German Army Beats Unbearable “French Lag”

by Pixeleen Mistral on 22/01/07 at 6:18 pm

Land owners’ triumph of will in Porcupine sim

by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk

Lepen_3Ten days ago, after a series of violent yet faintly surreal pro- and anti- Front National (FN) protests, the FN group sold their land and moved from Porcupine sim to Axel leaving a demolished Matrix Mall behind. To the relief of the other landowners, the FN’s departure has allowed life to return to normal in Porcupine. A casino now occupies the former site of the National Front offices — this is viewed as a positive development by some other sim residents – especially group that styles itself as the “Modern German Army”. The German Army is pleased with the casino because they feel the casino’s patrons may be potential recruits to help build their army to address threats in the metaverse.

Life for the was not always so pleasant for the German Army, although they managed to maintained a base of operations in Porcupine despite the pro- and anti- Le Pen French. In a series of interviews with German Army führer Tristan Mineff and his troops, the Herald was told an unhappy tale of “French lag” and vigorous defense virtual German virtual real estate from the noisy partisan politics of another country from another universe – real life.

We discussed the how selling some land to get a buffer between the German Army’s base and the FN proved to be a mistake when Irish leftists purchased the plot and set up an anti-FN outpost. Führer Mineff also provideded the Herald with a copy of the “SECOND LIFE STRATEGIC ARMS LIMITATION TREATY”, and discussed the joys of damage enabled land, using black soldiers to make the point that the German Army are not fascist nazis, and the Alliance Navy. For those who’s virtual neighbors prove to be problematic – take heart – the German Army survived the onslaught, and this inspiring tale of perserverence and strength may serve as an example to others.

Pro and Anti FN French lag German Army’s HQ

Pixeleen Mistral: lots of french people over there
Tristan Mineff: Yeah
TM: we just sit back and let them lag the sim
TM: OMG….you people are fucking sick…
TM: we put a on sight policy to any frenchmen who intrude
TM: Im gonna have to rid society of you…
TM: because of the number that attack us
TM starts shooting into the fleeing masses
TM: Why ya all runnin away?! ^^gestures
TM draws a bead on the last person running away…
TM: Gotcha! :)
TM: Anywho, we aren’t really planning anything.
PM: just defending your land?
TM: Basically
TM: Keep the Frenchmen off German territory.

This land is our land

Unbearable French Lag

PM: what happened to the mall? there was a mall yesterday
TM: well, there selling it. soon. They got tired of the french presence
PM: huh
TM: Ever since they moved in, we have had problems with lag.
PM: maybe the french don’t buy much
TM: They got tired of french presence and moved the wall.
TM: the lag is unbearable.
PM: yes. bad chat lag now
TM: Yes, ever since the french moved in tons of Anti FNSl and FNSL alike have came here and lagged up the sim.
TM: i’d rather have just the FNSL here then have both Anti FNSL and FNSL here at once.
PM: maybe they will get tired of fighting?
TM: Maybe.
TM: Doubted.
TM: As long as Le Pen is running for president of france they will fight against it.
TM: and bring their violent people with the stereotype that all germans are nazis. and fascists. to attack us.
PM: so french politics affect you germans, too
TM: Yes, particularly in Secondlife.
TM: Seeing as how only a few kilometers away there Based.
TM: in fact that 512 in front of us is Anti FNSL and irish leftists
TM: Where they base there Parades and Protests.
PM: have you thought of moving?
TM: its pretty hard to move with the land price’s going up
PM: good point
TM: i’ve had this plot for a long time too, and i’m kind of use to being around here. i dont really want to leave all to yet.
TM: i think i’m just going to weather it.
PM: so for now you will defend your land and hope they leave soon
TM: Yes.
TM: French just dont understand the concept of our english signs
TM: like that one over there.
PM: maybe they don’t speak english very well
TM: yeah, well most of us only speak German and English.
TM: we aren’t very good with french

