Sheep Warned After Violation of Dreamland Community Covenant
by prokofy on 10/04/07 at 2:35 am
By Prokofy Neva, Corporate Watch
Anshe Chung, owner of Anshe Chung Studios (ACS), creators of Dreamland, a popular Second Life residential and commercial region with more than 500 islands, has written to the leadership of the Electric Sheep Company regarding violation of her company’s covenant.
Anshe Chung announced to the Herald this evening that she is banning the avatar Grid Shepherd throughout the entire continent of Dreamland for covenant violations.
The Sheep have enabled their searchbot “Grid Shepherd” to roam all of Second Life freely. The ACS covenant applies to visitors as well as residents.
A search of “Anshe Chung” as owner of objects, as well as a search of some individual Dreamland tenants reveals that their items for sale — intentionally or not — are in the database at
“ACS will have to step in to enforce Dreamland resident’s rights after violation by the ESC,” Anshe told the Herald.
“Anshe has explicitly forbid them [ESC] to enter Dreamland with robots again, such as CopyBot or the spy data gatherer of their search thing. [This] is not secret,” the Business Girl added.
Anshe, who is Second Life’s first real-estate millionairess, and has been featured on the cover of Business Week.
Aki Shichiroji
Apr 10th, 2007
I’m really tired of hearing about residents who shouldn’t have to be responsible for their own objects.
If you’ve bought an object, it’s up to you to take care of what you own, whether it’s on your own land or not. If you’ve left the checkbox for resale checked… clearly you don’t care enough about what you buy to keep an eye on it. And if some normal user just happens to come along and notice that it’s for sale and they like it, you get what you deserve if it does get sold.
Clearly residents need to be more aware about what they purchase and do their due diligence if they truly treasure what they acquire.
This search tool is MERELY THAT – a tool. It can be used by both those with or without scruples – though hopefully those *with*. Heck. If you were a user who was really concerned that *oops* one of your items might have been set for sale, perhaps you could use this TOOL to check and make the appropriate changes.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
“Uh, no, I’m actively moderating and deleting all attempts by Joshua Nightshade to stalk me by evading IP bans with anonymizers. Proof positive that he *is* a creepy stalker. Anyone who keeps trying to get back on a blog where they have been repeatedly banned for cause, for breaking the rules, which in my case are about those who cause RL or SL harm, needs to understand they are merely adding to their crime file with this kind of behaviour.
I’m proud to sell freebies, and I’ve blogged about it and held meetings about it inworld for years. Anyone is welcome to harangue me about my freebie selling. I’m unashamed, and I will go right on selling my freebies. Anyone who is unhappy about their freebies being sold needs to uncheck “transfer”. After all, it’s this same bunch haranguing people like my tenants right now, telling them to turn off the for-sale signs on their objects. Let THEM turn off their for-sale signs too *shrugs*.”
I’m at work, you idiot, and I don’t even have an “anonymizer” installed. Are you really that idiotic? I was using the same two computers this weekend that you “banned” months ago with your spurious claim that I was threatening you. Go back and look at the comments, the IP addresses are always the same. Some spoofage!
I don’t read Prokofy’s blog. I have stopped reading and posting to Prokofy’s blog, completely. I merely return when I am given notice that Prokofy has written a lie about me, which is my obligation to correct. I am completely happy to have ceased participation in Prokofy blog, completely.
shockwave yareach
Apr 10th, 2007
Lordfly: Ah, so it’s my fault then. I should have been able to send email to myself from the future or something, telling me about the existance of this bot, its name, and what it does. Perhaps your crystal ball is functioning properly and can tell you the names of these bots well before they run rampant on your territory. But alas, my scrying glass is in the shop for its 50,000 mile service. That’s the trouble with these cheap Magic imports from Middle Earth; getting replacement parts is a pain.
So if you would be so kind as to tell everyone here the names of ALL the bots – ESC and the copycats which are sure to follow – which exist now, tomorrow or within the next year, you and your Magic Future-seeing device will have performed a great service to everyone and we can all take care to follow your instructions to the letter. Who knows, you might even be able to get some Lindens for your trouble? I’ll be certain to give you enough for a six-pack of your favorite, myself.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Shockwave, think of it as someone giving you the chance to fix something now before a griefer managed to find your property and take advantage of the misclassified items. It could’ve been a far larger issue for you.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
People who evade a ban from their work computer, or a Kinko’s or something, are doing the moral equivalent of using an anonymizer. Gleefully coming back in six months to see if their IP ban still “sticks” and evading it, is like being a little grade-schooler on the playground saying “nyah, nyah, you can’t catch me,” not a mature adult who claims not to be a stalker.
