PR Flack Busted for Having Feelings!
by Alphaville Herald on 14/12/06 at 6:49 pm
Those PR d00dz just can’t win for losing. First it was the kaffufle over false firsts, and the horribly unfair abuse they took from somebody over on Strumpette. Remember? When they got called fucktards and all? In the spirit of conciliation and good humor, Bubba Scaggs , irl Adam Zand of Topaz Partners PR firm, started a group called “Fucktards with Feelings”, intending the group as a way to “show not all PR folks are invading and abusing all that is good about Second Life.” Naturally, SL being the Kingdom of Nannies, Furries and Gorean slaves, he was abuse reported. Despite Bubba’s carefully crafted letter to Linden Lab (reprinted below the fold) inquiring for more information he has not heard back. My personal theory is that he was abuse reported because of the “with feelings” part. That would suggest group members are Sensitive New Age Guys, which would be a bannable offense in my book at least.
Hi Linden Lab,
My apologies if I insulted anyone. I really don’t have enough details
from your note to know what I did.
If this is about a group I started “Fucktard with Feelings” please tell
me what to do to prevent further action. As you may know, people who
exhibit overt/exploitive marketing and excessive PR practices at the
detriment of the residents have been called fucktards on blogs and
communication channels (like Strumpette and Second Life Herald). I was
using the group as a way to show not all PR folks are invading and
abusing all that is good about Second Life. It’s in the charter of the
Again, I’d appreciate a little more details on the notice and what you
would like to see happen. I also have a couple of members who will want
to know where this stands.
Thanks again for the great Second Life.
I want to be a resident in good standing for many years.
Best regards, Adam Zand aka Bubba Scaggs in SL.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
And no one has thought that perhaps it’s the ‘fucktards’ part that was reported as indecent?
What an amazing bias.
Dec 15th, 2006
Gosh, Just a Thought, that *never* occurred to me! I just figured it was the word ‘feelings’ that got him in trouble.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
Here’s a though: Drop the sarcastic attitude if you’re going to respond to a comment.
If you don’t want comments such as the above – don’t make a report that can be read in such a manner as to seem biased without due reason.
Christ ….
Prokofy Neva
Dec 15th, 2006
See, decent, law-abiding, feeling folks like Fucktards With Feelings go down to the Big House, but Rhetoric’s Cock Fan Club never even gets an informal warning, despite the name and the picture of the giant dick. Go know.
Dec 15th, 2006
Here’s a thought for Just a Thought: Don’t read the Herald if you forgot to pack your brain.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
sorry uri – I actually use my mind. If you’re going to post satire and humor, mark it as such.
If you’re going to respond with nothing more than insults – don’t bother. It is unneeded, unwanted, and quite frankly very telling.
Dec 15th, 2006
>If you’re going to post satire and humor, mark it as such.
Just a Thought, what I have to say may seem insulting to you but it is just a piece of advice. If you are unable to tell the difference between satire and serious then this newspaper is absolutely positively not for you. Find some place that won’t tax your cognitive abilities so much, because We. Are. Not. Going. To. Change.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
And I have some advice for you Uri:
Do not respond to me unless you have something relevant to say in regard to any comment I may make.
Hate to break it to you, but posting a story that is nothing but stire in the manner it has been posted is going to get that sort of response.
You have two choices really (that are constructive):
1. deal with it and respond in a manner befitting civil discourse.
2. alter the method in which satire is posted.
when responding to me you will either do so in a manner that is acceptable in polite, civil discourse – that is unless you’d like me to start treating you as one incapable of such.
Dec 15th, 2006
>when responding to me you will either do so in a manner that is acceptable in polite, civil discourse – that is unless you’d like me to start treating you as one incapable of such.
Just, the bottom line is this. I don’t mind assholes posting here, and I don’t mind stupid people posting here, I really don’t. What I *do* mind is when stupid people (who are not even assholes necessarily) come on here and insist that we bring everything down to their level. So no, we aren’t bringing the Herald down to your level. If the content here is too difficult for you to “get” then please just go away.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
you know Uzi, you’re about as thick headed as Prok when it comes to getting the message so I’ll spell it out for you in plain, easy to understand terms on YOUR level.
Either respond in a civil, polite manner (you know, the way you’d talk to your mother or perhaps to someone that can actually do you real harm) or shut the fuck up.
Talking down to a person is NOT acceptable in a civil disvourse and as I’ve just said above, if you’re incapable of doing so (which appearntly you are) then I’ll trat you as such.
welcome to the world of the socially inept.
And just so it gets through that apparently thick skull, I listed off the choices concerning responses on poorly marked entries. You’ve apparently chosen the former, which is:
“1. deal with it and respond in a manner befitting civil discourse.”
with that in mind I’ll respond as I see fit to further poorly marked entries and expect you to respond in a civil manner (though apparently that is expecting too much).
Were this a real paper you’d be driving people away with the sort of attitude you show.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
treat even ….
Dec 15th, 2006
Just a Thought, don’t tell me how to behave. Go join a garden club. You’ll be happier there.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
Nope, sorry. You can either respond as I have said or not respond at all.
see, there’s this thing that you’re missing here Uri: It’s the fact that each and every time you respond under the mistaken belief that you have a right to be rude, I respond back letting you know that right doesn’t exist.
Oh you may think it does, but it doesn’t. The only reason you dare to do it here is because you can hide behind a screen and keyboard. In real life acting in such a manner can and eventually will get you hurt or worse.
Now, if you’re done with the snide and uncalled for responses I think I’ll get back to reading the backlog – who knows, I may find something amusing in there to comment on ….
