Picking the Picks People Pick: Does Dwell’s End Mean A New Face For Popular Places?

by Alphaville Herald on 18/04/06 at 5:45 pm

by Prokofy Neva

The impending end of dwell by June 13 has left the SL business and entertainment community wondering how the virtual world’s most popular destinations will fare. Though traffic payments were often gamed, they had become a reliable source of income for many virtual proprietors. Will there be a way to draw attention to a plot of land in a world where having virtual asses in camping chairs is no longer enough?

To find out, I asked Philip Linden to query Linden Lab’s database for the truly popular places. The results were most intriguing.

The current dwell system has been broken for some time. Avatars must remain on parcels for more than five minutes and not dilute their dwell to give the best yield. Each night, the Lindens issue dwell payments to individuals and groups, using an arcane formula tied to log-ins, cash supply, and visits.

To flush more cash out of the Linden godheads, club operators and other business owners in SL have supplied contest prizes and random money-generators, and have harnessed AFK avatars to camp-chairs and dance-pads. Paying for dwell points boosts their establishments higher on the “Popular Places” list. While they can no longer get US dollars for the dwell from the now-terminated Developer’s Incentive program, and soon will lose even Linden-dollar dwell, payments according to LL’s announcement, many will still farm for dwell in order to draw more clicks and eyeballs. With the end of telehubs and their surrounding malls, clubs and other popular venues have become the main areas in SL for commerce and meeting other people — or so it would seem.

But what if there were a way to get around this deeply broken system, in which whoever already has the most traffic on the user interface’s top 20 will necessarily get even more hits just for being listed?

To find out whether there might be a better gauge of authentic popularity and individual value, I asked Philip Linden if he could priovide statistics on all the picks that people pick for their profile, as an aggregate, to see which picks are picked the most. People use their user-profile picks for all kinds of things, from pictures of their home, their girlfriend, or their RL cat to what they see as SL’s hottest nightclubs, most beautiful scenes, or most helpful educational projects. It’s what they really pick — themselves, democratically, voluntarily, without being paid to do so, or being guided by a pre-fabricated popularity list. It’s the closest SL comes to a Web 2.0 app like Digg.com, but for now it’ll have to do.

In response to my query, Philip calculated the top 100 places according to the number of times they have been listed by people on their profile picks page. Here, for the first time, the unadulterated Top 20:

2. IceDragon`s Playpen Island
3. FurNation Worlds Prime!
4. Bad Girls – Dance & Fetish Club
5. Ahern Welcome Area
6. Sandbox Island
7. The Forest
8. Furest
9. The Lost Gardens of Apollo
10. Amsterdam
11. Luskwood
12. The Shelter
14. The Edge
16. The Barbie Club
17. Mahalai Asylum: Succubus Club
18. Port Cos
20. NOMINE by Munchflower Zaius

For comparison, examine this snapshot of SL taken last week, consisting of the current top 20 most popular places on the UI, followed by the top 20 in paid classifieds:


1. IceDragon‚s Playpen Island
2. FREE MONEY $L$ Virtual Games Inc
3. Bad Girls — Dance & Fetish Club
4. Quki Casino — Enyo $$ $50 pay
5. FREE MONEY!! Virtual Games Inc.
6. Heaven Above the Clouds
7. XL Casino 20/10
8. Image Reflections
9. The Edge
10. =Club H20=
11. Club Extreme And Casino
12. The Barbie Club
13. Mahalai Asylum: Succubus Club
14. $60/hr & $4/10 @ Odds&Ends
15. SLP Casino ˆSammamish
19. Port Cos
20. HAIR FAIR 2006 April 14-20

TOP 20 CLASSIFIEDS (by money spent on ad)

1. Lightsabers & Sports Cars
2. X2: Exotica clothing
3. Designer digs & Tapioca Tastes
4. Tropics Casino & Resort
5. Natural Skin
6. Deimos Boardwalk has moved!
7. DE designs Men‚s and Ladies Clothes
8. Home Depoz East
9. TART Clothing
10. Canimal
11. KC—Slave girl Kayras
12. Mr. P‚s
13. Lukas Designs
14. Jolie Femee
15. Wisteria Garden & Gift
16. 5ifth Order Animation Array
17. Ravenglass Rentals Office
18. Langdon Realty Office
19. Agriopis Mall ˆ Rentals
20. Agriopis Mall ˆ Mind Body and Soul

Other statistics that Philip provided from the wealth of raw data available on the avatars who bother to MAKE picks include the fact that there are 1,727 different places picked by at least 10 user accounts, and a total of 109,000 picks made by 30,818 different user accounts.

Thus, some intriguing speculation: the 30,818 separate user accounts may represent a figure closer to the number of active users, as opposed to “members” who have merely logged in once, never to return. Bothering to put a pick on your profile means you are more than just a casual drop-in. If nothing else, the 30,000 represent the interested core of longer log-ins and paying customers to whom content-providers need to market.

More intriguingly, the enormous number of total picks– 109,000 over at least 1,727 different places — suggests a huge variety and diversity of content in the world that simply isn’t getting reported by the tools of the user interface. This in turn suggests a need for not only an improved search engine in the long term, but perhaps also that the top 20 list generated by traffic be broadened either to 100 places or possibly even 1000.