Good German soldiers

Germans aren’t fascists

PM: I never realized there were so many germans
TM: yeah.
TM: Well, we are german soldiers.
TM: A lot are germans.
TM: but some are americans
TM: But i even thought of posting our black soldiers around here just to prove to the french we aren’t fascist nazis.
PM: good idea
TM: Yeah, they still don’t understand that concept that Germans aren’t fascists.
TM: we are Republicans(at least i am)
PM: so you guys are like the good germans
William2 Alexandre: Yes and we have been the good germans
TM: Well, we have our Mistakes and our bad. we aren’t perfect.
PM: we all make mistakes
TM: but basically we try to stay, reasonable.
TM: Now, we just want to keep the Laggy frenchmen and Griefers off our land.
PM: this is a bad deal for you guys
TM: Yeah, we just try to stay out of the politics of france.
TM: and keep german territory Defended.
TM: and keep the French Griefers out.

Irish Leftists bought German buffer zone

TM: Before the French this place was a calm Lagless sim.
PM: Germans defending their territory from french lag
TM: Yeah, we don’t have much of it. only about 1000 meters.
TM: we use to have over 4,000 we sold a lot of it.
TM: we basically sold those 512′s in front of us just to get the front of our territory away from the french political post.
PM: a buffer zone – smart move
TM: But unfortunately the irish leftists bought it.
TM: –who are protesting the FNSL
PM: this is the most political sim I have ever seen

Do politics belong in SL? Is SL a Game?

William2 Alexandre: God i hate it
TM: Yes, we don’t really like politics.
William2 Alexandre: politics don’t belong in a game
TM: No, they don’t.
PM: lots of people want SL to be something other than a game
TM: Yes, a lot.
TM: i’ve seen quiet a few people who take it to seriously.
TM: i just ignore them. and play along.
William2 Alexandre: Yes but games are where people come to get away from the stress of real life
William2 Alexandre: so they can play out fantasys
TM: we aren’t here to play fantasy’s the German army was a way for germans to get together and fight in places like Rausch.
TM: and to socialize with other Germans.
PM: makes sense
TM: sort of like an Instant messenger of sorts.
TM: With a bit of action on the side.
TM: We try to keep the french off our land.
William2 Alexandre: People from britain can talk with people from germany and americans talk with british and so
TM: yes, we basically represent the Modern German army within Secondlife.

German troops talk with the Herald

Damage land is a godsend

TM: we get to have combat once in a while. we get to socialize.
PM: who do you guys have combat with?
TM: Other armies
William2 Alexandre: Competing armies
TM: Yes, its politics in SL.
TM: Basically you can even declare war.
PM: so which army did you fight last?
William2 Alexandre: I believe the AN
TM: Alliance Navy.
William2 Alexandre: Alliance navy
PM: oh yeah – those guys
TM: Yes, they aren’t as Good as they appear to be.
TM: they tend to be…a bit…well
William2 Alexandre: We fight them because they want to force rules upon others
TM: full of themselves
TM: Basically.
TM: But mostly because they are full of themselves
TM: you see each army works different.
TM: Different Command structures. Leader. politics.
TM: its like RL warfare within SL.
TM: Im fuhrer, i make the decisions of the group, basically i just handle politics, war,armies ETC.
TM: thats how they all work.
TM: but, all armies are that way.
TM: there are many armies in SL.
PM: sounds like it
TM: People go out and make armies. recruit and supply them.
TM: in fact this is one of our recent guns we’ve supplied to our men.
TM: some armies have over 600 members.
William2 Alexandre: silenceroff
PM: wow
TM: We have over 1,000
TM: if you include the separate divisions.
TM: Each soldier is trained, in an army.
TM: Just like real life
TM: Problem is, its not like Real life to fight. most is urban combat.
TM: Thats why no one has a rifle
PM: yeah urban fighting is different I bet
PM: more places to hide
TM: Yeah, you have to be able to fire quick
TM: or be shot.
TM: and end up home.
William2 Alexandre: silenceron
Marty Butuzova: radar
TM: Damageland is a godsend, its what started people growing organized armies.


