Sex in SL: Dude Looks Like a Lady
by Pixeleen Mistral on 22/04/07 at 10:02 am
SL tips for spotting avatar imposters
by aurel MilesSo you’ve decided to expand your sexual horizons on Second Life. Good for you. SL is safe, it’s disease-free (physically speaking) and as long as you keep your head (so to speak) you can have a fabulous time exploring all those hidden kinks and quirks that might spell trouble in the round world. But before you put on your thigh-high boots and strap it on, you need to keep a few things in mind.
Female avatars in SL always look yummy but they’re not always what they seem. About 50 per cent of men admit to being aroused by girl-on-girl porn. And many of them think up the same great “original” solution for getting their girl porn fix in Second Life.
There’s an old saying that goes, “if you can’t lick them, join them.” In SL that saying might be a little more complicated; “if you can’t lick them join them. once you’ve joined them, they’ll let you lick them.” At least that’s how the theory goes for some male-female avatars. The idea of gender is something a lot of artists like to play around with, in SL however, it’s not only the gallery crowd that likes to mix it up a little. If you think there’s something a little strange about your new girlfriend, then, as in real life, you should probably listen to your instincts.
Het men posing as lesbian women in order to increase their chances at getting laid, typically want to have sex right away. They’re not into chit-chat. Go to a lesbian sex room and observe. If an avatar is yelling about needing cock, chances are good they’re a man. Women who want to have sex with women don’t talk cock – hell women who have sex with men don’t usually talk cock. We can all get as much of that as we want from real men in real life. Seriously.
What’s really surprising is how many men are out there having sex with other men thinking they’re with lesbian women. Only in second life could sex get this complicated.
SL imposter-women tend to talk about sex in their profile, they’re either looking for it, they’re coy about it or they have predictable things to say about it. Check the profile, if it she claims to be a “nympho” or she sounds like a dude, she probably is.
Then there’s clothes – ask yourself; “would I put that outfit on my avatar?” or “what kind of mood would I have to be in to wear that?” Stereotypes are dead giveaways. A flat butt in jeans with a ton of makeup and loads of bling, breasts the size of watermelons – usually means “I’m a Boy!” If the details don’t sit right, be suspicious.
Girly posers want to talk about “girly” things, like their boyfriends or their nails and they follow women around agreeing with everything you say. Say a few completely stupid things – if you get enthusiastic agreement, ask point blank if Joy is really George. If they start stumbling around asking why you’d ask that – you’ve probably outed them.
And there are conversational hints too, you have only to listen. There’s not a woman alive over the age of 20 who has her dinner routinely prepared for her. If she has to go because she’s being called for supper, she’s either twelve or male or both.
Sex spammers in womens’ mature groups also fall into the above category. Remember, kids are accustomed to working on the computer accompanied by a constant stream of instant messages, actual adults, for the most part, can live without the chatter.
A man asked me if I think it’s ok for him to have sex with women when he’s disguised as a woman. I said I’d think about it, did a little research and here’s what I think:
Sure. Go nuts. Have as much sex as you like provided you are willing to do one of two things: one, keep the secret. If you want to be a girl in SL and explore your feminine side that’s fine, it’s great, more men should do it but if you do – that’s who you are here. You’re a girl. You are not a man in SL if your avatar is a woman, you are a woman. Get used to it. No “Gotcha!” sex. That’s porn in the worst sense of the word. Having sex with a woman who thinks she’s with another woman and then telling her you’re a man is using her for your gratification as though she was only an animation on a screen. It’s exploitive and that makes it wrong. Same goes for having sex with a male avatar. People have a right to choose what they want to explore, you don’t have the right to make that choice for them.
Your other option is to tell before you boink. If you’re honest about who you are before you get naked, then nobody gets hurt. You might even learn a few tips that you can use in your real world sex life, when you get one.
Finding a boink buddy and then “falling in love” after the fact is not ok. You can’t suddenly reveal yourself and expect it to work out like a Hollywood movie. If you really think you’re in love and you’ve been lying then you could make yourself a new you, (an honest one) and court the same person or you could do the honorable thing and just walk away. Your choice. Ambushing someone else’s emotions, even in your second life, is never ok.
That’s it for now, if you have any questions comments, ideas, complaints, suggestions or stories you’d like to see, please email me at
janeforyou Barbara
Apr 22nd, 2007
The feminin and makuline sides in a person will always come on strong in places like SL.
I know men that “preform” as woman, i know women that “preforms” as men.
