Metaverse Hobo Camp in Welcome Area
by Pixeleen Mistral on 08/06/07 at 8:19 am
“We’re here, we don’t pay tier — get used to it!”
by Heartun Breaker, Senior Deadbeat Reporter
Hobo camp in the Violet welcome area
The normally tidy little Welcome Area of Violet erupted into a tent city full of hobo’s Thursday night. The bean eaters were protesting the recent Linden Lab decision to hijack the traditional Welcome Area scheme in favor of one that promotes the economic futures of a chosen few Linden community partners. Violet is widely known as the least corporate of all WAs, with a simple but friendly build by the sublime Barnesworth Anubis. The sudden influx of highly commercialized WAs into Second Life threatens the hobo way of life, according to event organizer Venus Medusa.
“The hobo carries his or her home on his back and makes a living begging or doing odd jobs and is largely outside of the corporate structure that is soon to be forced down our throats,” Medusa said. “We just want Phillip Linden to know that we’re here, we don’t pay tier — get used to it!”
The hobo image harkens back to the 1800′s when the Iron Horse snaked its way across the American landscape, bringing with it the robber barrons of the era as well as their unkempt and unemployed counterparts who rode the rails and developed their own transient subculture. The train created William Kissam Vanderbilt as surely as it did notable hobos such as No-Shoulders Smalltooth Jones, Stump Tongue Mumbler and Pantless, Sockless Sheless Buster Bareass.
Often portrayed as a shifless man, more interested in gutter gin than a decent job, the origins of the name “hobo” belies the image. Short for “Hoe Boys” the term derives from the hobo custom of carrying his bindle on the end of a garden implement called a hoe in search of day labor weeding the fields that fed America. The hobo’s ties to agriculture are still well known.
“I just came to the protest for the pot,” said Cannabis Club Member Mta (withheld). ” You know, those hobos smoke some nasty ditch weed but they always have a ton of it.”
Agricultural bounty wasn’t the only wealth that exploded with an opening up of the West. Land itself, through the greater ease of access granted by the rail, made many a fortune for the Robber Barrons of the day — most operating under monopolistic practices either fostered by or tolerated by the political power brokers of Washington D.C. The analogies to the hobo plight against the made-to-order millionaires of the day and their Linden Lab modern day counterparts was predicted in 2002 by persecuted Second Life landowner and political activist Prokofy Neva.
“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer nec metus. Donec pellentesque nunc et nunc. Ut imperdiet malesuada urna. Maecenas condimentum volutpat nisl. Curabitur eget enim. Phasellus augue sem, hendrerit vitae, ullamcorper sit amet, nonummy sit amet, justo. Etiam lectus diam, pulvinar vel, aliquam id, viverra vel, lectus. Nullam pede. Suspendisse in felis. Nunc ac quam. Nullam porta lorem et eros. Cras non ligula. Ut vel nulla. Donec dapibus, turpis eget cursus malesuada, nisi tortor cursus libero, vel vehicula nibh purus id ipsum. Ut nec risus. Praesent tristique, quam in feugiat varius, orci tellus blandit neque, rhoncus pretium nisi quam non nunc. Nulla facilisi. Sed elementum facilisis purus. Aliquam ipsum nulla, semper nec, scelerisque eget, sagittis eu, velit,” said Neva in his blog, excerpted here.
The lasting legacy of the Hobo, more impactful than the fine music carried into the new Millenium by Boxcar Willie, is that of his dignity and individuality during trying times. That hobo dignity was displayed in Violet on Thursday night by the song “Loveless S.L.” by Anamkhai Sodwind.
Why did I ever join the S. L.?
Oh, why did I join the S. L.?
Why did I join the S.L.?
Corporate overlords make it Hell.
Philip treats me like a dirty dog
I have to slave down in a log
And they feed me like a hog
Oh, why did I join the S.L.?
I haft to work most ever day
Ten bucks a month is what I pay
I’m just wasting both lives away
Oh, why did I join the S.L.?
Aimee Weber sure is hard-boiled
Her hands and clothes are never soiled
When I come in all day I’ve toiled
Oh, why did I join the S.L.?
These noobie clothes sure is hot
They’ll make you scratch a whole lot
They’ll make you wish you’d never got
Into this old S.L.!
Prokofy Neva
Jun 8th, 2007
Go fuck yourself Heartun, I know *exactly* what you are up to here, it’s totally transparent, and again — go fuck yourself, and be grateful I don’t out your alt.
And since when do we have “Senior” reporters? Who died and made you queen, asshole?
Maybe some day you’ll grow a pair and be able to find *your own story* to write without poaching others and pretending you do better; half your story isn’t even a story, but made up of mocking me with fake Latin bullshit. Har har har. Go back to your lovelorn kiddie diddlers.
