Second Convention Hits Second Life, March 1-3
by Alphaville Herald on 02/02/07 at 11:36 am
SL resident ZATZAi Asturias has announced the first Second Convention, to he held in Second Life, March 1-3. No word yet on how or whether you need to register in advance, but if avatars don’t choke Artificial Isle to a crawl, it could be a fun few days of sailing, speechifying, fun-poking, partying and hawking of wares.
–Walker Spaight
ZATZAi Asturias
Feb 2nd, 2007
Haha, thanks for the exposure Mark.
Fortunately it’s a Class 5 sim but the plan was to limit the amount of avatars present via the estate tool, and ask everyone attending to take off their AOs etc. If we get a big enough response on the forums (And we’re certainly hoping to gauge the interest by announcing a month in advance) we may go with a ticket-to-entry system.
Attendance is of course free.
ZATZAi Asturias
Feb 2nd, 2007
Oops, meant to say Walker not Mark, I cut & pasted too fast. Sorry.
Prokofy Neva
Feb 2nd, 2007
This looks great! I am SO SO happy to see something get started out of this stultified, sequestered SLCC process that FlipperPA and Jennyfur Peregrine and their little pals have hogged to themselves for several years now. But given that reality of our virtuality, I’ll have to ask these questions:
1. Who is paying for your convention? Who are the sponsors? Who owns the land upon which it is being held?
2. Will you be banning critical blogsters like myself, the way the Peregrines have banned me from SLCC merel for my writings?
Seriously, these are important questions, to learn whether Second Life has grown beyond high school yet. If not…I’ll wait, no hurry : )
Cat Scratch
Feb 2nd, 2007
No worries about needing to know if you will be banned Prok. This is being put together by a Second Citizen regular, you know the guiltly by association group you cannot stand to be around due to your own high school mentality and all?
Zatzai, AWESOME to see you doing this. I am sure it will be outstanding.
Prokofy Neva
Feb 3rd, 2007
Well, I’d like to hear from Zatzai herself. I don’t know who she is. If she is an SC regular, that’s not a very good recommendation, frankly, I may give it a pass. I can’t imagine having to hang out with people like Hector Cannibal who rezzes giant dicks on people’s lawns. I don’t make guilt by association, I document the bad behaviour of ALL the members in some groups and MANY OR MOST of the members of some groups so that it’s a pretty sure thing that it’s concerted, deliberate, and essential to the group’s identity : )
Cat Scratch
Feb 3rd, 2007
>>I don’t make guilt by association, I document the bad behaviour of ALL the members in some groups and MANY OR MOST of the members of some groups so that it’s a pretty sure thing that it’s concerted, deliberate, and essential to the group’s identity : )
Oh yes, Prok. You are a great judge of character and strive to treat people individualy with respect rather then judging them for a group they are in. A judgement that is based on a handful of idiot’s actions. /sarcasm.
ZATZAi Asturias
Feb 3rd, 2007
This looks great! I am SO SO happy to see something get started out
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Well that was the idea, I can't attend SLCC myself as it's in Chicago, though that could change, but doubtful. But I thought, why not have more conventions, or even one in Second Life.
1. Who is paying for your convention? Who are the sponsors? Who owns the land upon which it is being held?
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Most of the convention is taking place on Artificial Isle, which is my sim which I'm setting it up for the convention and I'm the one covering the costs. Sponsors have not yet been announced, that information will be made available on the Second Convention update forum later on.
2. Will you be banning critical blogsters like myself, the way the Peregrines have banned me from SLCC merel for my writings?
If she is an SC regular, that’s not a very good recommendation, frankly, I may give it a pass.
So you don’t want to attend because I post at Second Citizen? Well, ok, if that’s how you feel about it, you don’t have to attend if you don’t want to, I don’t really have any desire to ban or not ban people to simply meet someone’s social tastes be they from SLH or SC, so if you don’t want to attend because you don’t want to run into someone from Second Citizen, well that’s up to you.