Second Life Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, henceforth referred to as “SLSALT”, is designed to establish a set of rules and agreements to be followed for acts of aggression between the established combat units of Second Life.

The signatories, henceforth referred to as “Members”, of this document, being official Representatives of their respective organizations, agree that the organizations will abide by the framework established within SLSALT.

Failure to abide by the rules established within SLSALT may result in aggressive actions from other Members, sanctions against them, denial of access to other organization’s territory, or other punishments as the Members see fit.

Members are to be made aware that this is NOT a peace treaty. SLSALT serves only as a groundwork for the methods and operations of technological use.

The following are the rules and agreements by which Members shall be held accountable and responsible for complying with.

PROHIBITS the use of personal interception shielding.

PROHIBITS the use of personal 360 degree object shielding, which surrounds it’s user in a large solid object to prevent damage.

PROHIBITS the use of armaments designed to destabilize the region of in which they are targeted, causing the region to cease functioning.

PROHIBITS the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction. WMDs shall be defined as “Any devastating or destructive device which has an effective lethal radius of greater than 32 meters from it’s central point of impact, excepting an allowance made below.”

PROHIBITS the use of Push weapons. Push weapons shall be defined as “Any weapon which primarily is designed to apply a force designed to send the target avatar out of the region.”

PROHIBITS the use of Orbiting weapons. Orbiting weapons shall be defined as “Any weapon which primarily is designed to send the target avatar more than 1,000 meters into the air, excepting an allowance made below.”

PROHIBITS the act of flying without a proper vehicle during combat.

PROHIBITS the use of weapons designed to isolate an avatar within a small enclosure, such as a cage.

PROHIBITS the act of firing weaponry from No-Damage Territory, henceforth referred to as “Safe Territory”, into Damage Territory.

PROHIBITS the act of firing weaponry from Damage Territory into Safe Territory.

PROHIBITS the act of firing from Safe Territory to Safe Territory, excepting an allowance made below.

ALLOWS the limited deployment of sensor-based orbiters in the instance of persistant grief attacks carried out in such a manner that no other means of defense presents itself to forces on-scene, with the understanding that supposed griefers belonging to groups which are SLSALT-compliant should first be reported for their conduct.

ALLOWS the limited deployment of weapons which would be otherwise considered WMDs from equally limited-deployable resources with which to distribute them, including but not limited to capital ships or hardened, prepared missile silos, while recognizing that such systems would require a clear and logical need for posessing such firepower.

ALLOWS the act of combat training on Safe Territory using weaponry that does not violate any of the aforementioned terms. Combat Training will be defined as “The act of firing weapons at personnel from one’s own organization, in a controlled environment and possibly, but not to the exclusion of, using a system to track damage or other data.”

ALLOWS the Members to seek 3rd party arbitration to assist in the resolution of any issues that may arise between the Members of this Treaty. 3rd party arbitration will need to be agreed upon by the members in conflict with one another. Other Member organizations may act as arbitration if the conflicting parties agree.

ALLOWS the Member organizations to create new weapons and technology that does not violate any aforementioned terms.

ALLOWS for Combat Training to take place between 2 or more willing Member organizations.

ALLOWS for the creation of units made up of multiple organizations, at the discretion of the Member organizations.

ALLOWS for the declaration of war between Member organizations, providing the terms of this Treaty are observed.

ALLOWS for the declaration of war upon non-Member organizations, providing the terms of this Treaty are observed.

ALLOWS for the Members to offer assistance against those organizations which have not become Members of this Treaty.

ALLOWS for the editing of this Treaty, with the unanimous agreement of all Member organization duly appointed representatives.