Tenshi Vielle
Jun 8th, 2007
>>”We just want Phillip Linden to know that we’re here, we don’t pay tier — get used to it!”
ROTFLMAO. That’s great. Congrats to the Violet crew for staging a fun protest.
Glittercrotch Rareface Realplayah Smitty
Jun 8th, 2007
Them’s some purty high-falootin’ words ya sayin’ there sweet missy newspapur reportah. Do ya have a spare Linden for a man with a mean Thundaburd habit? Maybe two ’cause I gots me a primdog I gots ta feed too. He ain’t here ’cause he prolly out gallavantin’ round – he only gots one laig ya know. How many a man ya gotta see cryin’ in the street b’fore ya know there ain’t somptin’ rite wit society, huh? How many I axe ya?
Jun 8th, 2007
People that aren’t n00bs go to the Welcome Area?? I haven’t been in the Main Grid welcome area in over a year!
Maybe that’s why I don’t see the corporate takeovers or black helicopters these alarmists keep complaining about…
Jun 8th, 2007
I’m down with all hobo/homeless/junkyard dwellers in SL. Keep pitchin them tents!
Trick Despres
Jun 8th, 2007
Too funny, I love that Violet WA – just has to gets me a tent now. Up the Hobos!!!
Pokey Mensing
Jun 8th, 2007
Sheesh Prok, I sure as hell hope you are joking……?
I thought all this time I was “Queen Asshole’
Nice write Heart.
Tenshi Vielle
Jun 8th, 2007
Well, I have to say this story was a lot less winded…and a bit more fun to read.
Prokofy Neva
Jun 8th, 2007
Um, let’s go over the rules at the Herald again, shall we?
1. You can fake stories and even put your own fake alts and fake props in them — this is a time-honoured Herald tradition!
2. You can gratuitously, meanly, playfully, bitchily — whatever — personally attack another Herald reporter in the story and/or comments to the story.
3. You can poach on, steal, filch, plagiarize another Herald reporter’s story — good!
4. But the rule is you can’t do *all three at once in one story*. We have a 2/3 rule here — 2 out of 3 of those things is fine; 3, and you’re asking for a knuckle sandwich.
Camille Fairweather
Jun 8th, 2007
Ouch! I really don’t think that article was mocking Profoky? I didn’t see that at all. What a shame Profoky felt that way.
Trantor Escher
Jun 8th, 2007
Actually, I did take Latin, and while at first glance this SEEMS to be a good-hearted (good-heartun?) poke at Prok with fake Latin marketing-communications text-filler, it is actually a time-tested Hobo recipe for road-kill squirrel soup. I actually tried it and it is nummy.
If you don’t believe me, pass the Latin through Altavista’s babble fish translator.
I would also question the appropriateness of responsive, knee-jerk personal attacks in a forum like this. “Take it outside”, as the great Patrick Swayze was heard to say, in RoadHouse. He also said, “be nice, until it is time not to be nice”. If it gets to that point, still take it outside. These tables and chairs are expensive, and this is not a Hollywood set.
Jennifer McLuhan
Jun 8th, 2007
“Well, I have to say this story was a lot less winded…and a bit more fun to read.”
And, if it got Prok’s goat, well that’s like being picked by the ball to win $L50. An extra benefit.
Sorry Pork,
Remember, I am the girl who can’t help or control herself. You are the perfect straight man for a comedian. Exquisite timing, and a “we already knew you would say that answer” every time.
Now…if this whole thing, the story, Pork’s outburst and the fun-pokes by his friends and colleagues, was a set up…all the more better, as the kids say in school these days. It was a cute little piece Hurturn, about a WA I know well. I enjoyed the humorous, historical take on hobos and the follow up comments.
elora macalpine
Jun 8th, 2007
Knuckle sandwich? Hey I will take a road kill sandwich any day of the week….
And as for the latin.. Mr Escher, would you be kind enough to forward aforementioned recipe to me at….? That one must be sampled for sure. And if you would care to bring it to me personally, I can be found at trailer #15 and 1/2…. I will be floating in the pool with my bud lite. You will know its me by my pink tank top and my daisy dukes.
Oh and prok, I love the idea of 3 at once…
Elora whispers..”call me”
Prokofy Neva
Jun 8th, 2007
If someone finds a story too long or “winded,” they don’t have to read it.
Trust me, when these dozen companies completely take over the hosting of SL as the only licensed operators of the released SL software, you will be pawing back at “winded” stories like this to see where it all began and how it happened that people let their world be pawned.
Jun 8th, 2007
Very fun read all around
dandellion Kimban
Jun 8th, 2007
No, story is not long at all. Thanks for the story.
Trantor Escher
Jun 8th, 2007
What was that trailer park address again? All this talk of pawing and pawning, in combination with daisy dukes, has got me all diddled up.
