Archive for October, 2006
Have the Lindens Stopped Talking?

By Prokofy Neva, Community Affairs Desk A new resident by the name of Gargling Ginsburg asks about the features voting system, on the now-restricted official LL forums: “I noticed that features were acknowledged and commented on fairly frequently until 2006-08-24. Since then, not a single acknowledgement or comment. That’s over 2 months ago!” he exclaims. [...]
Full StorySticker Shock

Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Rumours, Innuendos, and Inside Dope for Inside Dopes Second Life island dwellers were disturbed from their serene and lucrative virtual existence this morning as rumours began flying that the wholesale price of private islands is about to rise steeply. Lindens apparently put the word out to their special friends on something [...]
Full StoryCaliah Lyon – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editor’s note: Marilyn Murphy is the artistic vision and photographer behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. I was lucky to chat with her thursday at the Herald birthday bash- and even more lucky to be introduced to the subject of Marilyn's latest photo shoot. I'm sure our readers will be thrilled to meet this week's [...]
Full StoryReality Check Please…And Bring Back the Change

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Flak Catching Just the other day Clickable Culture reported on Cory Linden flogging the line again about open source, tempting listeners with the idea that very soon everybody will be able to “host their own sim” or at least “roll their own.” Citing Reuters, CC quoted Jim Purbrick as saying, [...]
Full StoryLL Hires Press Flak

By Prokofy Neva, News Desk Jebus, while the Herald reporters were off boozing it up in Athabasca right after the game erm platform uh metaversal accessorator was down for 3 days a few weeks ago, Linden Lab went and hired a PR flak! It’s now confirmed from the Herald’s previous report that the flaksters are [...]
Full StoryReuters SL Newsfeed Down – 5 Hours and Counting

Reuters SL newswire operation achieves LL levels of reliability by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk no in-world Reuters news hud for you – here’s why Here at the Herald, we depend on the mojo wire to alert us to breaking news – but the office staff noticed a curious silence when they checked Reuters Second [...]
Full StoryMulti-Media Luv

Destroy Television and Pixeleen Mistral dating by Denise Levertov, Gossip QueenPixeleen and Destroy – special friends Which two avatars where caught in a steamy embrace at last night’s Herald Birthday party? None other than Pixeleen Mistral and and the Electric Koolade Sheep girl-about-town, Destroy Television! Wowzers!!! Destroy crashed the SL media scene this week and [...]
Full StoryDestroy Television to Broadcast Herald Birthday
For those of you who can’t afford a free account at Second Life, but don’t want to be left out of Theeee Metaverse Social Event of Fall 2006, I am happy to report that the nonstop broadcasting avatar, “Destroy Television” will be on the ground, beaming the debauchery live on Teh Interweb. I mean Teh [...]
Full StoryUri Does Snoozecast!
Episode 38 of Simcast Second Cast is now podcasting through a speaker/headphone near you. In this episode hosts Johnny Ming and Torrid Midnight (that voice: swoon) talk to Hyperventilators Eric Rice (aka Spin Martin) and Jerry Paffendorf (aka SNOOPYbrown Zamboni of the Electric Sheep Company) and yours truly, Urizenus Sklar. I have to say it [...]
Full StoryLL Taps Bandwidth Brakes – May Ask Residents to Pay for Help

Can’t the Lab print and sell L$s fast enough? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk running on empty? Wednesday’s metaverse upgrade caused widespread mirth as residents across the grid chuckled and reported high packet loss. Liana Linden thanked everyone for their support and said, “We are working on this issue”. Usually reliable sources informed the [...]
Full Story
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