid. I been playing Mafia in these online games for 4 years now and know how to do things and not get in trouble for them (not always, but usually the case). You’re just pissed off becuase you’re not as smart as me when it comes to those things and you got banned and have been bitter sense.
I have a tongue up Lindens ass? Hmmm the snauzeberries taste like snauzberries. hehe Couldn’t resist. Obviously not the case.
Now maybe you want to keep the topic on topic and perhaps make your posts about the club torching on that story. Oh, and I would have Uri remove your obviously bigotted comment here (btw, my in-game wife is my rl gf so obviously not gay), but I would rather leave it and have you show everyone else how much of an idiot you are (almost as much of an idiot as these not-so-anonymous 88 guys). Do you even think before you type? Anyway, don’t reply here, reply in the correct story.
(Watch, he will most likely reply here anyway becuase he’s an idiot like that. We’ll see though, we’ll have faith lol.)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
P.S. As Eminem says, “I love pissing you off, it get’s me off, like my lawyers when the judge let’s me off.”
Nice Guy 3nf0rc3r
Jan 18th, 2006
Katiahnya Muromachi, LOL, all i gotta say to Mars is….owned…
Paradise Popinjay
Jan 19th, 2006
Well, if their number now exceeds four surely the Fourth Reich approaches….
Jan 19th, 2006
As I read these stories I realize the average person in SL never sees these supposed ‘big people’ in SL. be it the 88 kiddies or this person ahem… bombing a club. All seem they must run here to the herald to try to make themselves important, because in SL they fail. They are small, very small cogs in SL. They would never be heard of outside their small clique if it wasnt for the herald. Kinda sad if you think about it.
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 19th, 2006
I was in the press long before I was in the herald and before the herald was in the press. I do not need the Herald for my endeavors, although I will admit it does help with them. =)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Jan 19th, 2006
being in the press is supposed to impress me?? hardly, your a legend in your own mind, nothing more….. I would venture to guess that well over 90% of the SL residents dont know of you or care
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 19th, 2006
John, I pay the Herald? Shit!!!! Who knew?!? Hey Uri, your always talkin shit about me half the time in the Herald, can I have my money back since everyone thinks I am paying you?? Ya, I’m really bribing him for this crap. hahaha Anyway… Going by what your saying, you support Hitler then. He had a cause and stood up for it. You may not like his cause, but still by your rationale it’s ok to respect him becuase he stood up for it. Come on now.
Keep in mind, I never once said they couldn’t play how they wanted… Perhaps I have other reasons for not liking this group. Ask grandduke their supposed leader, they don’t like me becuase I jacked up some of their members in the past. =)
Oh and Toy, I regularly travel around the game and meet lots of people. I usually stay within my group, friends and top figures in the game, but I do get out quite a bit and travel around. I am not failing in SL. Not by far, but thanks for your concern. =P
Nice Guy, thanks, I try. If I truly do know you though from back in the day, hit me up in game and let’s chat. Been running into a lot of old TSO mafia players lately. =)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
P.S. I love how the story turned from the Nazi’s to me. At least it takes away from their attention/cause. Well worth the shit talking about me (which as usual no one can back up).
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 19th, 2006
Being important in a game isnt all that impressive anyway. Wanting to have power, control or affirmation from strangers in a game is kinda pathetic.
Martin Morris
Jan 19th, 2006
Paradise Popinjay i am quite new to sl, could you tell me who the “big people” in sl are (the only ones i know and think being big are anshe and the lindens)
Jan 19th, 2006
define “Top People” please….. arent we all equal?
as far as my concern, you are at the bottom of that list and will never move up from that position. I understand your all about RP and nothing more so have fun
Poetic Nino
Jan 19th, 2006
Marsellus is full of shit here as well. He has no real members in his kiddie mafia. Maybe one or two but the majority is Marsellus himself, along with his wife. I assume he has a fetish of playing with himself even in an MMPORG.
