The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: Federation Joins War Against AN
by Alphaville Herald on 12/04/07 at 5:14 pm
By Omega Groshomme, SL Herald War Correspondent
Across the wasteland. Walking, walking, now stumbling, now climbing over debris. All around me the battlefield is littered with the bodies of AN soldiers, craters, burning buildings and totaled vehicles. As I navigate the shrapnel-riddled dirt I come over the crest of a hill to see them: A group of 5 Federation soliders standing in formation. I proceed with caution, not more than a few steps from the commander. He whips around and faces me; I am now looking at the sight aperture of a desert eagle pointing directly at my head. The commander sees I’m of no threat and holsters his weapon. I announce myself as a Herald reporter (years of battlefield reporting have taught me that this opens all doors), and I arrange an interview.
AN base after invasion by ATF and Feds
Omega Groshomme: Could you please introduce yourself and organization?
Sergeant Griffith: I’m Sergeant Griffith, Grand Commander of the Grand Federation (Yes, we’re obsessed with the word “Grand”)
Omega Groshomme: Haha, what is the focus of your organisation?
Sergeant Griffith: Our focus was originally to help the AN; that’s what Thomas Beltway wanted. Eventually we became separate, and even went to war with AN, which is where we are now. Currently, we just want to keep people from trying to control others.
Omega Groshomme: What has caused your hostility towards AN?
Sergeant Griffith: 1: They are too full with their own egos. 2: They backstabbed the Federation after we helped them beat MDF. ALOT of our men just hate them.
Omega Groshomme: Many groups dislike the Merczateers as well, where are you in this?
Sergeant Griffith: I’ve got some personal friends in Mercz, and they’re anti AN. So we’re allied. But some of them don’t really like us
Omega Groshomme: Oh,why?
Sergeant Griffith: Because a long time ago. (In a galaxy far far away) The Feds were agianst the Mercz. And we were toe-to-toe with them.
Omega Groshomme: Why the change?
Sergeant Griffith: Ever since Mercz went to war with AN, we’ve been helping each other. Mercz being with AN was the main reason for our war [with the Mercz].
Feds watching venture carrier sink
Omega Groshomme: Very good. Have you had any recent engagements with the AN?
Sergeant Griffith: Yes, today me and some Feds attacked their sim, unfortunately we didn’t do much. Yesterday though, two Rangers and a Major took the entire sim against about 30 AN members.
Omega Groshomme: Wow, that is impressive.
Sergeant Griffith: Yes, i make sure to train each soldier to be ready for ANY situation
Omega Groshomme: Oh training? What does this consist of?
Sergeant Griffith: Navigation skills, shooting ranges, team warfare, tips and tricks, advanced warfighting, bullet avoidance Et cetera
Omega Groshomme: heh. Do you have any issues with dicipline?
Sergeant Griffith: Occasionally a soldier will violate MTAA or RoE, or be a little trigger happy, but I make sure that they get sent through our Court Marshal system
Omega Groshomme: Wow,i see organization is not in question with your group.
Sergeant Griffith: Our organization, from largest amount to smallest amount of soldiers, goes as follows: Main group, Department, Division, squad, soldier.
Omega Groshomme: Good to see a group taking it to the max.
Sergeant Griffith: The problem with us though, is that I can’t spend any money on the Federation, as I don’t have much
Omega Groshomme: How do you manage?
Sergeant Griffith: Some say it’s sheer luck, some say it’s cause well, I’m The Griff (Inside joke), and some say that we haven’t managed.
Omega Groshomme: Well by the looks of you base you have done well.
Sergeant Griffith: Thanks
Omega Groshomme: Im sure the readers and other will criticize your group as griefers or “inactive”,what would be your response to them?
Sergeant Griffith: For those who say we’re greifers, we’re actually the opposite. We sometimes go “hunting” for griefers, using Abuse Reports as weapons instead of guns, unless the land is PvP, of course. For those who say we’re inactive, we’ve been on several raids over the past three days, successfully throwing our enemies on full alert on all of their bases. AN actually manned Tethys for once. ::snicker::
Omega Groshomme: Haha, well I thank you for your time an interview and keep up the good work,anything you would like to say to the readers before this interview is over?