I seen this in places over the last 7 yares in the worlds i know in SL and outside SL.
As woman i am extremly carefull on who i trust.Wen i was new in SL i was not shure on the culture.I soon found out tho wen i got jumped on by women and men that wanted sex.
After a few weeks i found ot that i can do this any more,,there dramas was to many.
I started my own world Isle Of Lesbos-We did have males in females avs and still got, many of this persons , males or females are wondefull ppl, the moust interresting are that the Transgenders comes to me private and tells me what thay are and if i will allow them to be in my world.I welcome any person in my world that are nice and behaves, what i dont allow are males as males in the main Isle, so what i did was to create 2 islands- 1 are only females ( with 3 protecked males that are under my protection) and 1 islands with a mall and club for all, males and femals…. the worst kind i se are them that pretend to be females and only want one thing SEX…its not how my places works,,we do got sexgames yes.. but be carefull.. learn to know who you deal with,, learn to trust ppl,, keep it all to one partner, any relation or friendship takes time… i know all this to well as i was confused wen i was a newbee. Now i am so wery happy and so lucky with my Dj and girl,,,it took a looong time tho.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
Nice one. It was pleasure to read.
Women who want to have sex with women don’t talk cock – hell women who have sex with men don’t usually talk cock.
That is superstition. I know some women in both worlds who actually use the word. No big deal. Consider one more thing about judging words. Not all the residents’ mother thongue is english. Some of them have hard times communicating delicate tings like virtual sex. No school will teach you the vocabulary of good sex. Then you are left to movies and books, and you can catch the words that maybe doesn’t fit native english speaker in the given situation.
A flat butt in jeans with a ton of makeup and loads of bling, breasts the size of watermelons – usually means “I’m a Boy!” If the details don’t sit right, be suspicious. Now you made a short course in “behaving like a girl” game, and took it to another level. I can imagine soo many residents doing plastic surgery over their oversized breasts tonight.
One more tip: RL men tend to keep the empty space around their avatars, thery especially try not to have other SL men too close. Suppose that is homophobia on the scene, which makes things hilarious.
Transgendering question in virtual worlds is rather important and interesting one. I started my own investigation at
snowcrash martov
Apr 22nd, 2007
Very good. thanks.
John Endwahl
Apr 22nd, 2007
Women may occaisionally talk about cock, but they will most likely never use words like “motherfucker.”
I have come to the conclusion that sex in SL makes absolutely no sense unless you are transgender or gay. Women and men are turned on in different ways – women like to describe and have described what is being done and men basically like to watch. So heterosexual sex is basically unsatisfying. This is most likely why groups like W-hat like to grief sex-based areas in SL. From their perspective, it’s silly.
Flame away, folks.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
Does that mean that woman who likes to watch is gay? Or male who do talk?
Don’t fall on stereotypes. That is such a turn-off.
And grievers that aims for sex areas are not doing that because they think cyber sex is silly. They do that for the same reason they do anything else: because they are pathetic idiots with social skills of a sea sponge.
marilyn murphy
Apr 22nd, 2007
ahhh don’t insult the sea sponge!!
actually, they target the sex areas because they see a lot of green dots on the map. to attribute the motivations of the childish griefer to be that of some social awareness/statement is laughable.
Nicholaz Beresford
Apr 22nd, 2007
I’d say this depends a lot on how someone is using SL. If it’s more like a dating site, that may be as the article says, but if you take things at face value and keep them there (second is second and first is first as I’ve seen in many “1st Life” pages on profiles), it’s not an issue. Second people are what they wish to be and if engaging the avatar is fun and satisfying, what else can you want?
Mixing first and second life often results in disappointments. Did you ever see a first life picture of a person whom you’ve become fond of? It’s end of story mostly.
Some wise person once told me, that he’d at any time prefer a good fake over a bitchy or boring real one.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
my appologies to all the sea sponges.
Nicholaz Beresford
Apr 22nd, 2007
Ahh, dandellion … thanks for that article. If you ask me, it matters not.
Apr 22nd, 2007
The fact that men are behind many of the female avatars, and therefore much of the ‘lesbian’ sex in SL is faker than normal fake SL sex is a goldmine of comedy. Two sweaty men frantically masturbating with one hand and typing out illiterate sex talk with the other, each thinking that the other is a hot lipstick lesbian, is a scenario ripe for piss-taking.
I love it when people get hot under that collar about ‘griefers’…
“[Griefers] are pathetic idiots with social skills of a sea sponge”
…and people who use SL for hilarious avatar sex are so bereft of social skills and/or a sex life that they have to wank in front of their PCs.