If you want to call me, you can whistle. You know how to do that, right. All you have to do is put your lips together, and blow.
And I agree on not outing alts,…let’s not reveal that Heartun is actually Prokofy’s alt. That would just be plain dumb. *oops*
Morgana Fillion
Jun 8th, 2007
bwah! hours after this was posted, I wondered what it would take to get anyone to comment on it. Good job Prok!
Tenshi Vielle
Jun 8th, 2007
Well, in any case, I thought the whole Latin substitute for your blog entry was kind of cute, Prok. Like s/he was calling you in as a type of Nostradamus. I’m not sure, but you might be jumping the gun.
Jennifer McLuhan
Jun 8th, 2007
All kidding aside Pork. I really believe that when you remove the Prokness, the things that make your writings rather unique, much of what you say in your essays will come to be seen as true.
However, I think the brutal reality of it all is that Linden Labs does not give one wit to what you or any other “harpy magpie” has to say. They will do what they think is necessary to make Linden Labs grow and make as much money as possible. We the residents are only along for the ride.
They will do what is necessary to placate us, to humor us and even to make the game as enjoyable as possible, to as many of us as possible. So long, as it fits into their business model, what ever it may be. After two years, I have learned that it is foolish to get too emotional about what Linden Labs does. All it did was make me miserable inside and did nothing to change LL’s collective mind.
Yes, corporations will take over. A few residents, the FIC’s as you call them will benefit greatly. I think that most home-grown business like my little clothing store will eventually disappear. Sculptured prims and eventually 3D clothing and skins will make it so the average part time resident will not be able to compete. Only people with the special skills and programs to build these new products will succeeded.
The Second Life we once knew is gone. The Second Life of today will be different tomorrow. All we can do is either roll with the bucking bronco and enjoy the ride or, get thrown off and get hurt.
Jun 8th, 2007
Sorry guys, your alarmist prophecies of SL’s demise are a bit unfounded. Unless some RL benefit to SL becomes apparent as far as commerce and trading goods goes (and I don’t mean sitting at home in front of SL in sweats and calling it “Self-employed”) then SL will stay an impotent advertising space as far as major companies are concerned.
Eventually they will fade out of the hype…possibly by focusing on PS3′s “Home” once it’s available…and scale back their SL presence since most of these “corporate mosters” have empty sims during primetime hours.
If someone figures out a user-friendly means to tie RL products into SL in a way that the regular internet doesn’t already do then I might agree with the doomsayers.
I also don’t see any problem with novelty companies making welcome areas for their fans to get exposed to SL. The sheep will stay in the pasture the “L” word and Scion (or whoever) make for them and the creative ones will eventually escape into the general public already having developed the basic skills to get around SL.
I say keep the sheep contained and make money to grow SL while you do it!
AnnaMouse the truth teller.
Jun 8th, 2007
Ouchquake Stern is Heartun Breaker…. I don’t enjoy any article from a 40 something tubby white man pretending to be a 30 something black woman. In Heartun Breaker’s profile the picture is of a younger Tyra Banks or Naomi Campbell. I cannot take anyone serious who can’t be who they really are to gain respect. If no one takes this comment seriously or does not care that is fine, however, this comment is for people who do in fact care.
trantor escher
Jun 8th, 2007
Tyra Banks is actually YOUNG? My age-dar is seriously malfunctioning.
Actually, Ouchquack recently entered slimfast, and has been tanning, so these claims are largely unfounded.
Besides, Oprah pretends to be a 30-something black woman all the time, and is outrageously rich. What is wrong with someone else trying to get a little piece of the action?
Daekar Yoshikawa
Jun 9th, 2007
For once Prokofy’s response’s aren’t a 2000 word essay and is written in some form of angry mode. I like =)
dandellion Kimban
Jun 9th, 2007
After all, I am surprised that Prok missed the beauty of lorem ipsum joke. It is sad that some people cannot laugh at the joke just because it is aimed at them.
Prokofy Neva
Jun 9th, 2007
>After all, I am surprised that Prok missed the beauty of lorem ipsum joke. It is sad that some people cannot laugh at the joke just because it is aimed at them.
Um, yeah, I got the beauty. Any copywriter understands what lorem ipsum is. Duh. But, like I said, we have a 2/3 rule here.
Whata Youtalkin
Jun 9th, 2007
Doesn’t look like your prior article said anything about people in a tent city protesting LL corporate takeovers, Prok.
And it looks like you were credited with predicting corporate takeovers.
Looks like Heartun did a sidebar. She didn’t steal a thing from your prior article on the same TOPIC.
Just because you are the first to write about a hurricane doesn’t keep others from writing about a hurricane. I’d love to hear you explain poaching.. without hanging yourself further.
