King Bruno Ziskey of Sparta
by Pixeleen Mistral on 02/06/07 at 12:43 pm
by Tundra Koba, war correspondent
I’ve was lucky to interview Bruno Ziskey, leader of Sparta, the most creative military group I’ve seen so far in Second Life. Sparta is quickly increasing on its numbers and is creating the most powerful non-grieving guns for a military group in Second life I’ve seen. Who better to describe the group then the group leader, Bruno Ziskey, King Of Sparta,
Bruno said, “Sparta exists to role play as what Sparta may have been like if it had survived to the future, where ships and robots are the normal. Besides that, Sparta also is responsible for protecting New Sparta, our floating base of operations. Spartan soldiers live the Spartan ideals of loyalty, honor, discipline, and a ferocity in battle that is second to none. Included in this ferocity is the Spartan custom to die in battle rather than to surrender, thus the motto of Spartan is “Molon Labe,” in reference to the words of King Leonidas at the battle of Thermopylae. Spartans are known for their courage and fairness to all, and act according to the Spartan ideals both off and on the field of battle.”
Then King Bruno Ziskey took a deep breath.
Sparta has a powerful airforce and navy – of Greek origin
I asked the King a couple of questions about his army, naturally. The first question was, “Why would want to join Sparta?”. He replied “We have a Greek theme, we don’t just call ourselves Sparta and end it there. We immerse ourselves in the Greek world. Our ships, weapons and ranks are all from Greek origin. We live and abide by strict rules of engagement and behavior, unlike some other militaries in Second life.”
I asked him how long he would estimate the Sparta group to last in Second life. He replied simply, a few years perhaps more. He describes his divisions in his army starting with his air force. “Led by the brave Air General Eragon Thielt, this flying terror provides air recon, air support, escort duty, and just plain superior fire power”.
Next, the King describes the navy, “The Spartan Navy- the best trained Navy in SL, with ships from Corvettes to Carriers to Super battleships. jakkar Lok leads this brave fighting force, ensuring that no enemy is safe from a Spartan ship”.
He went on to praise the Spartan Phalanx Division as a merciless group of elites trained to take a enemy unit down within seconds of a command.
When I wondered why he thought they army was unique King Ziskey replied, “We’re different from AN and mercz, as we live by different codes and don’t rely much on other groups.”
Strong words to keep, but they come from a strong King. Tundra Koba out.
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 2nd, 2007
This looks like “real-life images, avatar portrayals, and other depictions of extreme or graphic violence” to me.
Jun 2nd, 2007
@Kryss Wanweird
Kryss is basically your average retard, since he can’t seem to notice that there is no violence in the pics, and even if there was, getting knocked around by a gay pushgun isn’t considered graphic or extreme. He’s just desperately trying to come up with a reason to complain about Lindens takeing away his e-right to have violent e-sex with e-babies and e-corpses and he has to drag it on from one article to another.
Also everyone knows space spartans crave cock and probably have furry yiff gear on their gay little AIDs infested spaceship.
Jun 2nd, 2007
Lenin would not approve of space spartans.
John Endwahl
Jun 2nd, 2007
I speak Fuchikoma, and it’s never been Greek to me.
Why do you keep glorifying these tinhorn groups? I’d love to see some first person stories of real anti-griefing, and I’d bet that some of those stories would feature these wannabes you idolize in the griefer role. Last year I personally witnessed a self-proclaimed “Spartan” spray prim bullets all over the Theta sandox, and release a gaint prim to boot.
Jun 2nd, 2007
Jun 2nd, 2007
Good on the team behind that work. Terrorism in SL is on the rise with griefers able to get hold of weapons free and easily.
We need more armies against griefing.
Incedentally has the herald checked out Rigrunner’s latest blog? It’s a shocker for SL investors!
Milev Milev
Jun 2nd, 2007
“Spartan soldiers live the Spartan ideals of loyalty, honor, discipline, and a ferocity in battle that is second to none.”
Spartans also used gay sex as a means to promote corps unity and morale.