Sergeant Griffith: “Join the Feds, cause joining AN/SLSN is just stupid.”
Omega Groshomme: LOL
Thrace Vega (AN Fleet E-7)
Apr 12th, 2007
Ah, I remember this. They attacked us during our Admiral’s wedding, and the only AN Personnel left at the sim were a handful of recruits, whom, if I recall correctly, did a pretty Damn good job keeping your asses at bay… Congratulations, ATF. You’ve proved that your elite fighters are as potent as our Cadets. I hope this pleases you. I suppose this means you feel important enough for us to consider you a threat…
Raideur Ng
Apr 12th, 2007
Despite the temptation to bash this… quite bias story, I will instead point out some obvious facts.
The ATF is not a SL military. This was admitted by Martin Cord, ATF leader and founder.
The Grand Federation has 27 members.
The Mercz base is no access, still.
The Grand Federation has no base, and if they did it would be occupied.
Harlequin Salome
Apr 12th, 2007
Allow me to factcheck this a touch, given that the reporter himself occasionally comes to our lands and nukes us and uses akillers on our members. Not that I’m questioning him or accusing him of softballing questions to his friends to make them look good and make the AN look bad. Perish the thought.
My first experience witht he Federation was being orbited by one of them in a sandbox. Soon after, they showed up at our base, threatening me with “A hundred fleetships and 500 mercenaries”. Beyond that, we’ve had nothing but hostility from them.
As for 30 AN… *blinks* I don’t think we’ve had 30 men in the woofer since crucifix, but beyond that… in fact, its possible the only time we had that many people was ages ago before we sold Enceladus, and did an “all call” to every AN member. So I’m slightly confused, especially since the usual Federation “attack” is Griff with his rocketlauncher getting a shot off from our telehub then dying.
But the most troubling part is this. We’ve not attacked people in these forums, for the most part, and yet people are lining up to attack us, and smear our good name.
People claim great victories against us, or accuse us of horrible infractions and griefing, but never present proof. Entire groups judge their very existance by us, and validate themselves by our actions against or for them.
We get called all manner of names, and its somehow alright, and people will rally against us for no reason. Even Mr Grosshomme himself, once a friend of mine, has never taken time to perhaps educate himself on the AN. *shrugs* Its as though we are “The Power” and its all okay as long as you are fighting the AN.
There is this eprception of the AN as being a mammoth organization with no real personal aspects to it. They just call us “aggressive” and leave it at that, but take a good look at these past comments. Look at what has been said of us, and our responses? *shrugs* We’re the ones being slandered, and we sit and endure it, as we always do.
almost every single member of the AN is, at their core, a good person. Unlike many people… like the Federation member I just paused writing for, who had an invalid homepoint and was attacking by spamming bullets all over… we don’t exist to hurt people. THere are those that think we do,but many of them have either provoked fights with us, or have griefed us. Our existance is not to lessen the experience of the average SLer.
We truely want to improve SL, and do all we can to do so. I won’t bicker or argue here. Nor will I attempt to “change” the minds of those like Griff. I’d like to be able to, but there is such a negative feeling, and it often confuses me. I’d really rather be friends with people in SL, but I think the issue is that SL is pointless. THere is no “goal”, and not having a goal galls people who are used to things like counterstrike and such.
They need “enemies”. NPCs, if you will, and the perception of the AN as being an overbearing organization makes us into those NPCs for others, the boss to beat to win. THey want to validate their own ideas, skills, and groups, and usually choose to do so by attacking us.
Its sad, to me. Because I look at the AN and see a gathering of nice, polite, well-educated people, and the best group I’ve ever seen. Far more self-aware and respecting of others than the average sex-club bling wearers. But the response to this will not be anything but more attacks, and more slanders of various levels of literacy.
*shrugs* Such is the life of the AN members, however. We do our best, and all we get is insults. So sling away, you cannot shake us.
Harlequin Salome
Apr 12th, 2007
And the last semi-large attack from the Federation was against one marine and three cadets. Because the rest of us were attending Nanao Mahfouz’s inworld wedding. They chose to strike during a time of shared happiness for our members. Very classy, Griff.