SUGGESTS that Member organizations enforce violations of this Treaty within their own organizations with utmost speed and decisiveness.

SUGGESTS that Member organizations maintain a regular form of communication.




NAME: Jim Herbst
ORG: Alliance Navy
POS: A-4 (Chief Fleet Commander)

NAME: Lurdan Huszar
ORG: United Tactical Forces
POS: U.T.F. General (1st in Command)

NAME: Proteus Hand
ORG: Sky Raiders
POS: Sky Captain (1st Fleet Cmdr)

NAME: Aryte Vesperia
ORG: Novus Ordo Imperialis
POS: Princep (Commander)

NAME: Nayaioh Commodore
ORG: CorsairPM
POS: Fortuna (Commander in Chief.)

NAME: Tristan Mineff
ORG:Republic of Germany
POS:Fuhrer der Deutschen

NAME: Paul Kendal
ORG:2nd Rangers Division
POS:2nd Rangers division leader.

23 Responses to “German Army Beats Unbearable “French Lag””

  1. Warspite Fackler

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    Fuhrer der Deutschen eh? Jungs, wenn ihr keine Nazis seid, was seid ihr dann? Beschränkt? Erklärt’s mir.

  2. Face Goalpost

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    I (being a German SL resident myself) totally agree with Warspite. If the Modern Germany Army aren’t Nazis, but have a self-proclaimed “Führer”, they are simply retards without any clue of politics. SL is a boundary-crossing communications platforms, so residents should take a firm stance against any kind of militaristic or nazistic people like these, no matter whether they are political activists or just plain d***heads.

  3. Face Goalpost

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    I (being a German SL resident myself) totally agree with Warspite. If the Modern Germany Army aren’t Nazis, but have a self-proclaimed “Führer”, they are simply retards without any clue of politics. SL is a boundary-crossing communications platforms, so residents should take a firm stance against any kind of militaristic or nazistic people like these, no matter whether they are political activists or just plain d***heads.

  4. Face Goalpost

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    Sorry for the double post. Admin, please delete.

  5. humanoid

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    Suckers. I get my lag for free.

  6. Jerry

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    I think our friend Mineff has lost his sense of reality just a little here. A good example would be with his claims of membership numbers – the Alliance Navy, for example, is one of the largest combat groups on the grid and we have barely 100 members in total. The “fuhrer’s” personal goon squad totals at perhaps 15, and can be verified as such by checking the group’s membership numbers.

    Sometimes I wish the herald would research their “stories” instead of just posting up some chat logs, but hey. I need to get my giggles SOMEWHERE, so thank you kindly SLH!

  7. Tristan Mineff

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    Alright, for one i mis-stated that. i ment there are over 1,000 germans in Secondlife. and once more. we have more than 15 troops. i can tell you that. we have around 80-87 last time i checked. Just because i hid alot of our more populated divisions and Groups. doesnt mean we only have 15 troops. we are running fairly close to Alliance navy and merczateers on terms of numbers. and as far as the Alliance Navy being the largest, not so. because if you think about it the merczateers are there equal in alot of ways. and i dont want anyone saying otherwise until i see an AN-Merc war. wich since probobly will never happen. will keep there pieholes shut. i mean honestly. do you realy bealeve we’ve done so much with only 15 troops?

  8. Warspite Fackler

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    Alright, so that makes 15 reenactment obsessed members who take ‘Landser’ yarn for granted, along with a flexible reserve of 60+ Volkssturm, Deutsche Mädels and the odd job Wehrwolf?
    Just to keep you informed: don’t you dare make the whole german community silent conscripts of your Geisterdivisionen. Megalomania is one thing but what’s yours?

    Back to the drawing board, read a book. If all fails read ‘Mein Kampf’ if you must. Try to comprehend what Hitler wrote and how he attempted to fullfill every single one of his ramplings. Still finding it cool? Then please travel to Iran and enlist there, you’ll be in good company.