Jun 2nd, 2007
if your going to try to insult a combat group, you have to do better then calling them gay. speaking from personal history you can call us as many names as you like, that doesn’t mean it’s true, and it doesn’t really matter if one or more are gay, it’s there business what floats there boat not yours so get a life.
also I’d like to share with you that half the “females” in second life are guys, if your going to a strip joint to have some fun, your most likely really looking at a guy, if you play around in second life you most likely have done it with a guy with a female AV. so next time your trying to get it on with a random girl in SL, and your not open minded stop and walk away and go look at some porn to get off and not do the cyber thing, if not chances are you doing a guy.
and for all of you that don’t cyber and are close minded, good for you, but a lot of the good actors now a day are coming out, so if your really close minded about gays, don’t watch any movies, because chances are there is a gay actor in it.
also for people that use homosexuality as an insult, I have to say your just insecure of your sexuality and feel the need to insult gays because of that.
and if your going to call me gay, I’m not, not my cup of tea, but I have friends that are gay, and they really aren’t any different then anyone else, only “choose” to have a same sex partner.
Jun 2nd, 2007
and I’m not going into the choice or genetics thing about homosexuality, “choose” means they are open about it, and don’t try to hide there nature
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 2nd, 2007
You are a visionary, Nigras!
That is exactely what I plan to do with my SL: fill in abuse reports on combat groups.
And please, refer to me as “she”.
Artemis Fate
Jun 2nd, 2007
“He replied “We have a Greek theme, we don’t just call ourselves Sparta and end it there.”
So I imagine the entire army is homosexual and is paired up with lovers in battle like the real Spartans then? How is the phalanx incorporated in robotic combat? Do you have problems with age-play with all your child soldiers, since real Spartans had mandatory military service starting at age 8? Is your entire army male, since no females were allowed into the army? Does your navy suck? Since the Spartan navy was notoriously bad (swept away by Athens much more powerful Navy).
Or did you just watch/read 300 and think “omg wow spartans r cul lolz” and decide to slap it on a futuristic military group thinking that it’d make you bad-ass by association?
Artemis Fate
Jun 2nd, 2007
Judging by the writer’s gushing appreciation of the Spartans, I imagine if I were to pick up this article, it’d be sticky. All I could hear while reading it was this odd sound of “thwap thwap thwap” over and over.
Bruno Ziskey
Jun 2nd, 2007
Well well, this is some of the worst cases of trolling I have seen yet. Let me clear some of this up:
John Endwall:”Why do you keep glorifying these tinhorn groups? I’d love to see some first person stories of real anti-griefing, and I’d bet that some of those stories would feature these wannabes you idolize in the griefer role. Last year I personally witnessed a self-proclaimed “Spartan” spray prim bullets all over the Theta sandox, and release a gaint prim to boot.”
Sadly, many people try to copy us or dress up as HALO Spartans, which we obviously are not. As to “glorifying” us, look down and count how many articles are between this one and the last one about the charleston navy thing. Not exactly glorifying if we are not in at least a quarter of all the articles the Herald publishes. As for real-life anit-griefing, look to the alliance navy’s first articles on here. Full of people who don’t like them. So it seems that for miliatry groups, its damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Milev Milev:
“Spartan soldiers live the Spartan ideals of loyalty, honor, discipline, and a ferocity in battle that is second to none.”
Spartans also used gay sex as a means to promote corps unity and morale.”
Simpply put, we don’t do that. Some of our members are gay, but they do any gay actions while not on base, so we have nothing to do with it. We don’t take all the things ancient Sparta did into practice.
Artemis Fate:So I imagine the entire army is homosexual and is paired up with lovers in battle like the real Spartans then? How is the phalanx incorporated in robotic combat? Do you have problems with age-play with all your child soldiers, since real Spartans had mandatory military service starting at age 8? Is your entire army male, since no females were allowed into the army? Does your navy suck? Since the Spartan navy was notoriously bad (swept away by Athens much more powerful Navy).
