Attack–I Mean Educational Seminar on Ravenglass

by prokofy on 02/07/07 at 11:00 pm


By Random Unsung, Dept. of Barn Doors of Perception Left Open After Horses of Delusion Are StolenLsd_2

{Herald stringer Aging Hippie Random Unsung has filed an interesting follow-up story to the whole Woodbury U saga, but I’ve had to do a little editing, as the old goat has been hitting the window pane hard again–Prokofy Neva.}

There I was, reading about the casinos back again Serious Games which we have now in Second Life, like the one called 12 Monkey Gaming that has advertised its new services with a $250,000 Linden classified ad a grant from a prestigious foundation no doubt to do research, when suddenly, my IM window was leaving the most gorgeous multicoloured trails blinking.

I turned down “Black Peter” on my speakers and headed over to Ravenglass, which minutes before, the Lindens had just been brought back from down-hood after suddenly and mysteriously crashing hours before. A griefer posing as a tenant named Runny Panacek was in a panic, telling me a griefing attack an educational seminar was underway! I arrived to find epic oldbie Bonecrusher Slate’s garage in Ravenglass in a flurry of particles, weaponry, and heavily-decked and laggy avatars. At the center of the chaos, tossing her long, alternately red and blonde flexiprim hair, was Tizzers Foxchase, clearly orchestrating the griefing leading the educational field trip. Her partner, Runny, decked in a quasi-Nazi post-modern Godwinian outfit was flying around apparently cooperating with being victimized by the griefers. “Well,” sez I to meself, “This is clearly a fake stunt class essay exercise designed to appear as if these people have nothing to do with griefing exemplify the creative outlets of Second Life”. The following pictures are Not Safe for Work Illustrate the Wonders of the Human Body Which We Should Acknowledge as Precious and Beautiful.


I pushed my wire-rim glasses up my nose, and dodged the nasty helpful comments about me having a male avatar and allegedly wacking off to it. I noticed that the 12 people here swirling around Tizzers, at the center of the storm, were a *different* 12 people than have been mentioned before, which only proves that this is a systematic and planned group conspiracy there are still 178 other Woodbury members who are innocent.


I took names, and tried to eject some of the people, as they were starting to be annoying useful contacts I could learn more from. As often happens in these situations, I kept getting that wierd error message, “You are not the owner of this land” when I tried to eject some of them, which is no doubt a hack paralyzing the normal SL viewer they’ve cooked up with libsl’s help a useful deterrent to overaggressive evil landlord obstruction to freedom of movement.



Here are some of the names, I couldn’t catch all of them: Tizzers Foxchase, Dicky Pink, Daeynaries Lane, Aruk Barbosa, Iddoh Korobase, Kurtis Anatine, Jeeves Lazarno, Nidol Slazar, Thrax Trilam.

The dialogue was offensive instructional, Tizzers was front and center aiding and abetting the griefers by her presence and support giving a lecture on land valuation and ontological displacement of the self in virtualized encounters, when suddenly I noticed a typical racist PN Jellowned texture particle blast a work of art celebrating the African-American people’s contribution to world culture go out over the entire sim of Ravenglass. I hurried over to the stores of my tenants, closing them to business, unfortunately, until I could get at the particle problems. Some tenants began to gather behind me in alarm; one who was trying to join the group and new was upset that he couldn’t join, as I was forced to temporarily close the group.


Soon, Runny was whipping out a giant, ugly, flexiprim dong, an anatomically correct visual aid for a lesson on virtual property of the kind Lecktor Hannibal griefs does webinars with.


The visual aid kept flopping around and was really gross and disgusting educational and helpful.
Runny, who said he was Tizzers “Star Wars RP partner” and that’s why he was in the SL partner box, was riding it around obscenely tactfully illustrating the land values lecture.

I IM’d Interlibber to tell him he was a gullible old fool [have we checked with L yet on whether we can run with this?--PN] and he should come see his girlfriend fellow Hope Capital investor. He flew into a fit about being married in RL and not related to Tizzers, and claimed that the entire pack of griefing fucktards Digital Arts students were in face homeless legitimately stripped of their griefing land space and needed to have a new country declared at the UN for them called /b/tardestine.



