Interview with TrannyPet Barmy
by Urizenus Sklar on 29/01/06 at 4:46 pm
In this interview we speak with TrannyPet Barmy, the gifted scripter and alleged griefer who made the Hand of Satan push gun and the DBomber notecard spamming weapon in addition to an advertising broadcasting system during his first incarnation on Second Life. After being permabanned for questionable reasons, he returned as AsterixLe Gall – better known as Foxy – and initiated the SuperFox TV network, went to war with the Cinquetti Mafia and worked on other projects before being outed and banned once again. Now he is working on his master plan SLAlt – a version of Second Life that he is coding himself which he plans on making available as a free download sometime this summer. Is it the ultimate Blakean story of revenge by the author of the Hand of Satan? Remaking Philip’s creation in the image of TrannyPet Barmy? Oh the hubris… the hubris…
Urizenus: OK, Tranny, the first question has to be this: WTF is it with that name — TrannyPet Barmy? Where did you get that and what is it about?
TranyPet: lmao
TranyPet: well, as i’ve said in a post about the bdsm thing, i’m actually a submissive(beleive it or not), and i’m one of those TV style subs, so the Tranny bit refers to Transvestite and Pet referring to being submissive, Barmy, because in the UK it kind of refers to being a little nutty
Urizenus: I see, so it doesn’t have to do with Barney the dinosaur.
TranyPet: lol who the fuck is Barney the Dinosaur?
Urizenus: Well if you have to ask…
Urizenus: When did you first come to SL?
TranyPet: i think it was either february or march last year
Urizenus: What was the name of your first avi?
TranyPet: TrannyPet Barmy
Urizenus: haha, Barmy was a Linden approved last name?
TranyPet: yeah, lol it was the only one that i saw as being applicable to myself so snatched one of them
Urizenus: And did you start scripting weapons right away or were you into other things?
TranyPet: hmmmmmm while back now, i think if i remember rightly, to start with i was just more interested in taking a look around, seeing what people were like, i saw with in a few days the scripting thing, but took me a few weeks before i really got into doing anything with that
Urizenus: When did you cook up the Hand of Satan ™?
TranyPet: that was actually my first proper script
TranyPet: as soon as i saw the llPushObject() command i saw huge potential for writing something that could be a lot of fun
TranyPet: weird thing is
TranyPet: all this crap going on about TrannyPet having stolen someone else’s code/work/idea etc etc, it’s all alot of bollox
TranyPet: thing is, when i wrote HoS, it didn’t actually have any name
TranyPet: i just wrote it, and probably left it as Test1 or something like that
TranyPet: then one day i hit a few folks with it, and some one said something along the lines of “is that HoG ?”
TranyPet: i’m like “wtf is HoG ?”, so at that time, i’d not even heard of Hand of God
TranyPet: the Hand of Satan name though, i will admit, and quite obviously, was a take off of Hand of God with out a doubt
Urizenus: for readers that don’t know, can you describe what HoS does and a little about how it does it?
TranyPet: it’s a push weapon, that built some notoriety last year
TranyPet: basically in it’s first incarnation it would emit larges amounts of push force to any avatar with in a 96m vacinity of it
TranyPet: pretty much send them flying
TranyPet: the thing with HoS is that it had the amount of force that it emits is set to the maximum allowed
TranyPet: LOL this was even confirmed by a Linden’s comment on the phone one time “it gives out some seriously hefty push”
TranyPet: the second carnation of it was HoS Ultra, which basically was the same thing, but put into 8 more prims, effectively x8′ing the push force, along with a few other features i added in, like targeting, and auto fire
Urizenus: Were there lots of fire and brimstone effects too?
TranyPet: no nothing, it was invisible, [except for] the msg that the linden’s asked me to put in it, during the afore mentioned phone conversation
Urizenus: message?
TranyPet: yeah basically they said a lot of folks had bought the weapon and were running around SL opening fire on clubs and events
TranyPet: and because there was no evidence of what was going on, it was hard for any one to abuse report it, unless they knew where to look for the PvP info
TranyPet: so i put a start up message in it, at the request of Linden Central
Urizenus: what did the message say?
TranyPet: something along the lines of “Hand of Satan –==[ULTRA]==–”
TranyPet: oh and when it started pushing it would say something like “BLASTING …….”
TranyPet: all since been removed from open view in the open source version of the script.
Urizenus: Were there other weapons projects before you got banned?
TranyPet: lmao yeah the final straw in it all was DBomber
Urizenus: What was that?
TranyPet: well it was a notecard spammer, it was fully intended as a one on one weapon, basically it was a ‘multithreaded’ notecard sender if you like. Because it was ‘multithreaded’ it was able to send MASSIVE amounts of notecards to any given user, last calculation i did on it i think i made an estimate of around 15000 notecards in a matter of a few minutes
TranyPet: the thing that made it nasty, was that even if the user logged out, due to the nature of notecards, they would still continue sendning, so when the user logged back in again, they’d have a hell of a mess to clean up, ie; closing all the notecards down and deleteing them
TranyPet: there were 2 reasons i got banned with that being the final straw
TranyPet: a) i used a notecard with my name on it – d0h – the biggest mistake i’ve made to date on anything similar
Urizenus: hahaha
TranyPet: b) there was an unfortunate side effect of the weapon – it caused massive lag on ‘The Grid’, and so despite all the reasoning in the world, the Lindens wouldn’t see sense that it wasn’t an intended grid attack, damn all they had to do was look at the code to see it was only intended as one on one
TranyPet: adam linden didnt help much either, glory seeking idiot
Urizenus: glory seeking idiot?
TranyPet: yeah well what happened at the end was
TranyPet: i had gotten involved with some mafia family, and one of them somebody koolhaus, i cant remember his full name, was kind of involved with the Costello family and the one i was hanging with
TranyPet: any way the fool set off a DBomber on the godmother of the costellos, and she reported it to the lindens
TranyPet: first i hear of it is Adam saying to me “ok Tranny, you’re quite a scripter aren’t you” followed by “if you help me to get this resolved, i’ll do what i can to make sure you dont get permabanned”
TranyPet: so i give him the script and try to help him out and he turns ultra nasty on me, abusive at some points
TranyPet: just wanted to be the man claiming he was the one who resolved the issue i’m sure, but had to lick my ass to get there LMAO
TranyPet: any way following that
TranyPet: i got a call for help from the costello getting hit by the DBomber
TranyPet: so i go over to help, and tell them what we’re looking for, ie; the object thats spitting the note cards at them, so they could delete it from their land and end the attack
TranyPet: so i pull out a DBomber to show them, and the God Mother gets all tough on me, “who the hell do you think you are pulling stuff out with out permission” or words to that effect
TranyPet: and then the push attacks start, so heh my thoughts were “well i’m sure as hell permbanned any way, so lets have some fun”, and blew them up with C4s and Stinger, LMAO, it sure as hell was fun going out with a bang, and fucking with the mafia on the way too.
Urizenus: But I thought you had issues with the Cinquetti Mafia.
TranyPet: that was when i snuck back into SL as AsterixLe Gall, or as some will know him Super Fox of the SuperFox Show
Urizenus: ok, good we’ll get to that in a sec
Urizenus: but after you C4-ed the costellos you got permabanned?
TranyPet: yep
TranyPet: for a supposed grid attack
Urizenus: They thought that was a grid attack? Did any simulators go down?
TranyPet: apparently so. i got a msg in yahoo a few days later, from one of the mafia that i was hanging with, who told me the whole grid was taken down to be rebooted, due to DBomber causing so much trouble for it
TranyPet: and no, i don’t think it’s something ultra cool, or ultra elite to have done, like i say, it totally wasn’t intended, which reading the code would support, had the Lindens bothered doing so.
Urizenus: Well, lemme understand, were you banned for *making* the weapon or for *using* it.
TranyPet: good point, i’d never actually thought about that
TranyPet: infact thats a damn good point
TranyPet: it must have been simply for making it, since i only actually ran it for a few short test runs
TranyPet: the one that i was permbanned for wasn’t me running it, the only reason it came back to me was my name was on the Notecard as creator – d0h(kicks self hard)
Urizenus: So you got permabanned because someone else misused your weapon.
Urizenus: sorry, a weapon that you scripted.
TranyPet: no i got permbanned for lots of reasons i believe
TranyPet: that was just the excuse they used to appear to be permabanning me for something [that *looked* like a good reason]
Urizenus: well, what were some of the others?
TranyPet: well, for starters there were PLENTY of bogus ARs sent about me
TranyPet: and i know for a fact, that the ARs are not properly investigated, i wont name a name, but a certain Linden did tell me that LL doesn’t have the time, resources or cash to spend on investigating every single AR
TranyPet: so the way i see it, had a lot of the bogus ones been investigated properly, LL would have seen i’m not the bad-ass they think and want people to think i am
TranyPet: admittedly, when i first started, i was griefer #1
TranyPet: but that was only for a few weeks until i realized the potential of making real money in SL, then i was more into working on my projects
TranyPet: one of which included a networked advertising system
Urizenus: oh sweet
TranyPet: again when i was on the phone with the lindens one of them mentioned something along the lines of “oh man you really do have lots of 16m’s dont you”
TranyPet: the thing being
TranyPet: my advertising rates were going to be dirt cheap, and it was coming right at a time when SL was planning on doing the classifieds
TranyPet: competition ?
TranyPet: eliminate ?
Urizenus: So the 16m land parcels you were going to use to post ads?
TranyPet: yep
TranyPet: basically i’d scripted up an advertising client prim
TranyPet: and a central server, worked like a dream to
Urizenus: ok, now before we move of t\the weapons…
Urizenus: What does it help to permaban you given that you can still sell the weapons on the web. And you do, right?
TranyPet: lol yeah, and it’s not just LL who should listen to that too
TranyPet: the Hand of Satan Ultra source code is freely available at my site, and i’ve also just reopened the forum to, i took it down for a while, had my reasons, but it’s all back up and running again now plug plug plug
TranyPet: but one point
TranyPet: i’m not selling it, it’s free, come and take it away, enjoy and have fun
TranyPet: real shame thing was
TranyPet: that yeah i’d done some griefer stuff in the past
TranyPet: but prior to getting permbanned, i was coming more towards just getting on with my projects, infact probably for maybe 6 weeks prior to getting banned, i’d hardly gotten into anything shitty (oh bear in mind, Tranny lasted all of 3-4 months before getting permabanned)
TranyPet: and i had so many big ideas, that could have been really cool for me and for SL, but, because of the idiocy at LL, it wasn’t to be
Urizenus: alright, so in addition to the weapons you had the advertising network. anything else we should know about?
TranyPet: no nothing significant, i made quite a few smaller scripts, like the Retarded Keyboard, and this wierd glow thing, but once i got my head into the advertising thing i was full on with that, oh and i did make a Rental thing, you know like Rent-o-Matic ? I made one of those that used emails and XML-RPC to communicate stats back to a web server, never got to release with it though, because of the advertising project taking priority for me
Urizenus: So after you were banned, how long before you came back as AsterixLe Gall?
TranyPet: was either 2 weeks or a month
TranyPet: lol they banned me right at the end of my credit card expiry
Urizenus: So you had a fresh card to subscribe with.
TranyPet: yep
Urizenus: So when you came back what projects did you work on?
TranyPet: nothing scripting
TranyPet: infact when i came back in i wasn’t interested in it in that way any longer, just wanted to have a complete laugh, and just totally mess around, no financial gain incentive or anything
TranyPet: lol which i did, and right under LL’s noses, got quite well known for it to lmao
Urizenus: known for what?
TranyPet: SuperFox
Urizenus: OK, tell us about SuperFox TV
TranyPet: well lol when i got back in it was about the same time as LL started pushing the live stream onto their home page
TranyPet: anyway, i found the little fox av, and who ever made that av, MUCH RESPECT, i LOVE that av, it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen in SL
TranyPet: so i got myself one of those, i blagged the cash from from a friend for it
TranyPet: then i blagged some flaks
TranyPet: and this whole fox persona just formed
Urizenus: flaks?