Or did you just watch/read 300 and think “omg wow spartans r cul lolz” and decide to slap it on a futuristic military group thinking that it’d make you bad-ass by association?”
No we have no homosexual activities going on.
Phalanx in robotic combat? Simple, we have a mechanized division in the Phalanx that consists of robotic walkers and tanks.
No we have no problems with age-play, as I said we don’t take ALL the things the Spartans did to heart.
We have females in Sparta, I know as I have talked to some of them in Ventril, a program that allows me to talk to them via the internet, for free.
No our navy does not suck, it has plenty of high-tech and powerful goodies, but is a bit weak as most of our members tend to enter the Phalanx, preferring to simply be infantry.
No, we were around long before the movie 300 was ever out. I am quite proud of my group, as I find it interesting to wonder what Sparta may have been if it had survived to the far future.
Any more questions, don’t hesitate to ask, contact me in-world or click on my name for this post, it will lead to our forums where you can ask other spartans questions or apply to join.
As to all you other bashers/trollers, go find a hobby, or go to a sex club. While you’re having virtual sex with another guy pretending to be a girl, I’ll be laughing with friends over the friendly wargame we just had against each other and expanding my scripting and building abilities.
Jun 2nd, 2007
No wimminz on the internet. gb2/thekitchen/ and make me a sandwich
Artemis Fate
Jun 2nd, 2007
I think it’s an interesting concept to take an ancient extinct nation and ponder what it would be if it existed far into the future, but you gutted out all of the core concepts of the Spartan Military and left the one that was actually one of the BIG reasons the Spartans DIDN’T survive the test of time. That is: “Come home with your shields raised or on them” or the never surrender motto, which is the one thing the Spartans failed to understand, is you don’t spend 20 years training a soldier just to have him suicide in a pointlessly outnumbered battle where he’s positive to die, instead of retreating and having him to use in another battle. Because they could never recuperate forces from lost battles since all forces were required to either win or die, they were losing soldiers more quickly than any other army, and due to their rigorous training necessary to make new soldiers (requiring literally years) they weren’t replacing them nearly fast enough. So it is kinda funny that you gutted out all the other key spartan concepts like recruiting while young for maximum training or exploiting the battle bond to the maximum effect by making soldiers lovers, that COULD feasibly still exist in a modern day Sparta, and kept the one concept that was the self-destructive end of the civilization itself.
Jun 2nd, 2007
Wow. Some real idiocy. Griefers getting ahold of weapons free and easy, so we need more anti-griefer groups?
What a fool. There is no difference in the griefer and anti-griefer groups. They use the same tools and act in the same manners..and just like the griefers the anti-griefers puff up their chests and basically and conveniently justify whatever they happen to be doing at the time. There is no difference, but most people don’t really know what griefing is anyway.
You give people weapons, they will shoot them. There will be wars. That is what it all comes down to. Have a problem with it? Create more combat zones. Or better yet, stop being such self-righteous stuck’re only creating the problems you claim you want to stop.
Artemis Fate
Jun 2nd, 2007
Well that explains why the article looks like it was written with one hand on the keyboard, the writer Tundra Koba’s profile: “I am a Spartan Plebe. We are a grand army who really, really rocks. “
Jun 2nd, 2007
Not rly. The anti-griefers all have shit weapons made of AIDS and fail with their “standards” and other faggery daggery doo. Do they have guns that when fired rez prims that move out across 30 sims a click and keep replicating till the sim crashes? Or how about a device that when worn within seconds takes the server offline for hours at a time?
All the anti-griefers can do is threaten us with their largely ineffective weapons and right down our names to report to the lindens like the little tattle tales they are. During the time I’ve been in SL I’ve yet to see a single “anti-griefer” group do anything more than stand around writing down our names or fight in their little e-war battles on their land against each other.
This whole “anti-griefer” concept is a big joke to be honest that’s nothing more than a way for them to make themselves feel good about themselves and get more members who want to fight the big bad griefers.