Apr 12th, 2007
All these military groups are just pyramid schemes to get new members to buy the craptastic
guns and armors to make you look like a douche bag. As you will notice 90% of them wear the same armors that they probably bought at a premium price from the “higher-ups”. They have ranks I’m sure that you probably buy into or gain by recruiting more douche bags into the group to sell more shitty armor and guns to. Pretty much sums up 99% of the militant role play community in SL, it’s all a scheme to sell shit to noobs.
Raideur Ng
Apr 12th, 2007
All AN gear is free to members.All guns, armor, gadgets. Its all free and made by and for AN members. Aircraft are 300L directly to land funds. People who prove themselves good people partake in these things.
Omega Groshomme
Apr 12th, 2007
This is for Harlequin,i do not nuke,as for akillers,youmust be as dumb as you look. I use a semi auto M4 and thats all. Dont accuse others for your lack of ability to fight back. Yes i attack sometimes for my own reasons. But when i report I am nuetral,i expect to some time be embeded with AN or Mercz,it does not matter. I wanted to be a war correspondant and to so be it i must go around either interviewing or covering a fight. As for yourself,maybe it would be a good idea for someone who wears a shield on a daily basis to not point fingers.
Nanao Mahfouz
Apr 12th, 2007
Omega, I would hope that as a reporter, and a representative of the SL Herald, you would believe that putting forth an accurate, well-gathered story for your readers would be in your best interests. In light of this article, and your last response, I can say that you are lacking on both counts. I won’t retread previous responses, but I will say this: you -are- a griefer. I have watched you personally sniping into our base from a safe land platform not far from the edge of our parcel in Tethys. I have placed you on the bans list for exactly that reason, and prior to the ban, I have handled numerous accounts from AN members claiming that you were using autokillers. Neutral you are not. Truthful you are not. You can ask anyone, and even the Merczateers who we are so embattled with at the moment will agree; Harlequin has not worn a shield in combat in at least the time I’ve known him, and we’ve fought together as Mercz generals, Marines, and Admirals of the AN for well over a year now.
I’m amazed this story even passed by the editors here at SLH. Unbalanced reporting I can understand, it gives this place a distinct FOX News flavor. However, I’d hope that if the reporters were out to spread lies and misinformation that they’d at least try to make it entertaining.
Apr 12th, 2007
It’s still kinda dumb anyway.
Myrrh Massiel
Apr 12th, 2007
War, huh? What is it good for – absolutely nothing.
(…but it’s still fun to follow…)
Bruno Ziskey
Apr 12th, 2007
*sighs* Sparta would have made a better subject than the feds.
Omega Groshomme
Apr 12th, 2007
If you wish to be accurate then you should know I always wear DCS when on safe land,as for griefing. It is an over used term throughout SL. Im usually alone when attacking,therefore it would not be wise to run into your base shooting and screaming. Its called tactics…not griefing. As for auto killers,if that is what you wish to call a bomb with a range of 10m that i can place right next to you by dragging from my inventory,rezzing it and detonate by yelling then whatever you say. As for accuracy in this article,as you can see since you are so smart…it is an interview,i asked he answered,take it up with him,not me.
The Griff (Sergeant Griffith)
Apr 13th, 2007
*Looks at the comments*
How did I know AN would spam the comments with denial of the Three Fed Fight (I just thought that title up, lol).
Raiduer, we have about 67 members, including trainees.
We didn’t attack, at least I didn’t authorize an attack, on AN during Nanao’s wedding.
And at about 0900/9 AM, three Federation troops took on a massive amount of AN personnel. Don’t deny it. And during one raid, a couple of Feds attacked against a horde of AN hiding in bunkers and behind rocks, but I just sent a rocket at the rocks, cleared it, then moved on into their HQ building, where TP failures were going both ways. I holed myself up in AN’s erm, welcome area (?). I died later when I was phantomed from a different room within the base.
And to Tp, I don’t charge a single cent from my troops. They CAN donate if they want, they do that by their own choice, no force applied.
And Harlequin stole the title “KNights Templar” from a group formed during the Crusades.
Another time I attacked was with two Phase 3 Fed Cadets, we attacked against Nanao Mahfouz, Pezz Zenith, and random people. There WERE a few “Army SL” people, but they didn’t do much besides friendly fire.