TranyPet: flaks = combat clothing
Urizenus: gotcha
TranyPet: i dont know where SuperFox came from, something deep inside i guess, but he was awesome, he even had his own language
Urizenus: and SuperFox had a TV show
TranyPet: yeah
TranyPet: that was funny as hell
TranyPet: what i did was kept running up to the Video Linden
TranyPet: and telling him all about SL as the fox, and what i’d blown up in Rausch, and what i’d done, and it just turned into this whole show
Urizenus: I saw the interview with Flipper
TranyPet: yeah we had Flipper PA on the show
TranyPet: and despite him having his little pops over who knows what in previous posts on your site, Flipper was one of the nicest guests we had
TranyPet: we had Anshe on there to
TranyPet: and she was unexpectedly AMAZING, really game for a laugh, and just rolled with the blows as it were
Urizenus: What were your plans? Your own TV network?
TranyPet: well The SuperFox Show did build some significant momentum after a few weeks, we had like 12-18 in studio audience on average, and we even had our own alotted time on the home page stream, 4pm Game Time
TranyPet: so yeah i wanted to take it further
TranyPet: and did, until i got grassed up as to my true identity, was the site for the network, and despite only coming 2nd in the SLTV competition, i fully intended to continue the superfoxtv thing on our own stream
TranyPet: BTW the Lindens never did pay up the 50k prize money for winning 2nd place
Urizenus: hahahaha
Urizenus: did u really expect them to?
TranyPet: yeah sort of, in a way, it would have made up for all the cash i’d lost by the TrannyPet Permaban
TranyPet: ah well, never trust a Linden, that’s what i say
TranyPet: bar 2, and much respect to them
TranyPet: Jesse and Pathfinder – thanks for all the help on the superfox show it was much appreciated sorry it had to end how it did
Urizenus: OK, so then you got into the conflagration with the Cinquettis.
TranyPet: yeah that was during my stay as AsterixLe Gall
Urizenus: so what happened?
TranyPet: one of them was really nice, and i knew her before i knew she was in a mafia
TranyPet: and we got on real well
TranyPet: any way, to cut a long story short, i ended up being at the Cinquetti’s residency, just hanging out with B, and like one of them took a dislike to foxy, and got all tough and shot me with his virtual gun in a virtual world LOL
TranyPet: so in retaliation (as most of the real actions have been that any true AR has been raised over), i firebombed the place, and HoS’d them all up for hours
TranyPet: then invited some friends over for a Roof Party
TranyPet: lol, was so funny watching all these uber-elite mafia guys turning up and trying to get us to move with their piss poor weapons
TranyPet: but as expected, in the end the mafia called a linden in, and we got moved on LOL
TranyPet: got some nice screenshots of the Cinquetti’s place ablaze though
Urizenus: did that get foxy banned?
TranyPet: no
TranyPet: foxy did relatively little wrong, blew up the mafia once, and there was some other incident where the fox went into some one’s house and shouted “CLEAR” and then explained he was looking for “insurgents”, can you believe i got suspended for 2 or 3 days for something as harmless as that ???
TranyPet: but no, i didnt get banned for blowing up the mafia
TranyPet: i got banned because some whiney cry baby didnt like a wall on my land, and her bf knew who i was, so she decided to go tell on me
TranyPet: the Lindens were totally none the wiser as to my identity when i was in as AsterixLe Gall
TranyPet: and the funny thing there is, i didn’t do anything illegal, it was my real name and address on my verification on the sign up
TranyPet: i even dropped hints about Tranny in front of the lindens
TranyPet: the mere fact i mentioned his name should have really raised some alarm bells
TranyPet: but ultimately the reason i got permabanned as foxy was simply based upon who i was, nothing to do with anything i had done as the fox, which is pretty sad if you ask me
TranyPet: not to mention, that even according to the lindens themselves, my show had brought a number of new sign ups to SL
TranyPet: nice to know doing things good, and bringing in business for them is rewarded in such a decent way – many thanks LL
Urizenus: So what’s next for Tranny/Foxy?
TranyPet: hmmm well there’s a main project that i’m sure you’re about to ask about, SLAlt, but as well as this, i want to continue the foxy thing, but, since i’ve got no SL access, i’ve plans to make it Flash based some time in the future, it’s all time dependant really
Urizenus: And SLAlt is a kind of open source SL?
TranyPet: no, not open source
TranyPet: more open usage.
TranyPet: if all goes to plan what i intend to do is create a client, a sim server, and a universe server
TranyPet: the client and the sim server will be entirely free to download and use
TranyPet: the whole system will be very similar to SL’s
TranyPet: except that, ANYONE will be allowed to run a sim
TranyPet: and do as they wish with it
TranyPet: each of those sims will connect to the central universe server, to give continuity accross the whole universe of sims
TranyPet: pretty much the same as it works in SL, except SL calls it an asset server instead of universe i believe
Urizenus: And users will be able to move between sims?
TranyPet: yep, that’s partly what the universe server is for
TranyPet: it keeps a track of what sims are available, and possible at some future date, govern where they are in relation to one other with in game space
Urizenus: So why do people join SLAlt instead of SL?
TranyPet: well firstly because it will be truely free
TranyPet: secondly because it won’t have a draconian abuse reporting system that’s not fully investigated
TranyPet: thirdly because there wont just be one set of people governing who is allowed in or out, i don’t run things like that
TranyPet: that will be more down to sim ownership as to who is allowed in a sim or not
TranyPet: damn i could rattle of loads of reasons for using SLAlt when it’s available instead of SL, but, since most of it is not down to the technology, but how things are run, i dont want to give away too much to the opposition
Urizenus: but, horrors!, won’t this lead to ANARCHY! ™?
TranyPet: in some sims yes
TranyPet: but then the user will have the choice weather or not to goto that sim
TranyPet: just as it will be up to the owner of the sim, if he wants good levels of traffic, to ensure a reasonably well goverened environment
Urizenus: Why do you think you can make this happen? You are just one person, but the Lindens are legion and have Philip’s money.
TranyPet: well i admit it’s ALOT of work
TranyPet: and more importantly ALOT of thought
TranyPet: but i would disagree with any one who said it’s not doable by one person alone.
TranyPet: the test world i made that i’m sure a few have seen screenshots of, took maybe 2 or 3 days to code up, thats with learning the software that i’m using to generate it
TranyPet: admittedly that’s not got any network coding going on in it
TranyPet: but networking code has been a passion of mine for some years now, and i’m no newbie to writing server software
TranyPet: so i don’t see the network side as any great issue
Urizenus: So when are you going to start inviting us to join TrannyWorld
TranyPet: LOL @ TrannyWorld, i think i’m going to stick with SLAlt for now, i’m not sure TrannyWorld would be a seller
TranyPet: but in all honesty, i’ve been a bit slack since xmas, i’ve taken a bit of a break from all things code, BUT, have set Feb 1st for all systems go again
TranyPet: and i’m hoping to at least have a basic networked beta up by the summer, maybe sooner, although i wouldn’t like to predict what functionality will be available to users during beta.
TranyPet: it’s one of those projects that will just grow and grow as time goes by, very similar to how SL has
Urizenus: How do you make money off this?
TranyPet: i wont
TranyPet: i’m not in it for the cash
Urizenus: for what then, revenge?
TranyPet: some might think that
TranyPet: and perhaps when i first started the project, just like when i first started SecondCentral, there was the revenge thing
TranyPet: but
TranyPet: i’m long long past any feelings of that nature towards SL
TranyPet: i just want a place where i can go and build/script, and since LL wont let me use theirs, despite having proven that i’m not the person they think i am, i need to make my own
TranyPet: thing is SLAlt, just like SL would have been, has LOTS to think about and consider
TranyPet: and that thought-provoking stuff is what keeps it going for me, i like a challenge i guess, and this is challanging
TranyPet: i thought i knew how SL hung together prior to starting SLAlt, but boy do i have a feeling i know ALOT more about how it works now, ALOT MORE
Prokofy Neva
Jan 29th, 2006
I’m less than impressed. Perhaps it’s because Tranny routinely bashes me for no reason here, obdurately misreading what I write, and once even bashing me for what I said on his show, which was perfectly fine, and which he pestered me to be on, and only cost me loads of grief from this girl in SLTV (back then) who thought I shouldn’t have been so “frank” and ruined her nice attempt to have SuperFox TV shown on SLTV. Bleh.
I guess I’m just not buying most of this hype. First of all, I’m never impressed with people who push and firebomb. I figure if they want to be at war, they should go to Guild Wars or World of War Craft of Eve Oneline or some other war game. I think the Lindens, having too many fired-up young males on staff, tend towards MMORPG war stuff, but it’s stupid. The war games even by serious gamers lights are crappy, so all they do is create loads of opportunities for dumb-ass mafias and assorted asswipe griefers to harass and annoy people trying to be settlers and householders and trying to create. I blame the Lindens first and foremost for creating this enabling climate, however but I think it’s especially dumb-assed to have been banned on the first round for firebombing, and then to get a chance to come back, and blow it with firebombing again. This is a PoorImpulseControl stamp on the head if you ask me.
Then about these glorious scripting projects. 16m micro-empires? No thanks, we have a couple of those and they are damn nasty and ugly — the Bush Guy and the Mr. Lee’s Hong Kong guy, ugh. The cross-sim notecard deliverer is something Squagmire, the Infonet guy scripted and basically sold or leased or whatever to the Lindens (he got in every Infohub), then another guy who made BarounNet with the name Baroun also made a cross-sim news/notecard delivery system (BTW after I pointed out to him that’s what needed to be done in this game). I think Laukosarus (sp?) also had a system like that but it ran into buggyness on patches. Anyway, I guess I don’t think this stuff which is being done by others is such the brilliant project such as to be served up to us as proof of such brilliance that we should be lobbying for TrannyPet to come back into SL after crashing the grid. The viciousness and annoyance and cost of having to make people undo 1500 notecards just doesn’t impress me.
Finally, I have to point out that making something in vengeance, even with the same sounding name referring to SL, like “SLAlt,” is just lame. It should at least get a brand-new name. And given the animosity to LL, will we know if it is illegally reverse-engineered? Seeing that the person running it is a nutter who crashed the grid and whose idea of fun is to harass people, why should we come and pay money for this?
I don’t think TrannyPet has at all proven that he is “not the person they think he is.” I think he’s proven that he is. One could argue whether it’s right to permaban people for one grid crash, but maybe it is?
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 29th, 2006
talking of “obdurately misreading what I write” :-
a) “however but I think it’s especially dumb-assed to have been banned on the first round for firebombing”, read again, i didn’t get banned for firebombing, got banned because some one else was running DBomber.
b) “Anyway, I guess I don’t think this stuff which is being done by others is such the brilliant project such as to be served up to us as proof of such brilliance that we should be lobbying for TrannyPet to come back into SL after crashing the grid” – no body said it wasn’t been done by others Prok, it was being used to show the fact that i wasn’t only up to no good in my early SL days, as many like yourself would like people to beleive(you for own reason as many others have theirs, your’s i suspect for being made to look a fool on the SuperFox show after coming on here blabbing all about it, thinking you were the smarts, only to find out the egg was on your face
c) “and then to get a chance to come back, and blow it with firebombing again”, again you misread, i didnt get banned for firebombing anything, i got banned for nothing more than who i am, after some one informed the Lindens.
d) “16m micro projects”, “cross sim notecard delivery”, what are you talking about Prok ? The 16m’s were simply spaces in game for putting up advertising boards, nothing to do with cross sim notecard delivery …………. The project that i spoke of that involved the 16m spaces was advertising, nothing to do with the DBomber notecard weapon at all. Nice attempt at twisting what was actually said though.
e) “why should we come and pay money for this?”, read again Prok, pay money ? read again ……. it says i’m not in it for the cash, and it will be properly FREE
f) “Finally, I have to point out that making something in vengeance”, and maybe i should point out that you should read again, SLAlt it not being written in vengeance, vengeance may have been my initial motivation for it, however, that couldn’t be further from the truth now.
