Archive for March, 2007
Virtual Worlds 2007, report #1
By Urizenus Sklar All quotes guaranteed to possibly be accurate. I climbed out my cab in Battery Park, eager to take in Virtual Worlds 2007 conference and hear the latest developments in virtual worlds. But what is this? The other taxis pulling up are not yielding scruffy game devs and virtual platform development geeks, but [...]
Full StoryShay Savon – Post 6 Grrrl

[Editrix’s note: This week we have a super special treat from deep in the heart of Texas - a mid-week Post 6 Grrrl - Shay Savon. Shay is dancing her way into hearts all over the metaverse with a good ol’ fashioned texas charm as big as the lone star state.As always, our Post 6 [...]
Full StoryH&R Block Heads

by Onder Skall Just do me, baby! H&R Block recently announced the construction of H&R Block Island. The story goes that SL residents (at least, those from the US) can swing on by and get some free tax advice. “Fifty years ago, we changed the tax preparation landscape by opening up our first office on [...]
Full StorySL Combat Expo Underway

by Onder Skall, courtesy of SL Games The SL Combat Expo 2007 has officially launched and will be running until April 2nd. This is a great opportunity to see some of the cooler weaponry that Second Life has to offer and ask questions of the weaponsmiths themselves. From the official release: William Dalgleish, Project Manager [...]
Full StoryThe Medicis of Second Life

The Magic World of Leo Burnett; Big New Tree of Media Life By Prokofy Neva, Virtual Corporation Watch The big corporations that have entered Second Life are a rough analogy to the Medicis of medieval Florence – avidly (avariciously) engaged in commerce, yet sponsoring art and architecture. I haven’t worked out all the analogies yet [...]
Full Story“No Deal With CB,” Sez LL; Purple Land’s “A Bug”

By Prokofy Neva, Dept. of Virtual Estate Linden Lab did not encourage Coldwell Banker (CB), the real-life real estate company, to come into Second Life, John Zdanowski, LL’s chief financial officer, known inworld as “Zee Linden,” told the Herald this weekend. Asked if there was any contact, encouragement, or special tier breaks, Zee replied, “Absolutely [...]
Full StoryPower to the SLitizens!: Here Come the SL Anarchists!

The Second Life Anarchists, also known as the Durruti Group (after Spanish anarchist Buenaventura Durruti) have a cause and they have a manifesto (reprinted below the fold). But my favorite part of the manifesto is the following parenthetical remark: While we laud LL for their foresight, and technical achievement in bringing SL to be, and [...]
Full StoryMetaverse Closed For Repair – Again

yiffing, gambling, and griefing delayed for a second time Saturday by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk The metaverse was shut down saturday for 40 minutes due to a few minor infelicitous features – that occurred for the second time in one day despite beings “resolved” earlier. Residents reported problems with – crossing sim boundaries- finding [...]
Full StoryThrown to the Wolves: A Newbie Discovers Yiffing.
[This article originally appeared in the in-world magazine Players, published by Second Life uberwoman Marilyn Murphy. Some names have been changed to protect the yifficent. If you are (i) at work or (ii) under 18 or (iii) easily offended by things like yiffing FOR GOPOD's SAKE STOP READING NOW!. -- the management] Thrown to the [...]
Full StoryBoggle Berger – Post 6 Man

[This week our Post 6 Man is Boggle Berger - a custom avatar maker and weapons model in Second Life, as photographed by the supreme mistress of avatar art - Marilyn Murphy - the photographer/visionary behind Players, SL’s in-world erotica magazine. Boggle says he has been banned in more places than he can remember - [...]
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