    And one more thing: Hate to break it to you but ‘Kelly’s Heroes’ is just a movie, it never happened.

    End of transmission.

  9. Bruno Ziskey

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    *sighs* The Alliance Navy doesn’t actually “force” their rules upon anyone, it’s virtually impossible, really. Think about it, how are you going to force a virtual group to follow rules other than their own? It’s impossible. Also, and correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no Fuhrer in the “moder” German Army, and by “modern” I am guessing you are talking about present day Germany. There are groups that will keep on talking about the evils of the AN, I am through with that, no more. Other people, such as Sergeant Griffith and Tristan Mineff, can do that all they want, makes no difference. Here’s the truth: you can’t destroy something that’s virtual, unless you are in control of that virtual world, i.e. the Lindens. You can crash their sim, but 15 minutes or so later, the sim will be back up again. In essence, you accomplished nothing. In order to proclaim yourself better than a group, you must have a goal to reach, such as capturing a flag and holding the position for a certain pre-determined amount of time. Another thing, Tristan, you tried to create a group that was more or less a War Council, and even more, an Anti-Alliance Navy War Council. I see this as fruitless, as this adds in even more of what I hate: politics. When you put politics and the military together, it doesn’t end up good. This is why I am opposed to politicians running the military, as they make dumbass decisions, but that’s life, unfair as it is. Another thing, Tristan, in this War Council, you make it “law” that in the time of war (conceivably, every day), the soldiers in the groups of the War Council wil be conscripted into the War Council’s army. Hmm…..hypocrisy comes to mind here, as you accuse the AN of trying to control other groups, and impose their rules on them. The AN doesn’t impose their rules on other people, but they’re a hell of a lot more polite to you if you follow at least most of them. That is what my group, Sparta does, and we have become more of a roleplay group, in a way like the Grand Army of the Republic, only we don’t allow noobs in Sparta.

  10. Mikael Khalamov

    Jan 23rd, 2007

    I completely agree with you, Bruno. The AN can not, and does not attempt to, impose its will upon other military or non-military groups, or civilians, or anyone else. SLSALT is not, as many have said, an AN attempt to control everyone; it is an attempt to make SL Combat more fun and more fair. Also… I don’t think that this was a misunderstanding:

    Tristan Mineff: some armies have over 600 members.
    William2 Alexandre: silenceroff
    Pixeleen Mistral: wow
    TM: We have over 1,000
    TM: if you include the separate divisions.

    That’s pretty clear to me…

  11. Harlequin Salome

    Jan 24th, 2007

    Bruno, I’m rather surprised by your post, and appreciate someone, for once, speaking up for us, especially such an unexpected source. Thank you.

    Now on to ripping on Tristan.

    1,000 members. *snicker* Nice, Tristan. I’m really amazed that the Herald actually even printed your idiocy. Then again, whatever. The most the GERMAN ARMY OF 1000 MEN! has ever been able to muster was around 6 guys. Martin Cord once IMed me in terror because you got 15 out in the field, the most he’d ever seen.
    Come on, now.

    I’d love for the Herald to perhaps take a few minutes to even research the combat groups, because every time they report on them, its obvious you guys have absolutely no clue whats going on in our sphere of influence. The German Army is a tiny group, and their “divisions” are mostly just repeats of other divisions. In addition to this, their group is, last I checked, hidden, and I’m shocked that your reporter took the word of a “Fuhrer” or whatever it is.

    And let me add a bit more. FN are fascist scum, but the Germans are also. I’m Jewish, and have been called “kike” more times than I can count by these jag-offs. They’ve screamed about putting jews in ovens. Made all form of anti-semite jokes. Rumor has it they had a “death chamber” set up for a brief time. Also, should a person be gay or bi, Tristan will resort to even more intelligent insults, like “Faggot”. Repeated 100 times per sentance.
    And he has no idea how to count people. He’s constantly claimed the AN has “600 people” and “200 in allies”. God I wish it was so, but its not.