Creepy stalking is creepy stalking, and there’s no covering it up.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Suck my cock, cow.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
>I’m really tired of hearing about residents who shouldn’t have to be responsible for their own objects.
I’m really tired of hearing from arrogant tekkies who think they can take bots and invade my property with them. I didn’t sign up for bots when I joined Second Life. There is nothing in the TOS enabling them and their intrusions. Nothing whatsoever. If you take the theory that ‘anything not banned is allowed’ I can think of a lot of other things that ‘are not banned” but in fact aren’t allowed either — hey, casino gambling is an obvious one that you can no longer advertise now.
>If you’ve bought an object, it’s up to you to take care of what you own, whether it’s on your own land or not. If you’ve left the checkbox for resale checked… clearly you don’t care enough about what you buy to keep an eye on it. And if some normal user just happens to come along and notice that it’s for sale and they like it, you get what you deserve if it does get sold.
In just about every single case where I’ve had someone buy something I had only an original copy of, that somehow got a price tag left on it because of the way it came out of the box, the person who mistakenly bought it returned it. The social contract trumps the bots. People control technology. When technology controls people — a small group of people hiding behind technology to gain the control they couldn’t get by willing consent — people fight back, and rightly so, and history shows they win.
>Clearly residents need to be more aware about what they purchase and do their due diligence if they truly treasure what they acquire.
Clearly tekkies need to due THEIR due diligence about what is appropriate and non-intrusive with the community when they unleash stuff. This snotty kind of literalism that says “well anything can scrape it therefore I’ll scrape it and upload it” is what Mark Barrett used on, claiming that if people are proximate to each other and anyone can see it at will by coming within 96 m2 or whatever, that it’s public. It’s not public because scraping proximity data and then compiling it with others things like location and time and purchasing patterns is an intrusion. Uploading this to public data bases for the use of aggressive and intrusive marketers goes way beyond the “eye can see” argumentation into spyware. We didn’t sign up for tolerance of spyware or bots.
>This search tool is MERELY THAT – a tool. It can be used by both those with or without scruples – though hopefully those *with*. Heck. If you were a user who was really concerned that *oops* one of your items might have been set for sale, perhaps you could use this TOOL to check and make the appropriate changes.
This TOOL is made by TOOLS who didn’t have the courtesy or consideration or legality to check with people before intruding. There’s no need to have to worry about THE ENTIRE WORLD descending to buy something in my bedroom if there is not bot scraping. Normal people in the normal course of things won’t traverse the grid scanning. Only automated bots set into motion by aggressive tekkies with callous cruelty can do this.
These argumentations that Aki makes come from an entirely new and dangerous and toxic mix of medieval techniques and modern technological knowledge. The aggressive tekkie mixes the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials with cyberspace. He scrapes, aggregates, spiders, publicizes and also mutes, bans, excludes, links ban lists, declares people as “trolls”. This is really a horrific new mix of old and new culture that really needs to get strangled in its cradle — big time.
ringy dingy
Apr 10th, 2007
“Opt in” would have been ideal, but let’s face it, it wouldn’t be as efficient because not enough people would have heard about it to do so. For a search tool to be effective it needs to be all encompassing, so I can understand why they left it “opt out”.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
People always use the excuse of “opt-in” being too slow. And that’s why I call it “greed”. It *is* greed. But if they truly *are* providing a public service, one they brag is free, then make it serve the public. Get the public involved. Make something fun out of it, like DTV, have people invite Grid Shepherd, befriend him, talk to him, have him answer AI stuff, make people WANT to have him visit their mall and feel a relationship to the project.
By having him stalk everybody’s sims silently and scrape their private data, they ensure that people can only have an uneasy or hostile relationship to the effort.
Apr 10th, 2007
I have to admit, I love seeing Prok rant about “arrogant tekki fucktards”.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
People who ban scrapers from their parcel are doing the moral equivalent of raping babies. Gleefully coming back to point at the scraper is like being a little grade-schooler on the playground saying “nyah, nyah, you can’t catch me,” not a mature adult who claims not to be hiding anything.
ringy dingy
Apr 10th, 2007
“People always use the excuse of “opt-in” being too slow. And that’s why I call it “greed”. It *is* greed.”- Prokofy
It’s not greed. It’s being efficient. Are you mad at ESC because they’re being efficient? That’s really backwards.