Jun 3rd, 2007
Don’t forget the copyright issue.
(*sighs* …idiot.)
Keep in mind, people… they play in sandboxes… but mostly in Sandbox Weapon Testing Zone sim.
I’m sure you can find a better sim to go.
*hints* map search *hints*
Jun 3rd, 2007
Yaranaika said “This whole “anti-griefer” concept is a big joke to be honest that’s nothing more than a way for them to make themselves feel good about themselves and get more members who want to fight the big bad griefers.”
Can’t say any better than that.
Fine words, mate.
Jun 3rd, 2007
I think you meant “largely ineffective weapons and write down our names”, rather than “right”; but er… yes.
Jun 3rd, 2007
lulz I did. Silly error on my part.
Thinks With Portals
Jun 3rd, 2007
for Milev Milev:
for every /b/tard out there
plus id love to see Sparta Vs. grievers would be like. like a legit battle of wits and meaningless destruction and lulz in a sim with nothing in it. like the sandbox weapon testing zone or something. see just how strong your weapons really are against grievers.
Thinks with portals
Jun 3rd, 2007
but of corse as soon as something like that where to happen you would go crying to the lindens and all the griefers would be b& as soon as they hit the dirt. so that will never happen.
Tundra Reporter
Jun 3rd, 2007
If you dont like my article go check out some porn. Im really being honest on this article. We are not gay homosexuals, some of us may be but does that make them bad? We dont use sex to get our rank up. We dont have children in our army. We’ve tooken what Sparta stood for, as a strong military with morales and rules. And we’ve added that in with our actaul army. Look, I dont care what you people say, our militairy is has the best dang culuture out there. I am not praising it! I am stating facts. If you can not beilive this facts, grab your sumogun and come on over to our base to have a front row seat of how we blow greifers of the grid. I have nothing to say here. Your comments dont hurt me for I am a spartan memeber. MOLON LABE! Tundra Koba out.
Jun 3rd, 2007
It’s not that we don’t like you or Sparta itself alone… it’s the whole “military group” thing… Sparta is no different than AN and Mercz. If Sparta had no ships, no weapons, no ranking, no army/troops…. if they just talks out the problem with the greifer and their drama non-sense….. then yes, that would be much much different.
Jun 3rd, 2007
Now you’re thinking with portals.
Artemis Fate
Jun 3rd, 2007
“Im really being honest on this article. We are not gay homosexuals, some of us may be but does that make them bad? We dont use sex to get our rank up. We dont have children in our army. We’ve tooken what Sparta stood for, as a strong military with morales and rules. And we’ve added that in with our actaul army. Look, I dont care what you people say, our militairy is has the best dang culuture out there. I am not praising it! I am stating facts. If you can not beilive this facts, grab your sumogun and come on over to our base to have a front row seat of how we blow greifers of the grid. I have nothing to say here. Your comments dont hurt me for I am a spartan memeber. MOLON LABE! Tundra Koba out.”
Coming from a guy who spelled “military”, “culture”, and “believe” wrong, I don’t think I have to accept anything you write as facts. Clearly this is not a factual article, it’s not news, it’s an advertisement/font of worship/masturbatory aide to this little military group of yours, you can’t even begin to state that this is unbiased. I wasn’t making a character judgment by asking if the army was entirely gay or recruited children, you have Bruno stating in the article that the group is based on Spartan military ideals, which notably involved mandatory military service beginning at age 8 and just about enforced (if not heavily encouraged) gay relationships between the men to boost their morale in battle and exploit that comradery. But according to Bruno’s reply here, you’ve gutted out everything Sparta stood for and all of Sparta’s ideals and practices except for the one practice (NEVER SURRENDER) that lead to it’s original destruction as a nation to begin with.
“If you can not beilive this facts, grab your sumogun and come on over to our base to have a front row seat of how we blow greifers of the grid.”