“that we should be lobbying for TrannyPet to come back into SL after crashing the grid” – even if you felt that way Prok, i wouldn’t bother, to be honest, the last time i was in SL about 2 or 3 weeks ago, i was soooo lacking motivation to even bother creating anything it was unreal, i just sat there looking at the screen thinking, “can i really be arsed with this place”, i just hung out with a few good people in the end and had a good laugh.
Finally, “I don’t think TrannyPet has at all proven that he is ‘not the person they think he is.’ I think he’s proven that he is”, well personally Prok, i think you’ve made a nice attempt at trying to twist everything that actually was said into what you want it to say, yet again. I’m not entirely sure how you think i’ve proved myself to be as LindenLab and a few others say i am, when i’ve quite openly declared that i was a griefer in the beggining, but i’ve quite clearly said that in the second half of my SL life as Tranny, i was hardly interested in anything but my own projects, infact Prok, a couple of my then neighbours even said to me that perhaps i should get out around SL more instead of staying on my own land doing my own thing !!!
Nice try Prokky, better luck next time, you keep pulling the wool down, and i’ll keep lifting it off
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. Prok, i’m still waiting for you to rip my arguement apart in the recent BDSM story, instead of posting continual manipulations of reality. 2:0 to Tranny right now i’d say
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 29th, 2006
oh one more
“and only cost me loads of grief from this girl in SLTV (back then) who thought I shouldn’t have been so “frank” and ruined her nice attempt to have SuperFox TV shown on SLTV. Bleh.”
so i guess in reality Prok, despite you trying to insinuate Tranny/Foxy to have been worthless, the SuperFox Show *was* actually in demand, indeed it must have been by the SLTV people, since they gave you grief over being so frank on air ruining their chances of airing the show
Your words, not mine.
Funny thing is, you omit to mention how The Super Fox told the said SLTV girl to shut the fuck up and butt out ………… they had been given permission to film the show, not to interfere with it. But of course, you wouldn’t want every one to know superfox had sorted out the grief that you got that night now would you, since it would hinder your ‘arguement’.
TrannyPet Barmy
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 29th, 2006
OK well no one really cares about my opinion and im gonna be brief. Tranny is my favorite person here on the forums, aside of Uri. Having said that, I really wish I didnt learn the background of Tranny’s permaban. I abhor griefing in general and if you cut through the BS, creating objects that are used to assault other residents is shady. I understand content creators have many valid reasons to create weapons. But it seems like it wouldnt be difficult to forsee an object like the Dbomber abused to grief other players. I would love to participate in Tranny’s new project. Kills two birds with one stone. Revenge against Linden labs for being complete wankers and destroying any opportunity to create the metaverse we’d been promised. And, giving many including myself an outlet for our own creativity without compromising our visions and ethics. Unfortunately after reading this story I’m left wondering if thats the trade we’d make. I’m not interested in participating in anything that breeds grief. And, unless I could be assured I’d be safe in Tranny’s world, I would respectfully decline.
Prokofy Neva
Jan 29th, 2006
Um, gosh, you made a weapon that other people used, which was destructive and stupid, and now you are whining that you are banned for making such a destructive thing? I guess I’m just going to push back against all this celebration of griefing that Uri is doing with this interview and that you’re doing. I think most people would prefer the world not to be like this *shrugs*.
I’m still laughing out loud at your notion that I “look the fool” on your TV show. Anyone can see the transcript and see for themselves. You were distracted, you had all kinds of jerks roaming around on the set, you asked me questions, I answered them. Hardly the fool, I just answered questions normally making the usual normal and critical points that need to be made. Perhaps you feel if you repeat this blather enough times that I “looked the fool” or something it will come true, but I don’t buy it. I have the notecard some where I think which I could publish.
As for coming back on an alt, well, what do you expect. People are always bitching to me that my undoing was coming back on an alt on the forums and not hiding that alt LOL. Well, so I didn’t hide my alt lol. Too bad for me. You could have hidden yours better. Your loss. Can’t blame the Lindens for that one.
Well, I can’t imagine that you’ll be giving away entire servers for free, mon ami, or were you planning on just getting some big government grant in the UK for this from the nanny state?
Just because you’re bored and blah with SL doesn’t mean you have to spread that ennui to the rest of us and attribute it to the entire place being bad. It ebbs and flows. If you’re bored, log off and go play WoW or walk the dog or something.
What’s funny about all your blatherings and rantings is that you actually believe that you are “sending a message” to SL and that they follow your every mood and sit around the conference room table in the morning with their bagels (or the San Fran equivalent — croissants?) and say, “Hmm…gosh, you know Tranny came in as a griefer..but geez…he’s getting so creative now…hmm…in fact he’s staying in his own yard so much now that he isn’t even getting out much…what do you think, Robin? Well, I dunno, Phil, he did bomb up the place…Jesse? Hmm…well, Philip, he did pay his bills…hmm…” See, the Lindens aren’t like that. They don’t receive all these “messages” sent to them, they don’t care, they don’t watch, and they aren’t equipped to analyze all your peripetations and peregrinations. So this is all lost on them. And btw, on most people LOL.
As for the BDSM debate, I’m definitely done with that, you can go read the back pages of the Herald where we already had it, people already said all the lame things you said, and I already responded. There’s no need to fuel the continued sickness.
Maybe the SuperFox show was in demand. I certainly was more than ready to support it. But I felt the fake French accent and clown act was tiresome after the first couple days of it, and while you had good guests and a great concept you obviously weren’t willing to dedicate yourself to it and follow through. If you cared enough about the project yourself, you’d be doing it, come hell or high water, if no other way, making machinima type films and posting them, something that is sorely needed in SL. Instead, you grandstanded and postured and flamed out. Well, flame away, Tranny, you are a Legend In Your Own Mind.
What does it matter that you “sorted out” this girl? I “sorted” her myself and came right back at her. Furthermore I went and bitched to the Lindens that they should get out of the TV thing and not have Lindens in the group — I felt the whole thing was a great concept and got way too much of a snort from the forums royals, who didn’t get it (because they were applying RL standards to it and not getting what the world needs). But the Lindens hovered over it too much. I don’t know all the details, but they need to get out of the way more, give more time for these things to develop, and yes, pay up the prize money.
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 30th, 2006
Avah, you will be assured of lack of grief, dependant upon where you go in SLAlt, thats part of the beauty of it
I’ll say no more now, it will become more apparent when i move into beta testing and get the site up and running
As i’m trying to get over to the likes of Prokky, i’m far from anything interested in griefing any one, just as i wasn’t interested in such activity in the last half of my SL Life as Tranny, however some people just dont want to let go of the past. If you read the interview again, you’ll see in the first half of my TrannyPet Barmy life, yes, i openly admit, i was a bit of a bad ass, but at the point i got banned, i hadn’t been in that sort of crap for a while.
The fact of my permban is simple, yeah i did a few things in the beginning that i totally deserved ARing over, however, i also got AR’d over many many things, that just weren’t valid, and weren’t investigated at all, taken only at face value. I’m not going to drop names but there was at least one person(and friends) in SL who sent numerous bogus ARs over an arguement we had had, all of which were taken at face value, and therefore held against me. If you go back over the posts i’ve made in here, one of the biggest issues i have with SL is the Abuse Report system and it’s failings.
Prokky, you looked the fool here, when i used your tiresome little rant on the SuperFox Show as a demonstration of just how much you do actually rant on, heh, so much so that i was even able to go off and have a coffee and a smoke whilst you were on the show, only to come back and find you were still ranting on LMAO
Have no idea what so ever in what you are trying to insinuate with “Well, I can’t imagine that you’ll be giving away entire servers for free, mon ami, or were you planning on just getting some big government grant in the UK for this from the nanny state?” – i guess you need to re-read the interview yet again Prokky, maybe invest in some new jam jar glases to
The software will be distributed freely, not the hardware, you’re not that retarded that you cant differentiate between the software that runs upon the hardware are you ?? Oh and nice pop at the country i live in, lowering yourself to that now are you ?
As for expecting any one to follow me in what i think or do, you’re wrong again over my motivations. The only thing i wanted out of doing this interview was to set the record straight from my point of view, nothing more. I’m really not interested one iota in getting back in SL( *smirks* not that i haven’t been any way
), it was so boring the last time i came in there, i couldnt see the point in staying any way. The place has become dire !!!
As far as sending out any message to the Lindens, again, you need to read what i said in the interview Prokky, instead of clinging to your prejudgemental misconceptions of me(lol based mainly around me making you look even more foolish than you already do yourself
). The interview was for only one purpose, as above, to set the record straight. You may think what ever you like about my motivations behind creating SLAlt, and yes perhaps SLAlt and SecondCentral may well have been vengeance motivated in the beginning, however, 3rd time i’m repeating this to you, that couldn’t be further from the truth any longer. SL is of no interest to me what so ever, vengeance or otherwise. BTW i’m just wondering how it is you feel that the name “SLAlt” is anything like “SecondLife” other than that they both begin with the same letter !!!! ????
Yes i’m sure you are done with the BDSM debate Prokky, done and beaten
hence your decision to quite responding on it. Still waiting to get ripped apart by your uber-counter-arguement *smirks*
Incase you hadn’t noticed Prokky, in the interview i said i had intentions to continue The Super Fox Show, via Flash cartoons, however at present SLAlt is my primary project. What kind of idiot are you ? Do you really think it’s going to be a five minute job to transfer the SuperFow Show set into a Flash template, and create a 1 hour show a day ? Even in your idioctic state, i think you’d realise that that kind of transition from SL real time to Flash, is going to take some time to implement, and therefore has been left on the list of things to do for now, with SLAlt taking priority. Really sounds to me like your desperately clutching at straws for any pop you can take right now, and all the while your frustrated weak arguements become ever more apparent
BTW – Who’s flaming here Prokky ? You’re the one trying to disagree with anything and everything you can, despite having it broken down and reiterated to you………. need i say more
“What does it matter that you “sorted out” this girl?” – again you twist what was said, read the interview again Prokky, put your jam jars on !!! The interview said, ‘the girl’ was a friend of mine, who i went to a mafia residency with, and one of the tough GUY members of the mafia shot, to which i *retaliated*, and blew up the whole of the mafia, not some singular girl. Again yet another twisting of what was actually said.
As for feeling i am some Legend etc etc ………. thats really the pot calling the kettle black now isn’t it ? You sitting on this site, preaching/ranting to all, expecting that all should take your stance and feel the same as you, and then accusing any one who disagrees with you of “bashing” you, or “flaming” you. But then again Prokky, by comparison to you, i probably am a Legend, look at the things i have created …… not just the destructive weapons, but the postitive things to, and then comapare to what you have acheived ? Supposedly inventing some accronym “FIC”, alot of ranting, and some fictitious currency …… boy do you have some ability, maybe the fact that you dont is what you’re really so sore about. LOL and lets not forget that YOU ALSO GOT BANNED, from the SL Forums, so really, you’re not all that different to me
Prokky some advice, if you want to argue with me thats cool, not a problem, but seriously, if you expect to make any impact, i suggest you start basing your arguements around fact and what was *actually* said, instead of what you wish others to think was said, especially when the transcript that you refer to is DIRECTLY above where you are posting !!! I’m sure you enjoy making yourself look a fool, and on this thread you really are excelling yourself
Avah & Prokky, i think the best thing to do regarding SLAlt and The Super Fox Show is watch the future. It’s all very well for Prokky to sit here ranting on about how i’m not doing any work on SuperFox right now, but after SLAlt is in its first beta and i have some breathing space to work on Foxy, he will make a reappearance(and then i guess Prok will come up with some other rant regarding him then). As far as what can be expected from SLAlt Avah, again, best to wait until i have the beta up and running, you’ll be able to see for yourself what you will/wont be able to expect of it, then you can decide for yourself weather you’re interested in using it.
