Is Second Life Liberation Army Founder Part of a Corporate Spy Firm?

by Pixeleen Mistral on 19/04/07 at 12:13 am

Solidad Sugarbeet resigns from SLLA leadership – claims Marshal Cahill is part of real life “corporate intelligence/security firm”

by Bayesian Textbot

Today, the following notice went out to the Second Life Liberation Army (SLLA):

Dear SLLA members: Via an anonymous source, it has come to my attention that Marshal Cahill is the real life owner of Concentric Solutions, a corporate intelligence firm. As such, I cannot in good conscience remain in a leadership position in SLLA. I have tried to rectify this situation internally, and with limited success; however, the sensitive nature of this situation has left me no choice but to go public with this information. I wish you all the best, and it is my hope that SLLA will one day represent a true revolutionary vision not just for SL, but for RL as well. Sincerely, solidad Sugarbeet

I followed up with Solidad, who simply said: “I can’t reveal the source but I’m willing to stake my rep on this.” A closer look at the Marshal Cahill account reveals little of interest except that he’s managed to be around since 7/26/2006 and is only a member of a single group – his own. Even corporate accounts generally end up with a few extra groups on there.

Herald readers may remember our previous story about the paranoid delusional ranting of a security company called Concentric Solutions seeking to poke their nose into everybody’s business. We were all careful about everything we did for awhile, lest we be accused of being a terrorist.

This wouldn’t be the first time that this sort of honeytrap of strategy has been adopted by security forces. If true, this would hold to the pattern federal law enforcement has been following in trying to track down activists and radicals. Still, at this time it’s only a rumor.

While Concentric lists (through World of Warcraft, There, and Second Life as places it watches the public for signs of terror, they haven’t seen fit to let us know what avatar names they tend to use one way or another.

As this story was about to be sent in I received this notecard from Shan Bright entitled “CSI statement”:

Marshal Cahil, founder of the Second Life Liberation Army, is an officer of real life company Concentric Solutions International ( a corporate intelligence company which boasts of employing US and UK ex-military and intelligence staff, and monitoring online games for information to pass back to the companies who employ them.

“Concentric monitors blogs, social networking sites and even MMORPGs (Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games) in order to inform its intelligence program.” (source:

I discovered this when I was approached by Keiko Ketsugo, SLLA Media Officer and a personal friend, and Roderick Lytton, who Keiko explained was an alternative avatar for Marshal. They asked me to build an office for a podcasting company they were starting called Singularity Media. At a meeting on the 12th of April to discuss the work, I was asked to build a third floor to house the Second Life presence of a third company, and given the URL “” to consult for further information.

I was shocked to discover the nature of the company’s work, and realised that many SLLA members – often committed anti-corporate and globalisation activists – would never have joined an organisation founded by an officer of CSI. I discussed the situation with the three SLLA members personally known to me – all of whom serve on the group’s Central Committee: Keiko Ketsugo, Keksakallu Klata, and Solidad Sugarbeet.

Solidad tells me she has resigned and plans to make this information public. I feel it is my responsibility to confirm her story, and put SLLA members in a position to decide for themselves what they wish to do.

I might add that I am myself an anarchist, and entirely support the demand for avatar self-rule also advocated by the SLLA. I believe the organisation needs to put its house in order, and ensure that it is honest, open, democratic, and genuinely serving the aims for which it was founded, and not in any way connected to companies like CSI who use online environments like Second Life to collect information for corporate clients.

Marshal Cahill was unavailable for comment at press time.

As SLLA members grapple with the possibility that they may have been infiltrated – if not founded – by forces opposed to their anti-corporate aims, the legitimacy of at least some of the early SLLA actions targeting high visibility corporate installations in SL is in question. Could Linden Lab have hired CSI to help in it public relations efforts? Certainly SLLA has been quite sucessful in attracting the attention of the mainstream media – for better or worse.

118 Responses to “Is Second Life Liberation Army Founder Part of a Corporate Spy Firm?”

  1. urizenus

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Holy Shit!!!

    This is like one of the best stories ever Pix, good one!

    I wonder though, if true it could be a honey trap OR it could be an attempt to drum up business for Concentric Solutions. Want to sell consulting on the dangers of internet terrorism? No internet terrorism? No problem! Start your own internet terrorism group. genius.

    All this assuming the story is true of course.

  2. Marshal Cahill

    Apr 19th, 2007

    As founder of the SLLA – I am always available for comment – when asked!

    Since starting the SLLA I have been variously accused of being a RL pedophile, French fascist, animal abuser, Irish politician, member of the KKK, aimee weber, and a small daschund by the name of Colin. Now while it would always have been easier to somehow reveal my RL identity I have, as many other users do (particulary in the SLLA) decided that the SL world should remain in SL. So while these allegations are unpleasant I feel it is better to stand on principle over this as I would never put pressure on other SL users to reveal their RL identities.

    The SLLA has always been about individual freedoms in SL – so although I would personaly like to deconstruct the links provided above – this far into the SLLA project that would make no sense. I believe every AV should be judged on their SL merits, because nobody really knows who anyone is, apart from how they act.

    Marshal Cahill

  3. Gomu Priestman

    Apr 19th, 2007

    So Marshal, a simple yes or no. Are you connected in any way at all with Concentric Solutions?

  4. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Great work! I’ve always felt this SLAA was as phony as a $3 bill. I was sorry to see real activists getting sucked up into it, because it was so patently a fake thing, like the Tsar’s secret police making fake groups to drawn in revolutionaries to watch them, or the Soviet KGB making fake dissident movements to control them.

    The chief purpose of the SLAA is to distract from real dissent both within SL and in RL. It has achieved that purpose. In story after story about it in the media, either the coverage of the SLAA has drowned out the real and authentic dissent on the grid, or it has trivialized it and made all dissent seem stupid like the SLAA and made no distinction between violent Leninists and peaceful liberals.

    My guess is that it isn’t the Lindens who hired this company, but the corporations. It first attacked American Apparel, remember? So perhaps AA hired it. Or one of the metaversal service companies.

    So I don’t think that they are there to create terrorist groups and then drum up business to get rid of terrorist groups, although that’s plausible, I think they’ve been hired to create a fake group to draw in people to gather intelligence on them, and also to discredit any attacks against corporations.

    There are many signs that this group is fake — they were never known for years up until their formation, and didn’t fit with any known protest movements in SL. They never do anything but attack these corporate icon sims, some of which are empty and not getting press anymore. When the Sheep offered bounties and started making movies of them, I felt it was REALLY so transparently phony that I figured it would stop soon because it was so obviously fake and it’s cover was blown.

    Then I noticed the media kept grinding on the meme because it fit a RL meme they grind on, about anti-globalists.