Lordfly Digeridoo
Apr 10th, 2007
If google were Opt-In, it would be indexing pages in the hundreds of thousands, not billions.
How useful is that?
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2007
I will admit that they probably should have made them opt in, because ESC should know better how much of a tool the whole world and Prokofy especially can be when they misconstrue something as being an “invasion of privacy”. But then they’d have nothing to search for, and all the data was public anyways. Interms of their rights, they had the FULL right to list all this “for sale” items, as much as someone has the full right to read the liscence plates of any cars they see, it’s public information.
When you put an object for sale, you are making it PUBLICALLY for sale. You don’t put an object for sale that you intend for no one to see or buy, that’d be ridiculous. If you have an object for sale that shouldn’t be, you can use this tool to find it and make it no longer for sale.
I really can’t see what the big deal is, but just a little forum for Prokofy to make an ill-thought out angry attack on ESC on whatever foot hold is given. As I said, it’s curious you jump all over this insulting and thrashing at ESC, but were completely quiet as Anshe Chung did the same thing except worse.
shockwave yareach
Apr 10th, 2007
If Google was entering people’s homes and cataloging everything they own, the outcry would be huge. Pretty much what’s going on here – I didn’t ask anyone to catalog everything I own for me.
And before you say “they only note what is listed for sale…”, how can you be so sure? Hm? Perhaps that is all that you can look up on the search page. But is that the only thing stored in their database? Who knows? The only people who know are the Electric Sheep and I don’t have any reason to trust them after this underhanded bit.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
As I’ve pointed out already repeatedly, Lordfly, including in this article people who put up pages on the Internet are engaging in a set of social constructs, with written and unwritten behaviour codes.
They have a barrier between them and the rest of humanity called “my computer screen” and “the fact that it’s all 2-D text and pictures”. They normally *want* their stuff to be found either because they are expressing opinions or socializing or selling stuff. They don’t mind that their *flat 2-D web page* is being spidered — it’s not their refrigerator and their nightstand that is also being spidered by them engaging in the set of social conventions called “The Internet”.
In a virtual world, people make homes on private property. They except those who come to those homes to behave more or less like those in real life, not to be AI bots coming in and grabbing stuff without their knowledge, but to be people respectful of boundaries.
Social constructs and codes matter. Tekkies remain absolutely tone-deaf and oblivious and even hostile deconstructive of them, but that’s just youthful folly, ignorance and aggression. If they wish to keep customers, they can’t treat people like this.
There is nothing so all-fired important about this debase having 400,000 instead of 40,000 things in it. The only significant use anyone has put it to is to harass yardsalers for selling freebies that content creators should have turned “transfer” off from. (Hey, if people are going to be harangued by Aki to turn off their objects for sale, we can say the exact same thing back to creators who want the entire world to sustain their viral dissemination of freebies and help them enhance their reputation, and squawk when someone legally sells their free, transferrable wares).
A search that enlists cooperation instead of annoyance or even angery is going to be that much more successful down the road. I guess you’re forgetting the early days of the Internet, perhaps you’re too young. People went to a great deal of effort actually to compile things and send them into the bots at the search engines since they didn’t crawl that well or that far in those days. People went to a great deal of trouble to make directory pages you could join voluntarily. I don’t see why this step has to be skipped in virtual worlds.
I don’t see why we have to mindlessly and aggressively transfer all the lessons and characteristics of Web 1.0 over to Web 2.0.
Here’s what Eloise is writing about me, falsely, where I can’t respond: “Over on SLH Prokofy is sounding uncharacteristically against making money, but characteristically paranoid that it’s all a ploy to exploit him.”
I don’t see why someone else gets to make money by *exploiting* me and my tenants *personal data* for their *marketing purposes*. The data on my land and my tenants’ land is private. In some cases, it’s even proprietary. Why do those with the deep pockets, the programmers to pay, and the knowledge, get to exploit everybody? That’s not ok. That’s not capitalism. That’s crime.
There have always been limits on capitalism to keep it from rapaciously even killing its own future customers.