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. Avah, hope i remain one of your favourite people on here
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 30th, 2006
btw Uri, what does “Blakean” mean ?
TrannyPet Barmy
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 30th, 2006
Thank you for taking the time to address my concerns Tranny. Im going to check out Second Central and look foreward to following your progress with your ambitious new project.
Jan 30th, 2006
Blakean in this sense:'s_mythology
Prokofy Neva
Jan 30th, 2006
Tranny, sorry, I won’t bite on re-starting the BDSM debate, when I can see that you already put forth all the same tired and banal arguments that everybody else put forth already nearly two years ago was it? So go and read it all there if you’re itching to get a push-back. For me to engage in the patient repetitive effort to educate people like you to the logic of your own suspect concepts is a waste of time for me now — especially when I did it already — go look it up. And you can go on talking on your little red plastic phone and imagine it’s hooked up somewhere, that’s fine. *Shrugs*.
It seems to make you feel big and important and sophisticated to somehow portray me as idiotic on your show. But the record shows I just talked normally. You’re the one who is an ass, for inviting people on your show, then insulting them speciously later. I didn’t even care about your show, but merely came on it because you so persistently begged me, and because I was hoping someone would get an independent TV started in SL. All I got was a slew of shit from that girl from SLTV, and then from you. So I can’t recommend it to anybody else.
I’ve already pointed out my own resistance to the widespread phenom of specious and frivolous ARs, for example how these are now coming to light on the forums, and striking the fear of God into those forum regs who now realize their bad behaviour will be visible to, and likely outed by, their peers.
So, let me get this straight. You’re going to make some kind of software erstatz version of SL. You, with a malice aforethought and blatant track record as a griefer, and you with the nasty, vicious posts you make on here to me and others continually. And..I’m going to be paying to host my own server using your software. Um…NOT! BZZZZZZ
If you think that all I’ve created is the term FIC and some fake currency for a laugh, you’re a total asshole. But then, I’m still in the game creating it, and you’re not. Whatever.
I can see the transcript, but what you’re unable to do is analyze and assess what the meaning of your statement is, how you come across as a raging “arsehole” and how people don’t want to deal with you. Your protestations that you are different and are changed aren’t borne out, by the nasty way you deal with people. Even though you are a bastard, I could only wish you well with the TV, because we need independent TV in SL, even if it is filled up with silly foxes with fake French accents pretending to be some cartoon character and bullying their guests in the insult-radio mode.
Good luck with your projects, and thankfully, so far, the Metaverse is big enough that I don’t HAVE to deal with you, like other unpleasant types. It’s mutual, I’m sure!
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 30th, 2006
Avah – thanks for taking the time to read, digest, and realise, and you’ll be most welcome in SLAlt, should you choose to try it out as it progresses. I’m glad some people are able to see beyond the past, and beyond the bad repuation
Uri – thanks for the link, i now understand
Por-kokky ImBetta – There you go again twisting and manipulating, and moving on to new set of points because you’re unable to continue the previous ones after having been shown to be completely full of it :-
You were not bullied or insulted one iota on the Fox Show, what a complete crock of bull, i still have either the transcript of it or possibly even a video archive of that show, i’ll see if i can find it if you really want to get shot down in flames yet again Porky. And sure, it does show you talking completely normally, although a HELL OF A LOT OF IT, ranting is what i call it, that was where the mention of the show and you arose, as an example of you ranting non-stop for over an hour, when here you denied any form of ranting.
I’m a griefer in the eyes of those who are unable to look beyond the past Porky, mainly to those who feel they have something to gain from portraying me as such, for example, you here, it’s just something else for you to rant on about. In reality Prok, we all know that you’ve acheived little over nothing your whole time in SL, so you bought and sold some land, a small time land dealer, you supposedly invented some acronym, “FIC”, and you got yourself banned from the forums for having a big mouth.
Lets face it, at the end of the day Porky your big mouth is really all you’ve got, and so out of desperation for some fame and some recognition you rant and try to provoke every one you can, it’s just a shame you’re a piss poor debater/arguer, you throw out false claims, accussations and insinuations left right and center, and then when confronted over them, you move on. I’m sure i’m not the only one to notice your method of arguement now, and how you always seem to shy away from continuing to debate points you’ve made in previous posts, as oppossed to simply following up with a completely new batch of insanities !! So ultimately, what will you be known for ? Ranting totally idiocies in forums and getting banned or shot down severely
Nobody bashed you or bullied you Proky, thats just your get out saying. When the going gets tough and Porky comes up against some one that is more than capable of returning rational arguement, she/he comes unstuck, and runs for cover, either under the guise of new sets of inaccurate misleading and manipulative information, running from attempting to argue any further on her/his own points, or, by claiming that the person responding is “bashing”/”bullying” !!! (or as above “in the nasty way you deal with people” – ie; responding to rubbish written about me by her/him)
“I can see the transcript, but what you’re unable to do is analyze and assess what the meaning of your statement is” – maybe you should try reading it as it’s written then, instead of stopping every 2 or 3 sentences and turning the words into a meaning that you wish for, as you prove here time and time again is your approach, then perhaps you’d do better at your analysis.
Bastard and Arsehole huh ? Oh my Porky has finally lowered it’s self !!! You sound like you’re getting mad there Porky, must be so annoying to you to have to justify as well as rant your claims.
If the fox had a French accent then i’m the POPE !!!! The Fox spoke Foxese you fool !!
Oh and as far as education goes and you educating me Porky, i’d say it’s fairly clear to see who’s educating who here. I hasten to add to, that you may well claim to be all philosophical and know the subject, however, i have the degree certificate to prove it
Finally Prokky, as i’ve pointed out above, you can’t justify your bs against BDSM, thats why you choose not to continue, you know full well you’ve already made yourself look a complete idiot in your last postings and you cant continue with out digging your hole even deeper.
Nice to see your argumentation in this thread is now finally running low on steam, as would seem pretty evident from the fact you now resort to ‘arsehole’ and ‘bastard’ as your false points. Could be time for time out and a sit on the sideline again on this one Porky
Go have a drink, and cool off a little
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. Prok i do have to thank you though for one thing, showing us all just how much certain folks will try to provoke others for their own gain …… just as i said they did in my initial posts about getting banned on SecondCentral. You’ve also allowed me to show that despite supposedly being some nutcase griefer, i’m actually the one sat here responding quite calmly and directly to your posts/points, with out the need for the supposed nastiness that you accuse me of. Infact on the contrary to this, i’d say it also shows just what a hypocrite you really are, look at the proven to be rubbish you’ve ranted in this thread, now if that isn’t nastiness, i dont know what is
Prokofy Neva
Jan 30th, 2006
Geez, guess I’ll have to run the transcript of that show, and that girl harassing me afterwards for the record. I wished the SLTV and the Fox TV well, despite my critique of both but since both have died, I guess I can just put up the transcript. I guess it will show you being an idiot just as much as you THINK it shows me “ranting”.
Re: your hallucinatory notions that I’m nasty. No, I’m just pushing back gainst your giddy and stupid notion that you can be a happy little griefer furry and crash the grid, and then goof around and make stuff that 10 other people make, then have us all stand around with our fingers in our mouths, open-eyed, in awe, that you are now turning over a new leaf and starting new projects and you are oh-so-misunderstood.
Balls to all that.
Foxese? Seeing that Uri didn’t even know that “Barmy” means “crazy” and was a name in the LL list, and seeing that you are claiming not to speak faux French but Foxese, I’m thinking maybe you don’t even realize that a name like “AsterixLe Gall” is reminiscent of not only the French cartoon/comic book character “Asterix”, but the “Le” and the “Gall” of course have other French overtones, but maybe you don’t even realize that.
Sure, it’s a great little skit, a great little act, and I appreciate it until I came on here and had to read all your ridiculous blathering and insults of me and idiotic non-supported argumentation about your chosen um lifestyle.
Re: “In reality Prok, we all know that you’ve acheived little over nothing your whole time in SL, so you bought and sold some land, a small time land dealer, you supposedly invented some acronym, “FIC”, and you got yourself banned from the forums for having a big mouth.”
You really are a piece of work, Tranny, and a raving asshole at that. I didn’t just “buy and sell some land” and am not merely a “small time land dealer”. Currently I have something like 12 land groups in about 11 sims’ worth of land over 50 sims, serving about 450-500 customers at any given time, about 30-40 are free in TechHeaven, the free vending area which I bought to preserve the work of a previous resident who created an open marketplace for people to sell gadgets, newbie stuff, give away freebies, etc.; I also subsidize 30-40 newbies in low-cost lots and apartments. The rest of the customers pay less than what they’d pay on the private islands or in tier to LL. I struggle to make areas self-sustaining. As they improve and stabilize, I try to get some of the land sold off and buy new land to develop or for prims. I also have quite a few people donating tier and helping various projects.
In addition, I maintain about 20 public spaces, where tenants and the general public can come in and have meetings and do the various activites available, and I’ve also funded the SL Public Land Preserve which has some 50,000 meters in it of about 18 parcels with all kinds of activities in it.
I don’t claim this is any big deal, really, because it’s not. It’s merely a lot of hard, thankless work for the most part. I’m not going to stand idly by while someone calls me a two-bit land dealer though who themselves can’t tell their ass from third base when it comes to trying to create and sustain something positive.
I work my ass off, sometimes 12 hours a day. I try to have at least one event a day or more, all kinds, discussions, clubs, lessons, newbies Q&A, dances, yardsales, etc.
I guess it would never be enough for someone like you though, would it, Tranny. You’re always going to see through the prism of your horrid socialism, hedonism, self-referentiality, and hatred, and view someone as a “small time land dealer” when I don’t even SELL land I BUY it and rent it out again. Often, I merely break even or even lose money when I try to take case of disasters in various sims.
I’m supposed to put aside all your griefing — the kind of griefing and crashing the grid that you laugh off and think is just a lot of fun, when it costs the Lindens and me actual business, actual lost wages and income?
You’re still labouring under the silly assumption that you’ve somehow argued your way out of the paper bag of your BDSM shtick, and I’ve “lost” this debate, when in fact I’ve pointed out simply that it’s pointless to have it with you when you’re merely repeating the tired arguments already made on these back pages.
Fuck you, TrannyPet Barmy. FUCK you : )
No Signal Input
Jan 30th, 2006
Second Life Blogosphere Round-Up
So, a nice little bit to be reading there, although I’ve noticied lately that the Second Life blogosphere isn’t as active as it could be.
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Jan 30th, 2006
Im scarred for LIFE now.
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 30th, 2006
Run the transcript Porky, it’ll only confirm what i said of you, you ranted for well over an hour, that night, i hardly had to say a word. It’ll also confirm you were in no way bullied or harrassed by myself.(What the SLTV girl said is nothing to do with me, SuperFoxTV is nothing to do with the SLTV company, seperate entities, as i already said, they were given permission to film my show, by me, not to interfere in any way. Your transcript, if shown in full will also show me telling her to be quiet, when she did interfere) So the only person it’ll make any idiot of is yourself
And yes, i’m fully aware of the name AsterixLe Gall you plumb, only one of my favourite comic book characters as a kid !!! But yeah run the transcript, lmao, if you think the fox talks with any where near a french accent, you’ll just be showing what an untravelled idiot you are. Knowing the world from your living room Prokky ? The fox spoke Foxese, end of story. I’m sure you’re now going to try continue argueing the facts of a fictitious character that i invented, because of course, you know everyone’s mind better than they know it themselves dont you Porky ????
“your hallucinatory notions that I’m nasty” – I think you’re the one having those of me, which is the point being made Porky. If any one gets nasty, it’s yourself when confronted with the truth about yourself, or the truth of the misinformation you appear to try and spew all over any forum that will let you, in some desperate attempt to further you ‘fame’, albeit for the purposes of provoking as many people as you can into talking about you.
