Metaverse Hobo Camp in Welcome Area

by Pixeleen Mistral on 08/06/07 at 8:19 am

“We’re here, we don’t pay tier — get used to it!”

by Heartun Breaker, Senior Deadbeat Reporter

Hobo camp in the Violet welcome area

The normally tidy little Welcome Area of Violet erupted into a tent city full of hobo’s Thursday night. The bean eaters were protesting the recent Linden Lab decision to hijack the traditional Welcome Area scheme in favor of one that promotes the economic futures of a chosen few Linden community partners. Violet is widely known as the least corporate of all WAs, with a simple but friendly build by the sublime Barnesworth Anubis. The sudden influx of highly commercialized WAs into Second Life threatens the hobo way of life, according to event organizer Venus Medusa.

“The hobo carries his or her home on his back and makes a living begging or doing odd jobs and is largely outside of the corporate structure that is soon to be forced down our throats,” Medusa said. “We just want Phillip Linden to know that we’re here, we don’t pay tier — get used to it!”

The hobo image harkens back to the 1800′s when the Iron Horse snaked its way across the American landscape, bringing with it the robber barrons of the era as well as their unkempt and unemployed counterparts who rode the rails and developed their own transient subculture. The train created William Kissam Vanderbilt as surely as it did notable hobos such as No-Shoulders Smalltooth Jones, Stump Tongue Mumbler and Pantless, Sockless Sheless Buster Bareass.

Often portrayed as a shifless man, more interested in gutter gin than a decent job, the origins of the name “hobo” belies the image. Short for “Hoe Boys” the term derives from the hobo custom of carrying his bindle on the end of a garden implement called a hoe in search of day labor weeding the fields that fed America. The hobo’s ties to agriculture are still well known.

“I just came to the protest for the pot,” said Cannabis Club Member Mta (withheld). ” You know, those hobos smoke some nasty ditch weed but they always have a ton of it.”

Agricultural bounty wasn’t the only wealth that exploded with an opening up of the West. Land itself, through the greater ease of access granted by the rail, made many a fortune for the Robber Barrons of the day — most operating under monopolistic practices either fostered by or tolerated by the political power brokers of Washington D.C. The analogies to the hobo plight against the made-to-order millionaires of the day and their Linden Lab modern day counterparts was predicted in 2002 by persecuted Second Life landowner and political activist Prokofy Neva.

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer nec metus. Donec pellentesque nunc et nunc. Ut imperdiet malesuada urna. Maecenas condimentum volutpat nisl. Curabitur eget enim. Phasellus augue sem, hendrerit vitae, ullamcorper sit amet, nonummy sit amet, justo. Etiam lectus diam, pulvinar vel, aliquam id, viverra vel, lectus. Nullam pede. Suspendisse in felis. Nunc ac quam. Nullam porta lorem et eros. Cras non ligula. Ut vel nulla. Donec dapibus, turpis eget cursus malesuada, nisi tortor cursus libero, vel vehicula nibh purus id ipsum. Ut nec risus. Praesent tristique, quam in feugiat varius, orci tellus blandit neque, rhoncus pretium nisi quam non nunc. Nulla facilisi. Sed elementum facilisis purus. Aliquam ipsum nulla, semper nec, scelerisque eget, sagittis eu, velit,” said Neva in his blog, excerpted here.

The lasting legacy of the Hobo, more impactful than the fine music carried into the new Millenium by Boxcar Willie, is that of his dignity and individuality during trying times. That hobo dignity was displayed in Violet on Thursday night by the song “Loveless S.L.” by Anamkhai Sodwind.

Why did I ever join the S. L.?
Oh, why did I join the S. L.?
Why did I join the S.L.?
Corporate overlords make it Hell.

Philip treats me like a dirty dog
I have to slave down in a log
And they feed me like a hog
Oh, why did I join the S.L.?

I haft to work most ever day
Ten bucks a month is what I pay
I’m just wasting both lives away
Oh, why did I join the S.L.?

Aimee Weber sure is hard-boiled
Her hands and clothes are never soiled
When I come in all day I’ve toiled
Oh, why did I join the S.L.?