Jan 19th, 2006
I see that need to try and one up everyone else in the Second Life “I’m more fucked up and outrageous than you” department is just about as bad as it was in TSO. The cry for attention by this group is equally pathetic as the groups they wish to stomp out.
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 19th, 2006
Actually my wife has nothing to do with my Mafia and how would you guys know whos in my group anyway? If I am nobody then why are you taking the time to reply and being so heated about it? lol Quit wasting your time if that is the case. hahaha
I don’t remember entering a popularity contest. Someone sign me up? lol =)
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
P.S. Still trying to figure out what I have to do with this story lol Why don’t you keep it on topic and talk shit in the appropriate story? lol
Jan 19th, 2006
I see that need to try and one up everyone else in the Second Life “I’m more fucked up and outrageous than you” department is just about as bad as it was in TSO. The cry for attention by this group is equally pathetic as the groups they wish to stomp out.
Posted by: Kiss | January 19, 2006 at 04:10 PM
hmmm anyone having a problem understanding the logic of this post besides me?
Jan 19th, 2006
I apologize Marsellus Wallace, but I have this deep seeded problem of picking on the handicapped.
Mackenzie Draper
Jan 19th, 2006
I am not a member of ANY mafia. You should really double check your facts before you talk shit.
Mackenzie Draper-Wallace
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 19th, 2006
Rising to the top of that game isnt difficult or even desirable. Popularity just makes logging in game or into your instant messenger a chore. In return for your efforts to please everyone you can expect to be used, backstabbed and badmouthed. Its not difficult to make friends with important people in game. But there is no point aligning yourself with them unless you just naturally build a friendship. Its kinda creepy tryin to get close to people just because of their status in a game. My advice is do your own thing, have fun and dont worry so much about impressing other people. I understand the point Toy is tryin to make. But i hafta tell ya, I dont care for the elitist tone. I assume its just a ploy to bait Mars. Gawd i hope because popularity in a game is absurd. Even if its obtained for financial gain. Hafta have your priorities straight. This isnt hollywood or wallstreet and no one really gives a shit. Mars Mars Mars Youre so smug about gettin under their skins. But you are just obnoxious to the point of being tedious. Who cares about a grown man who roleplays an arsonist in game. Its a snorefest. I feel kind of sorry for you tho. You get all excitable when your name is mentioned, even if its negative attention. Yes we see you. No we dont care.
Jan 20th, 2006
“I understand the point Toy is tryin to make. But i hafta tell ya, I dont care for the elitist tone. I assume its just a ploy to bait Mars.”
dang Avah, ya found me out
Bob the Tomato
Jan 20th, 2006
Free speech in SL? Damn, I’m paying about $30 a month with my premium account and tier fees.
Poetic Nino
Jan 20th, 2006
How do we know who is in your groups? Well because the genious you are has your groups set for public view, in other words we all can see it and whose in it. And by the looks of it there are no more than 3-4 people in the group. And by reading the profiles of at least two, it is easily seen how they are you as well, how do i know this? because of the similar writing styles and how each profile is just as full of shit as the next one. Now lets here his excuses everyone such as “that is a front; i have hidden groups with my real members; my wife isnt mafia; (no she is just in the group for the hell of it); yadda yadda yadda.
watch the hard on he gets cause he has another post on here referring to him and his ‘great accomplishments’ in SL.
Oh and hate to tell ya almost everyone in mafia roleplay on SL owns a HOS so you buying the script does not make you any more powerful, ahead of the game, or give you any kind of advantage over other players, hopefully Tranny overcharged your loser ass and is laughing all the way to the Bank.
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 20th, 2006
Hey Poetic.. Your a fool. Did you even look up her groups?? She’s never been in a Mafia group, EVER. Next time why don’t you actually go to the person’s profile and check before you try to talk shit becuase you just came off as a major baffoon. Sad, but true. Also, I never even heard of HoS before Tranny brought it up. I used good old fashioned Social Engineering in my attack not a lame ass script. You just might as well stop posting becuase for one you are not very poetic with your writing, and two your coming off kinda stupid. Save yourself some face and walk away.