If the best you can handle is a noob with a sumogun, then i’m particularly unimpressed at how you “blow greifers of the grid”, I hope Sparta doesn’t consider itself some sort of anti-griefing group, if it’s like any other group (and it is definitely VERY much like the AN from the pictures), then you guys probably use Linden combat damage right? You ever noticed that griefers aren’t exactly setting up any fortresses with damage on? That real griefers, not just confused newbies, tend to prefer either non-combat annoying tactics like spam (prim or text), or just to use things to crash sims? That’s because the only people who use damage weapons and damage areas, are other military groups, and any real “anti-griefing” is done with land ban tools, muting, and security orbs, not a bunch of yahoos with guns and itchy trigger fingers.
“If you dont like my article go check out some porn.”
Your article practically IS porn, from the way you gushingly appreciate the Spartan Navy, oooh and their firepower *thwap thwap thwap* oooooh and their culture-yeeessssss *thwapthwapthwap* Their king is soooo soooooo strong *grooooan thwapthwapthwap*
Like I said, this article looks like it’d be sticky with your appreciation for Sparta.
Artemis Fate
Jun 3rd, 2007
Hazim Gazov
Jun 3rd, 2007
Die in a fire.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 3rd, 2007
However, gg on the Tachikoma av, do want.
Jun 3rd, 2007
You know, Spartan warriors were actually forced into gay relationships with “Mentors” to promote corps unity, morale, and to keep their minds off of their wives. If you’re going to go with this “same values as the Spartans” BS, you’re going to have to pass around a box of prim dongs.
Opus Boucher
Jun 3rd, 2007
Second Life Sparta’s continuation of Ancient Sparta’s homosexual behavior is quite present in this article. Joesph Goebbels would have trouble topping this propaganda piece.
Bruno Ziskey
Jun 3rd, 2007
“Second Life Sparta’s continuation of Ancient Sparta’s homosexual behavior is quite present in this article. Joesph Goebbels would have trouble topping this propaganda piece.”
Opus, you are an idiot beyond comparison. The Sparta that this article is about is not about being gay or anything like that. Stop trying to badmouth a combat group that doesnt actually grief others, such as the grand federation or the SL Marines.
Jun 3rd, 2007
I just notice the gay space spartans stole the spider robot from Ghost in the Shell, so much for greek style.
Artemis Fate
Jun 4th, 2007
“I just notice the gay space spartans stole the spider robot from Ghost in the Shell, so much for greek style.”
Haha I was thinking about that too. The tachikoumas.
Jun 4th, 2007
Mmm… Could I ask general opinion on active anti-griefing? I mean, there are so many ‘Anti-Greifing’ groups nowadays that it’s less about the concept and more about ‘Im good lol i dont greef’.
Anti-greifing groups do not do so by active measures (there are simply not enough powers bestowed upon individuals to combat it effectively), but rather by example. Look at these military groups, and see how many people they have channelled into safe weapons combat. Get rid of them, and what do you have? A bunch of guys running around wherever they please firing off weapons indiscriminantly.
Then again, isn’t this what they do anyway? People are getting a very generalised view of the military scene because all it takes is for one guy in a badly made flak-jacket to fly past one of their sex clubs and they start with the ‘You guys are gay! Get a life’ (Ironic, I know).
Taking a simple analysis of Mr Artemis Fate, I’d say that he has some real issues regarding these guys. I mean, you don’t happen to age/sex-play do you, Mr Fate? As previously mentioned by… someone… your comments of a purely derogatory and inherently sexual nature do not, as you may believe, make you big and strong, but lower you to the average position of a weasel. Or possibly a dirty badger. Grow up, and start acting the age you claim to be.
And Mr (Mrs?) Yaranaika, equipment made from AIDS? Please, how old are you? Despite your clearly lacking insults and ‘inventive’ classifications, how strongly do you feel about the problem Second Life has with greifers? I mean, you clearly oppose the AR forms, so I’d like to know how you get your kicks in our litte grid (on second thoughts, perhaps not…). The only powers Linden Labs has given us to combat them are the Abuse Reports, so that is what we shall use. Sim crashing weapons? I’m not sure which army you happen to come into contact with, but what’s the point in taking a sim offline for hours if it means the people you will fight (who more than likely have their home points there) will be unable to ‘die’. Any army that uses a sim-crasher as an offensive weapon is not thinking things through.