  5. Marshal Cahill

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Prokofy – its SLLA not SLAA, which I think is Second Life Alcoholics Anonymous!

  6. harlequin salome

    Apr 19th, 2007

    God, this makes my inner technocrat sing.
    If this is true, Marshal, my hats off to you. If it isn’t, my condolences for the smear to your name.

    Though the irony is delicious, either way.

  7. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Yes, I saw that typo afterwords, but the Herald doesn’t let you edit posts. But given that AA may have hired you, SLAA perhaps isn’t so far off the bat. I’m not saying I have any information to confirm this, but like other journalists in SL, I’ve been sent dossiers purporting to show the great textural similarity between Aimee Weber’s builds and the SLLA paraphernalia, the t-shirts, builds, signs, etc.

    SLLA always stuck me as VERY FIC-y, given the way that Lordfly and other FIC creators seized on the concept of the FIC I invented, early on, and made all this Soviet-style art around it. “More Feted Than Human” was one of the posters showing furries marching to the glorious future, etc. Soviet-style.

    Marshall is now jamming on me in emails and reprimanding me for not taking up the cudgel for the outing of his RL and connection to SL (if merited, we have no proof of that).

    I’m a big believer in people’s SL and RL not being tied, and not hounding people with their real lives as some kind of coin of the realm in SL. I find it really gravely despiccable. It’s been done to me, and it’s a constant victimization that only worsens in time, and doesn’t lessen, and trying to give your RL name to journalists covering SL only worsens the harassment, and doesn’t lessen it. Anyone contemplating SL these days and taking any public position of any time has to think really hard either how to hide their identity or how to link it so that it doesn’t harm either one. It’s awful, and the promise of a “second life” is severely eroded.

    Having said that, I pose the question, however: at what point does the harm to SL’s community or society or public interest become so great, that a drive to out a person’s RL is merited?

    Obviously all the FIC fucktards indignantly took it upon themselves to out my RL precisely because they felt it was in their interest (they imagine themselves to be “the community”) to try to stop my dissent through any means. I find that absolutely despicable, that you can fight forums wars by other means, digging into someone’s private life. But having suffered them doing that to me for 3 years, I fight back in kind now, it helps to shut them up. Unfortunately, it’s the only recourse we have.

    I already don’t have any respect for solidad sugarbeet due to his Marxist politics, but if he has trawled the Internet looking to out Marshal Cahill, he’s even more despicable. Or is he? I can only say this issue has to be debated. Is there an interest so overriding in SL that it mandates outing of people’s RL? I can’t think there is. That is, if someone sounds like they are going to commit murder or suicide or some other RL crime, I think demanding that Lindens, law enforcement, the press, etc. get on it is in order, and then their RL sanctity can’t be invoked.

    Here’s my advice to Marshal Cahill. Your cover is blown. You need to shop around for some sister organizations in Bulgaria or Belarus. Let them get the next front/honeypot started, and you remote control it this time, or join on a quiet alt. Wait a decent interval, and then emerge again claiming to be the true SLLA-like entity (but use a new name) and announce that you will cleanse the grid of those vermin who sold out to corporate intelligence blah blah. Find a couple of fellow travelers, liferz, lozers, Leninists floating around and give them no-show jobs for $100 or something to get going again. Make a big, ugly build like the Merzcateers with vaguely Soviet insignia, and quietly go into the land flipping business under still more alts to fund your op. Good luck!

  8. Nacon

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Any advices or not, he’s an idiot… still.

    However, his only successful influence effect to Linden Labs make improvements to LL’s SLARD (Second Life Abuse Report Department).

    SLLA is no success in any way itself, maybe SLAA (Second Life Alcoholics Anonymous)?

    (Every time I read SLLA, I think of Second Life’s Loser Association.)

  9. Boson the Clown

    Apr 19th, 2007

    As someone who is not normally impressed with SLHerald stories, this one is actually quite impressive.

    Real reportage, no injection of the writer into the story itself…bravo.

  10. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 19th, 2007

    >no injection of the writer into the story itself.

    Oh dear…must be doing something wrong! Say, Boson, where are you cousins dildo and the gang?

  11. Anonymous

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Well done Solidad and Shan!

    As people will know, I spent some considerable time and effort building what appeared to be a vibrant democratic movement in SL…but it was increasingly clear that something was deeply wrong.

    So many people had intuitive doubts about Marshal … he appeared to have no sense or knowledge of RL resistance movements, no sympathy for their ethos, ethics or purpose, no… well, just no.

    I am filled with disgust at this charade but also cannot but wonder at the modalities of the exercise. Suddenly we were gifted land and money … but who was ‘Arrian Burrel’, and why did she disappear? Why was Marshal so elusive, and why did he have no ability to express the political goals of the SLLA in any vaguely comprehesible form? Why, when I joined and added by opinions, did he simply roll and give me full rein?

    In retrospect, and as every communist, socialist and anarchist activist I ever met in SL also seemed to think…why did any of us ever trust this apparation and why did we ever consent to build a movement under his formal ownership?

    I am not about to renounce every aspect of what we did. But it would be insane not to draw some pretty serious lessons from it.

    1) I’m not an avatar and I’m not fighting for avatar power. I’m a human being and I’m fighting to be free.

    2) Don’t trust random fucks.

    3) Do trust your instincts.

    4) Doesn’t this all just make you want to fight the corporations and their slimy hangers-on even more than before?

    With love and renewed deterimination, but frankly a tad more focused now on struggles in RL, I remain,

    Keksakallu Klata
    Ex-Political Officer,
    The movement formerly known as ‘SLLA’

  12. Economic Mip

    Apr 19th, 2007

    Why did you not figure it out, you were “sascams” like all others who believe in the failed system of governance preached by the SLLA. For what it is worth I tried to warn you, that something was amiss, but ended up banned from your parcel. Oh well, at least Marshal is not in charge of a country.

  13. S. W.

    Apr 19th, 2007

    This was a terrific story…and if it is true, as it appears to be, it’s quite frightening.

    One thing that I would like to clear up is that the reference about AA in Prokofy’s comment was silly
    “But given that AA may have hired you, SLAA perhaps isn’t so far off the bat.”

    ….from the AA traditions, 3 pertinent ones, especially #10:

    5. Each group has but one primary purpose–to carry its message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

    6. An A.A. group ought never endorse, finance or lend the A.A. name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.

    10. Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy.

    Anyone who is familiar with the AA structure (or lack thereof) would understand that AA is kind of a democratic anarchy, and the thought that it, or any of it’s service organs would involve itself in something like this is absolutely ludicrous.

    You can be assured that anyone who says that they are speaking for “AA”, isn’t.