Harlquin mentioned my one man Rocket attacks. When I get bored in SL I go down to The Woofer and count the kills I get. Unless I’m spawn killed, I usually get around 8-15 kills, depends on where they’re grouped.
Ethan Schuman
Apr 13th, 2007
What a shame. I had actually hoped there would be something worth discussing here. I’ll just leave with a point of clarification:
The Feds didn’t attack during the wedding, SLSN did. I know this quite well, because myself, Anthony Lehane, and Proteus Hand were in the Woofer at the exact same time assisting your recruits until Marine reinforcements began to arrive. I’d also like to note that this was during a time where Mercz and AN were at war, and that our decision to help defend your sim while the wedding was going on was not made with the intent to cause trouble or to have something to trophy, but because it was the right thing to do. We ate rocket spam, orbits, and were hub camped in order to help you all out. I can tell you, the tactics used against us and those brave recruits you had at your base, were NOT Federation.
Madrick Burnfield
Apr 13th, 2007
I also have attempted to help the AN when they had some greifers pop into their base, I *DO* think it’s just the right thing to do since apparently the prevention of greifing is a common goal we share, however many differences we have. But AN are very self fueling, and by that I mean they are arrogant and don’t *require* help. These are good qualities though but to a certain extent you can see how this war started. AN need to keep status and feel like they own everything cause they are the oldest military in all of Secondli…….yaddayadda…. Frankly I hate the verbal jabs that they feel they deserve to throw at us everytime we let them visit (Even though usually when we allow AN on our base our Soldiers are KOS on their soil :O), and it’s been happening ever since I first joined the Mercz back in early Adscita. When I fight, I do it for fun, and I make sure that everyone including my enemy is having fun. Why does everyone have to be so serious about all this?
-Independant State of Badnarik
-Merczateer Command Staff
Madrick Burnfield
(I had to do that cause I think it’s neat
Apr 13th, 2007
You know… Battlefield 2142 is actually much much much fun than SL.
50 bucks game > 300 bucks monthly fee for a sim in SL.
(Sorry if any of you failed Math, but you should know better than that.)
Michael Hatfield
Apr 13th, 2007
Hi, i dont know what to say so i’m going to say this, Fuck the an, go feds, and madrick… Whats your bf2142 username so i can kick your ass, and show you who’s boss you little furry porn lover.
Michael Hatfield
Apr 13th, 2007
Lol, oops, i just noticed that other guy posted about BF2142, alright…Give me your address then.
Apr 13th, 2007
Address? Don’t you mean user-name? Plus, I only have the demo version…
(yeah yeah.. I blew my money on BF2 instead of BF2142, damn me, damn EA.)
General Cronon
Apr 13th, 2007
A – Is for Apple
B – For Ballon
C – Is for Killa Cam
D – Is for Dipset
E – for Extra
F – Is for fullemagoole
G – is for….you already know what it is
General Cronon
Apr 13th, 2007
A – Is for Apple
B – For Ballon
C – Is for Killa Cam
D – Is for Dipset
E – for Extra
F – Is for fullemagoole
G – is for….you already know what it is
The Griff (Sergeant Griffith)
Apr 13th, 2007
SOmeone delete Genera;’s comments, they’re spamalicious spammycakes.
The Griff (Sergeant Griffith)
Apr 14th, 2007
Anyways, let me sum everything up in this comment.
Feds didn’t attack during Nanao’s wedding; SLSN did.
AN can’t even get their enemy’s names straight.
AN denies ANYTHING that’s bad against them.
AN’s upset because the public hates them more then any other militant group.
3 Feds really DID take over The Woofer against an incredulous amount of AN personnel.
Tp, the Feds give their armor and weaponry out to their members for free, as do most developed militant groups.
AN AV flies, against their own rules (Yes, “grav packs” count as AV flying in my book.)
AN’s not the best, they just say they are. No army in SL is the best, they have their strengths and weaknesses.
And AN’s claims of fighting the forces of greifing are false. They’ve randomley walked up to me and started pushing me. On Armory Island, I was with my friends when one of their sergeants (Corzavich or something like that, I can’t remember non simple names) started to push me off the platform i was on. And they’ve greifed Griffin Yeats ALOT, and there are rumors that Jordan Witherspoon’s death was a hoax; I remain neutral in this.