And I knows you gots to talk… so blather away!!! lol (this is irresistable.. you have to slam anyone who has an opionion other than yours, isn’t it Prok? No matter how small… or insignificant.. you GOTTA blather and slam. Come on… you want it. You NEEED it.
Trick Despres
Jun 10th, 2007
Wait….. you are saying Heart is a MAN??? And Oprah Winfrey isn’t 30??
My world has crumbled, my digestive biscuit has sunk to the bottom of my cocoa cup. Everything I held dear and thought to be true has gone – DAMN YOU!!!
The only silver lining on this cloud of despair was that fabulous recipe for Roadkill Squirrel Soup, more of a chowder really and by Jove it was mighty tasty! I’m sure Elvis himself would have approved.
Oh and one more thing, Heart/Ouch, you sound like a fine man, I am quite particular to tubby white men in their 40′s. Call me, let’s have dinner – I make a mean stick-to your-ribs Squirrel Chowder
AnnaMouse the truth teller
Jun 10th, 2007
Hmmm.. Good point Whata. That would mean that Heart is well within the supposed 2/3 rule (especially if he/she didn’t manufacture the event he/she wrote about… the hobo camp. That would be 1/3. And only that, if you seriously take Ipsum whatever as a personal attack. Kind of weak IMHO.)
Sounds like Prok owes Heart an apology! (don’t hold your breath Heart)
And I looked all over the SLH site for those rules, but I don’t see them. Get off your butt Uzi, and fix that!
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 10th, 2007
Heart: so glad to read your always elegant words.
Ah, and I see you too was already targeted by the serial-bully among us…
Prokofy Neva
Jun 10th, 2007
I guess you’re stupid, Whata, in addition to being an anonymous fucktard. My article is about corporate takeovers of the welcome areas, a program engineered by the Lindens for their favourite companies, which I described in so much detail with so many compelling live tours and interviews, that Ouchquack was moved to complain and a) go and count the words like an anal-retentive reporter and b) complain this is torture. Whatever. I try to put important things up on the public record which I think will come in handy later when people want to reconstruct how our world was destroyed and taken over. I realize it’s all a big fucking laff riot and cynical spoof to some people and they don’t care.
1. The event was manufactured indeed. When you do that deliberately to a) undercut another reporter’s work and b) to make the entire story seem fake and bogus and only worthy of derision, it isn’t so much a satire as a claw-swipe made by someone for their own internal and vindictive reasons, which of course have a history.
2. I love it how I become a “serial bully” because…uh…why? Because…after a Herald reporter attacks me in the comments section of a story I did, complaining humorously that I “torture” my readers with a long article addressing serious issues, I push back, and quite thoughtfully, as anyone can see. That could have been the end of it — but it wasn’t. I then get attacked *again* on an alt, Hearten, in an article that is poaching on the story. Yeah, I’m the bully — right.
Because…I’m attacked twice? Once in comments and once in a story? AND the story is poached, not linked to mine, and not discussed. Ohhhhkkkkk. Right. I’m the bully, right, because I don’t sit still and absorb the punches on that, I punch right back.
People are so used to either BEING bullies or seeing bullies reign everywhere on anonymous Internet forums, they are startled to see somebody stand up, and punch back. And that’s what I do. I stand up, and I punch back, because it’s wrong. What is at one superficial level something that is all in good fun and a satire is actually quite annihilating. It undoes somebody else’s work, denigrates it, undermines them, and doesn’t even link AND crosses the street to mock them. Is the Herald always to be a constant “roast”?
BTW, the back story here goes something like this: “My real life is more real and cool than your real life and therefore I can pwn you in SL.” And that kind of back story will never fly with me, and people who invoke that kind of back story always end up underscoring their insecurity and lameness more than anything.
Also, let me point out for the record here since I’m being attacked on *this* point as well by this author inworld — I did not out his alts. Somebody else who had long ago connected them outed them, not me.
Prokofy Neva
Jun 11th, 2007
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed ultricies massa a sem. Sed vitae augue. Cras euismod urna non urna. Integer dapibus faucibus risus. Nullam at odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Vestibulum felis. Cras a neque. Praesent semper. Aenean tellus. Morbi orci. Curabitur ut pede sit amet dolor varius nonummy. Nulla ante. Aliquam tellus nunc, placerat eget, porta at, pharetra vel, nulla. Phasellus ullamcorper, metus ut vestibulum semper, magna mi interdum dolor, id sagittis turpis lorem nec arcu. Nam varius odio non felis. Nulla consequat. Nam vel leo. Nulla facilisi. Vivamus nisl sapien, sodales eu, sodales vel, fringilla nec, tellus.