    Obviously, I’m just giving my opinion and don’t represent AA or any other organization..

  14. shockwave yareach

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Since yours is an open group and anybody can come and join, you have to conclude that infiltrators will enter and are already within your organization. If this is a simulation to ready you for real world cases, then take this lesson to heart – your opposition WILL be inside, so the fewer people who know anything, the better.

  15. swag one

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Ok I have to comment in the interests of public sanity. I thought most members of the SLLA knew that Marshal Cahill and Keksakallu Klata were the same person. It was pretty obvious to anyone attending any of their (very dull) meetings. Which unfortunately I did. Unsurprisingly they were never online at the same time, used similar language etc.

    My guess is the Keks ‘character’ will re-emerge after some bruising RL activism to re-form another movement – which I think is what prok suggested they do – hey maybe he/she is the real leader. I look forward to further alts denouncing each other.

  16. Rock Bogdanovich

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Just to say to Mr. Neva that Marxism is so far a more seriuos matter. Please leave it out from this sad stuff, we communists have our Party and it’s not SLLA.


  17. Ian Betteridge

    Apr 20th, 2007

    “Obviously all the FIC fucktards indignantly took it upon themselves to out my RL precisely because they felt it was in their interest (they imagine themselves to be “the community”) to try to stop my dissent through any means.”

    You outed your own real life by giving your real name to a New York Times reporter. The only person responsible for linking your real life name to your SL avatar is yourself.

  18. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    Nice history rewrite – your RL info was outed in this very group blog…when it was the Alphaville Herald, way back when you were in TSO. That comment remains to this day. I guess they wanted to get you even then, the nebulous they! Nice obsession with Aimee, btw, you can’t get through a fucking comment without mentioning her. You are one sick freak – running up to her in person and making a crucifix sign at her and hissing expletives at her is just twisted. Talk about crossing RL boundaries – you went up to her unprovoked and acted like the crazy person that you are. You wailed and wailed about how threatening a phone call (A PHONE CALL) was to you – well someone coming up unprokoved at a public event with ADULTS and acting like an insane child warding back evil is far more threatening than any phone call. Get help, you loon, and stop obsessing over Aimee. Try to get through an entire day without mentioning her, it would be a good mental health exercise for you. I can’t stop laughing at your claim that you receive dossiers from people about Aimee, that is your best one yet.


  19. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    No, Ian, I did not link my avatar 3 years ago when it was outed by the Herald — and not even *on* the Herald precisely, but in the circles around the Herald, who made this linkage back then by SLEUTHING. My first comment to the New York Times about the Sims Online did NOT contain any linkage to my then avatar. It was people who stalked, gathered information, sleuthed, and harassed that put these two together. One of these people told Nolan Nash, and he outed it on the SL forums, while the Lindens did nothing.

    You are simply unfamiliar with the facts of the original story, the time sequence, and the circumstances. My identity was outed against my will. And to this day, it continues to be used ONLY by persons like yourself who wish to harass and intimidate me. If a person DOES NOT use their RL name in their SL-related activities YOU NEED TO RESPECT THAT. Your failure to respect that just got you banned from my blog. Why? Because by constantly showing a prurient and sick interest in my RL, which is NOT published for your consumption, and joining the gaggle of stalkers at Second Citizen constantly scraping the Internet to try to “come up with something they can use” against me, you are joining in a witch-hunt and a group persecution.

    Giving your name to a reporter at the Times, and linking your identity (your name and city only)doesn’t constitute permission for everyone to harass you *at home* and try to publish false Wikipedia entries and send you death threats via your real-life email and all the rest. THAT is what you are participatinog in with your whiny, vindictive little literalist bullshit here, trying to claim that a linkage of an avatar and a RL person in the press gives you the grounds to keep heckling that person and demanding they serve up their real life info on the Internet and be harassed endlessly by little fucktards.

    So I continue to maintain everywhere that just because you give your name to a reporter to confirm your identity and they use it because those are their rules, you are not then required to be subjected to endless stalking, harassment, “outing” and linkage of your avatar and real-life persona forever and anon. If you *chose* to link the two, you sign your articles that way or reference yourself with the two names as people like Forseti/Giff do, then you are consenting to have people a) approach you in RL or b) reference your RL.

    If you do NOT chose, you DO NOT and that needs to be respected.
    Otherwise, you are giving the green light to posses of griefers who scrape data and then hound you LITERALLY to your very door.

    Christiano, YOU continue to re-write history to exonerate yourself in the most shocking and appalling ways, and your rewrite of this latest incident with Aimee is among the most tendentious and self-serving I’ve seen.

    The Herald did not PUBLISH a linking of my real-life persona and my avatar there years ago, that is false. This is easily verified. As you well know, what happened is that a story in the NYT in defense of Urizenus was something that some people in the Sim Shadow Government, stalking me in much the way your and your little FIC friends are doing now, decided to sleuthe and find the connections. They trawled around looking for clues. They went to Urizenus and told him, oh, this person is Dyerbrook — and they knew that from someone who happened to grab a RL email they demanded for a site verification went and trawled with that information.

    They put this on the forums *comments* and I deflected attention from it by making a joke about it. It was then forgotten for ages after that until a couple of people from TSO began to gossip about their suppositions about my RL identity in SL, when I began to challenge the FIC on the forums. They did this to intimidate me.

    They also came to a Herald reporter who was not very scrupulous who no longer posts here who kept stalking me and even befriending me trying to get me to confirm my identity.

    Nolan Nash went to great lengths to gather up this crap, and also got the WRONG person by not having the complete name and spelling. In fact he’s responsible for people having the WRONG RL information about me *to this day* because he just googled around and picked up whatever he felt like picking up to try to discredit me.

    YOU ALLOWED THIS to remain on your site, Cristiano, DESPITE having a policy about not permitting libel. The material was indeed libelous, as it accused me of plagiarism falsely (that charge belonged to a completely unrelated person

    Instead of simply removing it, which was your responsibility, and also maintaining a very clear policy about not outing people’s RL identity on you let it stand, and you asked me if I wished to have it removed.

    That was a cop-out, and you know it. I personally don’t take actions or make recommendations such as to suppress the freedom of the press and public forums, so I didn’t call on you to remove it, and felt it would be more effective simply to rebut it in detail through and other forums. Of course, that has limited value as a long-term proposition because as soon as someone criticizes one of your special Toxic 20 friends like Weedy, and she begins to howl and demand blood, you then ban me from so that I am no longer able to print rebuttals in that venue.

    I’m hardly any “sicko” when it comes to Aimee; I think you need to reroute that postcard, Cristiano. I didn’t “run up to her” whatsoever as I do not seek any contact with her and wouldn’t recognize her even now if asked to pick her out of a line-up. I didn’t “come up to her unprovoked” — that’s BULLSHIT.