Apr 22nd, 2007
“This is most likely why groups like W-hat like to grief sex-based areas in SL. From their perspective, it’s silly.”
ding ding ding! everyone should know that there are no women on the internet. it’s a man, baby, yeah, and compared to the rather good odds of detecting a trap and finding an actual man/woman in your First Life (scary, I know), it’s not exactly a good proposition to be cybering with someone in SL. god knows they’ll turn out to be a 60 year old Chinese guy in underpants.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
The fact that men are behind many of the female avatars, and therefore much of the ‘lesbian’ sex in SL is faker than normal fake SL sex is a goldmine of comedy. Two sweaty men frantically masturbating with one hand and typing out illiterate sex talk with the other, each thinking that the other is a hot lipstick lesbian, is a scenario ripe for piss-taking.
Do you really think those people are not aware of the possibility that avatars do not look like their humans? Yeah right, they are no-brainers contrary to us wise and enlightened readership of SL herald. But most of the stupid comedies are based on wrong premises. Sorry if I spoiled your fun.
Apr 22nd, 2007
One of my creepy SL aquaintences was stood up by his creepy SL bride on their creepy SL wedding day. They must’ve spent nearly $L10k on that thing- with scripted invitations and the whole nine yards. I had to feign sincere sadness while I laughed like a maniac in RL. I’m tempted to spill the beans and tell him just how silly the idea of an SL wedding seems to me. But sometimes it’s best to let [creepy SL] sleeping dogs lie.
Apr 22nd, 2007
Don’t worry ‘dandellion’, you haven’t.
Lillie Guildenstern
Apr 22nd, 2007
heehee a fun read!
as for this “There’s not a woman alive over the age of 20 who has her dinner routinely prepared for her” — not necessarily true.
And a flat butt may only mean she likes to wear flexi prim skirts.
Everyone knows I am the only woman on the internets, but on SL I play a sea sponge.
Anonymous Female Avatar
Apr 22nd, 2007
Yes, I know this is anonymous. But its very important to me that my identity remains secret. I’m a male typist who mostly uses a female avatar. I’ve found it to be very eductional in relation to gender roles. Among other activities I have in SL, yes, I have had sex with both men and women as a woman in SL.
However, I must point out that lots of real women would not wear the clothes readily available in SL. Its very rare that I have a pair of jeans that doesn’t expose my underwear. I have many skirts that also show off the top of my rear, whether I want them to or not. I have two business skirt suits and it was next to impossible to find them. Female avatars of either gender just dress sexily in SL.
Also interesting, you point out whether a female typist could fall for the female avatar of a male typist. But what about the male typists that fall for the female avatar of a male typist? Any thoughts on that?
Apr 22nd, 2007
Fuck this – in RL I am a heterosexual male – in SL I have exclusively thus far had sex with heteresexual male avs as a heterosexual female av. There is absolutely no need for me to disclose my RL gender and sexual identity, as long as I don’t do ‘gotcha’ stuff, as you say, which I don’t. No-one has ever suspected my RL gender. My principle is not to talk about RL in SL.
Apr 22nd, 2007
“… have in SL, yes, I have had sex with both men and women as a woman in SL.”
“…in SL I have exclusively thus far had sex with heteresexual male avs as a heterosexual female av.”
You have had sex with no one. You have masturbated in front of your computer to little pretend computer people humping eachother, whilst you type ‘erotic’ sentences on your keyboard.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
@ “pardon?”: What is your point?
Anonymous Female Avatar
Apr 22nd, 2007
I think Pardon’s point is a combination of “SL sex cannot be equivalent to a true physical and emotional connection between two people” and “you dirty little wankers.”
Anonymous Female Avatar
Apr 22nd, 2007
And also, begging your Pardon, (see that’s a pun) there is a wide range of difference between “ur so great” and “I feel your body next to mine, my hands sliding over your tensed body.” Yes, some of the cyber is lame, but sometimes its an admittedly low, art form.
Gaius Goodliffe
Apr 22nd, 2007
Hehe. If I listened to half the bullshit I hear online about how to tell a real woman from a fake one, I’d be forced to conclude that the majority of women I knew RL in college were men.
Pardon’s comment reminds of Laurel K. Hamilton’s perspective in one of the Anita Blake novels on the differences between American and European views of what does or doesn’t actually constitute “sex” (basically after Anita has already had sexual relations with an individual but by her own American views has not in fact had “sex”). Pardon would probably also agree with Bill Clinton that he didn’t actually have sex with that woman.