And perhaps the Lindens might even be persuaded to regularly provide these alternative “picks of the picks” figures — although it won’t be too long before those are gamed too, as avatars are paid outright by businesses to become walking billboards via their profile picks.

Still, for a moment, before dwell is removed, but just as development incentive ends, we can glimpse the mystery of our world — a place where people value furries above dance clubs, or the Shelter above sex escorts, and where everyone got Lost in the Gardens of Apollo.

Below is the complete top 100 list, arranged by total number of people picking each site. The blank spots represent missing data of some sort (Philip wasn’t sure) and may indicate places that moved OR islands that closed or some other non-land-related item. Enjoy:


> | 613 | IceDragon`s Playpen Island
> | 518 | FurNation Worlds Prime!
> | 517 | Bad Girls – Dance & Fetish Club Home of Sexy Talk Radio
> | 509 | Ahern Welcome Area
> | 441 | Sandbox Island – Wiped @ 3 AM&PM SLT, no shooting or selling :)
> | 433 | The Forest
> | 422 | > Lost Furest <
> | 417 | The Lost Gardens of Apollo
> | 383 | Amsterdam
> | 381 | Luskwood
> | 360 | the Shelter
> | 354 | SOUTH I/dvds/ movies/Dance pads 4L/10mins ,Mens Clothing,
> | 337 | The Edge: The Only way You Can’t Win Is If You Dont Show Up!
> | 332 | LESTATS DARK EROTICA Club & Mini Mall yardsale now on
> | 320 | The Barbie Club – Hosting The Most Gorgeous Dancers & Escorts
> | 315 | Mahalai Asylum: Succubus Club / Dancing
> | 313 | Port Cos
> | 293 | DREAMERS ADULT FANTASY CLUB – Where All Your Dreams Come True!
> | 290 | NOMINE by Munchflower Zaius
> | 277 | ::: BareRose ::: HQ
> | 266 | TeaZers Island:: “You just never know what will happen!”
> | 261 | Mature Sandbox wiped 5am Random Cleanings No Shooting-Griefing
> | 255 | -=Club H2O=- 4L/10min Camping – Pizzeria
> | 255 | Midnight City
> | 245 | Ivory Tower Library of Primitives
> | 242 | Le Cadre-FREE MONEY-Senusal Designs-Asri Falcone Originals
> | 241 | Nyte’N'Day & Elika Tiramisu Designs
> | 240 | Dark Life
> | 235 | Taco
> | 230 | Enchanted Weald
> | 224 | DFO Shopping,DragonFly Designs, VENDOR SPOTS AVAIL!
> | 223 |
> | 220 | ^. .^ Club Rainbow Tiger
> | 215 | Yadni s Junkyard – Newbie Paradise – SINCE APRIL 6th 2004
> | 211 | Hawaii, Big Island – Free Rent Huts – Money Trees, Best Beachs
> | 201 | Village of Kassau – Home to Van Dungeon Devices
> | 196 | XL Casino 20/10 120/hr+ 8-15 Line SLots Bonus& PROG BlackJack
> | 195 | Luna-Sea – Discover Romance
> | 195 | Welcome Area
> | 194 | Goguen Sandbox – Wiped @ 3 AM&PM SLT, no shooting or selling :)
> | 194 | House of Blade Mall & Crying Rose Studio Design & Tripple
“P” |
> | 188 | Dwellget
> | 185 | * Mischief, Tickled Pink, Rising Phoenix & 7 Deadly Sins *
> | 182 | BB’s Honey Lounge Kohana – Exotic Dance Club!
> | 182 | Central Park, Dreamland – ANSHECHUNG.COM
> | 182 | Los Altos Hot Gear & 2Stylez 1 Stop Thug Shop
> | 179 | the Elbow Room
> | 172 | Abbotts Aerodrome – Est. February 2004
> | 171 | Celestial Studios ~ Canimal’s ~ Oxygen Designs
> | 168 | City of Lydius
> | 168 | Nevermore : Midnight in a Perfect World
> | 167 | Gangsters
> | 160 | Pixeldolls
> | 158 | MastraVille-Where The Fun Times Roll into The Drive-In
> | 157 | The Sex Club
> | 157 | Devils Moon / Abranimations
> | 155 | Welcome Area
> | 153 | Heaven Above the Clouds
> | 153 | Glorious Ar
> | 152 | Vampire Empire
> | 151 | Moonshine Casino / FREE MONEY / BLACKJACK / SLOTS
> | 150 | Laura
> | 147 | Mystical Sanctuary- Come share some magic with someone special
> | 147 | Crimson Falls Asylum & Village
> | 146 | Kaelter Prime
> | 144 | Linden Weapons TESTING Sandbox NO combat
> | 143 | House of Neruda-Gorean Slave House
> | 142 | Neo-Realms Fishing Camp – Alston
> | 139 | Milano Famiglia Territory
> | 139 | VooDoo Lounge
> | 138 | Torvaldsland
> | 137 | Team Gecko: Belle Belle Furniture, L&F, Gecko, Mina’s Tattoos..
> | 134 | Southern Woods of Port Cos
> | 133 | Nage’s Private BDSM Club
> | 132 | Nexus Prime – Cyberpunk City of the Future
> | 130 | LostDog Designs
> | 128 | Dragon Moon, Where the Dragons Fly
> | 126 | Blue Stone Fine Jewelry / Movie Theatre
> | 124 | The plains of Jeebi’ess, A gor sim, FORCED COLORING’S ALLOWED
> | 121 | Mega-Mall Cascade – VACANCY
> | 120 |
> | 119 | * Salsas y Boleros * The Lost Gardens of Apollo
> | 117 | ElvenGlen Market
> | 115 | SL Botanical Gardens
> | 115 | Pollyesther’s
> | 113 | FurNation SkyMall and Gallery
> | 112 | RELIC – Furniture, building kits, prefab homes, plants, bdsm
> | 111 | City of Treve
> | 111 | Turia
> | 110 |
> | 110 | The Pot Healer Adventure – Numbakulla Island Project
> | 109 | Serenite ~Gardens, Mysteries & Romance abound~
> | 108 | The Garden
> | 107 | Studio Lis
> | 106 | {-Club Elite-}