As I watched the spinning coloured acid flowers remainders of the Jellowned particle blast float delightfully over Ravenglass, I wondered if I should abuse report these peeps. Prokofy had started a rule that we could not longer abuse report the b-tards or anybody because we have our own Police Blotter now. However, excepts were made once already for griefing in the Ross infohub on Linden Land. Since these grieftards students were now all on the Linden road out of Ravenglass carrying on with a giant dick and particles and stuff, educational aids, it seemed normal to AR them praise the Lindens for providing additional educational opportunities for the dear ones in Ravenglass, even after their beloved Woodbury U sim was removed from them for cause in a gross violation of human rights that Mark Wallace has gotten completely wrong in his 3-PointD story utterly condemned.


There was some proof that these peeps are racist and intolerant griefers an extended literary and cultural discussion in the chat log:

[15:50] Daeynaries Lane: ITS SUM HULAS
[15:50] Aruk Barbosa: Lulz
[15:50] Nidol Slazar: What about me?
[15:50] Aruk Barbosa: It’s sum faggotry
[15:51] Nidol Slazar: Who is that fgt?
[15:51] Aruk Barbosa: SO DAEY
[15:51] Aruk Barbosa: Wanna have an internet wedding too?
[15:51] Daeynaries Lane: YES BITCH TITS
[15:51] Daeynaries Lane: HELLZ NO
[15:51] Daeynaries Lane: YOU CAN DIE
[15:51] Aruk Barbosa: NO
[15:51] Daeynaries Lane: DIE DIE DIE DIE
[15:51] Dicky Pink: NIG-UHRS
[15:51] Aruk Barbosa: LOL
[15:52] Kiddoh Korobase: I thought Prok was a lady D:
[15:52] Kiddoh Korobase: I see an old dude
[15:52] Nidol Slazar: lol that’s Prok?..
[15:52] Dicky Pink: NO GURLS ON INTERNET
[15:52] Dicky Pink: HEY
[15:52] Kiddoh Korobase: huh
[15:52] Nidol Slazar: She can’t hear us.
[15:53] Dicky Pink: ass
[15:53] Aruk Barbosa: Lmao
[15:53] Kiddoh Korobase: We’re on mute? D:
[15:53] Dragonlady Dyrssen is Online
[15:53] Aruk Barbosa: Are you serious?
[15:53] Aruk Barbosa: Why does she have a male toon?
[15:53] Aruk Barbosa: Does she wack to it?
[15:53] Nidol Slazar: Yes, you can’t hear people that are banned from a land
[15:53] Nidol Slazar: If you’re on it
[15:53] Aruk Barbosa: LMAO
[15:53] Kiddoh Korobase: You think she’ll write an E-Story about it? :D
[15:53] Nidol Slazar: Someone put up Goatse
[15:54] Adriana Mimistrobell: your aids is making my sl crash
[15:54] Kiddoh Korobase: ooooh, she mentioned my name too! :D
[15:55] Aruk Barbosa: GUYS
[15:55] Aruk Barbosa: IMMA GREIFERSSSS
[15:55] Aruk Barbosa: UR WEBS
[15:55] Kiddoh Korobase: I’m on her e-grass with my grayscale Bridget shoes :O
[15:55] Nidol Slazar: lmao
[15:55] Dicky Pink: YESSSSS
[15:55] Daeynaries Lane: IS THAT SUM COSBYS?
[15:55] Kurtis Anatine: OUR COSBY WILL BLOT OUT THE SUN


It was 40 Years Ago Today…


66 Responses to “Attack–I Mean Educational Seminar on Ravenglass”

  1. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 4th, 2007

    Here’s a new griefing group whose members let you understand why they are posting the way they are here — they are all part of the Woodbury Conspiracy. The group is called The Prokofy Fan Club.

    Janelle Kyomoon
    Kraut Rodenberger
    Tizzers Foxchasge
    Nidol Slazar
    Lungs Heron
    Runny Panacek
    Jim Schack
    Kurtis Anatine
    Tayste Waydelich
    Windowlic Klaar
    Jeeves Lazarno

    As you can see, some of them were identified with the griefing posse that came with Tizzers to grief Ravenglass last night.

    This is the usual M.O. of the v-5 grouping, which always does the exact same boring thing so predictably that they easily out themselves as the new alts of the same old people, sending the same lame notecards, objects, making the same obsessive Prokofy groups, etc.

    If Tizzers is “doing her best” to stop griefing, weed it out, expel that “10 percent of griefers” etc. — why does she keep forming groups like this? Why did — weeks ago, before I’d ever heard of her — she formed the “anti-voter 5″ group pretending to be “against” griefers and claiming falsely to be “endorsed” by Prokofy Neva? It’s all so predictable, obvious, lame, and retarded but most people just don’t bother to look up and see — oh, it’s the same old people again, very same ones, the ones that go back even before Satyr, to Baku.