The real telling note here is that Pardon believes there’s an actual objective fact of the matter about whether one has had sex or not, and that you can be objectively right or wrong about it, when it’s really a matter of subjective cultural and personal opinion.
janeforyou Barbara
Apr 22nd, 2007
Some of you are wrong,,some of you are right. 70% of all chatters in in chat places are women RL.Women like to be sosial and talk, Men like to have action in wargames and wepons, 80% of the weponplayers are men. SL are wery women friendly as there are so many places you dont need to play war to be in the game.VR WEB based 3D places like Cybertown- Jewel Of got a lot of women, the owner of two of this are a women
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
*startling in shock* really?! I leave my second life. Gonna try WoW.
So , you went to the geek college? That hardly counts.
If I got it right, sex means mandatory penetration. Follows, lesbians can not have sex. Aside of that, many heterosexual couples do not have sex though their lives are full of joy and satisfaction.
There were times in history when after the first night after the wedding, and after the consumption of marriage, groom was to take the sheets stained with blood and to show them to the family and friends. Points of this custom was:
1) to show that bride was virgin (i.e. nobody penetrated her before)
2. to show that he did penetrated her.
Needless to say this was middle age custom.
Melissa Yeuxdoux
Apr 22nd, 2007
“There’s not a woman alive over the age of 20 who has her dinner routinely prepared for her.”
So, you know for sure that Oprah Winfrey cooks her own meals?
Lucy Tornado
Apr 22nd, 2007
My Daddy always told me “all generalizations are false” and btw my husband works at home while I work at an office. He cooks dinner every night and I say in SL “gotta go, I’m being called to supper!”
Lucy Tornado
Apr 22nd, 2007
…and ain’t I a woman?
Gaius Goodliffe
Apr 22nd, 2007
“‘Hehe. If I listened to half the bullshit I hear online about how to tell a real woman from a fake one, I’d be forced to conclude that the majority of women I knew RL in college were men.’
“So , you went to the geek college? That hardly counts.”
Wow! Double-stereotyping! I’m not sure if this is a bash against women who don’t behave exactly the way women are “supposed to”, or a bash against geeks…
Why are people so upset when other real-world people don’t behave exactly the way they’re supposed to, according to their stereotype?
Quick, someone slap a new label on me so I can be easily dismissed. Obviously, since what I say doesn’t fit the stereotypes, there must be some reason why it “hardly counts”.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 22nd, 2007
sorry if you missunderstood.
Tenshi Vielle
Apr 22nd, 2007
I use all kinds of sex-related words during sex and as insults.
Either you’re afraid of the words or not. If you are – you’re not comfortable with sex. Get over it.
Naomi Skosh
Apr 23rd, 2007
I have a domestic helper at home who prepares dinner and does all the housework for me. I’m still a woman, I think.
Apr 23rd, 2007
“…Pardon would probably also agree with Bill Clinton that he didn’t actually have sex with that woman.
Ummmm…no. That was certainly a sexual act, involving the stimulation of his genitalia by another person. Unless the fellow loser you are mutually wanking with has extremely long arms that can reach through teh interwebz what you are doing is masturbating.
“If I got it right, sex means mandatory penetration. Follows, lesbians can not have sex. Aside of that, many heterosexual couples do not have sex though their lives are full of joy and satisfaction. ”
Isa Jervil
Apr 23rd, 2007
I could be mistaken but is a sex act not also sex ie Masturbation etc. And anyway nearly all sex is in the brain (that well worn adage of ‘the brain is the biggest sex organ’)because that is where all nerve impulses start and end…. whether its your ‘cock’ (really I prefer dick) or your clit or vagina that are stimulated (simulated?) the impulse is generated in your mind. So if its litereary output – and even crude mis-spelt text works in the heat of any given moment or if its pixel porn that gets you going – then go for it. Think of all those lovely endorphins.
At the end of the day (ergh now I am using football euphemisms)any relationship in SL is based on respect and, dare I say it, a sort of love. Whether it be love of cock or whatever (god how I hate the word pussy) the relationships you form can develop, expand or be the equivalent of a one night stand. Believe me what starts as mutual ‘stress relief’ can easily end up as a deeper ‘out of world’ relationship. Or at least you can have hope for that.
Outside of this – the whole SL partners and marriage thing (speaking as a divorcee in SL)now strikes me as another level of fantasy but also something the Lindens need to think through in terms of programming (LMAO) for shared cash accounts and intergration of ownership. (We’d think harder about committing if it was more like RL – tax breaks for Partners!)