12 Responses to “Picking the Picks People Pick: Does Dwell’s End Mean A New Face For Popular Places?”

  1. Bubbles

    Apr 19th, 2006

    This is very interesting.I have found myself herded like sheep to places that I really don’t have much interest in either due to laziness or the sheer difficulty of finding something. The popular list is too short and places are usually there because they are full of squating afk alts. This extended list contains a lot of places that I found by accident and I enjoyed and because they feature here it must mean others did too.

    People say use the search but you have to know what you are looking for first before you search.

  2. Patch Lamington

    Apr 19th, 2006

    Not sure how this would be affected if multiple picks in a single private island were combined…
    If results for Dwellget (which is in Taco) were combined with Taco itself, then Taco would have been propelled into the top 20. Not sure how many other regions would have been similarly affected!

  3. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 19th, 2006

    You’re making an interesting point, Patch, but without doing the math, I can’t tell what would be propelled — note that the Salsa dance floor in Lost Garden of Apollo is also in there along with the main landing point for Apollo — well, people pick what they pick, it’s interesting to look at what they pick this way, too. I’d really like to see all 1,700 whatever places.

    I also note that a lot of people fill picks with things like “My Business Policy” or “This is my cat” or “here’s my favourite rock band” or “My boyfriend” — and the place is insignificant or not — it’s a scrapbook. I think it’s like a hack of the avatar thinger to make a MySpace.

  4. Cocoanut

    Apr 20th, 2006

    Very interesting stats!


  5. Patch Lamington

    Apr 20th, 2006

    Yeah, I’ve seen profiles where picks were 10+ pages of “Im cool and have a great RL and Im a really nice person”. First time was checking the profile of someone who’d been giving me random grief. Figures.
    Anyway, a great list to get out of Philip!

  6. Leffard Lassard

    Apr 21st, 2006

    Good article and collection. You hardly find all the places by yourself. I knew only a few of them as I am rather new. Get them deliverd free is a good present for today and gives me a good view on where to go the next time.

    Hopefully someone will be able to think of a measure that is less affectable by money in the long-run for the future.

  7. vw

    Apr 25th, 2006

    So where is Translvania ie the wall? A search doesnt turn it up.


  8. Nage Archer

    Apr 25th, 2006

    I’m glad to see Nage’s Private BDSM Club made the list. For a long time, I’ve watched how places that are dance clubs that list BDSM or malls, or even places that are so nominally BDSM get more traffic. I wish there was a field in SL that listed your primary interest, or primarily what you offer, so that everyone who searched on BDSM wouldn’t see a dance club or sex club on the top of the list. Anyway, thanks for an interesting article, it gave me much to think about.

  9. Vivianne Draper

    Apr 26th, 2006

    You realize, of course, that now that you’ve done this, people will start gaming their profiles to get places into the top 20 or 100. Nonetheless, good job Prokofy. It wouldn’t have occurred to me to ask Philip to search profiles.

  10. Laurine Witte

    May 6th, 2006

    After looking around and asking about “THE WALL” in Transylvania, I found it! Across from the club on Transylvania is a 1m high wall with a ton of graffiti on it. That’s the wall…

    This should teleport you to be standing ON the middle of the wall…

  11. Marie Vaughan

    May 11th, 2006

    Wonderful article, thanks. I have often wished that the finder would actually find. I read people’s picks religiously, and have found some wonderful areas as a result. There is, however, much to sift through that can only be interesting to the wearer. I would love topical lists such as ‘top 10 parks’ or ‘top 10 art galleries’ or ‘top 10 extraordinary places’.

  12. Anonymous

    Apr 25th, 2007

    As a prospective sl dance club builder/owner, i am now sighing a huge relief and giving myself a firm pat on the back for doing my homework first and finding out that the dwell system is near an end. Thank god for the herald, and thank god for me not just running into things again like i normally would have. AL

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