Sure 10 other people may well have made some of the things i did, but, did you ? No, thats right you didn’t. Infact what did you make prokky ? A fictitious currency, and some acronym “FIC”, solely out of spite, because you couldnt get your own way in SL, and weather you buy/sell it, by/rent it, it’s still land dealing. Incase you hadn’t noticed, no on in SL actually every ‘buys’ land, they pay an intial fee, and then continue to rent via tier, but either way porky, even in that business your ultra small time
So, before you start trying to point your finger at my past, and try and claim it’s still the present, i’d think about getting your own house in order. You quite obviously don’t like having your own reality highlighted as it actually is, rather than as you’d like people to think.
As for griefing ad crashing the grid, one more time for Porky who doesn’t quite seem to grasp basic english to well, either that or prefers to manipulate what was actually said, so lets lay it out in simple form :-
a) In the early days – yes i admit i was an all out griefer
b) After starting to make money i moved away from the griefing thing and was all out into the prospect of creating an ingame business.
c) Yes there were occassions when trouble still occurred, however, the things i got ARd for that were valid ARs, i was always acting in retaliation.
d) MANY MANY invalid ARs were raised against me, by a number of people who were to gain by my being put out of SL, and had they been investigated the fact they were bogus would have been evident !
e) In light of a,b,c,d yes i did a spot of griefing towards the start of my SL life, however, i hardly call actions of a relatiative nature(of which the latter mentioned activities were) griefing.
f) Yes the grid may well have had to have been rebooted due to DBomber’s spam at the end of Tranny’s SL life, however, note: it didn’t crash, it was rebooted. Secondly, as said in the above interview, it’s not something i’m proud of, it’s not clever or elite to have done it. But the main point being, had the Lindens investigated the script, they would have been able to see it was in no way intended to cause problems with the grid, that was an unfortunate side effect, and as Uri pointed out, it wasn’t even me running it !!!!
“I work my ass off, sometimes 12 hours a day. I try to have at least one event a day or more, all kinds, discussions, clubs, lessons, newbies Q&A, dances, yardsales, etc.” – some how i find this hard to beleive, since if you look around SL related sites, it’s not hard to see that you spend the majority of your time posting stupid rants like you do here. 12 hours a day, plus all the time you spend ranting on rubbish ? You should be dead from sleep deprivation by now Porky.
“You’re always going to see through the prism of your horrid socialism, hedonism, self-referentiality, and hatred” – Hypocrite. Read back over all your posts you’ve made on here in the last year Pork ? You’re the one constantly disagreeing with everyone on everything, again i say i suspect this is out of trying to provoke as many as you can into talking about you, and hence raising some level of ‘fame’ for yourself, albeit as a joke lol
I don’t have to do the self-referential thing Prokky, the weapon i made was well known to SL users and the Lindens, it was only in the top 10 selling items for 2 months or so on SLEx !!! and contrary to what you claim of it being a griefing tool, you should read some of the comments made about, infact one that i distinctly remember was one guy who said “great for keeping griefers off your land” !!!!!
And talking of self-referential, what exactly do you call this Prokky – “Currently I have something like 12 land groups in about 11 sims’ worth of land over 50 sims, serving about 450-500 customers at any given time, about 30-40 are free in TechHeaven, the free vending area which I bought to preserve the work of a previous resident who created an open marketplace for people to sell gadgets, newbie stuff, give away freebies, etc.; I also subsidize 30-40 newbies in low-cost lots and apartments. The rest of the customers pay less than what they’d pay on the private islands or in tier to LL. I struggle to make areas self-sustaining. As they improve and stabilize, I try to get some of the land sold off and buy new land to develop or for prims. I also have quite a few people donating tier and helping various projects.
In addition, I maintain about 20 public spaces, where tenants and the general public can come in and have meetings and do the various activites available, and I’ve also funded the SL Public Land Preserve which has some 50,000 meters in it of about 18 parcels with all kinds of activities in it.” – now if that wasnt self-referential self-promotional, i dont know what was !!!!!
“You’re still labouring under the silly assumption that you’ve somehow argued your way out of the paper bag of your BDSM shtick, and I’ve ‘lost’ this debate” – actually no Porky, if you or any one reads back over the posts i’ve made since you started ranting on your schpeel about BDSM, you’ll see i’ve constantly asked you to continue, but you wont. Referring me to a previous arguement you had, claiming i am repetitive of that is not acceptable, i’m asking you to conintue arguing the points that i refuted in the post a week ago, not the posts you made 2 years ago. I guess i can safely assume, as i’ve said on numerous occassions now, that you are unable to, with out making yourself look an even bigger fool than you have already.
“I’m supposed to put aside all your griefing” – and when exactly did i grief you Porky ? Exactly, short of the Super Fox Show, the truth be known, we’d never met prior, now had we Porky, come on, tell the truth for a change, it won’t hurt. Even if we had, unless it had been in the first few weeks of my SL Life, where(sorry to repeat, but it seems you have to say it in as many ways as you can before Porky understand) i was a blatent griefer, the only people who got any *trouble* out of me were those that asked for it, and got actions against them in retaliation to their instigations. “Griefing” is an act of instigation, not an act of retaliation you moron.
Nice to see you showing your true intellectual colours again Prokky “Fuck you, TrannyPet Barmy. FUCK you : )”, i just wonder if you’re stamping your feet at the same time you typed that LOL.
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. Porky, weather you have people beleive, contrary to reality, that i am still of a ‘griefer’ nature or was, outside of the early days of my SL life, it’s going to add no weight to any arguement you make. You wont instantly become right over Tranny as regarding any points made here. That will only happen when you can one day give a more rational, reasoned, and supported arguement
(maybe one day huh Porky ?)
Prokofy Neva
Jan 31st, 2006
Tranny, you arsehole, read the goddamn transcript yourself. There’s no rant. And I’m not claiming that you bullied me *during* the TV show, I’m saying you did this NOW on this blog — and you sure as hell did. And I’m not claiming you griefed me in the game, but NOW which is what you are doing. And in general, I refuse to take part any sort of “rehabilitation” of grid crashers in the belief that terrorism is just “creativity gone awry”. No sale. That’s why I refuted your interview to start with.
I realize that things like communities, neighbourhoods, sim stabilization, cultural events — civilization — are utterly beyond your tiny brain to comprehend. That would be the only explanation why you could dismiss all my hard work and denigrate it as merely creating an acronym and phony currency. First of all, dumbass, that phony currency was just a joke. It was done right at the time they were killing GOM, and the idea was to call attention to that. I guess the skit was pitched over your head *shrugs*. Everyone who came on the treasure hunts and read the silly messages knows it was a spoof, but I guess humour is lost on you. Secondly, that was one hell of an acronym I created, and what’s more, I had the spine to stand up to all those bullies who fit that acronym, and I imagine that’s in part why I was chosen as avatar of the year.
I don’t understand why you have to keep ranting about specious ARs as if I’m supposed to have some special understanding of you and special forgiveness of your grid-crashing merely because of the specious AR phenom. We all face specious ARs. Indeed, that was why I was banned for 3 days for swearing in PG at a time others were swearing in the same meeting, because I was selectively prosecuted due to a FIC/Linden vendetta with their own personal baggage. That was when I began to understand how the system worked. And of course the permabanning from the forums was the same kind of vendetta and specious storm of ARs. Instead of constantly slamming me and trying to denigrate me, you should realize that victims of these policies should make common cause, at least tactically, even if they don’t like each other.
I don’t see enough improvement in your behaviour, which tends toward the scatter shot and the griefer, to warrant somehow dismissing your past as a grid-crasher.
I’ve noticed a pattern in all the people who most savagely harass me, on the forums, and here. They tend to be either gay males, or male transvestites or transgender males. Hmmm. What could be at work here? A deep internal hatred of some sort? It really is a stark pattern the more you study it. I think it has something to do with a kind of eminent domain belief, that only they have the power to do this, and only they can go one way. Why don’t you examine that in yourself and get over it.
You can go on believing, talking on your red telephone hooked up to nowhere, that you have somehow “trumped” me in your BDSM debate. *Shrugs*. I know just how pathetic your arguments look, as do readers. I’m not willing to bite on this one. Go read the back pages.
I guess as your spelling deteriorates, we can tell that it’s the little furry guy stamping his foot, eh?
TrannyPet Barmy
Jan 31st, 2006
I don’t need to read the transcript, i can watch and listen to it in full video at , despite your previous claim that the network was done and dusted, it’s still there awaiting content contributors
(click on TV Guide, then click on More under The SuperFox Show, then click on Archives) “I’m not claiming that you bullied me *during* the TV show, I’m saying you did this NOW on this blog — and you sure as hell did” – perhaps you should be a little more specific when making your points then Porky, instead of leaving things open to mis-interpretations, or maybe that’s your intention, adding confusion to your manipulation.
Maybe they don’t mean alot to me Prok, but then the point being, you’re a) not doing anything that at least 100 other people are doing(just as you said of my projects), and b) lets not lead any one to any misconceptions here as to WHY you’re doing as you do. No, dont try telling us its out of the kindness of your heart, you’re no different to any of the land traders/renters who make out they are doing every one a favour, you’re doing it simply in the hope of business. The only difference between you and the likes of Anshe is that Anshe is successful at it
(you’ve already admitted to losing money) Which is probably what leads you to idiotic ranting on game forums, since you cant acheive any fame that you desperately seek through actually acheiving anything, you try to provoke as many people intp talking about you as you can …… just too bad the only fame you’ll acheive is for being an idiot Porky
No one has bullied you Porky, despite your claims. The simple fact is, you don’t like any one who responds to you with a reasoned response showing what utter foolishness you’ve ranted. The actual fact of the matter is, and i’ve seen 100s of others who try the same, you wrap your words up in pretty presentation, desperately hoping to be of some intellectual status, knowing full well that 95% of the people out there can’t even understand the posts you make, let alone reply to them. But, when some one in the 5% comes along, and exposes you for what you are, you cant deal with it, and your response is “oh he’s bullying me”. Instead of making this insinuation, why don’t you show us all exactly where you were bullied ?
FIC was one hell of an acronym ? Well here’s one i think is responsive, WGAF ? Funny isn’t it how you took pops at my acheivements, that aren’t acheivable simply by throwing money in, but more actually having to have some technical ability/talent, and yet, when we look at what you’ve actually acheived, you get all touchy. Three letters, an almost unheard of fantasy currency, and a failure at making any cash in the land business. Your only acheivement i’m aware of is making a complete mockery of yourself on numerous forums.
What i can’t understand in your post is why you think that i would even entertain the idea of forming any allegance with you over false ARs. Do you really think i would team with some one who goes to the great length that you do in trying to further the false perception of myself ? You seem completely unable to represent yourself in a rational manner, let alone any one else !! No wonder Anshe and Hiro decided to desolve the committee they’d formed once you started making a pain in the ass of yourself there with your idiotic arguements, god only knows why they allowed you in in the first place !!!
“I don’t see enough improvement in your behaviour” – what you see is completely irellevant to me Porky, and to many others. I see 3 people posting here, and of the 3, i’d say there’s only one who continues to want to beleive i am as you say i am. So i think you really need to get over yourself, you are not God, not every one is obliged to beleive as you do. Just the same as in the thread concerning BDSM, the majority there told you the same, that you were talking about things you had no understanding or knowledge of, and you didn’t have the first clue.
“to warrant somehow dismissing your past as a grid-crasher” – Funny you should open your post claiming that you haven’t implied things that i say of you, and then, here with this comment, you quite blatently state yet another falsie. Read the interview again Porky, i didn’t crash the grid, some body Koolhaus ran my DBomber script, he crashed the grid not me.
What a right wing nasty thing to say Porky, grouping all tranvestites, transgenders and gays all into one generalisation, and imply that they are all of the nature to supposedly harrass and bully. Despite you’re claims previously of being liberal, your comments on BDSM, and now this, all boil down to the reality of you actually being a narrow minded biggot.