  2. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 4th, 2007

    >You picked out one part of a huge conversation and use it to explain the whole thing. perhaps if you included the whole log you might add a whole new view to it :O god forbid anything other than the chatter by the more.. excitible ones. and the best part, by me being in this article, you seem to have labeld the ones simply observing as greafers, me and a fiew others were just there to watch. so, im guessing in your little world any newbie who walks into your area while its being “greafed” is suddenly a greafer

    Well, one thing we can be sure of, you’re not a speller, whatever you are!

    And duh, if you pal around and chat and hang with the griefers? That would do it. The old “guilt by association,” hmmm? I’d encourage you to publish any fuller chat lots that you think might exonerate you, and also encourage you to sign up two friends to endorse any further claim of falsehood on my part.

  3. Janelle Kyomoon

    Jul 4th, 2007

    Wow I am now in a “griefer group” and at the top of the list no less. So Miss Prokofy, what proof do you have that I have griefed. I BELONG to a group, therefore I must be a griefer right??? Wow Prokofy just wow…. I guess now I’m going to get lumped in with Tizzers as orchestrating these griefing attacks even though I HAVE NEVER particpated in a griefing attack EVER. Guess I pushed your buttons really good so now I’m automatically labeled a griefer b/c I challenged you on a virtual news article and I belong to a group. I LOVE your facts Prokofy! BWAHAHAHAHA. I don’t have to worry about watching any comedy tonight b/c I’m getting my “lulz” from you.

    If greifing includes making clothing in Second Life I guess we must all fear the tailors of Second Life now. OMG, THEY ARE GOING TO GRIEF US WITH THEIR PRIM SKIRTS… Get your facts straight Prokofy. I HAVE never griefed and never will. Have I EVER been at one of these so called griefing attacks? NO I haven’t because I am not a griefer. I am a student and a mother who thinks its hiliarous that these kids have found your button and know how to push it OVER and OVER again.

    Congrats Prokofy… you are an amazing journalist who KNOWS all the facts! I think the National Enquirer is calling with an opening for someone just like you.

  4. HazimGazovX

    Jul 4th, 2007


  5. HazimGazovX

    Jul 4th, 2007

    Also, don’t be a dick, Alamarecha formed Anti-Voter 5 and you know it. Tizzers isn’t even high up in Voter 5 >:-/

  6. Why Bother

    Jul 4th, 2007

    I’m starting to believe that Intlibber and Jim Schack need to be cleaned off the grid as well. They seem to be doing more damage now then good. One seems believe that since he’s some kind of SL mogul that he can do what he wants when he wants, the other is the mogul’s protected lackey who believes he is infallible. They’ve gotten drunk with power and are now corrupted.

    I swear every time these two post more and more their credibility is further flushed down the toilet.

  7. WitnessXXX

    Jul 4th, 2007


    I got more Xs than you :P


    @Janelle Kyomoon

    You’re starting to sound more and more like your average /b/tard or PN. Either your true colors are starting to show through your or psyops is starting to weaken and you can’t keep it up. Eh my assumption could be wrong.

    By the way Janelle, you are griefing now in a sense and/or merely becoming a massive troll thereby kinda negating the points, valid or otherwise, you tried to make in any or your posts.

  8. Reality

    Jul 4th, 2007

    “And duh, if you pal around and chat and hang with the griefers? That would do it. The old “guilt by association,” hmmm?”

    Doesn’t fly in real life dearie and doesn’t fly here either. This isn’t Grammar School anymore dearie.

    “I’d encourage you to publish any fuller chat lots that you think might exonerate you,”

    Chat logs are meaningless, subjective things dearie.

    “and also encourage you to sign up two friends to endorse any further claim of falsehood on my part.”

    Dearie? You don’t get to dictate any sort of ‘rules’ here, you do not own the site. Even if you did you would still be called on your cowardly bullshit excuses.

    I also see you are still attempting to pass your opinions off as facts dearie. I’d love to see you attempt to do such a thing in any normal venue – you know, the ones where you’d be laughed at and told you need more than a belief to back your claims up.

  9. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jul 4th, 2007


    “Here’s a new griefing group whose members let you understand why they are posting the way they are here — they are all part of the Woodbury Conspiracy. The group is called The Prokofy Fan Club.”