    I went up to Frans Charming, whom I had talked to at VW-07 for the first time in RL. When I went up to *him* I saw that next to him was a woman with the nametag “Aimee Weber” glaring at me. I said “Fucking shit!” but I didn’t “hiss” — that’s something you all have made up in your re-telling of it, which gets more preposterous each time. I held up a crossed finger sign as a joke to indicate “evil” and walked rapidly away. At the next occasion where she was present, I ignored her and didn’t approach her or anything of the sort. I did that deliberately, precisely to avoid the kind of concocted hysterical crap that you are now engaging in anyway on SC.

    Now…how can that be? Why would I say “fucking shit?” about Aimee Weber and hold up crossed fingers? Just because? For no reason at all? Merely because *I’m* the psycho?

    Uh…No, Cristiano, and you know that full well. It’s because Aimee Weber has run a concerted campaign against me for more than 2 years now, ever since I first disagreed with her on the forums and she declared an ‘Aimee hates you’ fatwah on me (that’s the sort of thing she did then, and stated explicitly just that way). I’ve repeatedly, steadily, rebutted every single lie she has posted, and she has been very clever about making sure she can always play innocent by posting things attacking me that seem “generic”.

    Most recently, she’s really, really gotten hysterical, first completely deriding and minimizing the stalking of me and calling of me at home in RL by a griefer and claiming it was like misusing the word ‘genocide’ (!) then banning me from the Blingsider so that I couldn’t rebut her and her colleagues’ tendentious portrayal of this incident. She then proceeded regularly and often, in thread after thread, to make the false claim that I “incited violence” against her and “made death threats against residents”. This is truly insane, and I would hope you’d have a smidgeon of sanity left to grasp that, but I guess not. I’ve provided ample rebuttal of these insane claims on my blog, but trust me: saying I’d “cheerfully strangle” Joshua Nightshade because HE has been stalking me for ages and doing obscene things with my RL picture and claiming to have “sitings” of me and passing around a picture of my RL door, is not a death threat. It’s not only a colloquial expression that is entirely permissable on any blog; it’s an *appropriate* colloquial expression giving that this pathological little vermin has indeed been stalking me and then lying about it and being manipulative and psycho about it.

    You too, Christiano, have shown a shockingly chilling attitude to the problem of people stalking me to intimidate me and trying to silence my dissent; on SecondCast, you also created a climate of impunity and incitement by justifying and rationalizing the calling of me at home in RL. SHAME ON YOU.
    And here now, you absolutely shockingly try to minimize what you know is deeply wrong — calling someone at home unsolicited — and making up a totally fake moral equivalence to it — allegedly coming up to Aimee Weber unprovoked — which is a total fabrication. Stop it. Frans Charming is witness to this. Don’t lie about something like that so easily refuted.

    Again, I did not “come up unprovoked” to little weepy thin-skinned whiney tantrumy widdle Aimee Weber, who must imagine she can rez instances in real life just like she can in SL and make up all sorts of shit and get people to believe it. I came up to Frans Charming. She happened to be there; I didn’t even know who she was until reading the nametag. I said “fucking shit” about a person making false claims about me and hysterically writing about me over and over on a forums, for 2 years. I think that’s more than appropriate, I think it’s more than appropriate to hold up a cross to ward off the evil of such a person who would *deliberately lie* for so long just out of sullen obdurance, who was even that week writing that I was guilty of “death threats” (rolls eyes).

    Seriously, you kids need to grow up. You really are *totally fucked* and have no credibility. I can only chalk it up to the realization that with the growing population and diversification of Second Life, all your beautiful wickedness inflicted on the forums for so long is melting, melting.

  20. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    You have just flat out lied about two things just on a simple glance of your manifesto response. You did approach Aimee the second time and repeat the exact same actions. The second day, Aimee was with Flipper and Jennyfur, who were witnesses to your bizarre behavior. Why lie about something so easily verified? Also, Nolan did not publish your name or wrong RL info to my forums. Cienna Samiam did, and I did remove it. I’m not sure why you persist in lying about it, but your credibility shot. Get help, you sick bitch. The hatred and cruelty you inflict on others continues to make you even more and more monstrous. You’re getting more obsessed, your writing is more and more filled with cheap shots and swear words, and whatever halfway decent person might be in there is overtaken by your much meaner personalities. It’s a shame, but oh well.


  21. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    All I have to do to get you little assholes to realize how fucked what you are doing with this is, is to turn the tables. And that may help many of the young and weak-minded and fence-sitting at the comments here to concentrate their wilting little minds more wonderfully, too.

    Here’s a very good and fresh and relevant example. Just this week, Barnesworth Anubus had his RL name linked in an article in Business Week. BW may have journalistically insisted on him doing that, because journalists are really wary of this avatar stuff and they have policies in their publications, enforced by editorial boards and publishers, that require on-the-record comments in stories to be attributed to real persons. Even off-the-record comments have to have a reachable RL identity to back up the person portrayed as anonymous.

    The name given there for Barnes is one I happen to know is linked to his avatars — oh, probably four years now or something. Long ago in TSO, I once was trying to send a screenshot to Cornelius, Barnes’ TSO avatar. It wouldn’t go through from my usual game-related yahoo accounts, so I finally decided to send it from my work email to get it to load and deliver. That way, Barnes accidently got my RL name which was on the email header. As it happened, he reciprocated back then by telling me his RL name, but I didn’t store it, the e-mail with TSO pictures were lost in a crash later anyway, and I only recalled his first name. I wouldn’t have dreamed of gathering up all the clues about Barnes available from him in and around TSO, and later SL, and gone to his home town and stalked him. That would be wrong. Even if I was mad at him, and later quarrelled with him, I’d never dream of taking it into RL. That would be wrong.

    Of course later, he didn’t show me the same courtesy, being a source for Nolan Nash to confirm my name. Thanks, Barnes!

    So now that you have Barnesworth’s real-life name linked to his avatar, and it’s an easy matter from trawling around SL a bit or googling or reading up on his blog even to figure out his home town, do you think it’s appropriate to:

    o call him at home
    o talk to his relatives or loved ones if they answer and get them to confirm you have the right number
    o send someone to get a picture of his door, or accept a picture of his door that someone else takes, and send it to him inworld
    o report on a blog that you have “sitings” of him now and then, like “hey, it’s raining and Barnes has an umbrella today!” or “He didn’t hear me when I said hi.”
    o go up and introduce yourself to him at public meetings even knowing that he doesn’t wish contact with you, then springing your name on him for shock value
    o take pictures of his RL person and deface them inworld with ‘artwork’
    o scrape the Internet diligently to see if you can find any RL info about him, from his RL jobs or whatever, and then serve them up on forums to mock
    o pick up any other people on the Internet who might be him who have a similar name but linked to crimes, and publish that for good measure
    o insist that each time he wrote a blog, or an article appeared about him in the Herald, everybody has to use his RL name, and in the comments sections, you refer to him by his RL name
    o berate him for even keeping a blog under his SL name or continuing to chose to use only his SL name in public, SL or SL

    Of course, YOU don’t do those things because you view Barnes as being part of your little inner circle of FICdom. But if someone else did those things to him, boy, you’d find that really wrong, and really creepy! How dare they?!