Grid Shepherd is merely the first inkling of the huge scrape that will be going on in virtual worlds, with a really unseemly race to the bottom to see who can be the most aggressive, wily, and cunning in scraping and getting people not to resist. It is definitely not going to be a pretty sight.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
You’re so completely out of your mind.
“Grid Shepherd is merely the first inkling of the huge scrape that will be going on in virtual worlds, with a really unseemly race to the bottom to see who can be the most aggressive, wily, and cunning in scraping and getting people not to resist. It is definitely not going to be a pretty sight.”
You’re damn right it’s only the first inkling. Wait what comes in the next few weeks, I’ve a feeling you’re really going to hate it given how many freebies you resell.
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2007
“If Google was entering people’s homes and cataloging everything they own, the outcry would be huge. Pretty much what’s going on here – I didn’t ask anyone to catalog everything I own for me.
And before you say “they only note what is listed for sale…”, how can you be so sure? Hm? Perhaps that is all that you can look up on the search page. But is that the only thing stored in their database? Who knows? The only people who know are the Electric Sheep and I don’t have any reason to trust them after this underhanded bit.”
If Google was going in and cataloguing everything people were trying to sell at yard sales or in home businesses, you’re right. there’d be a huge outcry of people that’d be simply estatic for the free advertising.
And who GIVES a shit if they can search everything in my home, I can go to your home right now and search everything in it, you can do the same to me, the sooner people get over the illusion that you have this sort of privacy in SL that you do in RL, the better. What you have out in your house is NOT secret and never has been, and as long as ESC isn’t listing these things in their search engines who gives a shit? I could have a listing of everything everyone owns right now, so could you, so could prokofy, so could everyone! BAN THE WORLD! I guess you better isolate yourself in a private sim only you can enter so that no one knows you own a couch.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
>But then they’d have nothing to search for, and all the data was public anyways. Interms of their rights, they had the FULL right to list all this “for sale” items, as much as someone has the full right to read the liscence plates of any cars they see, it’s public information.
It’s not, because when we sign the TOS, we don’t sign consent to be scraped by bots.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
ESC is acquiring a bad reputation for being greedy and aggressive, and it’s one that corporate clients will want to back away from. They’ll get it easier than a pack of juvehile pranksters and script kiddies in the IRC channel will get it.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
Paging Jerry Paffendorf: if this is the future, you can keep it. No sale.
shockwave yareach
Apr 10th, 2007
Okay Artemis. And when your RL babe finds out you have “Gay, Bejeweled Nazi Bikers of Gor” in your place in Nexus Prime, and she dumps you for it, just remember that you don’t give a shit. When a bunch of people materialize in your room to take it from you or see if they can get some quick action from you, just remember that you don’t give a shit.
And when a random furry can point at you and laugh about how easily he found something “interesting” about you, just remember that you don’t give a shit.
huh. Never heard of Nexus Prime. Sounds interesting though.
Michael Seraph
Apr 10th, 2007
So the argument goes:
First Avie: Anshe Chung is evil.
Second Avie: No she’s not.
First Avie: She Used Land Scanners!
Second Avie: Prove it.
First Avie: You want proof? She was an escort! There’s your proof!”
Can we move on from this? Sometime? Just a little?
I don’t want somebody’s automated bot going through my stuff any more than I want to pop home and discover Joe Newby and His Online Girl having sex in my bed. I can ban Joe Newby, and I’m glad ACS has done me the favor of banning Grid Shepherd.
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2007
“It’s not, because when we sign the TOS, we don’t sign consent to be scraped by bots.”
However, when you put an object up for sale, you DID consent that people would be able to buy it, and people would be able to see it for sale. The ToS doesn’t say anything about banning the use of public information either.
They had the full right to use this information that was open to public as much as I have the full right to write down a liscence plate number, or use your name. If you can’t see that, then you really are too far gone.
Aki Shichiroji
Apr 10th, 2007
Prok> I’m not haranging anyone here. I’m not sure where you got that idea. All I’m saying is people who aren’t responsible enough to keep an eye on their possessions shouldn’t expect sympathy when they neglect to tell the system not to resell it.
I’m also saying that your demonization of this service is a detriment to those same people because ultimately they could have used such a service to catch objects that they’d forgotten.
As for combining ‘medieval concepts’ with high tech methodology, who’s plunging whom into the dark ages here? Come on, let’s admit it – SL’s existing search tools are CRAP. You are essentially saying that – for the sake of the few who aren’t conscientious about what they do or possess in world – everyone else should have to put up with not being able to use a well designed service that allows one to find products and services?
