Marsellus Wallace on the Air

by Alphaville Herald on 06/04/06 at 10:21 pm

G’Day World, an Australian podcast hosted by Cameron Reilly of the Podcast Network, has a hilarious and revealing interview up with Second Life mafia boss (and occasional Herald correspondent) Marsellus Wallace, in which Mars goes into a surprising amount of detail about just how his SL mafia works (and how it used to work when he was in The Sims Online as JC Soprano). From making new recruits break the Terms of Service in order to get into the family, to convincing a resident to delete a year-and-a-half old character as part of a revenge scam, the stories give a priceless look at just how a major virtual mafia operates. Mars’s slogan: “If you want to avoid trouble with me, be nice or give me money.” Words to live by. And listen for the Herald shout-out as well. Read more about Mars in the Herald archives. (Plus: Along the way, Reilly reveals he’s pondering the creation of a Podcast Network HQ within SL.)

6 Responses to “Marsellus Wallace on the Air”

  1. Marsellus Wallace

    Apr 7th, 2006

    It is an hour long show, I am in the first 30 minutes roughly. However, they make Mafia and SL references through the entire show. It was pretty funny. These guys crack me up. Even if you hate me, check it out for a good laugh. =)

    Marsellus Wallace
    Boss, The Sim Mafia

  2. max headroom

    Apr 8th, 2006

    Well, personally I don’t hate you but I think you prove to be almost as big a wanking egotist as prok…especially when you post with a reference to check it yourself!

    Funny? mmmm…depends on your sense of humour I guess. Maybe you need to go to joke school.

    Wtf is it with people and their need to claim their 15 minutes through negative behaviour? Oh,I know…it’s the lamers way to success…

    God speed, tosspot!

  3. Marsellus Wallace

    Apr 8th, 2006

    Toospot! Ooooh I like that! lolol I was warning people how long it was and that yes it is funny. That’s a reference to check myself out? lol We talk about more than just me tough guy lol And yes it was funny, many have thought so. What I find even more funny is people like you who take everything so seriously.. Cry me a fuckin river lolol And for someone who doesn’t hate me, you sure sound bitter about me hahaha Trust me, I am not trying to claim my 15 minutes, I am claiming my 4 years ROFLMAO

    Marsellus Wallace
    Boss, The Sim Mafia

  4. Mia Wallace

    May 6th, 2006

    Good to know you still have a hard on for me. I passed this on to some people I know in Secondlife who will enjoy banning you from places you would want to get into. Some old time SSG that would love to make your life miserable again. Oh wait.. you probably play this game like you did in the sims and just pretend to be around when in all actuality you don’t even log in.

  5. Marsellus Wallace

    May 7th, 2006

    MiA (Missing in Action)!! So glad to see your still alive! I have a hard on for you? Wow, when did that happen? It actually looks like you got the hard on for me still… Everyone has moved on from the TSO days, perhaps you should too. SL is not the same game anyway. You kinda dropped off the face of the Earth after the CNN interview went terribly wrong for you. (See video at then Press & Media) How have you been? I guess you have been better judging from your responce. I’m gonna be banned from places?! Oh noooooooooo! Guess I’ll keep having store owners send me the stuff I want for free so that won’t affect me. Thanks for the free advertising though! It is much appreciated! lolol

    I play regularly and with many many many people. Perhaps you should stick to a topic you know. If you don’t play the game, you can’t tell if I am on or not. I am on almost daily and usually for hours at a time (as anyone can tell simply by looking at my profile). SL is not like TSO. =) Back in the day, you was no challenge for me when it comes to making me look bad.. It’s nice to know that after two years you still hold a grudge (and why is that if I truly never did anything to you as you claim???? lolol) and are still shitty at making me look bad.

    OMG, this is so sad it’s hilarious hahaha Oh ya, when did the Sesame Street Gangster’s ever make my life miserable? That’s why they are defunct and I am still around (and still in the press I might add, stronger than ever and the game makers love me for a change as a result). Don’t worry, when my book comes out (based on truth, not fiction like you guys liked to create) I will be sure to dedicate it to the Sesame Street Gangsters and yourself. I love you though Jen and Piers!!!!! Please do write back, I haven’t made you two feel stupid in years… Brings back many fond memories.

    Marsellus Wallace
    Boss, The Sim Mafia (and Mia Wallace lol)

    P.S. Don’t start none, won’t be none… So save some face and walk away from this post lol

  6. Marsellus Wallace

    May 8th, 2006

    Oh just one quick follow up note… The past is the past. I hold no grudges against any wanna-be Mafia’s like the SSG from the TSO days. Everyone has moved on (and if you haven’t, I think it’s time you matured and did so). That was well over 2 years ago. That is not to say that there are not interesting stories or items from the past that are relevant to talk about today (hense the podcast). History is history and it shapes the future in a lot of cases. I did a lot even when I was supposedly not playing. Lot’s can be done from Yahoo, e-mail and let’s not forget alt’s.

    Fortunantly in Second Life, there is a way to see when someone has logged in (works a lot better for proof than cult-like propoganda) and there is a lot more to do. TSO was boring and dead by the time I left it. There was nothing to do really except tag people (oooh scary!) so why be in it 24/7 like some others were. In SL, I make real life money, Linden Lab loves me (unlike EA Games) and soon all my press and hard work for the past 4 years in online gaming is about to pay off… In a major way.

    I am out for the night, we’ll see how many days it takes the Herald to post this. Is it me or has the Herald pretty much died on the vine? Sweet dreams Mia and friends!!!

    Marsellus Wallace
    Boss, The Sim Mafia

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