And it really is great to see something about relationships in the Herald – more I say MORE!
Apr 23rd, 2007
Pardon, you’re assuming that anyone is doing touching of any sort. For me, at least, it’s an excercise in imagination and RP. Hands stay on the keyboard.
I’m a RL woman who plays an SL male (No, I’m not the one who writes for the Herald.) More than anything else, it’s been an interesting experiment in identity.
RL, I don’t like women sexually and can be submissive, but do not feel comfortable being dominant. In SL as a male, I like women just fine and am dominant.
I did have a “gotcha,” except it wasn’t really a gotcha, more like a stupid error on my part. While not a fun experience, even that has been enlightening. And fortunately, it had a happy “ending” (though it has not ended, thankfully).
I don’t know what I’m trying to say with all this, other than the issue is far, far more complex than most people who haven’t dabbled in it could imagine. I think many of the “tips” in the article are based on stereotype and not that useful. For example, my main account (female) is far more sexually explicit than my male one.
Nicholaz Beresford
Apr 23rd, 2007
I also don’t understand what’s the fuzz about the hands on (off the keyboard) experience. Not much meaningful exchange is possible that way, no matter what gender takes hands off keyboard … in those cases it’s more like doing it like watching a porn movie.
On the other hand (oops
), good second sex has a quality of it’s own, it’s all in the head and it matters not at all who’s behind the other keyboard as little as it matters if an actor on stage or screen is married to another person or not at all.
And I also think that nobody who has not spent any large extend of time time in an cross gender avatar has any idea how powerful the identity and behaviour change is. Any guy behind a female avatar is not really a guy anymore, not in that role, not after a few hours and the same is certainly true the other way around.
FWord Utorid
Apr 23rd, 2007
Those people who understand the potential of Second Life come to Second Life to be something they aren’t in Real Life. That’s part of the appeal of the place, because in Real Life, afaik, you don’t have a choice to decide what you will be, or even the most minor hand in your own Fate. Given this opportunity, why not try some things that are outside of your normal, limited realm of perception? Yes, be true to yourself, but why limit yourself to one way of thinking? See the world through a different pair of eyes. And why just one pair? I’m sure there are some of us who portray multiple sides of their own character in-world.
It’s who we are on the inside that counts. This technology affords us the possibility, in a limited way, to externalize our interiors. If those interiors are represented as a beautiful girl, a hairy ape, Baba “Fabio” Yamamoto, or a talking toaster with Gary Coleman’s face on the bread when it pops up, we should consider it a priveledge that our generation is the first to experience and share our limited time in this way.
Also, there’s no shame in being lonely, desiring people or things we find beautiful, wanting attention and love for ourselves, or to be unique and express ourselves in our own way. Each and every one of us deserves these things. If someone finds fulfillment in front of a screen where the real world provides them with little to none, so be it.
It’s been said many times that if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck. I don’t know what kind of noises a Gary Coleman toaster would make, but if that’s who you are on the inside, I’m pleased to meet you. All 256 of me are. And we welcome the opportunity to sleep with as many of you as possible.
Freedom is the FWord.
Apr 23rd, 2007
Baba Yamamoto – Galactus Fabio (ageless loli remix[sparkling grill version])
shockwave yareach
Apr 23rd, 2007
:: RL Gender and SL Sex
The gender of the person typing on the computer means nothing unless you are planning on meeting said person in RL. In SL, you can be anything or anyone. So naturally this means the SL sex can be male, female, herm, nueter, newbie (hasn’t bought any prims or tattoos yet), tentacle, etc. etc. But unless you want to destroy the illusion of SL and try to get a bit of a roll in the hay with the players in RL, the sex of the person typing on the computer is irrelevant.
And crossing the line, going to meet the RL people behind the SL characters, is fraught with peril. Some of you may find that the elf maiden you lust after is really a 500lb truck driver named Sweaty Bob. Or that the 500lb truck driver you lust after is really an elf maiden – I’ll be fair. The odds of Reality meeting your Fantasy expectations are extremely low since your fantasy is, in your minds, perfect. You can never get better than perfection; you can only come up short or different.
Apr 23rd, 2007
Based on your first article I was hoping for something original on the subject of sexual relations in SL, but it seems everyone first has to write about how OMG teh girlzz here R doods!!!11 lulz!!!111. This story is OOOLDDD, and no one seems to do any *serious* examination about why it happens – what societal forces really drive so many male-bodied types to experiment this way. I could toss around plenty of hypotheses but I’m not in possession of any suitable survey data either.