As for doing something other than writing down names etc. what can we do? Any other form of ‘arrest’ would involve cagers, orbitters etc. which would directly conflict with the ideals of such groups. If they are exactly the same, why have a few major companies (Linden Labs included) taken such interest in their activities and services? For instance, if the Alliance Navy were just a bunch of greifers abeit with better uniforms, why would they consistently be asked to perform displays at the SL Birthday Celebrations? The IBM 3D Jam? And Timeless Prototype’s Annual Satellite Exhebitions? You don’t see ‘Generic Sim Crashing Noob Gunners of d00m’ getting this attention.
And pointing out spelling mistakes, what are you, a literary professor? Typos exist, get over it. In my absence of time, I dare say there will be a few in this response, but to pick up on a word that was spelled correctly less than a line beforehand? Get a life. To err is human, but perfection is left for those who need it. You, evidently, do not. Good day.
Jun 4th, 2007
to the guy that didn’t leave his name
the thing is, second life is a fantasy world, you take only what you think is good and use it, the Ancient Sparta, also had such ideas as slavery(really it was a lower class the working class not the warrior Spartan class), unbreakable classes, and other such ideas that we as Americans do not like, but they also had some good ideas.
and I see nothing wrong in a game about death before dishonor. after all your get to respond next round, so if anything in second life death before dishonor is a lot more practical then in real life.
Jun 4th, 2007
1. When someone states that they have created a ‘modern’ or ‘futuristic’ version of an ancient civilization or a part of one, the expectation of some (and nearly all Role Players) is that nothing has been left out. Choose your words a bit more carefully next time.
2. It does not matter what your ideals are or what your stated mission is: Combat Group/Army/Security is currently synonymous with grieving others. It takes one member of one of these groups to shoot at an innocent passerby – often for no reason – to give that image.
3. Your tools do nothing to stop the real griefers – nothing at all. Banned by the Lab? They can be back rather quickly. Banned from your lands? Same. ‘Kill’ their Avatar? Same.
4. You have no greater morality than anyone else in any part of the world – the act fools no one.
This dose of facts brought to you by Reality – Live Yours Today.
Jun 4th, 2007
@ alex fgt:
1. It’s a he (there are no wimminz on the internet). 2. It’s a meme. I suggest you LURK MOAR. 3. On a scale of 1 to 10 I’d say it was OVER 9000. 4. I, for one, enjoy the simple pleasures of sl such as asking furries if they liek mudkips, tiptoeing around with a giant dong attached in a pg area, and of course firing mah lazar at dirty space JEWS trying to steal my space monies. 5. k. 6. It’s the army of anonymous commonly referred to as The Patriotic Nigras. 7. I build weapons and then use them to take servers offline for the lulz. If you’ve ever been to a sandbox and seen some flashing balls moving around screaming and displaying profanities I created those among other things. Also, sometimes fags need to gb2/bed/ and taking their server offline is the best way of telling them that. Furthermore, I only use sim crashers when I feel the current situation has lost it’s lulz potential and the FAIL is starting to set in.
8. You could all become an heroes. 9. Respecting the ideals of other groups is for failures. Also, most orbiters and cagers are incredibly easy to get out of or stop so it’s nothing more than a waste of time. 10. LL = FAGS. 11 Who cares.
12. No U
13. ???
14. Profit!
Also, cocks.
luca Vasilopita
Jun 4th, 2007
I like how people impose everything of their personal beliefs into a written opinion on a reply to a news article… that’ll really get you heard. I do see the irony of my reply, just to note in advance.
It’s come to my attention that if people are to state that SL military groups are ‘pointless’, then surely everything else is just as pointless.
What purpose does say, your store serve other than to further creativity and profit, Artemis? You’re a veteran SLer, as such I at least expect you to acknowledge that for the most part, even logging into SL is pointless other than for enjoyment.
