Save a Child — Visit the Death Counter

by Alphaville Herald on 04/12/06 at 8:13 pm

by Fiend Ludwig


At the risk of glorifying yet another real life organization claiming to be “first” in Second Life — in this case, “the first campaigning organisation to establish a permanent presence in SL” — and notwithstanding this vague and certainly debatable declaration, the goal of the World Development Movement (WDM) seems laudable enough to warrant a mention in your favorite tabloid.

Founded in 1970, the WDM is a UK-based anti-poverty organization whose new project is to remind those of us immersed in SL to “keep it real.” The WDM reports that over 36 million children have died as the result of poverty since the founding of Second Life, and they have a Death Counter to prove it.

Pete Taylor, Web Officer at WDM says, “Millions of people are now spending more and more of their time in Second Life or similar virtual environments. We are here to remind them that they can’t escape the problems of the real world.”

Reduce poverty? Agreed. Save children from unnecessary suffering? absolutely. Reminding us that we can’t escape the problems of the real world by hiding in an “escapist alternative reality“? Perhaps not the most effective way to entice new members in an environment like Second Life.

Still the WDM is here for a worthy cause. Check out the WDM Death Counter in Warmouth and decide for yourself.

11 Responses to “Save a Child — Visit the Death Counter”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Dec 4th, 2006


    These leftoids would be better off putting their signs in the watering holes of the klepocrats in the Third World who divert their countries’ oil revenues to themselves instead of funding education and health care and helping kids in their countries.

  2. Kalo Foxfire

    Dec 4th, 2006

    Chill out, Profoky. Let us SUV-using, gas-guzzling, McDonalds-eating, Wal-mart shopping Westerners have our share of the guilt tripping.

    Seriously, though, “We are here to remind them that they can’t escape the problems of the real world.” Oh, yeah, that’s gonna go down well in a world of recreational escapism. The image that conjures up for me is a wheelchair-bound child abusee playing SL, when a flashing red message pops up on screen: ‘YOU CAN’T ESCAPE THE PROBLEMS OF THE REAL WORLD’.

    Oh, wait, damn. That’s already mentioned in the article. Well, I’m keeping the comment anyway.

  3. Kalo Division

    Dec 4th, 2006

    Gah, put up my internet screenname in that last topic instead of my SL screenname.

    Also: I just took another look at just what they’re doing. They’re counting (based on statistical averages) the number of child poverty deaths since SL went online? Okay, tracking this number? It just sounds stupid. I might as well start tracking the number of tobacco-related deaths since the Panama Canal was opened, since those two are also pretty unrelated.

  4. Bob the Tomato

    Dec 5th, 2006

    I’m sure that their presence is really, really going to stop a lot of people playing SL.

    I don’t suppose it ever occured to them that the money they’re spending on land fees and premium account supporting this thing they obviously hate so much could be better used buying soup for orphans or something.


  5. Shockwave Plasma

    Dec 5th, 2006

    So the WDM have been going for 36 years to reduce poverty in the world? They don’t seem to have done much good.

    The main cause of poverty in Africa is the corrupt governments that run the place.

    Middle class people in the west give aid, it goes to Africa, where is gets taken by the governing elite, and sent to Switerland to make the Swiss Banks happy.

  6. Nacon

    Dec 5th, 2006

    USA & UK has been donating so much money already for the last 10 years… WHY AREN’T THEY STOP DYING!? Because they forgot to build schools to teach them not to die. (to hunt, cook, heal, build tools, etc etc)

    There’s some native cultures out there are still better than them without any money or support from other countries. WTF? come on, stop being stupid. Teach, not money nor food. The more food you feed them, the longer they will be poor and unable to make themselves better living. That’s the truth… and some how it’s Second Life’s fault? fucktard.

  7. Artemis Fate

    Dec 5th, 2006

    Save a child, assassinate a greedy CEO embezzling funds from charity organizations

  8. Nacon

    Dec 5th, 2006

    No… that would save a lot of children, Artemis. A lot! ;)

  9. astro

    Dec 5th, 2006

    you are all beginning to really get on my tits now

  10. Nacon

    Dec 6th, 2006

    …got milk for the kids?

  11. Silent Bob

    Dec 7th, 2006

    “The main cause of poverty in Africa is the corrupt governments that run the place.” what a load of rubbish – there are corrupt governments everywhere! the way the western world treats (and has treated) Africa is one of the biggest causes of poverty there. Perhaps you need to take your head out of the sand and stop believing everything the politicians say.

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