Its funny you should mention patterns though, i’ve spotted one to :-
a) Porky makes a post riddled with false accussations, insinuations and all round general rubbish bashed upon little or no understanding of what is being discussed.
b) Tranny posts, showing what a crock of crap Porky is talking.
c) Porky fails to continue argueing the points it made, but instead, resorts to making up and posting another new bunch of creative rubbish, along with claims of bullying which really translates to having been exposed as full of it
d) Repeat from b
As far as the BDSM arguement goes Porky, part of good arguement is being able to support what you say when you’re questioned, not simply refer some one back to previous rantings, that are still unsupported by yourself. The only reason you’re not replying any further on the BDSM topic, is because you know full well you’ll be shown to be wrong, AGAIN, not only by myself but by plenty of others who posted on that topic to. And again, the majority of people posting in that thread were FAR from agreeing with what you had to say, so the bit about “readers seeing my arguement as pathetic”, i think judging by the others posting, thats yet another crock of it from you
I guess the “red phone” thing is supposed to be some reference to your previous accussations of me thinking every one is listening to me. Again as already said, i’m not fussed who is reading this, makes very little difference to me, i’m doing my own thing now, SLAlt, weather i get back into SL permanently or not is complete irellevant. On the other hand though Porky, we all know too well why you’re posting, simply hoping to provoke yet more people into talking about you ………… As far as the phone goes though, i’d suggest you pick it up, call the nearest psychiatric wing, and get yourself booked in for those issues of Dillusions of Grandjure, Idiocy, and general obsession with wagging that mouth of yours. Hmmm maybe the last issue isnt so much an issue, but just all you really have and can do with any ‘success’
I’ll leave you with a thought on spelling Porky, the way i see it is simple, it’s the contents of a person’s dialog that counts, not the presentation. You can dress your words up all you like, and you may have 95% of people fooled, however, there’s always going to be a ‘bully’ come along, and expose you for exactly what you are
BTW – can i take the steadily increasing use of cuss words in your posts as clear indication of your anger and frustration at being exposed as a loser at all things you try but using forum provocation as a last ditch attempt at acheiving some fame in the game world ? albeit for being a complete idiot !!
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. perhaps you should consider changing your name to a more suitable pun, Provoky, would certainly be more fitting of you
Jan 31st, 2006
Two things about this story i just absolutely love:
1. The GM of Costello is exactly what she denies she does and that is an abuse reporter. All this girl does in game is rant how she don’t report and yadda yadda yadda and kiss my butt cuz i am a respected GM blah blah blah.
2. Didnt Marsellus pay money for the exclusive rights to the HOS script? LMFGAO and now it is up on the site for everyone to use for free. WTG Tranny that was just great! Proves more what a dumb fuck Marsellus is. His one man mafia isn’t too bright.
Squagmire Stravinsky
Feb 1st, 2006
Prokofy, your the one bullying. Don’t play innocent.
Your famous for getting peoples words and twisting them around. You have dragged many innocent people with good motives into the mud. Yes he may have done some questionable things in the past, but don’t be an asshole about it.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 1st, 2006
LOL yeah the whole of the Costello lot were like that, thats the thing with Game Mafias, the only reason they have any power is because of the number of ARs they can send, contrary to any claim they may make otherwise about being tough guys
I wasn’t aware Marsellout bought any such rights, lol certainly not from me, he may well have made claims in game he did, but then as with a lot of his claims, all to be taken with a pinch of salt
Although as you rightly say, “what a dumb fuck”, he probably bought the rights from some one who didnt even have the right to sell it to him(Jamie Bergman i wouldn’t be surprised) !!! A bit like the American guy many years ago, who “bought the Eiffel Tower” from some French fraudster LMAO !!! But yeah, the fact it’s freely available on my site, makes it greatly amusing LMAO.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 1st, 2006
who cares.
Feb 1st, 2006
Tranny, the interview with Prok isn’t available on your site. You say you need to edit it first or something.
Aliasi Stonebender
Feb 1st, 2006
So THAT’S who that masked fox was. I’m always the last to know.
Anyway, I’m usually of two minds with “griefing” behavior. In a virtual world where very little in the way of true “physical” harm can be visited on a person, most griefing is a momentary annoyance at most. So, the person who comes into a busy club and sets off a C4 or shoots random people with a freebie gun, these do not really concern me. At most, I’ll freeze them, build something suitably embarrassing around them, take a snapshot, and post it somewhere conspicuous. *grin*
My concern is with more mental/social “griefing”, the passive-aggressive shit that goes on that JUST skirts the rules knowingly; IMPEACH BUSH, annoying spinny signs, hyperactive security scripts because god DAMN if anybody is going to watch you cyber, etc, etc, etc. It’s this sort of thing that’s caused a bunch of my friends to flee the mainland on the part of one particular ex-member who’s bound and determined to make life as unpleasant as possible for the rest of us.
In the case of Tranny, I don’t see much of the second – Dbomber is about the only thing that comes close to the line, and even then the fault is in them that use it, not them that make it; it’s an easy script to make. (On the other hand, I don’t accept the “you should have locked down the system so I couldn’t have done this!” excuse any more than I’d accept “but you should have known better than to build your house out of wood!” as an excuse for arson, so… *shrug*)
So call me mostly “eh”. LL banned the wrong person, but there really are more productive things Tranny could have been doing…well, IS doing, because that SLalt sounds like a good idea. Not that I intend to use it, but there aren’t enough options for virtual worlds out there and the more the merrier.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 1st, 2006
dont you think making a post is a strange action for some one who doesn’t care ?
TrannyPet Barmy
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Feb 1st, 2006
Then dont read the blog Deadhead. Its not like you have anything to offer anyway. I agree with Squagmire that Prok is bullying Tranny and its obvious to anyone unfortunate enough to have followed this thread. People make mistakes and youre not above it all Prok anymore than any of us here. I say give Tranny the benefit of the doubt. And, if you cant do that, then just stay out of his way.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 1st, 2006
Aliasa – good comments you make, and i agree on the most part. Although i would still maintain that any good system would code out any potential for exploits such as grid crashes. Not that i ever wrote anything that intentionally crashed the grid, the DBomber mishap was unfortunate, but never intentional, and as you say, it wasn’t even me running the instance of the script that did crash the grid. I suspect the reason it did what it did eventually, was because the guy who ran it, just left it running !!! During testing the longest i ever left it going was a few mins at most.
On the note of productive things Aliasa, not a pop at you or anything like, but i would just like to point out that as well as “IS doing”, i “WAS doing” positive things to. There were a number of projects that i had turned my main attention to prior to getting permbanned, all mentioned in the interview, although not mentioned, was the 1/3 of a sim Mall that i was giving away rental space for free in. That ran for free right up until i was permbanned. But any way, the point being, is that, as i’ve admitted, when i first came in SL, i came in looking for trouble, and got a few valid ARs against me.
As time went on, i was more and more into making cash in SL, starting a small business. HoS didn’t help me, it just made the perception of me even worse to the Lindens who already thought they had me completely worked out because of my past activities when first in the game, and then i was making one of the top selling push weapons in SL, HoS, they just couldnt let those mistakes that i made live in the past !! It’s a common human trait though, to only see the bad in a person ….. yeah i did some things that would be construed as griefing in my early days, but most of the actions that i was ARd for were mainly either completely bogus, or, had LL taken the time to investigate, they would have seen that most of my actions were provoked any way !! Problem is though, on the most part, most will point blank refuse to see the good things that i was actually doing to, on the grounds that if LL say he is a ‘griefer’, then a griefer he IS, with no need for them to go looking to find out for themselves the truth about me.
Ok so i admit, yes i did return fire a number of times, but, the key word being RETURN, and despite trying to explain to the Lindens that “the actions i took were retaliative, what do you expect me to do, just stand there and get shot at or verbally abused”, the only response i ever seemed to get was “there is no room for retaliation in the ToS”. Bit silly really when human nature is to defend one’s self when under attack !!!
Thanks for the positive comments though
Avah – Thank you to, for the positive attitude. One thing though, lets just say that Provoky is not so much bullying as trying to bully. She/he doesn’t seem to be pulling it off to well though
TrannyPet Barmy
PS. Aliasa, yeah any one can make a notecard sender, not a problem at all, infact you could do it in 3 lines of code. Making it multithreaded so that it will send more than 1 card every 3 seconds, though still not rocket science, it’s where it gets a little more inspiring
Prokofy Neva
Feb 1st, 2006
You can read the interview with Prokofy, unedited, on Fox TV, on my blog, plus more stuff about SLTV.
Prokofy Neva
Feb 1st, 2006
Aliasi, you’ve given the classic tekkie response — griefing the grid by crashing it and making bombing crap and pushing stuff is just…well…scientifically interesting. Geez. I’m just not buying that. It’s destructive, and damaging.
I am NOT bullying Tranny, I’m setting the record straight about his crap and his claims about this interview with me. Read it yourself for God’s sake. You’ll see that it’s a pile of crap, what he’s saying. He’s the one with the hijinx and the word salad, I answer in half sentences and don’t even rant.
Re: “Your famous for getting peoples words and twisting them around. You have dragged many innocent people with good motives into the mud. Yes he may have done some questionable things in the past, but don’t be an asshole about it.”
No, what I do is quote people’s very words back to them, and they hate that. Find an example of me “twisting” words, and we’ll give it a look-see Squags. You don’t have good motives in your arrogant control of the airwaves in the Infohubs, slamming malls, Anshe, Dione Jacques — all people in business, in the “picks” and the “hell tourbus” — people who aren’t doing the tekkie-wiki shtick you’ve chosen to do. And don’t try to wriggle out of this by saying “oh, I have no editorial control blah blah”. You chose to include that content and defend it, and both you and it are being feted by the Lindens with that windfall contract to be in every single Infohub. Bleh. You are TOO much.
To write off crashing the grid as merely “something questionable” is the kind of mentality that creates an enabling environment for grid-crashing. It’s wrong.
And once again, read the transcript, and you’ll see how crocked all this is on his part.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 1st, 2006
“No, what I do is quote people’s very words back to them, and they hate that” – lets see how much they really hate it shall we Provoky
Yourself included.
Example of a Provoky manipulation :-
“To write off crashing the grid as merely “something questionable” is the kind of mentality that creates an enabling environment for grid-crashing. It’s wrong.”
What Tranny actually said, and has mentioned to you on numerous occassions now Provoky :-
“Urizenus: Well, lemme understand, were you banned for *making* the weapon or for *using* it.
TranyPet: good point, i’d never actually thought about that
TranyPet: infact thats a damn good point
TranyPet: it must have been simply for making it, since i only actually ran it for a few short test runs
TranyPet: the one that i was permbanned for wasn’t me running it, the only reason it came back to me was my name was on the Notecard as creator – d0h(kicks self hard)”
Now be quiet Provoky, you asked for an example of your manipulations, there you have it, now rant on some further manipulation, you’re only digging your hole deeper, people are now wide awake to what you are.
Or should we continue ? Would you like an example of hypocracy now ? You’re now being accussed of doing the bullying to which you reply :-
“I am NOT bullying Tranny, I’m setting the record straight about his crap and his claims about this interview with me.”
However, when i replied with words very similar to your accussations of my bullying you, it wasn’t accepted
“I answer in half sentences” – perhaps you should try full ones some time soon, and say exactly what your points are, and stick to them, instead of trying to twist and turn with a new set of rubbish on every new post you make, as each of the invalid idiocies in previous rants get shot down in flames
You’re really still not getting this are you Provoky ? What you say is *not* Gospel, despite you thinking it is, you arrogant moron. There are plenty of people around here with as much, if not more intellect than you, although to be honest, i think a rabid dog probably talks more sense than you. LOL i only wonder who spits the most gob foam !!! Point being Provoky, you ranting on and on is not going to stop them making up their own minds up, and due to this, it appears that a few are seeing you for the ranting bully you really are
Hint: If you really want to appear an intellectual Provoky, remember, an intellectual wont only say what he beleives or knows is true, he will support it, with reason and reference. You need to get past claiming your opinions, as facts, or general consensus, at least until you have something to prove that this is the case – *IF* that ever happened. Dressing your unsupported, unreasoned, irrational claims up in fancy language isn’t fooling any one
TrannyPet Barmy
joe public
Feb 1st, 2006
“No, what I do is quote people’s very words back to them, and they hate that. Find an example of me “twisting” words, and we’ll give it a look-see Squags.”
oh, stop it prok, stop it…hehehhehehehheheee…you is killing me wid your shining whit!
