Another SL First? French Extreme Right Political Party Opens Office in Second Life
by Urizenus Sklar on 09/12/06 at 4:04 pm
French National Front allegedly opens SL offices. Can a visit from Le Pen be far behind?
Well, we’ve had our share of nazi’s and skinheads and whatnot in Second Life, but I do believe that if this is not a hoax it will be the first outside extreme right — some would say Fascist — political party to open offices in SL. Accoding to a press release from what purports to be a chapter of the National Front Youth (Front National de la Jeunesse — their website is relatively young but registered in France), the new virtual offices have the following goals:
- to promote the candidature of Jean-Marie Le Pen for the 2007 presidential elections
- to be a permanent representation of the FN in SecondLife
- to gather the members and sympathizers of the FN in SecondLife
- to be a showcase for the French and foreigners alike
- to promote French and French-speaking organizations and companies presence in the virtual worlds, which are traditionnally dominated by Anglo-saxons.
Hmmm, this will certainly be interesting. Someone should tell these guys that the most dominant player in SL isn’t exactly Anglo-Saxon, and is living in Wuhan, China. At least now griefers will have something to do besides stalk Prok.
Press releases in English and French are below the fold.
Saint Cloud, 5th 2006
News release of the FNJ (Front National of the Youth)
We just finalized the opening of a virtual office of the Front
National in the virtual reality environment “SecondLife”.
(What is SecondLife?
The Front National is the first political party in France and in
Europe to open an official and permanent representation in SecondLife
and the only official French organization to be present in the virtual
world (no French company has yet a representation in SecondLife). A
French version of the SecondLife client is planned for a few weeks
ahead, which is expected to boost French-speaking frequentation of the
virtual world.
The FN’s virtual office in SecondLife has these purposes:
- to promote the candidature of Jean-Marie Le Pen for the 2007
presidential elections
- to be a permanent representation of the FN in SecondLife
- to gather the members and sympathizers of the FN in SecondLife
- to be a showcase for the French and foreigners alike
- to promote French and French-speaking organizations and companies
presence in the virtual worlds, which are traditionnally dominated by
Download the SecondLife client for free on
Front National de la Jeunesse – 4 rue Vauguyon 92210 Saint Cloud – 01
41 12 10 01 – email :
Read online:
Saint-Cloud, le 5 décembre 2006
Communiqué de presse du FNJ
Nous venons de finaliser l’ouverture d’un bureau virtuel du Front
National dans l’environnement de réalité virtuelle « Second Life »
(Voir Mondes virtuels, web de demain ?).,1-0@2-3244,36-841226,0.html?xtor=RSS-3244).
Le Front National est le premier parti politique français et européen
à établir une présence officielle et permanente sur SecondLife, et la
seule organisation officielle française à y être présente (aucune
entreprise française n’est encore implantée dans SecondLife). Une
version française du logiciel Second Life est prévue pour avant la fin
de l’année, ce qui devrait normalement faire exploser la fréquentation
Le bureau virtuel du FN dans SecondLife a pour but :
- de promouvoir la candidature de Jean-Marie Le Pen en 2007
- de constituer une représentation permanente du FN dans SecondLife
- de rassembler les adhérents et sympathisants FN de SecondLife
- d’être une vitrine du parti pour les Français et les étrangers
- de promouvoir la présence des organisations et entreprises
françaises dans les mondes virtuels, jusqu’à présent monopolisés par
les Anglo-saxons.
Télécharger gratuitement le client SecondLife sur
Front National de la Jeunesse – 4 rue Vauguyon 92210 Saint Cloud – 01
41 12 10 01 – email :
Loki Popinjay
Dec 9th, 2006
Well, if it’s true that these fascists are opening an office in SL it IS time for protest. Do not be fooled by the fact they are a legit political party, that’s just the price to pay for democracy, they are fascists.
Their leader Jean Marie Le Pen has been convicted for minimizing the holocaust and they are closely linked with other extreme right european parties like the Belgian Vlaams Blok, Jorg Haider’s FPÖ in Austria and so on. They may not march with swastika’s (in public anyway) but they do still dream of some sort of Fourth Reich…
Just my 2 cents…
Dec 9th, 2006
I don’t understand why these people are regarded as being beyond the pale. I suppose they might be considered extreme by people who think it is normal for a 1st or 2nd world country to have a viable socialist party. But here in America they’d be somewhere to the left of the GOP.
Fiend Ludwig
Dec 9th, 2006
Although translated into English as ‘National Front’ the Front National discussed in the article should not to be confused with the equally disconcerting English National Front (
You would think these fascists could come up with more original monikers…
Dec 9th, 2006
’4.4 You will not use the marks of Linden Lab without authorization from Linden Lab.
You are not permitted to use the marks “Second Life”, “Linden Lab”, the eye-in-hand logo, or any other trade, service or other marks registered to or owned by Linden Lab, except as explicitly authorized by Linden Lab and in accordance with guidelines posted at‘
Hopefully their SL stay will be shortlived :p. Unless LL gave them permission to use their logo in which case you get a far more interesting story.
Anonymous Europeen
Dec 9th, 2006
Is this really the first radical right party? I thought the Republican Party of the United States has already been active in SL for a while now. Those bastards even invade countries and bomb children.
Dec 10th, 2006
This will probably be a pale imitation of the REAL first French political 3D website in SL, “Little Deauville” (headquarters of “Virtual Segolene”, a 3D caricature of RL candidate Segolene Royal).
“Little Deauville” was created three weeks ago (mid-November). Having attracted some media attention in France (42,000 visits on a related 2D internet website), it has probably inspired some fans of Mr. Le Pen (…who “forget” to mention they are not the first with the idea).
We already knew the far right was intolerant; we now know that ey can also be dishonest).
Chani Twin
Dec 10th, 2006
I have Shame when i see that …
On our French comunauty forum, We have Moderated this annoncement, i’m sad to Read that
No Racist, Live together !!!
The Click Heard Round the World
Dec 10th, 2006
Politics in Second Life: Time for the Virtual McLaughlin Group?
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Dec 11th, 2006
We honestly never knew about your Little Deauville Project before you mentioned it here. Besides, your project is designed to have a humoristic tone and is not an official office of the Parti Socialiste (Segolene’s party, yes there are still Socialists in France…
) in Second Life, unlike the FN Second Life which has been officially launched by the FNJ and has real SL adherents. Therefore, we are indeed the first political party in France and Europe to open an office in Second Life, as we first stated.
To people referring to the Front National as “fascists” or “Nazis”, I’d like to bring to your attention that all such defamations against the FN have been punished in front of French court during the last 20 years, as well as all accusations of racism against Jean-Marie Le Pen. The FN is a democratic political party which has experienced a steadily growing confidence among French electors for the last 25 years, attracting 17 % of the votes during the 2002 previous presidential election and aiming for much more in 2007.
Fair and constructive criticism of the FN and its candidate should be allowed and even encouraged in the democratic debate but defamation and calls to censure show where the real intolerants are.
People who know the FN otherwise than through mainstream media hysteria will tell you that Jean-Marie Le Pen was the first to present Black and Muslim candidates to the French regional elections back in 1957 and 1962. Many members of the FN are from immigrant and multiethnic background, as well as a growing part of its voters. The Front National’s vision of nationalism is based on merit and patriotism, not race.
Please feel to ask me any questions.
Best regards,
Wolfram Hayek
Front National Second Life
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