Perhaps I may even find a few issues to place my two cents in.
But really, I’m done responding to you now. If you have something constructive to add (being civil of vourse) then perhaps I’ll entertain a response. Until then, ciao.
(Incidentally, I got the satire – you aprently missed the sarcasm in my first response – and the deliberate way in which I tested to see if you’re just another little punk hiding behind a screen and keyboard. Congrats, I’ve seen nothing to make me think you’re a person capable of holding a civil discourse or debate with.)
Doug Hayashi
Dec 15th, 2006
Hey Uri,
Don’t you think it’s the word “Fucktard” that actually got Bubba written up?
Dec 15th, 2006
Just a Thought, I’d happily be rude to you in real life too.
Dec 15th, 2006
lol Doug!
Adam Zand
Dec 15th, 2006
As the original “source” of this controversy, and out of my duty (whoops, is that word allowed in SL?) as a Fucktard with Feelings, I feel obliged to mediate this fairly hilarious battle.
Uri – “I’ll publish, right or wrong / Fools are my theme, let satire be my song” —Lord Byron, English poet, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, 1809.
Just a Thought – It is apparent that you really only have “one thought” in this discussion. Maybe you and I should both consider name changes in this season of understanding and joy.
Increase the peace, Cheers, Bubba Scaggs
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
Nah Adam, I just love playing with the selfrightous, hide behind the keyboard, thick headed, egotistical, delusional, socially inept (I may have missed a great deal of types there, but hey – I’m falling asleep here!) types.
funny part of it is, I employ many of the same tactis these types use against others – my philosophy on it is this: Hit them with what they use on everyone else. Let them see what it is like to deal with their sort and see how they like it.
The sad part of that is that I do run into those that will never get the hint until they aim their ineptitudes at the wrong person and end up seriously hurt. Thankfully I’ve only ever had to deal with one person like that offline (lives in my hometown actually) and it really wasn’t a pretty picture.
Of course, if I had my way these poster children for forced brith control, mandatory sterlization, and any number of other things to reduce their population … well they wouldn’t exist.
Back to the backlog I go …. so far nothing amusing … though I have added a comment in one of the topics – did that a few days ago actually.
Todd V.
Dec 15th, 2006
Just: You’d think the slogan in the masthead would kinda give it away that occasionally there will be biased or tongue-in-cheek posts: “Always Fairly Unbalanced.”
Uri: Just a thought: Drop it. Just a Thought just didn’t get it. It was clear that he didn’t. Everybody knew it, except maybe Just. When he did realize it, he was probably a little embarassed and tried to give himself a face-saving way out (“oh you should tag your posts sarcastic”). The appropriate response to that is “feh.” Nothing else, just “feh”, and move on–keep up the good work.
Not that this dialogue hasn’t been enjoyable, mind you…
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
gee todd, if I could actually read that tiny print I’d have seen that.
However that reads to me as “Always marginally Insane” or “Never socially Acceptable”.
But then … I don’t truly expect much of people on the internet these days – just a civil discourse. Is that so much to ask?
As to your assumtions: There’s an old adage about making an assumption …. try finding it. You’d be surprised at how silly a thought you’ve had there really was.
Zarithi Federko
Dec 15th, 2006
Lol, thanks Uri and JAT…this is very entertaining, please keep it up!
I love how JAT believes that she can tell Uri how to act and interact on a blog/paper/thing-a-ma-jig
he founded.
JAT just for your information, Uri, no matter how inflamatory definitely doesn’t seem to hide behind his keyboard you can find his RL name plastered on several places on this site.
Just a thought
Dec 15th, 2006
Zarithi, I’m a member of the male gender, thank you.
And quite frankly I can and will tell anyone that acts in a reprehensible manner to respond civily or not at all no matter who they are.
I do not put up with it offline and I will not put up with it online.
As for this:
“JAT just for your information, Uri, no matter how inflamatory definitely doesn’t seem to hide behind his keyboard you can find his RL name plastered on several places on this site.”
Personal information in no way enters into the equation when someone is hiding behind a screen and keyboard. If they will not act in such a way when around unknown persons or those whom they respect or know can cause them harm, or any other reasoning, then they are hiding when they do so online.
There are a great many people I have run into online that could do with a good dose of reality – I simply hope I am there to see it when someone decides to pound one of these arrogant and ruse types into the ground …. or when they decide to simply put them in the ground for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
I will shake my head in sheer amazment at the foolishness of the lucky lesson learner and then walk away to let them learn said lesson the hard way.
I have no synpathy for these types …. they deserve what they eventually get.
Dec 15th, 2006
>they deserve what they eventually get.
I hope you’re right JAT, because I’m going to get a bigger yacht. The current Herald yacht is positively cramped when the helicopter and the Cigarette are secured on the deck.
Todd V.
Dec 15th, 2006
Interestingly enough, it’s actually not an old adage–it was, at least according to TV Land, coined by writers of the Odd Couple TV sitcom as something that Felix Unger would say.
Now I shall exit, while the flames are only lapping at my ankles and tickling my toes.
Oki Sakai
Dec 15th, 2006
I got it Uri! =)
Zarithi Federko
Dec 16th, 2006
No problem, JAT…there was a JAT on the main blog (or something close) that was of the female gender. No problem, it’s easy to get confused when someone hides behind their keyboard and mouse using an assumed name, my apologies.
Just a thought
Dec 16th, 2006
Heh, like I said zarithi, personal information has nothing to do with hiding.
I may no bones about my personality ….. except when some fool actually thinks they know me.