This service has the potential to open up the usability of the platform immensely as far as connecting users with what they want – yet you simply refuse to accept the fact that it is nothing more than your immersive fantasy. Who’s being medieval here?
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2007
“Okay Artemis. And when your RL babe finds out you have “Gay, Bejeweled Nazi Bikers of Gor” in your place in Nexus Prime, and she dumps you for it, just remember that you don’t give a shit. When a bunch of people materialize in your room to take it from you or see if they can get some quick action from you, just remember that you don’t give a shit.”
Gay, Bejeweled Nazi Bikers of Gor is a hilarious short story mockery of gorean writing and philosophy that I put up for sale so everyone could read it. I joke about that all the time.
“And when a random furry can point at you and laugh about how easily he found something “interesting” about you, just remember that you don’t give a shit.
What’re you talking about, the Gay, Bejeweled Nazi Bikers of Gor thing, or the joke “Furry ageplayers of Gor” book I made, that should be for sale somewhere.
“huh. Never heard of Nexus Prime. Sounds interesting though.”
It’s the original cyberpunk City of SL, you could search that up. It’s in the same sim as the welcome area actually, bonifacio and Gibson.
shockwave yareach
Apr 10th, 2007
You’ve piqued my interest. I’ll check the sim out later on tonight. Thanks.
Cocoanut Koala
Apr 10th, 2007
No, to those who think it wouldn’t have worked to tell people about this first. People would have LOVED to be included on this. Store people, like me. Free advertising! What’s not to love?
All they would have had to do is announce it (spend some time and effort announcing it), and people would have signed up in DROVES, and told all their friends about it.
And what’s it for, if not for store people? I mean, the idea is to list the things legitimately for sale in SL, isn’t it? Any way for me to have free listings of my items for sale is a wonderful thing, as far as I’m concerned. The idea that people wouldn’t partake of this voluntarily is kinda hard to believe.
And if they DON’T want to partake of it voluntarily, it’s because they have some good reason. And whatever their good reason, it’s not up to others to decide they are going to partake anyway, whether they want to or not – and then, once the information is published, they get to apply to have it removed.
And while I’m on the subject, I’d like to point out that it is fun to go through this thing and look up everybody whose business you ever might have wanted to know all about, because their entire business is now YOUR business.
You can find out exactly what items they have where, and for what price, including in places you didn’t realize they had stores. You can find out who is partnering with who to showcase each other’s items. You can find out just how prolific people really are, and you can determine exactly what each person has for sale, ANYWHERE.
Along with a lot of information about people who shouldn’t even be on there, but are simply because they bought an item that someone once sold them.
If you really want to be a pain in the butt, ESC has made it so you can teleport RIGHT TO THAT ITEM, sitting there in their bedroom, which they had no intention of selling anyway. Just show up, right in their bedroom there.! Now THAT’S a service.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
>Prok> I’m not haranging anyone here. I’m not sure where you got that idea. All I’m saying is people who aren’t responsible enough to keep an eye on their possessions shouldn’t expect sympathy when they neglect to tell the system not to resell it.
yes, you are haranguing Aki, here and on the Dreamland list. I’m glad Anshe has moved to rule this as a code violation and to block its progress. That wouldn’t have been necessary if people could opt-in.
People shouldn’t have to “keep an eye on their posessions” on their own private property — DUH. The problem is that *this thing* is now keeping an eye on their possessions — and usurping their function. Get it off our lawns.
>I’m also saying that your demonization of this service is a detriment to those same people because ultimately they could have used such a service to catch objects that they’d forgotten.
That’s so very tekkie. Create a problem that didn’t exist before, by having a new invention discover something that nobody previously needed to be fixed, but now they MUST use this technology to fix it. That is so deeply fucked, I don’t know where to begin.
>As for combining ‘medieval concepts’ with high tech methodology, who’s plunging whom into the dark ages here? Come on, let’s admit it – SL’s existing search tools are CRAP. You are essentially saying that – for the sake of the few who aren’t conscientious about what they do or possess in world – everyone else should have to put up with not being able to use a well designed service that allows one to find products and services?
This service merely tells me who left shit out on their lawn for sale by accident. It tells me nothing about the conscious intentions of sellers who could be telling me this by opt-in menus.