    That you’d even give this guy any print amazes me.

  12. Tristan Mineff

    Jan 24th, 2007

    Alright, I know first hand the alliance navy. and its workings. ive been in it for a short period of time (never made it past e2). and i have some of my peaple in there. and i’ve learned much about them. They train like any other army group. even though they’l deny it. and say there training is better. but in factuality if they dint have there ships,equipment and lots of Real Life money to get land. then they’d be no better than any other army you see marching. They use Tactics such as spraying a building with phantoms and useing it to kill peaple they can see but are behind solid objects, and when they are done they say something like ‘we thought they where wearing shields’ even though its obvious there not. and i know for fact, that you’d have to be around 20 years old to bealeve that you are better than everyone else. and the young age brings Cockyness to the equation. in factuality the Alliance Navy are troops are like any other troops. with good equipment. i admit there ability to Kill an entire base with a bomb. and there abilities to kill peaple in bunkers with phantoms, boxing through solid objects and Blowing peaple up with huge ships. useing phantom bullets to spray buildings and cover. is a testement to how they work. Yet they will deny it. but even though the AN high command denies it. and maybe they dont even mean it. for all i know the Troops use phantom bullets on there free will, without any Consequences. and i also know, talking to Agents within AN that there are no rules nor are there Punishments for useing phantom bullets. and i also know, that AN is probobly is run by 20-year-olds, because by the age of 40 you learn real quick. that no one is better than everyone else, no one is invincible. and the consequences of being inevitabley being Punished for your bad decisions and Cockyness, will ingulf you.
    as you can tell, the AN have a tendency to smash everything down. and Insult other armies. Regardless. i’ve yet to say anything bad about the AN until now. The AN will smash down any thing that puts an other army anywhere above them.

    See how they fight me? i did nothing but mis-state it. and get my name in the paper. and they are already insulting me. and Smashing me down. Thats Pretty inmature. why dont you get a good attitude with that grammar?, you probobly get alot less enemies. then going around saying your better than everyone else.

  13. Tristan Mineff

    Jan 24th, 2007

    oh, right and about that Gas chamber shit, its just rumor. i’ve never set up such a thing, and my brother is jewish. and some of my friends are homosexual. and i have nothing against jews nor Homosexuals. Thats just blind lies.

  14. Tristan Mineff

    Jan 24th, 2007

    And what, may i ask is a kike?

  15. Rob Arten

    Jan 25th, 2007

    “They train like any other army group. even though they’l deny it.”

    Really. I would be interested to find out the method by which you ‘train’ your soldiers, as I can assure you it is nothing like our method. Believe me, I train Marine recruits myself (being a DI) and to cement it down to a single method is ludicrous. How could we possibly stay ahead (which, by the way, we are) if we kept to the same template week after week, year after year. Imagine what would have happened if the German Army used WWI tactics in WWII. They would’nt have even got as far as France, because times change.

    ” but in factuality if they dint have there ships,equipment and lots of Real Life money to get land. then they’d be no better than any other army you see marching.”

    First, I suggest you revise your use of full-stops (or periods, if you use the American term). Second, I thank you for stating the blatantly obvious. Our ships and equipment are a large part of what makes us the best, alongside a hefty portion of dicipline and some crack leadership on the side. Do you think, say, the US Army would be anywhere near as good as it is if they were armed with Flintlocks and Tug Boats?

    “that you’d have to be around 20 years old to bealeve that you are better than everyone else.”

    I take this as personal insult, Mr Mineff, as will every other person that fits this bill (there are more than you’d think). I’d like to ask you how many people you think you have over this age in your ‘army’? And that is, ones that -actually- are, not just say they are. I really, REALLY do not for a second believe that you are much older than this yourself, and to be around 40 years old and proclaim themselves a ‘Fuhrer’ is, frankly, sad. Seriously, grow up (and I mean, -really-).