What I see here, and by extension every article that has to do with a group other than that ‘new’ casino or club, is a less than perfect reply from would be sociologists who try to dissect the problems of this group, the article, and any mentioned person(s) in the article.
That being said, I do think that voicing an opinion is a right everybody is entitled to, but just attacking one another makes you no better than the 2 day old Ruth who got ahold of the beloved griefer staple G36.
Hazim Gazov
Jun 4th, 2007
>>I just notice the gay space spartans stole the spider robot from Ghost in the Shell, so much for greek style.<<
It’s a tachikoma, show some respect. Though they did turn it red…
Hazim Gazov
Jun 4th, 2007
I suggest that these people don’t like mudkipz.
Artemis Fate
Jun 4th, 2007
“Taking a simple analysis of Mr Artemis Fate, I’d say that he has some real issues regarding these guys. I mean, you don’t happen to age/sex-play do you, Mr Fate? As previously mentioned by… someone… your comments of a purely derogatory and inherently sexual nature do not, as you may believe, make you big and strong, but lower you to the average position of a weasel. Or possibly a dirty badger. Grow up, and start acting the age you claim to be.”
As I mentioned I think twice in my posts, they claim that they are following the “greek theme” as the king put it, so I asked them if they upheld common Spartan military traditions like mandatory homosexual bonds between older and younger men, or recruiting children at 8 (thus if they upheld that in SL, it’d be considered age-play), i’m making no judgment calls on the above nor did I intend for them to question quality, or insult. I was simply questioning how well they followed this “greek theme” he states, and as far as I can see the answer is not very.
I’ve got nothing really against these guys besides that i’m unimpressed, and especially contrasting that feeling with this “news report” written with an “O” face by a blushing starry-eyed Spartan.
“It’s come to my attention that if people are to state that SL military groups are ‘pointless’, then surely everything else is just as pointless.
What purpose does say, your store serve other than to further creativity and profit, Artemis? You’re a veteran SLer, as such I at least expect you to acknowledge that for the most part, even logging into SL is pointless other than for enjoyment.”
I never said military groups were pointless. A military group’s fight against griefers might be pointless, because they’re just not using the same weapons. Military groups use damage weapons and the old SL combat system, and real griefers like to text spam, object spam, or crash sims. It’d be like saying a war between a jet and a submarine is pointless, which it is because they just wouldn’t be able to do anything to each other. But of course Military groups in general aren’t pointless, because it’s something fun to do, and it’s their Second Life, if they want to play GI Joe or whatever I hardly care. It’s when they start believing they’re some SL police force or start to see themselves as something else than a roleplay army is when it becomes a problem.
“I like how people impose everything of their personal beliefs into a written opinion on a reply to a news article… that’ll really get you heard. I do see the irony of my reply, just to note in advance.”
Yeah, well i’d say we’re doing it for the same reason you just did it, because it’s there, because it’s immediate, and because we can.
Proteus Hand
Jun 4th, 2007
*points to the comments above him*
Deus Ex Machina?
Pauleh Kamachi
Jun 5th, 2007
hehe many worthless comments here, they need a proper account login to post so all the trollers stay away because the same thing was repeated 10 or so times.
Tharik Oyen
Jun 5th, 2007
“As I mentioned I think twice in my posts, they claim that they are following the “greek theme” as the king put it, so I asked them if they upheld common Spartan military traditions like mandatory homosexual bonds between older and younger men, or recruiting children at 8 (thus if they upheld that in SL, it’d be considered age-play), i’m making no judgment calls on the above nor did I intend for them to question quality, or insult.”
OH PLEASE. No judgement calls, indeed!
Your first post ended with this:
“Or did you just watch/read 300 and think “omg wow spartans r cul lolz” and decide to slap it on a futuristic military group thinking that it’d make you bad-ass by association?”
The very obvious implication being that if they don’t follow Spartan culture exactly that they are somehow immature kids playing army.
