LL Changes Town Hall Format

by Alphaville Herald on 05/04/06 at 11:45 pm

Well, it seems King Philip wasn’t so excited about talking to the SecondCast crew after all. It now seems residents will get to speak directly to LL’s CEO himself, calling in to Johnny Ming, who will then screen the calls and patch them through just as a radio host would. Johnny will hopefully have someone on hand to screen calls (as a radio host would), since the burden of producing the recording, relaying questions to Philip and screening resident questions at the same time would doubtless be too much for any single mortal avatar. What rankles about the change is how suddenly LL sprang it, announcing it less than 36 hours before tomorrow’s Town Hall. Johnny will be hard-pressed to get the production together within that window — and will doubtless be blamed if it doesn’t fly as smoothly as LL envisions.

3 Responses to “LL Changes Town Hall Format”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 6th, 2006

    I am *really glad* that my jumping up and down and hooting and hollering about this all day yesterday seems to have some impact (and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one).

    Right up until the evening, Lordfly and Cristiano were still posting about how “we are in charge here” and “here’s how we’re going to do it” — just like Al Haig. It was quite the spectacle.

    The Lindens are claiming that they are “distancing” themselves from SecondCast, and they aren’t so much dealing with “the show SecondCast with its cast of characters” as they are “merely” Johnny Ming in his “technical capacity.” Well, as Marshall McLuhan would have put it — the medium *is* the message — and the medium is the *massage* too.

    In *leasing a federal government function to a private commmercial entity* the Lindens have really compromised the governance of the world by putting it in association with its cronies.

    I’m glad Walker hasn’t been sucked into the Borg, but the unseemly haste with which they’re all doing this, the awful, disgusting arrogant behaviour of the FIC we’ve come to expect, and the ominous signs that the Lindens really are turning the reins of this world’s governance over to these awful sorts are all very disturbing.

    The thing that Walker has said is “too much” for any single mortal is exactly what Jeska has been doing. It hasn’t really been rocket science — when you type, you have an instant transcript to cut and paste or scroll back to. In fact, that’s what made it a job possible to do for any single mortal. Having to get it in voice is going to be that much more difficult. It’s probably one of the reasons why, when they even made the whole Internet in the first place, they didn’t make it a voice-over thing.

    I’m quite sure that Phili’s voice will be heard — they’ll get the push media part right. What will mess up like is the call-in and the filtration of the call-in. In fact, Johnny is likely to reach for some trusted FIC colleague as the screener, and we’ll get an even more secretive screening than we would have had if we had Cristiano or Lordfly’s leering faces on the panel. Honestly, this whole thing reeks.

  2. dildo baggins

    Apr 6th, 2006

    The only thing that reeks is the constant hot rank wind that gushes from your motor mouth yabbering gullet, incessently whining about something which is just a ploy to promote your profile with…which is REALLY what your mission is, is it not Prok. Prok is the queen of blogosphere!!! Whooo…deee….fucking…whooo.

    Bit pissed because you only got invited on the show after yelling and screaming like a two year old with her ice cream taken away?

  3. Cocoanut

    Apr 11th, 2006

    Who wrote this? You need to sign your articles.

    Where is Uri? Someone on this scandal sheet needs to have Uri’s sensibilities.
    Any moron (which includes Uri! and me!) could readily see that you don’t appoint a few favorite little residents to run the DANG TOWN HALLS, for cripe’s sake.

    You don’t put special residents in between you and the other residents, and let them select and screen to their heart’s content, and call that a Town Hall. You might as well just hand the whole game over to those residents, and be done with it, truly.

    I’m glad the Lindens changed their minds about this one, and don’t give me any song and dance about “last minute” this and that. I don’t care if they changed it in the last 10 seconds. As it was, they narrowly averted certain and horrendous PR disaster for themselves.


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