Mauris sapien ipsum, tincidunt vel, sagittis eu, pulvinar quis, enim. Praesent pede velit, mollis eget, facilisis eget, auctor quis, odio. Etiam facilisis. Fusce nec magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut commodo, pede vitae dapibus imperdiet, velit risus congue enim, nec blandit ante arcu in eros. Donec ut tortor non arcu blandit tincidunt. Nullam tellus felis, dictum et, ultricies ut, porta eget, lectus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin eu augue. Nam blandit faucibus mi. Mauris purus nibh, iaculis ut, sodales non, consequat et, nulla. Morbi gravida sodales lacus. Mauris vehicula scelerisque risus.
Phasellus odio nibh, volutpat eu, commodo at, tempor at, ligula. Nulla enim. Cras dictum ullamcorper leo. Mauris augue urna, dignissim vel, hendrerit vitae, cursus nec, diam. Nullam est sapien, fringilla nec, feugiat at, accumsan in, orci. Curabitur dolor lacus, porta in, elementum nec, vestibulum sed, neque. Aliquam ullamcorper ultricies lacus. Suspendisse semper iaculis eros. Donec consectetuer convallis pede. Ut faucibus eros et dui. Vestibulum mi mi, rutrum non, vehicula nec, tempor a, metus. Proin ullamcorper. Morbi lacinia, est eget porttitor pulvinar, lacus nisl sodales pede, et dapibus quam lectus sed pede. Sed iaculis. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque eget velit vitae arcu varius scelerisque. Quisque non risus non dui ultrices mattis. Duis venenatis, risus quis dictum porta, nisi ligula elementum arcu, in elementum nunc est a purus. Integer dui mi, eleifend ut, dignissim non, gravida vitae, sem.
Nam enim dui, ultricies sed, malesuada ac, suscipit id, libero. Phasellus quis diam. Duis hendrerit rutrum felis. Integer odio tortor, hendrerit eu, tempus in, commodo nec, neque. Aliquam mattis felis ac lacus. Curabitur lorem sem, ultrices sit amet, dignissim in, mattis ac, elit. Aenean tristique dui id nisi. Duis enim. Pellentesque laoreet, nunc vel bibendum cursus, ipsum sapien consequat magna, id rutrum sem nulla non augue. Cras lacinia, neque ut tristique vestibulum, enim libero fringilla turpis, vitae consectetuer tortor magna porta lacus. Nunc vitae tortor. Ut auctor porttitor magna. Suspendisse potenti. Ut vulputate ipsum eu sapien. Curabitur tincidunt augue vitae ipsum. Ut aliquet risus vehicula libero. Sed convallis, nibh eget feugiat dignissim, tortor odio dictum tortor, eu varius dui nisl eu nulla. Mauris dui.
Aliquam quis nunc. Morbi nulla quam, feugiat quis, molestie ut, tincidunt nec, dui. Donec quis diam. Vestibulum a lectus sed leo accumsan dignissim. Nam feugiat nisi id turpis. Etiam eu mauris. Nunc pretium vehicula erat. Nunc bibendum tellus sit amet nulla. Praesent suscipit, ante sed pretium egestas, nunc sapien porta leo, ac imperdiet est nisi nec orci. Maecenas semper tortor sit amet lorem. Pellentesque tempus massa. Mauris nonummy neque eget sapien. Suspendisse arcu ipsum, dignissim quis, porta sed, fermentum sed, velit. Nulla facilisi. Donec lorem nunc, venenatis id, dictum aliquet, iaculis quis, augue. Morbi consequat, leo sit amet elementum ultrices, odio nulla pharetra dui, a posuere elit enim eu neque. Nam hendrerit posuere pede. Maecenas nibh.
Prokofy Neva
Jun 11th, 2007
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer nec metus. Donec pellentesque nunc et nunc. Ut imperdiet malesuada urna. Maecenas condimentum volutpat nisl. Curabitur eget enim. Phasellus augue sem, hendrerit vitae, ullamcorper sit amet, nonummy sit amet, justo. Etiam lectus diam, pulvinar vel, aliquam id, viverra vel, lectus. Nullam pede. Suspendisse in felis. Nunc ac quam. Nullam porta lorem et eros. Cras non ligula. Ut vel nulla. Donec dapibus, turpis eget cursus malesuada, nisi tortor cursus libero, vel vehicula nibh purus id ipsum. Ut nec risus. Praesent tristique, quam in feugiat varius, orci tellus blandit neque, rhoncus pretium nisi quam non nunc. Nulla facilisi. Sed elementum facilisis purus. Aliquam ipsum nulla, semper nec, scelerisque eget, sagittis eu, velit,” said Neva in his blog, excerpted here.
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 11th, 2007
You are a smart, educated, single female, living in the best place on earth.
Stop complaining, woman.