    We did it because we knew you’d make this exact post. You reacted exactly as we wanted to react: By yelling “GWIEFER GWEIFER GWEIFER!”

  10. Scout Detritus

    Jul 4th, 2007

    Was the bubbly kept chill while you were in Ravenglass?

  11. Nidol Slazar

    Jul 4th, 2007

    Thrax and Alyx are right. It’s entertaining to see your responses, especially since you make such absurd theories and such far out assumptions. I’m going to tell you the exact truth about this event, take it as you will. Only one person used the Jell-owned particle emitter, and this was after you decided to kick us all out because you hold this mortal grudge against anything even remotely related to Woodbury. The rest of us were just sitting around and talking, mainly about you because you make us laugh so much. I actually don’t care that I was kicked and banned from your land. I don’t think any of us do. You’ve tarnished our names, claim that we are apart of the PN (which is funny, considering they orchestrate their meetings over Ventrilo and NOT Second Life) and put us down to the lowest. But we don’t care because you’re just some random old crazy lady most people don’t listen to. What do you think we did at Woodbury all day? Sit around, chatting to each other about the next best way to crash the grid and make the furries get angry at us? Give me a break.

  12. LMAO

    Jul 4th, 2007

    You know, some people pass their time, when they’re this old and senile…with mamacre, knitting..and basket weaving.

    Prok here continues to go off the deep end, yelling about racial stereotypes when that fad was stupid from day one..and going off on people she has a clear bias against. Can she get any more retarded before they cart him/her off to the old folks home?

    Lets find out! Calling this waste of ladyness a lady, much less a reporter, is like calling Elton John a straight man. It seems you have recieved a paper! You can’t even report your way out of that. Big suprise.

  13. Janelle Kyomoon

    Jul 4th, 2007

    >>>@Janelle Kyomoon

    You’re starting to sound more and more like your average /b/tard or PN. Either your true colors are starting to show through your or psyops is starting to weaken and you can’t keep it up. Eh my assumption could be wrong.

    By the way Janelle, you are griefing now in a sense and/or merely becoming a massive troll thereby kinda negating the points, valid or otherwise, you tried to make in any or your posts.

    So my dear WitnessX… that makes you and dear Prokofy griefers too *omgshock* I have merely stated FACTS. Yes I have posted in these news articles. You my dear along with Prokofy have posted just as much so I guess that negates your facts too. Seeing as Prokofy never even states the facts anyway. She got upset because someone made a group that poked fun at her and immediately puts me at the top of the list and marks me as a griefer. Good day Witness X

  14. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 4th, 2007

    >We did it because we knew you’d make this exact post. You reacted exactly as we wanted to react: By yelling “GWIEFER GWEIFER GWEIFER!

    And um… I was wrong lol? I believe sunlight is the best disinfectant. This list of people claim they are engaged in workshops to help people in Darfur with photography exhibits and a project on homelessness in LA. Erm…where is it? How does that relate to releasing Jellowned textures on the Ravenglass road?

    These retards always chortle to themselves that they are “playing” me, but again, if you want to get rid of bugs, shine some light on them. Now everybody gets it. They get who these people are posting here — they’re in on the conspiracy.

    The lovely Janelle came and rented in Ravenglass today because Woodbury was seized. Now I ask you…do real students and real professors really interested in intellectual and academic pursuits, who claim they enjoy the intellectuals’ cafe life cross the entire grid of 8000 sims and find some cheap rental in Ravenglass to rent in order to annoy and provoke? Of course not. So we see through this.

    Not a single one of the people here, Tizzers first and foremost, and Professor Clift at the get-go, can show us a website, a reading list, a group of essays, a peer-reviewed published paper in this field — *anything* but a lot of stupid, juvenile, assanine griefing tricks.

  15. WitnessX

    Jul 5th, 2007

    >So my dear WitnessX… that makes you and dear Prokofy griefers too *omgshock* I have merely stated FACTS. Yes I have posted in these news articles. You my dear along with Prokofy have posted just as much so I guess that negates your facts too. Seeing as Prokofy never even states the facts anyway. She got upset because someone made a group that poked fun at her and immediately puts me at the top of the list and marks me as a griefer. Good day Witness X

    Um no. No where are you stating facts. You are stating an OPINION just the same as I am stating an OPINION. I am but one WitnessX if another is trolling you, hey, take it up with that one, good luck sorting us all out though.

  16. HazimGazovX

    Jul 6th, 2007

    This bores even me, just stfu already, prok.

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