Katch Flaman
Apr 16th, 2007
Thank you for writing this article; I needed a good half-hour of incessant laughter..
Just curious, did anyone else notice that in picture #2, above the caption “AN base after invasion by ATF and Feds” that these so called “soldiers” are standing on safe land at Tethys?
And those particle emissions were SO last year…you need to keep in touch with the latest syles and fashions, Sergeant!
Ladies and Gentlemen, here are your valiant “soldiers!” Feds, I commend your bravery for having the courage to stand on the street right outside our base, spamming us with particles; some armies wouldn’t have the courage to even enter the sim!
Tiezeman Kipling
Apr 17th, 2007
To Sergeant Griffith,
I am a member of the AN, but could be best described as a sleeping member and hold therefore what I believe is the lowest rank. The fact I joined was because a good RL friend of mine invited me to the group. That person was who you knew as Jordan Witherspoon and who I knew as someone who had good fun playing her role in the AN. Nothing less, nothing more.
I do understand in a virtual world it’s not that easy to fact-check RL events, but I assume you don’t want me to post pictures of the funeral service, do you?
So please, leave this out of this discussion in the future.
With kind regards,
Tiezeman Kipling
Lenny Dannunzio
Apr 17th, 2007
AN are a bunch of furry queers. Unfortunately I must say they are worse than the Mercz. And Nanao had a SL, probably with a transvestite. I have a picture of Nanao and it is Fu**ing scary.
Apr 25th, 2007
I just wanted to ask this and i know this may be upsetting i just wanted to know if that death is real because i have heard of him/her and ive met jordan in game i do not believe he/she is dead also hello seargeant griffith i will talk to you ingame
Tiezeman Kipling
Apr 25th, 2007
Well Luke, I could go and start a rant about this, but since you’re obviously not gifted with some amount of intelligence, as shown not only from your spelling, but more by your line of questioning this, I will refrain myself.
Inuyasha Deere
Apr 26th, 2007
For the people of SL now, the Feds now have a base in Kurkenbrai.
The Griff
May 25th, 2007
And also, Raiduer, how the hell is this article biased? It’s the Herald interviewing me, for Christ’s sake.
The Griff
May 25th, 2007
At Katch,
The reason we were outside of your base was because AN was actually safeland shooting with phantoms.
Hazim Gazov
May 26th, 2007
Martin Perway
Jun 23rd, 2007
This is for Harlequin,i do not nuke,as for akillers,youmust be as dumb as you look. I use a semi auto M4 and thats all. “Dont accuse others for your lack of ability to fight back. Yes i attack sometimes for my own reasons. But when i report I am nuetral,i expect to some time be embeded with AN or Mercz,it does not matter. I wanted to be a war correspondant and to so be it i must go around either interviewing or covering a fight. As for yourself,maybe it would be a good idea for someone who wears a shield on a daily basis to not point fingers.”
LOL tottaly true Raideur.
Erane Jenvus Buwan
Jul 9th, 2007
This is Erane, 1, Griff didn’t tell me the Herald mentioned us 2, this sucks because I AM NOT IN IT!
-Erane Buwan 2IC of the Grand Federation
Fed. NCD. Admiral
Fox Mainline-AM Sky Marshal
Aug 9th, 2007
I would just like to ask a simple quetsion here; AN are meant to be ‘the ultimate anti-greifing force’
During an attack on the AN sim of Dorien my men and myself discovered some unusual things, firstly:
AN Has a bug in the spawn point, it is in the donation box and relays chat to all Members in the Alliance Navy group.
the way the spawn has been set out, people get mowed down before even getting out, AN uses gas and psitech to remove people in the spawn.
AN then went on to ban us all for ‘spawncamping’
due to the fact that we couldnt get out of the spawn, I’m sorry but WTF!!
Hades Juran-AN Talon Sergeant
Dec 19th, 2007
Fox, I have to say this. For one thing, the bug inside the telehub is only able to be used by High Command, not every single member. Another thing, we never use gas and psitech. Also, I believe that we have changed the setup for the telehub since you posted your comment. If you were getting shot in the hub before firing out, tell one of our officers and the situation will be handled.