    So do you think only Barnes gets to be protected from stalking like that merely because he’s “one of yours” and “you like him” and “he’s a nice guy” and “those stalkers must be jealous?”

    or can you comprehend that there are standards, that NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE SUBJECTED to that kind of treatment?

    or do you think that once someone writes something you don’t like on a blog, once someone criticizes you, oops, those standards of behaviour slip and then all bets are off?

  22. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Actually, I misstated one thing – you approached Aimee two days in a row, i had the days backward. On day one, it was Flipper and Jenn she was with. Day two was when she was with Frans.

  23. kirpaan

    Apr 20th, 2007

    See I like the sl herald and secondthoughts cause its all aimee all the time. She is one important lady cause you all can’t stop talkin bout her.

  24. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007


    >You have just flat out lied about two things just on a simple glance of your manifesto response. You did approach Aimee the second time and repeat the exact same actions.

    I did not, repeat DID NOT approach Aimee Weber any second time. This is completely ridiculous. This is some fabrication of theirs — totally. I seriously did not approach her and there are multiple witnesses. You weren’t there, Cristiano, and you have only the most tendentious and non-credible “witnesses”. I’ve reported exactly what the circumstances were the first time I accidently encountered Aimee Weber; there is no second encounter.

    Ask Simone Stern or other people who were at this event: I definitely DID NOT have anything to do with Aimee Weber, and did not talk to her, make comments, hold up crosses, or do anything of the sort. This is all your world, your imagination.

    >The second day, Aimee was with Flipper and Jennyfur, who were witnesses to your bizarre behavior. Why lie about something so easily verified?

    They are making all this up, and mixing up the stories. They listened to Aimee hype it, and they buy it. Who the hell knows what Aimee is saying about this herself, as she frequently lies, too. It surely is verified, but only outside of the little hysterical circle of your little lying friends. Anyone at that Meet-Up saw the lay-out: Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur, and Joshua all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily, snarkily talking about other people to themselves, and dumping on me to a journalist who I actually steered toward them. Simone Stern was sitting at a table next to these people and can verify the layout. I spent most of the evening in another room, or outside on the sidewalk. I had absolutely nothing to do with these people.

    Flipper tried twice to say “hi” and tried to strike up a conversation. Jennyfur glared at me. As I noted, I couldn’t even tell Jennyfur and Aimee apart later, as someone had to point out to me that Jennyfur was Jennyfur. They were both large, hulking, sullen, and glaring women obviously with troubled lives that they wished to project on me. I did not seek them out.

    >Also, Nolan did not publish your name or wrong RL info to my forums.

    Nolan published the false information about the wrong name on the LL forums. He also let everyone know on the LL forums that they could email him for more, i.e. a RL name and linkage. On your forums, he published my gender and also joined in with the cackling about the false information as he had done on the official LL forums. This fact is often overlooked. It is readily verified. Gosh, if Nolan wasn’t the first to publish the wrong RL information, he joined in with the commentary on your forums — and it was his animosity that started the entire ball rolling. Focusing literally on who said what merely distracts from the evil malice with which Nolan, Cienna Samiam (who repeatedly lied about me, claiming I stood around inworld outing my gender to groups of people), and others engaged in the witch-hunt.

    >Cienna Samiam did, and I did remove it. I’m not sure why you persist in lying about it, but your credibility shot.

    Uh, gosh, you sure did wait a long time to remove it, champ. Nice work! People had weeks to gather the information, store it, trawl some more, and continue to stalk me with it. Your the one who’s credibility is shot, because you had a policy against libel, you moderated your forums so as to prevent things like stalking, yet you didn’t apply those rules to me, because you didn’t like my criticism of the FIC. That’s all there is to it.

    >Get help, you sick bitch. The hatred and cruelty you inflict on others continues to make you even more and more monstrous.

    I don’t need any help, I’m not a sick bitch, and I’m not monstrous. But you are, my God, imagine, trying to rationalize the stalking of other people, and cover up your own complicity in it.

    I realize your RL and SL troubles and failures, even being one of the richest people featured in Business Week continue to plague you due to your insecurities. Don’t project. Don’t inflict your problems on other people. Find something to do with your life.

    >You’re getting more obsessed, your writing is more and more filled with cheap shots and swear words, and whatever halfway decent person might be in there is overtaken by your much meaner personalities. It’s a shame, but oh well.

    Meanness is something I sure as hell will deliberately, frequently, and forcefully use against you people for your continued unconscionable stalking, minimizing of real-life stalking, lying, and tendentious commentary about me.

    Amazingly, despite my continued rebuttals, and despite the fact that I do NOT stalk or seek to approach any of you, you all continue to do that to me, first and foremost by obsessing me in near-daily multiple threads about me on Second Citizen (!). You all are the ones in need of help, having such lack of lives, that you need to obsess for months and years on end, on a daily basis about someone like me.

    Choke on it, Cristiano.

  25. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    Choke on the imaginary cock you so badly wish you were born with? No thanks. You are the one obsessing on a daily basis. Just look at your blog. Look at the comments you leave. You always find a way to mention someone, over and over and over again. You project so much stuff onto other people it is hilarious. Your lying is getting really, really bad. There is a problem with this claim: “Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur, and Joshua all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily”. Aimee was not at the bar that night, and she has not met Joshua in person. At least get your lies straight, you are getting really sloppy with them.


  26. shockwave yareach

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Wow. So many thin skins here. Makes me wonder how long some of you have had accounts on the internet. Too bad. When you aren’t being snippy and ugly to each other, you seem to be pretty with-it kinds of people. It almost sounds like a couple of you are former roommates from the way you argue.

  27. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    >You are the one obsessing on a daily basis. Just look at your blog. Look at the comments you leave.

    Um, I’d have no need to keep printing rebuttals if the creeps at SC weren’t obsessed. To the untrained naked eye, it’s totally amazing. Even new people at SC say “Who the hell is Prok and why do you write about him all the time?”

    >You always find a way to mention someone, over and over and over again. You project so much stuff onto other people it is hilarious.

    I merely rebut lies *shrugs*.