SEARCH is not crap. It works great. In combo with traffic, it’s a wonder. Most inworld sales occur due to SEARCH, either for places, people, or in classifieds. SEARCH inworld works fine, it’s only a problem of the LL data base load. I’d be happy to get rid of other “features” I didn’t ask for in order to preserve the capacity of search.
>This service has the potential to open up the usability of the platform immensely as far as connecting users with what they want – yet you simply refuse to accept the fact that it is nothing more than your immersive fantasy. Who’s being medieval here?
The world is compelling to the extent that it can be something far more than Geocities or AOL AIM or MySpace. And part of keeping that compelling factor means having a whole lot of healthy respect for people’s lives here as they make them. You fail to do that at your peril if you are a business.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Search is crap. You don’t know the first thing about websites or databases or even Second Life itself. I marvel that you can manage to sign in.
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2007
You know, google has been mentioned a lot, and it’s really a great example. Cause you don’t opt in to google, no one asks you if you want your site on google, it just finds it and lists it.
All seach engines do, why should this search engine be different? Why aren’t you writing angry letters to Google that your sites are being listed without your consent? Why isn’t anyone?
Perhaps, just maybe, it’s because you build a site, or put an object up for sale, because you WANT people to see it.
Apr 10th, 2007
__People who evade a ban from their work computer, or a Kinko’s or something, are doing the moral equivalent of using an anonymizer. Gleefully coming back in six months to see if their IP ban still “sticks” and evading it, is like being a little grade-schooler on the playground saying “nyah, nyah, you can’t catch me,” not a mature adult who claims not to be a stalker.__
Kind of like people who use alts *cough cough* to circumvent SL forums disciplinary *cough cough* action *cough random unsung cough cough*, right Prokofy? *cough*
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Now now, everyone knows that having multiple computers is a sign of insidious tekki-wikki. Shame on you for not even posting under a real alias!
But it’s moot anyway, as I have stopped reading Prokofy’s blog, completely. I don’t read or comment on it, and I haven’t, for the past year. I have never posted on Prokofy’s blog, ever. Completely. At all.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Artemis, Prokofy’s real complaint stems from the fact that this tool caught her stealing outrageous amounts of freebies and ripping them off as her own objects. So you have to take all of the other ranting into account.
Beyond other people, I think the griping stems from the fact that they think SL is some real “world” when its own creators have stated they just want it to be the internet. That’s why you have vapid fucks like Prokofy who equate griefing in SL to rape of her cats in RL. She has no ability to discern. It’s terrifying. She posted a two page dossier online earlier with quotes from Aimee going back years. That’s frightening.
For other people, they perhaps don’t realize that the Sheep bot is doing nothing beyond what any person could do themselves. ESC could’ve done a better job by making it clearer what they were doing and how it would impact people, but for those who think SL is a world and not a game or the internet these warnings will fall flat.
And for people like Prokofy who don’t live in either RL or SL and instead float in a magical kingdom where everyone is out to get them and only they have the sword of righteousness capable of vanquishing the darkness, well, you’re just a fucktard for questioning her.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
The tool didn’t catch me stealing shit. I don’t sell things much. I have a little sort of yard-sale in Ravenglass Hall Market in one of the booths, mainly to test the rentomatic there each week to make sure it’s working. I put out an Arne chair and a Barnes table. Let’s see, that’s 2 things.
The counter by Catherine Omega, which I’ve discussed with her in comments several times before, is in 3 locations I believe, where I have help cards and info on my rentals.
Then I have the flamingos. So I think I have about 6 things out for sale in world lol. I’m happy to have anybody visit it, blog about it, condemn about it, scream about it all they want.
I took myself out of this tool as a protest. But I don’t sell stuff, so it doesn’t show much anyway. What it showed was all my tenants’ stuff, and I didn’t like it.
The two-page dossier about Aimee is put up there to validate my claims, which were disputed, that Aimee advertises her heavy drinking, not me.
Joshua might prefer to tackle an easier target, like proving that I have a different drink in my hand each time I’m photographed. I hear there’s some real scandalous ones from Podcamp NYC!
Re: Google. Like I said, people don’t have sex with Google. They don’t perform live music concerts in Google either. It’s different.
Artemis Fate
Apr 10th, 2007
“Re: Google. Like I said, people don’t have sex with Google. They don’t perform live music concerts in Google either. It’s different.”
Uh…what the hell are you talking about?