    “then going around saying your better than everyone else.”

    Hum, I’m not sure how many times I’ve said this now, but I really can’t help it (even though it does make me sound rather arrogant, an effect that I do not aim for in general). We ARE the best, proved by the fact that no army is yet to surpass us. Not the Mercz, not the CC/CMD, not you. Countless times I have seen useless whiners proclaim that “The AN is not as good as it seems! They are not the best!”. Not one of these people have backed up their words. A popular American phrase I think is, “If you can’ walk the walk, don’t talk the talk”.

    On a side note, in terms of your breif mentioning of the AN-Merczateers alliance, I can safely inform you that it is over. The Mercz did not pull their weight, and so are now merely considered neutral. That’s one less thing to worry about.

    P.S. I would expect that a ‘kike’ is a derogatory term for a Jew, due to the reaction provoked by Admiral Salome. You would do well to keep it well outside of your vocabulary.

  16. tristan mineff

    Jan 25th, 2007

    Ok, for one. dont comment if you cant say anything nice. and we do train our men hard. to Familiarize with our weaponry and know our enemies well. And i can pretty much tell the difference between a 20-year-old unexperienced person. and a 30-40 year old. and if my leaders arent 30-40 years old then they are some pretty mature and experienced 20 year olds.

  17. tristan mineff

    Jan 30th, 2007

    “any fool can Criticise, Condem, and complain–and most fools do.”-Dale Carnegie

  18. Penny Cao ( ADMIRAL OF SLSN )

    Jan 31st, 2007

    Just to add alittle comment to tristan,

    I dout its wise going round saying to everyone that the SLSN ( sl sky navy ) will help you in any attacks with other army’s, we helped you out with other things like any other army would of, but taking pics of my officers and ships saying “the german army and the slsn will defeat all” you could say i laughed so hard i fell off my chair, just to let everyone know encluding the germans! the SLSN will not help you in any way as if you asked any army it is wrong to go round saying that an army you dont really know that well will defeat any other army or group,

    So lets get to the point, if i hear any more about the germans and slsn “togther” there will be trouble between us too, and please stop saying were a big big group that will kick anyones arse if they do somthing wrong, and were up our own arse and our ego is so big that we wil trip up over it? i think you got us mixed up with the AN

  19. Rob Arten

    Feb 6th, 2007

    Dictionary Definition: “To be up ones arse”
    slang, Eng. v. To have a higher expectation of oneself than is actually evident. When someone is described to be ‘up their own arse, they are seeing themselves in a much higher position than they actually are. exp: John is up his own arse – John is not as good as he thinks he is.

    Now, I’d like you to refer to my comment just a few posts up. This definition clearly proves that we are not up our own arse, as this would imply that we are not as good as we say we are.

    “any fool can Criticise, Condem, and complain–and most fools do.” – Dale Carnegie

    True, although he didn’t only say this once. I believe he suffixed it on a number of occasions with the following passage…

    “It is those that do with reason and feeling that surpass the barrier of stupidity.”

    Hoorah! I think the only time I, personally, have ever complained without reason was when I came across the SLSN base during a little ‘visit’. I did, in all honesty, complain profusely about the large wooden block that impeded my passage into the firing range. Yes, without reason, as it turned out to be hollow, which a simple block-sitting resolved. Believe me, to complain is to be unreasonably annoyed by something irrelevant, which doesn’t generally stretch so far as a guy with a gun who thinks he’s cool. All it takes is another guy with a gun to show him where to sit, and thus the problem is solved.

    Hum, little point I noticed there about Tristan’s continued inability to group various people properly, Mr Carnegie states that “most fools do”. This does not, in any case, signify that learnéd folk do not complain, it merely states that fools do. Kind of an innapropriate quote then, don’t you think?

    “Ok, for one. dont comment if you cant say anything nice.”