Domenico Malzavedoli
Jun 11th, 2007
> political activist
yeah, sure !! a political activist !! ah ah ahahahhhhh
Prokofy Neva
Jun 11th, 2007
You are an anonymous, nit-picking, annoying semi-educated person with broadband, a high-end computer with a graphics card, and leisure time to play SL and snipe on forums. Stop complaining, woman.
Chav Paderborn
Jun 11th, 2007
What no one has mentioned is that this was all a tragic misunderstanding when someone accidentally went to Calleta.
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 12th, 2007
That was a compliment.
Run, run to the day-spa…
Maid Hand
Jun 12th, 2007
i would like to point out a few facts about this story:
1. i handed out the hobo tents featured in the picture to everyone who was at violet at the time and they all found it amusing to sit around camping, then i went to bed.
2. it wasn’t any kind of protest except perhaps against boredom, just the same as i have held “wonderful chair parties” in various welcome areas.
3. it wasn’t organised in any way, shape or form, just the usual welcome area randomness.
4. it had no organisers, despite the false title given to venus and the false quote she was saddled with.
5. it certainly had nothing whatsoever to do with any kind of anti-corporate angst.
6. this story was totally fabricated in the manner of a caption competition, that is, simply adding something topical to a fortuitous picture.
7. heartun just lurks around the various welcome areas, eavesdropping and trolling, in the eager pursuit of any kind of juicy material with which to furnish his inane lies and thereby become almost as well known and controversial as prokofy (maybe).
8. heartun is the alt of ouchquack and he needs to buy her some more clothes, no self-respecting woman would have such a pathetic wardrobe.
9. ouchquack and prokofy are old inet friends (read as RIVALS).
10. heartun should stop IMing my lover and accusing her of being my alt, even running around telling everyone that she is and even threatening to publish IMs in which we tried to convince heartun with the idea of having a threesome with us (which was withdrawn as soon as we realised how mentally unstable and alt paranoid “she” was).
Milo Bellow
Jun 12th, 2007
Some Juicy Quotes:
Heartun Breaker: milo has an ex wife who found him beating off to some chat… she just up and left his ass
(I’m not even married, but am i just splitting hairs? O.o)
Heartun Breaker: yeah, I’m not perfect… my ex knows… but pixel masturbation? no way!
(In a word, PROJECTION?)
(Then whilst i was asleep, she goes mental on my lover, under the paranoid delusion of her being my alt, ahem..)
Heartun Breaker: why do you have to be near me?
Heartun Breaker: don’t answer that you muted idiot
Heartun Breaker: Ha ha ha ha – he he he!!! =D
Heartun Breaker: Ha ha ha ha – he he he!!! =D
Heartun Breaker: Ehhh, whatever you FAT bitch!!!
Heartun Breaker: “no” means “no”
Heartun Breaker: I can’t believe you didn’t know that
Heartun Breaker: and that you’d try to start a war with someone who buys ink by the barrel
Heartun Breaker: don’t know know how many SL publications I write for?
Heartun Breaker: How stupid do you have to be to not take “no” for an answer?
Heartun Breaker: and when I muted you… why not just take that as another “no”
Heartun Breaker: instead of fucking head butting me every fucking time I come into this WA
Heartun Breaker: time and time again, head butting me
Heartun Breaker: what did I do?
Heartun Breaker: I said “no”
Heartun Breaker: you had to make me mad
Heartun Breaker: you don’t want me mad
Heartun Breaker: you fucking asshole
Heartun Breaker: but you GOT ME MAD
Heartun Breaker: I’m going to write stuff to my THOUSANDS of readers… stufff you and your alts IM’d me…
Heartun Breaker: stuff you don’t want out there in the public
Heartun Breaker: I will marshall my forces and make your lives a living hell
Heartun Breaker: there will be no hiding from me
Heartun Breaker: there will be no relief
Heartun Breaker: and you brought this on to yourself
Heartun Breaker: you fucking stupid asshole… because “NO’ means “NOOOOOOOO!
Heartun Breaker: don’t hello Lucky…she’s really Milo… and Milo is an unmitigated ass. Mute him and his alts
Heartun Breaker: they tried to get me into a threesome and wouldn’t let up
Heartun Breaker: for days
Heartun Breaker: that asshole
Heartun Breaker: I muted him and all his alts for more than a week… and he head butted me every time he was here
Heartun Breaker: he wont’ let up
Heartun Breaker: he has no idea what kind of restraint I’ve showed not fucking him over in print
Heartun Breaker: but I’m done
Heartun Breaker: thanks hun, I hate bullying back… but simply ignoring him has singularly not worked
Heartun Breaker: and I’ve tried to ignore everything for a week
(I cant help but LOL at all this? I think someone has a persecution complex combined with megalomania…never a pretty sight)
(TOO funny =P)
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 12th, 2007
Maid Hand,
The “facts” you presented, although interesting, are completely irrelevant.