(or is that whining…?)
Prokofy Neva
Feb 1st, 2006
There’s no manipulation here, Tranny, except in your own skewing of meaning, and trying to backdate and play down your own evil deeds. Making a weapon like that and testing it is just as bad as using it. Why would it be otherwise? I don’t at all buy this notion that it’s ok to “creatively make weapons” that no one ever is supposed to use, and even sell them on
If someone else crashed the grid using something you irresponsibly made that can do that, you are to blame. That’s pretty obvious. Only in a world of juvenile fuck-you hedonism and endless entitlement would it be otherwise.
I think the transcript I published pretty much puts paid to your silly nonsense that I “ranted for hours” and “no one listened to me” etc. Maybe they didn’t listen. But I was merely answering YOUR questions and trying to respond to YOUR word salad. LOL.
Anyway, you’re hopelessly lost in a hall of mirrors of your own self-referentiality. It’s sad.
joe public
Feb 2nd, 2006
“Anyway, you’re hopelessly lost in a hall of mirrors of your own self-referentiality. It’s sad.”
Coming from someone who replies extensively (multiple times!!!) to their own posts on their own blog I find this statment highly amusing. Though prok’s mirror is probably more like the magic mirror scene in Shrek…
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 2nd, 2006
LOL i knew you’d still continue to deny reality, despite having it put right in front of you in the form of quotations !!!
“Making a weapon like that and testing it is just as bad as using it.” – Then surely every creator of any weapon for sale on SLExchange should also be permbanned.
“If someone else crashed the grid using something you irresponsibly made that can do that, you are to blame” – oh really, so you being all knowledgeable of scripting would know there are a 1001 thing and more that will crash the grid, and not only weapons related, and so following this, are you implying here, that any who should write say a vendor for example, which has an accidental side effect of crashing the grid should also be permbanned ?
Had i intended to crash the grid, then i would fully agree, that i totally deserved to be permbanned, however, when you get it through your holier than though mind that i had no intention of writing a script that crashed the grid, and that it was an unfortunate side effect, then we shall continue to argue this point. The simple fact is, if i really intended to attack SL’s grid, i can think of many many more effective methods, that dont actually involve LSL scripting at all !!!! Combine that with the fact that i was steadily making some good money in SL, i had quite a bit of land, i had a number of projects going on that were set to make me even more cash, and the fact i was already borderline to being permbanned, due to prior volumes of bogus ARs, why would i go and write an intentional grid crashing script and jeapordise everything that i had going on in SL ?? That just simply doesn’t make sense. (but then none of your rants ever do, you just talk unreasoned rubbish over things you have no knowledge or understanding of – as demonstrated all over SLHerald)
I’m glad you published the transcript
Hope you didnt manipulate that to though, since you’ll easily be seen as having done so, especially since the show that the transcript you refer to is in the Super Fox Show archives at, so people will soon see. (oh btw folks, if you watch the video archive instead, you’ll see quite clearly that Provoky ranted for well over an hour)
Provoky, don’t you see, can’t you see from this thread, that you’re not fooling any one with your endless prettily packaged rants ? Why don’t you give up on posting for a while, not just on this thread, but all others to. Wait a while until something comes up that you *really* do have some knowledge of and a reason opinion. You might get your wish and actually come accross as an intellectual then, instead of the fool you come accross as currently
TrannyPet Barmy
Prokofy Neva
Feb 2nd, 2006
Trannypet, re: “if i really intended to attack SL’s grid, i can think of many many more effective methods, that dont actually involve LSL scripting at all !!!! Combine that with the fact that i was steadily making some good money in SL, i had quite a bit of land, i had a number of projects going on that were set to make me even more cash, and the fact i was already borderline to being permbanned, due to prior volumes of bogus ARs, why would i go and write an intentional grid crashing script and jeapordise everything that i had going on in SL ??”
The story constantly changes every time you tell it. This is the first time you’ve framed it this way, as far as I can tell.
Being irresponsible, making nasty weapons, weapons that backfire and crash the entire grid — well, I’m not impressed with that behaviour. I think that needs to be said. I’m for non-violence and for not being destructive. I’m supposed to make all these assumptions and credits of good will about your acting in good faith, when I have absolutely no reason to do that — for a host of reasons, whether your total mischaracterization of this silly TV show you ran in which you claimed I “ranted for hours with nobody listening” (when I spoke in half sentences answering YOUR questions and didn’t rant) — well I can see that you are living in your own reality, where you imagine many things to be so, just because you say they are so. I don’t see why I have to be compelled to go along with that.
I published the transcript exactly as is, out of my cut and pasted chat history, with only the logons of people removed to make it readable — and anyone is welcome to compare it to the archives. Your notion that I’d put up some tampered transcript is silly. If anything, you’re the one more likely to tamper with your own archives to backdate your point LOL.
You’re the one who is coming across as a fool, any cursory reader can tell that. And anyone who has to work so hard and ensuring that someone else is constantly insulted and told they are not an intellectual must be…um…first generation educated? Not educated? Whatever. Insecure, for sure.
I can’t take part in your phony rehabilitation being organized by the Herald, here, Tranny, because I’m just not buying the hype.
Feb 2nd, 2006
“And anyone who has to work so hard and ensuring that someone else is constantly insulted and told they are not an intellectual must be…um…first generation educated?” ~ Prokofy
OK, Prok, this is where you REALLY begin to insult me. Just because someone is a first-generation student, it does NOT mean that they are an idiot. Just because someone doesn’t even have a college or high school education, it doesn’t mean that they are stupid.
Honestly, Prokofy, before I read this, I didn’t really have that strong of feelings about anything you had said. You, however, severely crossed the line with that statement. I’m shocked and appalled.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 2nd, 2006
The “story” hasn’t changed any Provoky, and as you quote me, i point out how little intention i had of my script crashing the grid, so much so that if i had had intention to do so, i wouldn’t have been writing LSL scripts – not quite sure how you see this as the ‘story’ changing, but then i, as do many others here, already realise that you dont read very well, as well has having some wierd sense of reality, but thanks for re-iterating my point for me
I’m not going to revisit the points you repeat YET AGAIN, they’ve already been addressed, and weather you accept them or not, really is of no consequence to me, it seems that most others here are happy to realise there was more to my permban than was first realised. Ultimately, you’re the fool Provoky, you should try listening to popular opinion, most posting have told you the same, so why you think i would worry any over weather you listen to reality or not i have no idea.
Nice try at accussations of me tampering with a transcript, it’ll would be a little difficult for me to do so Provoky, as, unlike your transcript being a notepad text file, where a little cut and paste modifcation is simple enough, mine is of a windows media video file nature, just a little tricky to tamper with without notice.
Rehabilitation ? – firstly, rehabilitation would imply that i was acting with a reasonable degree of unacceptable behaviour in the first place. As the interview clearly shows, i wasn’t(i dont see retaliative actions as unacceptable, and many agree with me on that one), and unless you knew me in game, which, you didn’t(not as Tranny or not as knowing i was Tranny), i really dont see how you feel you have any grounds to dispute what i say. But then again of course, we all know how you view yourself dont we Provoky, all knowing, all perfect, ultra elite, ultra intelligent, and therefore we should all accept what you say as gospel, regardless of weather you can support anything you say or not, or weather you even know what you’re talking about !!! Again Provoky, get over it, you’re not a god, no where near, and you continually prove what a moron you are with ever post you make.
Also on the rehabilitation note that would also imply that TrannyPet would live again, an “all nice, no-weapon building” version in SL. Again your really need to actually read what other people say before spewing out your rants. I’m not interested at all in returning to SL in any permanent state, not interested at all. I have much more productive things to do with my time, mainly SLAlt, followed by SuperFoxTV. So where you get this idea of rehabilitation from i have no idea, just another rant i guess, with new rubbish LOL
Personally Porky, i think you’re whole ranting towards me on SecondLifeHerald, all stems from the fact i showed by way of the interview i did with you, what a complete ranting fool you are. The posts you make here are not are not a general feeling you have towards griefers(not that i see myself as such), but more a dislike for me, having been the one to not only say you rant, but to prove to, with video evidence. Get over it !!!
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. Prokky, you managed to make a post with out cussing !!! WOAH
Although, i still dont see you supporting any thing you rant on about, such an intellectual you are LMFAO – As for education Porky, i’m degree qualified in one of the subjects you claim to know so much about, Philosophy, and btw, from where i am sitting, you may have read some philosophical piece of literature, or heard mention of them, however, you’re philosophical understanding of any given topic along with your lacking ability to argue with any continuity or support, would suggest you actually have little to no understanding of the subject what so ever. I suspect it’s just another of your ploys, scare people off with some pretty words, and mention of philosophy – too bad it’s not working huh porky ? I think i’m going to begin playing with you ………..
Feb 3rd, 2006
This is a joke right? You don’t seriously believe that you’re going to make an alternative to second life in a vector art program with a built in scripting language that’s arguably worse than LSL?
LL aren’t known for being the most clever or smartest game devs but I can guarantee you they are laughing at your expense because this claim of making an SL alternative in Flash is pretty much the funniest thing I’ve heard in a pretty long time.
You’re like a slightly handicapped Derek Smart.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 3rd, 2006
Firstly plastic, i suggest you learn to read properly, secondly where exactly did i say anything about using Flash to create SLAlt ? The closest it gets to me having ever said anything like was on SecondCentral i mentioned possibly using Director3d to produce a 3d world environment. Now i’m sure you’re going to disagree that it’s possible to do so using Director3d to, so to save you makeing yourself look like an even more ill-informed unknowledgeable idiot, i suggest you take a look here :
There were 3 options of engines for use on this project, Director3d’s being one of them. However, due to the ease of use and having all the prim functionality(grouping, attaching etc …..) mostly covered, i made the decision as to the engine to use about a month before christmas, although, lol i think i’ll keep that quiet to for now. Despite you feeling its some joke, the project is already in development Spastic, you can say as you will of it, makes no odds, once i make public a beta sim, i guess you’ll be shown incorrect.
Why would LindenLab care one way or another Spastic ? The same applies to weather they’re laughing or not, as does to what you think regarding SLAlt, it’s of no consquence to me, either way the project is continuing
I’m sure you’re feeling a little stupid now, but dont worry Spastic, i give you the same advice as i have Provoky, instead of trying to twist and manipulate what i said into something that you can make arguement with, try sticking to what i’ve ACTUALLY said
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. whats the matter Spastic, doesn’t crashing the grid a few times, and going on radio with regard to SL compare enough to writing your own SL alternative ? This is where we seperate the men from the boys Spastic, you stick to the second rate LSL scripting, and i’ll get on with some proper system coding
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Feb 3rd, 2006
I wouldnt even bother responding to this crap.
Script Shark
Feb 3rd, 2006
Trannypet what a surprise and in full drama as always…What can I say more…
Marsellus Wallace
Feb 3rd, 2006
Once again your coming off as a fool. BTW, you need to reread my website as you still don’t know what you’re talking about (previous post in another story). Perhaps Uri will remove his tongue from your ass and post my comment this time. Everyone check out my site. See, Tranny loves to derail topics and hates the focus being off of him which is why I am making this post. He loves to boost himself with lies as well. I provide proof of my actions while he provides mere hearsay. So I thought I would derail the topic a bit (watch he will get in a word match with me and it will have nothing to do with his interview) as he likes to do to others. This will only vexx him more and allow him to come off even more moronic than he already has. So bring it on Tranny. Unless of course you wish to make me look stupid and not reply back… Either way I win (see this is social engineering.). Either you ignore me and allow me to make the comments I did about you, or you reply back like you normally do and come off stupid.