    >Your lying is getting really, really bad.

    No, I’m merely being more forceful in my rebuttals, and using the same meanness that you’ve long subjected me to right back. That comes as a shock to you all and you sputter in unjustified indignation. Hopefully it will be such a shock you will shut up.

    >There is a problem with this claim: “Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur, and Joshua all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily”. Aimee was not at the bar that night, and she has not met Joshua in person. At least get your lies straight, you are getting really sloppy with them.

    Oh? Then where is this “second encounter with Aimee Weber where I hold up a cross” lol? Where does it take place? You’re the ones saying she was at the bar, and that I chased her and held up a cross to her. I’m the one saying, no, no such encounter took place, and I even can’t be sure, which one is Jennyfur and which one is Aimee. I know full well I did not contact, approach, become involved with Aimee in this bar. I cannot even swear she was there! I was told she was “over there” sitting with the same group. They all look alike, these large, glowering women. Maybe it was only Jennyfur being in two places at once, but not anywhere at all?

    If Aimee wasn’t, great! I don’t care! Because *I’m* not the one claiming to have encountered her at this bar — you all are lol!

    Not meeting Joshua in person hasn’t stopped Aimee from picking up his cudgel claiming I have made “death threats”.

    Do you get out much, Cristiano?

  28. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    >Actually, I misstated one thing – you approached Aimee two days in a row, i had the days backward. On day one, it was Flipper and Jenn she was with. Day two was when she was with Frans.

    Actually, no, it’s all false. I did not approach Aimee on either day, and saw her only on one day when I approached *Frans*. I had absolutely no contact with her after that. I saw her once, with Frans. It is Flipper and Jenn who are imagining things. I wasn’t even at the conference for much of the second day. Flipper makes up something, and you believe it *shrugs*.

    kirpaan, other little idiots like you have tried to make their fortune by joining in the pile-up against me, but they only look like wannabees. Pro-tip: people at SC you see picking on me today will be at each others’ throats tomorrow, make sure you aren’t in the crossfire.

  29. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    See, this is why you are such a terrible liar – you don’t even try to be consistent, a key to an effective lie. Here is your first quote, verbatim, from these comments:

    “Anyone at that Meet-Up saw the lay-out: Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur, and Joshua all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily, snarkily talking about other people to themselves, and dumping on me to a journalist who I actually steered toward them. Simone Stern was sitting at a table next to these people and can verify the layout.”

    You even claim there to be a witness to Aimee being that that can confirm it. How can there be a witness to an event Aimee was not even at? Now, combine it with this:

    “You’re the ones saying she was at the bar, and that I chased her and held up a cross to her.”

    No, you claimed she was at the bar with Flip, Jenn and Josh drinking away – your claim is quoted there. I said you approached her at both days of the Virtual Worlds 2007 event – that had nothing to do whatsoever with any bar. Get your lies straight and take notes, you are getting really careless.

    As far as my not getting out, I don’t live anywhere near NYC, hence not being at these events you frequent. If I did attend, I would certainly not behave in the childish manner you did. Talk about being ashamed – your behavior is pathetic for a grown woman.


  30. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007

    PS – I love how you make a direct statement like “Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur and Joshuan all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily” – a statement you are making of fact, then backtrack when you are called on it and sputter “oh oh, well, I can’t be sure it was Aimee, who knows”. You are ridiculous, Prokofy. You’re a bad liar who just tries to respin her lies when she is called on them.

  31. Ian Betteridge

    Apr 20th, 2007

    “Giving your name to a reporter at the Times, and linking your identity (your name and city only)doesn’t constitute permission for everyone to harass you *at home*”

    …and no one said that it does. Please stick to the issue at hand, which is that you gave the NYT reporter your name and avatar name and talked about your business to them of your own free will. That’s where I learned your name – and, in fact, where I first read about you.

    “Your failure to respect that just got you banned from my blog. Why? Because by constantly showing a prurient and sick interest in my RL, which is NOT published for your consumption, and joining the gaggle of stalkers at Second Citizen constantly scraping the Internet to try to “come up with something they can use” against me, you are joining in a witch-hunt and a group persecution.”

    As I said on your blog, it’s your right to ban whoever you like for whatever reason you like, and I respect that. I’m not interested in your real life beyond your writings – which are by YOU, not your avatar. When you write, you’re writing in real life, not in Second Life – and that is why I will continue to refer to the author of those posts by her given name.

    And note that this isn’t just for you – it’s the same for everyone.

  32. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 20th, 2007

    How in god’s name did my name show up in THIS entry?

  33. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    I totally disagree. I write in the Second Life sphere under the name of Prokofy for the Second Life sphere, and the general public. I don’t wish to have my RL name which is also a name used for publications linked when I publish my writings. That’s my choice. Your concept that people are somehow forced to link avatars and RL names every time they post on a forums is completely ridiculous. If that were the case, the Lindens wouldn’t have had a forums where you posted with your SL name — nor would any games forums ever have any forums.

    Unlike the anonymous fucktards lobbing insults at me from the safety of their anonymity, I’m not anonymous. I have an SL avatar, and I’m unafraid to give my RL name to the press, and to link it. I came to the first SLCC and linked my two names in public precisely because my avatar and my RL self were outed by Nolan Nash, and I didn’t see any reason to continue to try to keep my privacy (unlike, say, Aimee Weber, who refused to come to SLCC and refused to give her name *for publication* to reporters out of fear of linking her names, allegedly because she’d be stalked).

    I know what it’s like to be stalked because *I am stalked* unlike Aimee Weber *who herself aids and abets stalkers and is not stalked*. But just because some minority of anonymous fucktards think it’s ok to stalk and harass me and constantly try to troll my RL for stuff they can try to harass me with, doesn’t mean that it is my wish to link my avatar and my RL name. It’s not. And that has to be respected. And frankly, it *is* respected. I never refer to anyone in the SL realm by their RL name, and I’d expect the same courtesy from them. Of course, Second Citizen abandoned any of these standards when Mother FIC allowed my full name and complete address to be published and to remain in the forums, opening me up to even more vicious harassment and stalking.

    The reason people fear to link their RL and SL names is because they fear having to deal with stalkers — stalkers who might even go so far as to try to make trouble for them in RL. And they are RIGHT to fear this as we do have a group of people in Second Life, namely Joshua Nightshade, Cristiano Midnight, Aimee Weber, Plastic Duck, and others in this group, who either directly stalk, or apologize or evangelize or justify or rationalize stalkers, in their podcasting and blog pieces. So yes, you do have to be concerned.