Toy, my apologies I wasn’t trying to make fun of the handicapped. I really shouldn’t have lumped them in with Tranny as that is an insult to handicapped people. I’m sorry. =)
Now you all will have to excuse me, I must prep for my interview with New Scientist magazine later today.
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 20th, 2006
Strange, does any one else notice how he picks keywords out of posts, then just writes something with that keyword in it, that he feels is to his benefit, as oppossed to addressing the issue that is mentioned with the keyword with in it ?
eg. Some one mentions “groups” and how you’d have to be in the same group with certain privileges or have modify rights to be able to do any damage, and good old Marsellus instead of addressing that issue, picks up the key word “groups” and starts rambling on about so and so not having ever been in a mafia group.
Marsellus, you thick fuck, address the issue, we all KNOW you can’t do fuck all with out being in the group as officer, of having modify rights !!! So now, why don’t you answer the question, what exactly is it you think you’ve acheived in putting a few pretty particles with a bit of push on some one else’s land, other than having them returned to you after 5 mins or so ? ‘Social Engineering’ won’t help you there much – RETARD !!!!
As for not having ever heard of HoS, maybe your retardation is getting the better of you again, let me spell out the acronym for you ‘Hand of Satan’. Still wish to deny any knowledge ? Not only did my sales records show, Marsellus Wallace purchasing, but, you pretty much already admitted having it in your first response to me above
You really really really need to calm down a bit when you post Marsellout, you’re exposing yourself as a complete lieing, bs’ing fool with your flusttering
Still waiting for any proof that you’re what you’ve claim you are in the past, but heh contrary to all of your twisting and turning, you’ve still pretty much proven what i’ve suspected you to be all along, a bs’ing retard who thinks he has every one fooled with a lot of talk talk talk and no substance to his arguements
Have a nice day Marsellout.
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 20th, 2006
Oh look…it’s Mo, Larry, Curly AND Shemp.
Jan 20th, 2006
Im enjoying how the posting has completely been derailed in 2 stories at once, this is to easy
Marsellus Wallace
Jan 20th, 2006
Anyone notice how Tranny never fully reads the posts? And how he always says the same thing over and over again without actually saying anything new or pertanent to the facts?
My groups comment had nothing to do with the social engineering. I was replying back to someone else. As I have said before though, why don’t you put this in the appropriate story. Oh wait that’s right, you have difficulty reading. =)
I used social engineering, end of story. You have stated some social engineering things that can be done and most likely is how I conducted the attack. However, then you say I am not capable of that. Regardless though, I did it, did not get in trouble for it, and made my point to the guy so you can get you tongue out of my ass and get over it. =)
What proof from my past are you looking for? Want copies of all the press articles I am in? I mean what do you want besides possibly a reach around? hahaha
BTW, I am not flustered at all. I think you got that mixed up with yourself. I have been calm with my posts. Very. I find your rantings humorous at best. At least I state myself clearly and can back up my statements with proof/facts.
BTW, Tranny, when do your records show I bought it? I have never purchased your crappy program and had never even heard of it. You need to make up your mind.. Did I use your program or use social engineering? Since you are willing to lie though about that it’s obvious you are full of it. Go ahead give me a date. Oh wait, you can’t, you probably just have my name down somewhere right? Go ahead and give us the date so I can pull up my records and prove I did not buy it. Hell I will even put up the screenshot of it as proof if they go back to when you weren’t banned and was selling this. Let’s not forget that I hadn’t played a good portion of the time I had my account so when you make up that date, please try to get it right as to when I was actually playing to make your lie more beleivable. I never once hinted or said I used your program so once again you’re on crack.
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
Boss, Tranny The DUMB One
P.S. Love the Marsellout.. Very creative, but doesn’t really explain how I am a sell out. lol