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia (NOW ONLINE!!!)
P.S. Let the fun begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marsellus Wallace
Feb 3rd, 2006
Oh yes:
2. Didnt Marsellus pay money for the exclusive rights to the HOS script? LMFGAO and now it is up on the site for everyone to use for free. WTG Tranny that was just great! Proves more what a dumb fuck Marsellus is. His one man mafia isn’t too bright.
Actually no I didn’t. Tranny claims to have records that I bought his program and then all of a sudden he doesn’t have records of it becuase he is banned. He can’t give a date either becuase I took a long break from the game and he doesn’t know when this was so he won’t give a date (he also knows I can go through my records and prove him wrong as well). So Whateva, perhaps you should join Tranny and completely read posts before you comment. This was already covered in another story. Good try though.
Get off my nuts, you need to buy me a drink first… lolol
Marsellus Wallace
Boss, The Sim Mafia
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 3rd, 2006
To be honest, if it was the usual repetitive stuff i wouldn’t be bothering, but so long as they continue to show their creativity with new manipulations and stupidities every post, and dont mind getting made to look increasingly stupid with each, i’m having fun showing what a crock of poop they talk
Half the time they seem to be helping me bring more points to light about what *really* went on when i got permbanned anyway. Kind of the inverse effect of what they’re hoping to acheive.
TrannyPet Barmy
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 3rd, 2006
Derailing a topic ? and what is it you feel you’re doing here ? Hypocrite
Since many others here have already commented on who the fools are, and in previous threads to Marsellout, i dont think that
“Unless of course you wish to make me look stupid and not reply back… Either way I win (see this is social engineering.). Either you ignore me and allow me to make the comments I did about you, or you reply back like you normally do and come off stupid.”
cuts any mustard here. Infact, it’s so clear what the majority thinks, regarding who the foolish are, i hardly need to reply to your posts with any thing serious, just have a bit of fun making an even bigger mockery of you. Nice try though, but i’m afraid due to popular conjecture, contrary to what you claim “Either way i win”, i’m afraid you are sorely mistaken.
BTW, thats not ‘social engineering’ thats just plain stupidity
Marsy’s Elite Guide to ‘Social Engineering’
1) Marsellous proclaims that Tranny is a fool
2) if Tranny replies, he appears he is a fool, because Marssy says so.
that sounds more like ‘retarded logic’ to me Marssy, like a little school kid saying “if you say anything you’re gay”, you excel yourself once again. Please do continue LMAO
“He loves to boost himself with lies as well. I provide proof of my actions while he provides mere hearsay.”
Well that does seem strange coming from you Marsy, because as yet, you’ve not proven anything you’ve claimed. I seem to remember you claiming you were some super elite programmer of SAP and CGI, and have failed to supply any proof of either, infact the only proof supplied was by me showing you don’t even understand what CGI is in the fact you claim to program *in* CGI as if it is a language in it’s self
Conversely though, not only does my product speak for it’s self, i’ve also supplied you with a link showing an example of network code i’ve written, how can it be my fault you were too stupid to click the ‘Chat Now’ icon *smirks*
“Tranny claims to have records that I bought his program and then all of a sudden he doesn’t have records of it becuase he is banned. He can’t give a date either becuase I took a long break from the game and he doesn’t know when this was so he won’t give a date (he also knows I can go through my records and prove him wrong as well).”
Correct, since i’m banned from the game how exactly do you suppose i access purchase records numb nuts ? Oh and btw, how exactly do you suppose you are able to supply proof you didn’t purchase HoS ? Post a csv file of all purchases you made over the last 12 months, with HoS removed ? LMFAO get real you moron.
Notice though Marsellout, it wasn’t me making any claim of you claiming to have bought the rights to HoS, it was yet another person who sees you as the nob you are. See you’re not quite the big and well repected tough guy you so desperately wish you were, there’s at least 2 people here laughing at you right now. If your ‘social engineering’ was as effective as you claim it is, every one would be standing in fear of you, afraid to reply, but it doesn’t seem like thats the case now does it Marssy boy ?
You’re very much similar to Provoky, just another wannabe SL fame seeker, doing what ever they can to make some name for themselves, and because of a lacking in any technical/creative ability, and certainly no proof of any other than the creative persona they use during their only option of ranting on forums of how great they are. Credit where credit is due though Marsy, you have at least tried to set up a Mafia, albeit some what unsuccessfully, how many members was it you have now ? LMFAO
LOL oh Marsellout i forgot to mention another site i found whilst searching for Sim Mafia the other day on google, perhaps you and the others would like to see ? , lol, i guess we can make that 3 people now laughing at you, and you still can’t do a thing about it, can you, tough guy
Too funny
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. you still haven’t answered, from the previous thread, as to weather you would like me to demonstrate how ineffective is to you
Tough guy’s not scared is he ?
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 3rd, 2006
Script Shark
nice of you to comment, i wonder why you feel i would be interested in selling to some one such as yourself, who has now just proven a second time what a two faced back stabbing low life he is.
Script Shark here offered to buy the rights to HoS when it was in development, soon declined though when he realised he wasn’t going to rip me off on the deal, thought as a newbie i would sell those rights for next to nothing. Didn’t stop him continuing to purchase the item though
Oh deny it Sharky, please do, thats cool, there’s plenty folks in game who knew all about my dealings with you.
And then tonight, the boy emails me via the superfox site, fishing for information on setting up a streaming tv network as apart of his crappy sl-weekly site, under the guise of purchasing !!! You’re only problem being Sharky, that i’m not quite as green as you’re cabbage looking. Do you really think i hadn’t worked you out as soon as you started asking about ? Didn’t help you much did it, you cut throat lucrative L$ leach !!!
TrannyPet Barmy
Prokofy Neva
Feb 3rd, 2006
Hi, Matthias, are YOU first-generation educated in your family? This is an issue I often study in society. You’re failing to get the point ENTIRELY so let me walk you through it.
Here’s what I said: “And anyone who has to work so hard and ensuring that someone else is constantly insulted and told they are not an intellectual must be…um…first generation educated?” ~ Prokofy”
Here’s what you said:
“OK, Prok, this is where you REALLY begin to insult me. Just because someone is a first-generation student, it does NOT mean that they are an idiot. Just because someone doesn’t even have a college or high school education, it doesn’t mean that they are stupid.
Honestly, Prokofy, before I read this, I didn’t really have that strong of feelings about anything you had said. You, however, severely crossed the line with that statement. I’m shocked and appalled.”
1) You are touchy because you are either a) first-generation educated or getting all touch-feeling liberal-angsty about some “victim class” you imagine I’m “dissing” or even “discriminating against”. You’re reacting *merely because I raise the issue of how first-generation educated people ARE — opening a discussion that you feel immediately sensitive about.
2) You’re jumping to the conclusion that I’ve made a statement that first-generation educated people are “stupid”. But I didn’t say that. Where do I say that? I didn’t say that. You THOOUGHT it because you were in reaction mode, ready to fly off the handle at someone stepping on your corns.
3) Next you’re extrapolating even further, assuming that hey, if I’m willing to “dis” a first-generation educated person, I’d also going out on a limb and say that people without educations in high school or college are stupid, too. But I didn’t say that, either. Where did I say that?
4) What I *did* say is that people who are first-generated educated are INSECURE. INSECURE AND TOUCHY. They have their own insecurity issues about their own education, fresh as it is, or inadequate as it is, so they lash out at the slightest implication that they may not be smart. Furthermore, they love to bash others, projecting on them their own failings, and being quick (so they feel, in their need for superiority) to point out either their stupidity, lack of intellect, or actual mental illness. It’s a very common tactic of the under-educated masses on the Internet which has amplified their lack of knowledge — a little education is a dangerous thing in that regard.
A person who is quick to lash out at another about their intellectual deficits, to slam them for being “pseudo-intellectuals” (this was Ulrika’s famous remark about me), to accuse them (as Tranny is doing to me) of only imagining they are intellectuals, blah blah blah is PROJECTING. They must have issues of their own. Therefore, it’s quite a helpful concept to ask them if they are first-generated educated — often you discover they are, and are a bundle of insecurity.
Education’s a good thing, but even being educated at “the best schools” is no guarantee of knowledge or wisdom. People acquire this in different ways. One thing’s for certain, Tranny — and Matthias — aren’t willing to argue about concepts or ideas or notions (about making weapons versus using them, whether creating something that can exact havoc manifests ill intent, etc.). They’re just fulminating and insulting, in full-blown flame mode.
Prokofy Neva
Feb 3rd, 2006
Re: “Maybe they don’t mean alot to me Prok, but then the point being, you’re a) not doing anything that at least 100 other people are doing(just as you said of my projects), and b) lets not lead any one to any misconceptions here as to WHY you’re doing as you do. No, dont try telling us its out of the kindness of your heart, you’re no different to any of the land traders/renters who make out they are doing every one a favour, you’re doing it simply in the hope of business.”
So? Let 100 other people engage in what I do, let it become a nation of shopkeepers and real estate agents, it’s a start. Um, and you’ve got some vast and objective enlightenment as to my motives and what I wish to do? To perceive me as merely involved in flipping land or hoping to make a buck is just silly, and illustrates further you know nothing about me, understand less, never read my blog, and could care less about learning the truth. So I can’t really expect much from you. You’re making the same claim about me. I read the interview with you. I see lies, blusters, fakes, dodges, blarney, and barminess. So I object. End of story.
I imagine what Marsellus and Plastic are saying in their critiques of Tranny probably have some merit. I don’t carry water for them in any fashion (Plastic is definitely getting into a mote-log-eye situation on that one). I guess ultimately what this is about is Uri’s need for Chomskian redemptive ecstatic transfusion with the Kropotkinist Now that comes in the form of replicating scripty thingies that explode and crash the grid.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 3rd, 2006
“I imagine what Marsellus and Plastic are saying in their critiques of Tranny probably have some merit.”
just too bad what they say is not the same as what you’ve said though huh Provoky ? Although i guess you feel any negative point towards me will strenghen all points that you feel you’ve made, although not supported what so ever.
I do find it pretty amusing though that you rant on at me about something i didn’t do, grid crashing, and yet when Spastic Fuck, a known associate of the W-Hat, who is *known* for being directly involved in grid crashing speaks, and the head of an albeit unsuccessful mafia group, who advertise the fact that they will grief other for cash, you instantly accept what they say. Sounds to me like you’re almost out of anything you thought you could throw at me so are now having to resort to agreeing and siding with those of the very nature you’ve been ranting on for the last 15 or so posts that you so dearly despise …………. i think you’ve just shown fully how much of a manipulative hypocrite you are
Oh btw Provoky, my apologies, i hadn’t actually uploaded the archived episode of the Super Fox Show that you were interviewed on, i had intended to edit out im’s that were made during the show, but since we need the *real* evidence here and not a chopped cut and paste transcript, i’m in the process of uploading it now, unedited
Oh and before you try to make any point over editting to make you appear to be ranting, stop and think a little bit. Removing portions is simple enough, however, to *add* to a video clip is nigh on impossible, unless you really want to painstakingly create, frame by frame, additional material, and remember you’d have to make it nigh on perfectly match the rest of the footage ……….. a task that even you in your uber-eliteness couldnt claim to be able to do
Now who’s look stupid *smirks*
TrannyPet Barmy
ps. i notice you’re unable to argue at me any longer, i guess you know now who is really being made a mockery of. Still at least you know when you’re beat, and have the sense to save yourself any further exposure.
Avah (Fallen Hasp)
Feb 3rd, 2006
Youre so full of shit Prok and leave Uri alone. Youre rabid.
TrannyPet Barmy
Feb 3rd, 2006
Avah, isnt it just, almost like a child stamping it’s feet and blurting out all sorts of profanity when it doesn’t get it’s own way.
TrannyPet Barmy