People don’t have sex with ESC or perform live concerts in ESC either
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Far more than six things popped up in that search. And I checked everything by hand, myself, it wasn’t mistaken items put on sale by accident. Barnes really appreciated your table sale, I hear. Your tenants’ things don’t come up with “Prokofy Neva” as owner.
Ofcourse, much as you lied despite screenshots and 15 people seeing you call me a rapist on your site, the fact that once I pointed out to others on the ESC search what you were reselling will be meaningless to Iron Neva.
People don’t have sex with Second Life either. On the other hand I really have no idea what you do to your computer.
Apr 10th, 2007
Those with giant brains have no heart.
Prokofy Neva
Apr 10th, 2007
I’m happy to put myself back into the Search so readers can see there aren’t more than 6 things on sale which were formerly free, including Barnes’ table, put at $1500 for a joke. But I don’t see any big surge of community concern about this issue, so I won’t bother.
My tenants things are 90 percent put on sale by mistake.
I think my few things were mainly consciously put on sale, but I don’t sell many thinngs.
I never put anything on my blog claiming Joshua Nightshade was a rapist. I did call him a psychopath however. 15 people recall seeing Joshua’s doctored screenshot, not my blog lol.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
It’s hardly relevant that you put yourself back on now since you had enough time to hide the freebies.
No, 15 people specifically said they saw your site with a link to my real name and real website. 15 people, many of whom were lurkers to SC and uninvolved with your psychoses, said they saw the site, not the screenshot. 15 people even discounting Aimee and Flip and Cris.
Knowing you would argue this anyway, I specifically checked out the items by hand to ensure that, 1, you didn’t make the items, 2, you were the owner, and 3, the items on sale weren’t individual copies but set to sell themselves indefinitely. Ding ding ding.
Apr 10th, 2007
I don’t think that doasiar on Aimee proved anything about problem drinking, but by the looks of it your stalking scared the shit out of the girl. Don’t blame her neither. That huge ass message reminded me of when a serial killer puts newspaper clippings of their victim all over their wall. Fucking scary.
Cocoanut Koala
Apr 10th, 2007
Josh knows it was me who compiled that dossier. I told them that on SC.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Kirpaan, didn’t it though? It was truly, truly terrifying. That combined with Prokofy’s obvious obsession with Aimee and the violent way she’s acted out in public… it’s just disgusting. Aimee would do well to get a restraining order and would have ample rationale to get one.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
Coco, if that were the case why didn’t Prokofy correct me?
You’re just as sick and obsessed with Aimee, to be sure, but that’s not your style.
Apr 10th, 2007
Whoever wrote it, it was bizarre. Like, do you even know the definition of problem drinking? Its not the same as just drinking. Your drinking has to like, cause real life problems. Loss of job, divorce, health problems. The way doctors say it is “continued use despite ongoing negative consequences”. All your post showed was that Aimee writes anout drinking, and that you search through her posts like a stalker searches through a victim’s garbage.
Cocoanut Koala
Apr 10th, 2007
The reason for my compiling the quotes, Kurpann, was Aimee threating libel suits over, among other things, any comments about her drinking. She has threatened this for months.
But you can’t have a libel suit over something you have already attested to in print yourself.
Me “ick and obsessed with Aimee” – that’s rich. I’m also a little green frog in real life.
Prokofy doubtless didn’t correct you because he was protecting his source – the person who compiled the quotes and gave them to him; i.e., me.
Cocoanut Koala
Apr 10th, 2007
P.S. Josh, what do you mean, “if that’s the case?” I already told you it was the case on SC, and I know you read that.
Joshua Nightshade
Apr 10th, 2007
What you tell me is completely meaningless.
Prokofy has libeled Aimee, repeatedly, and your quotes didn’t demonstrate any drinking problem on her behalf. It demonstrated Aimee had a sense of humor.
Cocoanut Koala
Apr 10th, 2007
P.S. Josh, what do you mean, “if that’s the case?” I already told you it was the case on SC, and I know you read that.
Apr 10th, 2007
No man, if this thing is about if aimee drinks or not, you got a case. I mean, maybe she don’t, but she writes about it so bang…we can talk about it.
But I read aimees post, she saying that prok saying aimee got a “drinking problem” and that is dangerous territory. Its not just libel, its really big libel. Half the places you go look up wut libel means they use “problem drinking” as example.
your weird ass post shows aimee drinking, and you stalking, but I don’t see problem drinking. You the problem.