I really think you should join Prokofy on a day-spa where you could sit in a stemming sauna whining compulsively about your sexual issues.
Prokofy Neva
Jun 12th, 2007
Chav, they didn’t *go* to Calleta. And that’s what’s so RETARDED about it. There’s a perfectly good serviceable hobo camp with real good hobo content and stuff to do and freebies and great intricate little dealies in Calleta.
In fact, the person who made the hobo tent you see here is the one who made Calleta, Orhalla something, I’ll look it up. It’s probably THE best infohub made by residents in terms of interesting stuff you can get. Imagine, a 144-prim hobo pack with a teapot and even straps that are on flexiprim and move and flop around, and laundry hanging on lines and an old-fashioned Remington typewriter that you can put on yourself to fill your typing anims.
And if this author had consulted with his *colleague* COUGH he could have learned that, and gone and done the gag there. Instead, he went to Violet, which is a nothing, just dumbass Linden signs and flat grass and concrete, I don’t care if Barnesworth made it, it can’t hold a candle to the real hobo camp, where they should have gone, instead of making this lame one out of these people’s content in another place, just because the author is too lazy and too uncollegial to consult.
And now that I hear that this isn’t even a lame Herald gag but a partially lame gag mixed with somebody else’s lame gag, I roll my eyes even more.
It’s true that Ouchhun is a WA lurker, hanging around waiting for some newbie to sell game gold to or something.
I can’t be sure that you’re *not* an alt. But…
I’m going to refrain from any comment about alt paranoia and instability. Oops…
AnnaMouse the Truth Teller
Jun 13th, 2007
Maid Hand is Milo Bellow
And his RL wife left him because of his cybering nastiness.
Jun 13th, 2007
I wasn’t aware that covering a different aspect of the same issue was “poaching”. I thought it was called journalism.
Heartun’s writing is easily relatable for readers as it contains some facts, some humor, some sarcasm and in this instance portrays what residents are feeling and doing on a grass roots level. Which is what I’ve always loved about her columns. And in fact, she’s the only reason I read SLH. If I don’t see something written by her I click that little red “x” on my browser tab.
I will say that it’s utterly appalling for another writer to have such a verbal outburst in such a public forum against a colleague. Totally tasteless and unprofessional. Needless to say it doesn’t reflect well on the face of SLH, imo. Whatever happened to being adult and confronting someone in a direct and constructive manner. Has Dr. Phil taught us nothing? Have we rendered his legacy naught?
Let’s not take ourselves to seriously, kids. After all, we inhabit a virtual world where we can fly and turn ourselves into tiny furries.
Prokofy Neva
Jun 13th, 2007
>I wasn’t aware that covering a different aspect of the same issue was “poaching”. I thought it was called journalism.
No, that’s bullshit, it *is* called “poaching”. You don’t do a gag story on the same story that was treated more seriously AND deliberately lampoon another reporter AND make up the story like a gag without expecting some consequences.
>Heartun’s writing is easily relatable for readers as it contains some facts, some humor, some sarcasm and in this instance portrays what residents are feeling and doing on a grass roots level. Which is what I’ve always loved about her columns. And in fact, she’s the only reason I read SLH. If I don’t see something written by her I click that little red “x” on my browser tab.
Perhaps Heartun and all her alts can make up their own newspaper to give you more content? It’s a matter of taste. I never liked all the faked stories that I knew were supposed to be funny, but to me it felt like ready a mildewed copy of Mad magazine out in the garage. I can appreciate what she was doing, however, and didn’t start up other stories to mock her, or poach on her territory — and that’s the problem. You cannot do that, without expecting consequences.
>I will say that it’s utterly appalling for another writer to have such a verbal outburst in such a public forum against a colleague.
Yeah, I totally agree -- that is what was done TO ME FIRST. That's why people like you are so dishonest and cannot be taken seriously. First, I'm knocked in the comments by Ouchquack. Ok, whatever, one can roll with the punches. It's humorous enough. But point taken. Then to come back AGAIN and poach the story AND make stuff up AND not even go to the best hobo place AND knock me within the story AGAIN? Why is that OK? Why do you think that's just fine?
It's precisely because people like you think it's "fine" -- along with Ouchquack/Heartun, that I have to slam back HARD. It's precisely because you fail to see it, you think it's ok to ridicule, pillory, bully, poach, attack -- and that there shouldn't be an consequences.
I'm here to tell you, sorry, but there are, and if you find it "utterly appalling" and "tasteless and unprofessional" and "a verbal outburst," *tough titties*.
>Needless to say it doesn’t reflect well on the face of SLH, imo. Whatever happened to being adult and confronting someone in a direct and constructive manner. Has Dr. Phil taught us nothing? Have we rendered his legacy naught?