These noobie clothes sure is hot
They’ll make you scratch a whole lot
They’ll make you wish you’d never got
Into this old S.L.!

56 Responses to “Metaverse Hobo Camp in Welcome Area”

  1. Maid Hand

    Jun 14th, 2007

    dear eyeroller,
    your pathetic attempts at anonymity cannot even begin to hide the fact that you yourself are heartun/ouchquack/40yr old fat white american who’s wife left him over his internet affairs and his bike fetish.
    your obsession with masturbation and soiled underwear speaks volumes,
    but! only about yourself.
    jung is watching you O.o
    if you are going to comment upon all this inanity,
    at least be brave enough to assume one of your more well known and oh so smeared nom de plumes?
    after all,
    isn’t all this really about how you have an innate alt paranoia after that “tawdry” event that sent you off the rails,
    lost you your wife,
    children and career and left you bitter and twisted and marooned upon the shores of the internet blogs?
    as much as i can understand your woefully pitiful attempt to gain some semblance of revenge in your BLOG,
    using made up dear jane,
    dear jack letters…
    i find you too laughable to consider worthy of contempt.
    how about you just have a day off?
    go for a ride on your bike(s) and take a long hard look at the corner you have typed yourself into…

    hit the road, jack :)

  2. Deploring Eyeroller

    Jun 14th, 2007

    Fetch the stick Milo! Fetch!!!

  3. Maid Hand

    Jun 14th, 2007

    dear eyeroller, i mean camille/trick,

    gee, i wish i had a pressgang of sycophantic groupies to fight my battles for me,

    instead i just get ppl like you and kryss and gabby/kit pretending to my friend then joining in on the “violet cleansing”.

    “Incidentally, I am deeply surprised you have any friends at all in Violet, what 40 year old man feels the need to and I quote here “headbut” and bully other SL users? Why would anyone want to be around someone like that? I haven’t been to Violet in some time and will probably give it a miss if that is the sort of “adult” behaviour one can expect.”

    lies, eyeroller/camille/trick, you yourself was a friend of both milo and maid until yesterday. and you were at violet yesterday and today? lol

    so was kryss and gabby/kit.

    i seem to have lost little and gained much insight into the workings of sl socio-political structure.

    in future, i shall endeavour to remember that all non-sl sites are considered off-limits for anyone that dares to even suggest that heartun/ouchquack is in any way a fraudulent charlatan and half-witted hack, this comedy of errors is oh so obviously reserved for the anti-prokofy-clique and various hangers-on.

  4. Heartun Breaker

    Jun 14th, 2007

    Kind readers.
    I just thought this was a funny story. My only intent was to report and entertain. If any of you read more into it than that, I had nothing to do with it.

    And for the record, this is STILL a funny story. The crap that follows, however, is not.

    God bless you all, even Prok and Milo.

  5. Kryss Wanweird

    Jun 14th, 2007


    It is clear that you are undergoing through a rough time and that is reflecting in your agressive behavior lately towards many people, me included. If you can’t make your point through logical argumentation, pushing avatars around in Violet and insulting people inworld or in this blog won’t make it either.

    I am sorry you lost your mental inbalance.
    Get professional help.

  6. Kit

    Jun 18th, 2007

    Hi! Since I was mentioned in the comments, I thought I’d use my celebrity status to say a few words:

    -I’m not so hot on SL drama. I just like to have fun, and I think people who get worked up by SL probably should find an activity that fits them better.

    -Yes, I did “pretend” to be Milo’s friend, to the extent that I never made fun of him for his, let’s say, irrational behavior so that I wouldn’t have to get the brunt of it, myself.

    -After numerous people told me of the silly things Milo was doing, I told Milo to cool his jets. That was enough to make me part of his axis of evil.

    -Milo then decided his best course of action was to teledash me and my friends, which was emotionally draining. And by emotionally draining, I mean childish and sorta pitiable to watch as you consider a grown man playing a video game that annoys him so much he’s driven to…. push e-people.

    -Chill pills for everyone!

    That’s all.

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