Artemis, its crystal clear that you suffer from a superiority complex of your own.
Tharik Oyen, Merczateers Infantry.
RL Iraq war Veteran.
Artemis Fate
Jun 5th, 2007
“OH PLEASE. No judgement calls, indeed!”
Wow u r gud at redin!
First: Spartan military traditions like mandatory homosexual bonds between older and younger men, or recruiting children at 8
then: i’m making no judgment calls on the above nor did I intend for them to question quality, or insult.
The key words here for the phonics crowd are “on the above”, which is what I was criticized over in the first place, that I was somehow calling them ageplaying homosexuals, not that I thought they were a bunch of kids who saw/read 300 and thought it’d be cool to have a little army named the spartans
“The very obvious implication being that if they don’t follow Spartan culture exactly that they are somehow immature kids playing army.”
Well coming from a king that stated they are bringing on greek and spartan tradition, and as far as I can tell, besides that “NEVER SURRENDER!” beating your chest masculine bullshit that got them killed in the first place, nothing has transfered. So normally if an army calls themselves the Spartans and do and act nothing like the spartans, I go whatever, but when an army calls themselves the Spartans, claims to do and act everything as a continuation of Spartan culture, yet act nothing like the Spartans. I raise an eyebrow.
“Artemis, its crystal clear that you suffer from a superiority complex of your own.”
Coming from a guy who was unable to read my statement properly, i’ll take your 2 cent psychiatric diagnosis with a grain of salt.
Ethan Schuman
Jun 5th, 2007
Actually, those of you who know your proper Greek history, know that Leonidas would have retreated at Thermopale to fall back with the rest of the Greeks to another location. However, like all Spartans, he was a firm believer in the Oracle, who prophesied that if Leonidas did not die at Thermopale, Sparta would burn to the ground. Because of this, Leonidas and his men, as well as 1,000 soldiers from Thespiae (whom I believe defected when the Persians circled around and flanked the Greeks), stayed behind to delay the Persians long enough to allow the other Greeks to pull back and fight somewhere else. The retreating Greeks were eventually able to stop the advancing Persians with the use of the Athenian navy, but not before Athens itself was sacked.
Spartans of history were less like the “NEVER SURRENDER!” machismo archetype so many of us tend to imagine, and subscribed more to the “Victory, through whatever means necessary” school of thought. Outnumbered by a superior force, Spartans would run, hide, steal, sabotage, and just generally fight dirty by using every advantage they had. But who wants to put that image onto an army in SL, when you can go with the more popular stereotype instead.
Tharik Oyen
Jun 5th, 2007
“i’m making no judgment calls on the above nor did I intend for them to question quality, or insult.”
Says that you didn’t intend to insult them by calling them ageplaying homosexuals (pederasty, of course, being worthy of ridicule, which seems to get a pass in your eyes). However, you DID insult them by saying that because they claim to emulate Spartan culture (ignoring the fact they fly around in spaceships), and yet do not emulate every aspect, that thier choice of SL experience is immature chest beating.
I read your statement correctly, the the words “above” and “them” are vague.
“I’ve got nothing really against these guys besides that i’m unimpressed”
Yet, you’ve made it clear that you think they are immature kids worthy of ridicule. So, which is it? You have nothing against them, or they are chest beaters worthy of ridicule? We can play the “lets burying the other guy in semantics and reading comprehension backpeddling” game but its a waste of time. It’s obvious where you stand, and I think my stand should be obvious as well.
In any event, so, they want to have a SL military that uses some aspects of Spartan culture, notably fearlessness in battle, greek names, and possibly other aspects I am not aware of, and this is worthy of ridicule, because? Because their king didn’t specify which aspects they are and are not adopting and instead made a broad statement?
So what is your definition of mature adult gaming in SL? What pursuits on SL do you deam worthy of praise?
FYI: the US military follows the same “macho bullshit” tradition of “NEVER SUREENDER.”
From the code of conduct:
Article II
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
Article III
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.