So…where were you in the first round of this? Hello? One attack accusing a colleague of torturing their readers — that’s already too many, but hey, that’s better than having a reader ask if you’re self-basting when roasted on a pig spit.
And that’s why, if a colleague thought another reporter was too wordy, or too serious, he could be making his comments inworld, or in an IM, not inviting a mob of thousands of people to join him in throwing mud.
Why am I supposed to be always available for this? I’m not. Absolutely not.
>Let’s not take ourselves to seriously, kids. After all, we inhabit a virtual world where we can fly and turn ourselves into tiny furries.
There is nothing more real than a virtual world, as you yourself know, having gone to the trouble of writing this thumb-sucker.
Maid Hand
Jun 13th, 2007
dear miss mouse, yes, i am also milo bellow, no secret there, duh? but! i am not married in rl and so your “truth” seems quite fictional. far too obvious a slur. please try harder?
dear kryss, if my truthful facts are “completely irrelevant” and heartun’s lies are “elegant words”, is up now down and is black now white? O.o
Deploring Eyeroller
Jun 13th, 2007
Milo/Maid whoever you are. I can’t help but notice you have used this little comments section to air your dirty linen in public.
Please, if you are going to publish Heartun’s “alleged” comments have the decency to publish yours too or Lucky’s or Maids, because frankly I am a little lost as to who Heartun was supposed to be talking to. Not to mention the fact that it is a little one sided no? It only shows us that you must be afraid to publish the rest because it is banal and tacky and shows you in a bad light. Of course you don’t want that now do you? It might (gasp and shock-horror) show you for the pathetic little person that you really seem to be.
Heartun seems to have had the good grace to refrain from commenting on any of this crap (along with Prok’s attack and subsequent childish outing), I can only applaud her/him for that.
As for Milo, I have no doubt he will soon be airing his dirty laundry for us all to read again, this time hopefully sans skidmarks.
Kryss Wanweird
Jun 13th, 2007
Dear, dear Milo:
“Dear miss mouse, yes, I am also Milo bellow, no secret there, duh? but! I am not married in rl and so your “truth” seems quite fictional. far too obvious a slur. please try harder?
dear kryss, if my truthful facts are “completely irrelevant” and heartun’s lies are “elegant words”, is up now down and is black now white? O.o” Maid Hand, June 13
And man is now woman?
I had no idea that Milo Bellow = Maid Hand. (And why should I anyway?)
If it wouldn’t change the way I feel about Maid’s post, it would certainly change the tone of my reply, which, again, was targeted to Maid Hand and not to Milo Bellow.
But, that was not the only surprise about you revealed here. I also learn that you are not married (!!) and plus, your avatar is not sex-free as Milo’s profile stated for a long time
So, dear Milo, I find it quite disturbing that you post on this forum, using your alt’s name (someone tell me what’s so appealing about alts in a virtual environment?), speaking of “truth” and “truthful facts”.
Please explain, so we can set common ground here, what is your understanding about TRUTH. And, please: don’t include any divine concepts there, since I am an atheist.
Then, maybe, I will be able to answer Maid’s question.
Or, maybe, you will find the answer within.
Verbum meum pactum,
Maid Hand
Jun 13th, 2007
dear eyeroller or heartun/ouchquack with a different hat on, i stated quite clearly who heartun’s little rant was aimed at? please read things properly before dribbling your brain matter onto your keyboard. as for publishing the rest? i am leaving that to heartun to do when he/she follows through with her meagre pastiche of a threat.
dear kryss, you have long known me as milo, albeit as my vacuous and fairweather friend, and you would have known me just as long as maid also, IF i considered it worth telling you (as i have all my other friends from violet) but you never warranted the information. your flaming here just proves i made the right decision. i have posted here using BOTH names, please see the above advice about reading before dribbling…and,um, what divine concepts? who cares what your religion is or isn’t? there’s inane irrelevance for you dear.
vacca feoda
Deploring Eyeroller
Jun 13th, 2007
Let’s put this in a way that even your inept pea brain can grasp. This is NOT a place for you to air your tawdry little arguments with Heartun/Ouchquack or whatever his/her name is.
So, she blew you off, who can blame her? You are upset and angry because you didn’t get to masturbate over your keyboard and thus didn’t use your special “happy sock”.
There is always another time dear Milo/Maid. In fact, I’d be more than willing to participate in a little menage a toir with you and Lucky as long as I can post it in the comments section here in a totally unrelated article. If that is ok by you?
Incidentally, I am deeply surprised you have any friends at all in Violet, what 40 year old man feels the need to and I quote here “headbut” and bully other SL users? Why would anyone want to be around someone like that? I haven’t been to Violet in some time and will probably give it a miss if that is the sort of “adult” behaviour one can expect.
Clean your act up and your undies.