    Fair enough, I won’t. You do seem to have talked in literate sentences during your interview, which deserves commendment. As for your hard(ly) trained men, they do put on a good show and help me and my comrades to keep our skills sharp. Thankyou, Tristan Mineff ^^.

  20. Proteus Hand

    Mar 12th, 2007

    This doesn’t even deserve debunking…. even Harlequin’s post seemed inflamed, much in contrast to his much more frequently shown manner of reserve and (apparent) hidden wisdom.

    This entire page should be removed from the Herald’s directories, it seems to me that it should embarrass any previous replies previous to mine, not to mention the author of the article.

    Rather detestable.

  21. Martin Perway

    Jun 23rd, 2007

    Posted by: Tristan Mineff | January 24, 2007 at 04:04 PM

    oh, right and about that Gas chamber shit, its just rumor. i’ve never set up such a thing, and my brother is jewish. and some of my friends are homosexual. and i have nothing against jews nor Homosexuals. Thats just blind lies.

    LOL sorry bud but i just have to say this is a LIE, cause you stuck me in the gas chamber before and didnt tell me what it was.

  22. Kirill Moskvitch

    Jul 3rd, 2007

    Fuhrer in the context Tristan bears title is no different than the title Hitler proclaimed himself as. No arguing.

    Tristan, there is no need to defend yourself. You can call yourself Fuhrer. It’s SL.
    It’s these hormonal, provocative Jewish players that will never get the truth straight and will harass you for it. The modern German army and associated branches are not neo-Nazi run military groups. There are no fucked up politics. Go back to your temple and study political science, not relaying your parent’s biased views toward’s Germany you ten year old twits.

    Kike is a terrible insult to Jews. Shouldn’t be repeated.

    The Alliance Navy out guns Tristan’s group. No dispute.

    Penny Cao is like Jabba the Hut, her fat ugly ass sits on an ugly big ass ship and eventually gets owned by a few peeps. Quote me people.

    Glad I was able to clear everything up. Love, Kirill Moskvitch.

  23. Tristan Mineff

    Jul 26th, 2007

    Mein gott, The fuhrer thing was ment to be hitler’s title for one reason–i ment it to Actouly Provoke the past, im tired of the German Bundeswehr geting confused with the wehrmacht, Most Germans never even Messed with the totemkampf and SS divisions. They just defended they’re homeland.

    im not related to Neo Nazis or anything of the such. Most germans souport what i drive for–to debunk the Rumor that Germany is anything more then a great Bundesrepublik. I wear the fuhrer tag to flaunter the fact that germany is closley tied with Hitler and the wehrmacht, By using the Fuhrer tag, i show that it is not a title to be disputed, as the ‘leader of germany’ but simply as a title, nothing more. i fight in game and out for one day dis-accociating Germany, and its federal states with the Wehrmacht and Nazi Government of over–may i note–60 years ago!. Damn, can’t you peaple get in your heads, that im probobly one of the most Anti-nazi Peaple in all of Germany!. i hate what has been associated between Germany and the former Nazi state, Germany is a Freaking Republic! a Federal Republic in wich Violence itself between the Germans and other countries, Under the constitution of Germany, is Verbotten! only under the stance of defence Can germany Ever conduct violence against fellow man. we’re no different then America, in terms of government. We have a chancellor(Angel Merkel) And we have our own council! We are Peaple of peace. Germany is a country of vines,peace,prosperity,love and respect! the modern german army is simply a federal defence forces constituted with defending the peace of germany, if you’ve ever been there, and explored it you’l see its greatness, the Alps, The small towns, the friendly Volks. without Peace, there is no germany, and without germany there is no peace, and without the bundeswehr, there is no Germany, and there is no peace. i remember the graduation, upon wich. ‘Ich Shwore, Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Treu Zu dienen, und das recht und die freiheit des deutschen volke Tapfer zu Verteidigen, So Wahr mir gott helfe.’ and thats what i stick to, its more then a promise, its a way of life.

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