    But just because someone’s RL name is known, doesn’t mean it’s acceptable to publish it constantly and link it with their name. It’s not. And proof of your hypocrisy in this so-called “policy” of yours, Ian, is your use of my RL name, but not of other people’s. It’s abundantly clear that you’re just trying to harass me.

    >PS – I love how you make a direct statement like “Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur and Joshua all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily” – a statement you are making of fact, then backtrack when you are called on it and sputter “oh oh, well, I can’t be sure it was Aimee, who knows”. You are ridiculous, Prokofy. You’re a bad liar who just tries to respin her lies when she is called on them.

    Yes, I did make a direct statement because a) that was what I was told b) you all claimed it by claiming there was a “second encounter” and c) when this reporter was looking to find SL people, and I told him he needed to find Aimee among other prominent SL people at this gathering, he said he knew she was there. Other people also commented on her being there. So…she wasn’t there? She never appeared? We can establish that now?

    I only make direct statements about the presence of Aimee at the Metaverse Meet-up because everybody said she was there, claimed there was some kind of “second encounter” with me which of course I’ve been denying as false, and also spoke of her as being there. Also, my mistake was confusing Jennyfur and Aimee, since in my recollection of them, they look very much alike. So it may have been Jennyfur and not Aimee, but some other large glowering woman in dark clothes, who the hell knows.

    Um, Cristiano, pro-tip: if you and your little friends are going to go on claiming there was a “second encounter with Aimee Weber,” well, you need to put date, time, place, witnesses.

    I have nothing to be ashamed of regarding my behaviour at this Metaverse Meet-up. I made no approach, contact, comment, sign, or symbol at Flipper, Jennyfur, a person who later turned out to be Joshua, and somebody else who I thought was Aimee, but it turns out isn’t. THEY were the ones who behaved childishly and approached me, made up stories about me (Joshua ranting on that I was wearing out the bar and knocking back multiple drinks, when in fact I nursed two the whole evening lol) — and Joshua forced himself on me, forcing me to shake his hand before announcing myself. If you ask me, they were the childish retards behaving like little school-kids giggling and pulling pranks and gossiping in the corner.

    >You even claim there to be a witness to Aimee being that that can confirm it. How can there be a witness to an event Aimee was not even at? Now, combine it with this:

    No, I know that Simone was sitting at the table with these people, and she can a) confirm whether or not Aimee was there, she’ll remember that much, and will confirm that the reporter was also looking for her and b) that I had nothing to do with Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur, and the person who later turned out to be Joshua. Nothing. I came over to talk to *Simone* and the reporter for a few minutes, and didn’t sit down, so as to avoid any harassment or confrontation with these fucktards.

    YOU ALL are the ones claiming at this *second day of meetings where there was a meet-up* that there was a “second counter”.

    Oh, now YOU are backtracking and saying that I not only saw her with Frans Charming, but that there was ANOTHER encounter *that same day at that same conference session?* Because there wasn’t. There were no further encounters, period.

    I figured if YOU claimed there was a second encounter it must mean that Aimee *came to the next meeting, which was the Metaverse Meet-up*. Hey, if she didn’t, she didn’t. I have no problem dismissing that concern, because I myself have never made a claim about Aimee. I’m merely *repeating back to you your claims about a second encounter, which would have to mean she was at this evening meeting, that’s all*.

    >I said you approached her at both days of the Virtual Worlds 2007 event – that had nothing to do whatsoever with any bar. Get your lies straight and take notes, you are getting really careless.

    Um, you’re the one who needs to get your lies and notes straight because you are the one claiming there is a second encounter with Aimee. I’m not. Because there wasn’t one. That’s the problem with your whole concoction here. There was no second encounter. I figured if you claimed there was one, it must have been because she was at this next meeting, in the evening. Since I can’t distinguish between Jennyfur and Aimee (dark, large, glowering, sulky) I can’t help you with this, because I can’t swear on a Bible who I saw there. I was just taking my cue from you. Of course, taking anything, even the setting of an event at which you claimed something happen, is impossible, because you lie so deeply.

    Once again: I make absolutely no claim about Aimee being in any bar, attending the Metaverse Meet-up, having anything whatsoever to do with the follow-up meeting, and add to that there was absolutely no second encounter with Aimee Weber, anywhere.

    If you think there is, then it’s up to you to provide the details and witnesses. But…you’re ridiculous, Cristiano, because they don’t exist! Nice work trying to make me out to be a liar, when it is you all lol. So obvious!

  34. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Man. Even when I’m not talking to you, you’re obsessed.

    I just want to take the opportunity to respond to your claim that I’ve been making edits to your wikipedia entry.

    It’s kindof funny. I’ve actually never even read your Wikipedia entry, much less edited it. When I make edits on Wikipedia, they’re under my registered username “mixvio,” and you can go back to see the history and see that I never, in fact, have touched your page once. The edit in question was added a month ago by an unregistered user:…id= 114837137

    I don’t live in a brownstone either, I live in a second-level floor through. /shrug

    I don’t really think you’re notable enough to have a wiki-page personally, so I’m all for having it deleted.

  35. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Ah well. You managed to get it taken off. So much for that link then.

  36. Cocoanut Koala

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Ian – my name is Linda Povich. If you have need to address me or anything I have ever written anywhere, I expect you to use that name, and not my avatar name, Coco.

    In fact, I request that you do.


  37. rockman1876

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Ok so everybody hates prok – blah blah blah. I know the Herald is a tabloid but this is all getting too stupid for words. Regarding the SLLA are we honestly supposed to believe a couple of hardup lesbian anarchists – one of whom clearly is desperate for the limelight (just google “solidad” and groan).

    Whoever Marshal Cahill is I don’t care the whole thing has always been ridiculous and a distraction from genuine SL problems. Their only skill has been manipulating the media – but even that isn’t hard just add the word terrorism to anything and it gets published. It wouldn’t surprise me if the Herald runs the SLLA they are the only ones benefiting from this nonsense – maybe Pix is really Cahill – but then we wouldn’t know because she doesn’t reveal her RL identity – scream at the hypocrisy.

    BTW I can now see why the Lindens closed the forums down

    Rockerman Ellis

  38. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Joshua always claimed that he lived two blocks away from me. This is not physically possible, and I knew it was a lie. He ran an avid campaign to doctor and deface Anshe’s Wikipedia entry. The entry, while anonymous and uncheckable (don’t you love Wikipedia?!) has his fingerprints all over it. It even mentions Joshua Nightshade in the piece (!). If Joshua himself didn’t personally put the entry in, he was involved. Others at SC are also involved, as can be seen from the linkage to SC. This is a pretty threadbare lie.

  39. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    Virtual Worlds 2007 was a two day event. This has nothing to do with the meetup at the bar, where you made this clear statement.