I’m really tired of this nonsense about trying to sort the boys from the girls based on this or that stereotype. Anyone with their eyes and minds actually open will discover, in SL if they haven’t before, just how truly wonderful and varied their fellow beings are, and how unique qualities show through regardless of what type, age or condition their bodies have. Shrugging off instant biases based on someone’s physical condition is one of the greatest gifts SL has to offer. Don’t throw someone away just because you *have* to know a physical detail about them. You’ll probably never meet them in RL anyway.
Besides, if you truly are after a RL sexual relationship, you should skip straight to phone calls and webcams as soon as possible. Everything about a person from their gender to their age to their nationality is pure fantasy until you do, and should be taken as such. You trust and accept a person in SL exactly as they present themselves in SL, and no further.
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful who we pretend to be” – Kurt Vonnegut
Freedom Rush
Apr 24th, 2007
I laughed till I cried reading this article! I don’t know why the gender benders bug me, but they do. I think it has to do with the fact that most guys pretending to be women display the worst most over exagerated (sic) feminine traits. I agreed with everything in the article until you got to the ‘being called for dinner” part. My hubby cooks almost everynight, and I LOVE it. So when I say I am being called to dinner, I really mean that my 6’3″, 270 lb, Sargeant is calling me to dinner!!! Everything else was right on target
Espresso Saarinen
Apr 24th, 2007
> There’s not a woman alive over the age of 20 who has her
> dinner routinely prepared for her.
uh, as the male cook of the house with a female partner who does not cook at all, “not a woman alive,” does not fly. oh, and sad to say, we’re well over 20.
annonymous female av
Apr 24th, 2007
Sex in sl can be perilous at best but also fun.
I know the person ive been intersted in is a guy in SL. A dj even. Always nice to me and we both flirt up a storm. Even though i might not be a female av Im really attracted to his personality. So what if in rl you are different then sl. Its a fantasy for who you want to be. If you run a female av then in your own way it reflects traits you can not show in your rl body and vice versa. Because we are given preconcived notions ever since we are born, we fail to see the beauty of finding someone you really care for. Even if its there personality. Its damn easy to let you rl emotions go to the route of sex in sl. Can you blame some people for doing it.
Sadako Shikami
Apr 26th, 2007
I’ve always (in IRC and chat rooms before SL came around) found it easiest to ask, “What brand and style of feminine protection do you wear, and tell me within the next 10 seconds.” Longer than that, it means it’s a man running for the bathroom to read the package *winks*
shockwave yareach
Apr 26th, 2007
Sadako: This unfortunately fails if the man has been married for more than 3 years because he has, by that time, been sent to the store for said products several times. And having learned the hard way that there IS a difference, only gets the RIGHT stuff.
archie lukas
Apr 26th, 2007
I actually read the article and loved the concepts expressed there.
Peeps – don’t take the arguments as holy gospel, the broad concept is truth as we know it.
The inherent humour in the article was cutting, witty and bloody clever. We need more of this authors incisive wit and less knee jerk reactions.
Chill a bit
SL male/male RL
Registered and licensed Authentic Pervert
Apr 27th, 2007
Gender isn’t what’s between the legs, it’s what’s between the ears
Apr 27th, 2007
All of you are fussing over something that’s going to be moot shortly anwyays. As soon as Voice Chat is rolled out you’ll see the number of gender benders suddenly dissolve.
“Oh I can’t find my microphone” won’t fly very long.
Apr 27th, 2007
“Gender isn’t what’s between the legs, it’s what’s between the ears”
Right, and if you dream hard enough you can fly.
Gender is what’s between the legs. (And all over other parts of the body.) If you have a vagina, you think the way women think because you’re a woman. If you have a penis, you think the way men think because you’re a man.
There’s no touchy-feely blurring of it. Many things are not binary or black and white – but gender is.
dandellion Kimban
Apr 28th, 2007
“If you have a vagina, you think the way women think because you’re a woman. If you have a penis, you think the way men think because you’re a man.”
This sounds like a thought of someone who thinks with his penis or her vagina.
May 8th, 2007
Just to give men some credit, my girlfriend does, in fact, have dinner prepared for her every night by me. Either way, the most important thing in dealing with anything online related is to remember that there is a PERSON on the other end. Treat them with the same respect you would treat yourself or someone in the real world with.