    Here you are completely backtracking on it because Aimee wasn’t there, making it difficult to pull off a lie about her being there:

    “Anyone at that Meet-Up saw the lay-out: Aimee, Flipper, Jennyfur, and Joshua all sat at a bar table in the back of the bar for the entire evening drinking steadily, snarkily talking about other people to themselves, and dumping on me to a journalist who I actually steered toward them.”

    “Once again: I make absolutely no claim about Aimee being in any bar, attending the Metaverse Meet-up, having anything whatsoever to do with the follow-up meeting, and add to that there was absolutely no second encounter with Aimee Weber, anywhere.”

    So first you claim anyone there could verify that Aimee was there and doing the things you said, then with your second comment you backtrack on your first comment. Make up your mind – flip flopping back and forth does nothing for your credibility. You used to lie faster on your feet.

    “Ask Simone Stern or other people who were at this event: I definitely DID NOT have anything to do with Aimee Weber, and did not talk to her, make comments, hold up crosses, or do anything of the sort. This is all your world, your imagination.”

    Interesting that you keep name dropping Simone Stern, however, the event in question is not the meetup at the bar so her recollection of it is meaningless, as that is not where you approached Aimee. You are the one who raised this and made a direct claim about Aimee being there drinking with Jennyfur, Flipper and Joshua (who has never met Aimee, another wrinkle in your attempt at lying).

    “You weren’t there, Cristiano, and you have only the most tendentious and non-credible “witnesses”. I’ve reported exactly what the circumstances were the first time I accidently encountered Aimee Weber; there is no second encounter.”

    Flipper and Jennyfur, as well as Aimee’s word to what you did to her are hardly non-credible. Far more people would believe any of them before taking anything you have to say at face value. You can’t even keep your story straight in the same comment sometimes. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. You are losing focus by taking on too much.

    “Since I can’t distinguish between Jennyfur and Aimee (dark, large, glowering, sulky) I can’t help you with this, because I can’t swear on a Bible who I saw there.”

    You claim you can’t tell Aimee and Jennyfur apart, yet I am quite certain Aimee could tell exactly who the short, dumpy, hunched over angry woman with unwashed hair was standing before her with her fingers crossed. This was on the first day of the event – after you waddled off, Aimee asked Flipper who the hell that was to be certain, and he confirmed it was you. No bar involved, so quit fixating on a different event to try to dodge the fact that you came up to Aimee not once, but twice in two days at the same event with the same oddball crazy bag lady behavior.

    BTW, your friend Frans confirms you did it the day before to Aimee as well, in his summation of the entire thing. Are you going to call Frans a liar now too?

  40. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    How is it physically impossible for someone to live 2 blocks away from you?

  41. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Oh, crazy lady. Why do you lie so?

    I write FAR better and with FAR better grammar than whomever injected me into that. My avid campaign was not to doctor and deface any part of Anshe’s page; it was to balance out the clear bias against Anshe’s past acts that your buddy Urizenus, actually, violated Wikipedia terms of service in changing.

    The article is certainly uncheckable now, since you whined and had it deleted, but before it was not anonymous at all. Every edit has its history logged to a user and you could see that I wasn’t in any of them.

    You’re going to have to come to terms with the fact that people do things independently of others who share the same opinions.

  42. Ian Betteridge

    Apr 20th, 2007

    “Your concept that people are somehow forced to link avatars and RL names every time they post on a forums is completely ridiculous.”

    You’re misrepresenting my position. I’m not claiming that avatars and RL names have to be linked, or should be: I’m saying that when you write in real life, you do it under your own name because it’s not the avatar doing the writing.

    If you wish to keep the two things apart, that’s your right. However, by giving your name(s) to a reporter, by granting them an interview, you lost the right to do that. You can’t put the genie back in the box.

  43. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Also, Frans only had Prokofy’s rendition of the story about the picture of her front door, which he referred to in that linked thread – thankfully he recognizes that there is more than just one side to a story:


  44. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Avatars are a form of real life; they are a version of one’s self. Pretending that it’s not real life just because it’s an avatar is silly, and writing off an avatar manifestation as illegitimate and silly in this day and age. Sorry, but the overwhelming tide of the Metaverse is not in your favour on that one.

    Call it a pseudonym or an author’s name or an actor’s character or a stage name. It is the RIGHT of people to chose to express themselves in this fashion, and in these virtual world settings, constantly disrupting the membrane between real life and virtual worlds only shows you to be a griefer with low ethics. Leave people alone who wish to express themselves in the realm in the way THEY give consent to. It’s not your call to decide to drag in their RL. In fact, those who consistently drag RL coin into the realm of SL expose themselves to be losers, unable to win an argument in any other way, unable to be persuasive except by being intimidating and abusive.

  45. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 20th, 2007

    I don’t remember saying “two” blocks specifically, I think I just said “like two blocks,” or “a couple,” etc, meaning “extremely close.” Mea culpa if you thought that was a direct number, it was more like five blocks and an avenue, I don’t remember specifically.

    But yes, you used to live within immediate walking distance of me. Thankfully you don’t anymore.

  46. Prokofy Neva

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Just because you validate your name and avatar linkage to a reporter doesn’t mean that you signal you are now ever and anon open to be linked and abused. Linkage is used in 99 percent of the cases here FOR ABUSE.

    It’s not physically possible to “live two blocks away from me” Cristiano, as anyone who has ever been to my house can explain. Ask Frans.

    And Frans no more endorses the distribution of my RL door picture than anyone else. It doesn’t matter who took it. Joshua did distribute it, did use it as a form of intimidation and stalking and was not able to come up with the name of the Linden he claims he gave this report to. Lame, lame, lame.

  47. Joshua Nightshade

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Lies, lies, lies.

    Tell me again why I’m in the comments section of an article about the Second Life Liberation Army?

  48. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 20th, 2007


    I noticed when presented with the evidence of your lying, backed up by someone you were trying to use to support you, then you become silent about it and go off on another tangent. Again, Frans confirms you did the same thing to Aimee twice. Where is the giant manifesto of doom?


  49. kirpaan

    Apr 20th, 2007

    Damn! Frans said it all right there! Where flipper to tell us about the other time she pulled her fucking shit trick.

    Oh let me guess prok, the whole world lying but you tellin the truth.

    I hope aimee carrying pepperspray.

  50. Cristiano Midnight

    Apr 21st, 2007

    Wow, Prokofy, you had so much to say and now you are curiously quiet, it’s almost deafening. You made no comment whatseover on Frans confirming the two days of your exorcist act – you just changed the subject to try to talk about Josh. This is about Aimee, and the bizarre way you acted at a public event (Virtual Worlds 2007) and then lied about it, not about a imaginary scene in a bar or your tale of your front door.

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