Woodbury: University or Conspiracy?

by Pixeleen Mistral on 08/07/07 at 5:25 pm

by Janelle Kyomoon, former Woodbury University visitor

the lost SL campus of Woodbury University

Woodbury University, a liberal arts college located in Burbank, California, has been the heated subject of controversy since the conception of its virtual campus in March of 2007. The finger has been pointed at Woodbury for being a conspiracy and cover-up for recent griefer activity. What was the initial plan for Woodbury University in Second Life? Was it just a haven for griefers, or did legitimate educational activities ever occur?

In the spring of 2007, Woodbury’s school Media, Culture, and Design offered an experimental communications course under the title CO-3714 Virtual Worlds. This course was designed to study the culture of the internet, and interact with it via the metaverse that we all know as Second Life.

The first Woodbury campus was designed in a terracotta, Moroccan theme and housed a large auditorium, a student store, and a media culture building. The auditorium was used for several scholastic events, including a biography presentation of visionary Leo Bronstein. Students from Woodbury met at the campus twice a week to creatively collaborate on designs, and experience virtual interaction.

In order to keep the highly-stylized designs of the campus uncluttered, a student sandbox was created below the campus. The students began using this free area as more of a “cultural” sandbox rather than a technical one. Students posted different humorous images from the internet and used it as their place to hang out in the metaverse. Many of these images originated from the website 4chan.org which almost instantly attracted the attention of other 4chan fans. I am not one that openly agrees with some of the things done by the 4channers or /b/tards as they are called but they usually kept to themselves in the sandbox and in one instance where one of the few did come over to grief me and they were quickly ejected and banned from the area.

Woodbury’s open door policy had pluses and minues – like SL itself

Due to Woodbury’s open-door policy in the cultural sandbox, many users took advantage of this in a positive manner, and others abused it. The day that the Patriotic Nigra were tipped off to the existence of what they dubbed “The Shrine” is the day trouble began for the school. The sim was crashed repeatedly, which immediately drew the attention of the Lindens and anti-griefing groups such as the JLU. The first campus was deleted by the Lindens under the assumption that it was a stronghold for the PN, rather than a legitimate university.

the Justice League’s Woodbury files

The school was able to phone Linden Labs and explain the situation, but the damage to the sim was permanent. The new “downtown Los Angeles” themed campus was quickly reconstructed with the assistance of many sympathetic users from the university and 4chan. In order to prevent further griefing attacks, the “Woodbury University” group was formed with exclusive build and scripts rights being given to it.

Es wäre doch schön…

Student activities and learning did take place at Woodbury University. One only has to look so far to see so. Lynn Insoo, a metaversal visionary and immersive 3D specialist, was able to display his amazing 360 degree photos and video at the Lucid Exhibition within the Woodbury sim. His work drew high-profile users to WU, including no less than 5 Lindens. He was also included in the German publication Hello Second Life, praising his accomplishments at Woodbury. Lynn even named off many Lindens that visited the Woodbury campus to see exhibit as witnessed in chat logs I have of him speaking with Tizzers Foxchase:

Lynn Insoo: I actually remember bringing Jack to see the exhibit at Woodbury.
Tizzers Foxchase: Was it true you brought Philip Rosedale to the exhibition?
Lynn Insoo: There were several Lindens brought there. Jack, Glenn, Matthew, Which and Qarl Linden.
Lynn Insoo: All found the research interesting and were glad to see such work being done on campus.
Lynn Insoo: I never showed Philip Rosedale my work personally.

Woodbury also housed a movie studio on the campus for the students interested in film creation. The studio focused on the art of Machinima, bringing real world filming techniques into a virtual space. Several sets were constructed including a Back to the Future themed set, a green-screen sound stage, and a Soviet nuclear submarine from Hunt for Red October.

Woodbury University was an open canvas that allowed students from other schools to come and try their hand in this virtual world, I being one of them. Since my earlier years I have been fascinated by fashion and the work that goes into, specifically costumes or cosplay. Having made many of my own costumes and outfits in my First Life, I saw Second Life and Woodbury as an outlet to express ideas in fashion and costuming. Woodbury University allowed me a space to work with prims and other options to fully express myself creatively in the virtual world so that I may carry it back into my first life. My use of the prims were purely basic and simple use to obtain a style of look and clothing and still is. I started off reading blogs and looking in the beginners area of Second Life. Woodbury gave me a place to freely express my ideas without putting down a ton of money to have a place to store some of the prim objects I was using.


Woodbury was not a haven for griefers. It was not a conspiracy. Woodbury University broke the mold of traditional educational methods in Second Life. An environment such as Second Life has become an immense opportunity for small schools such as WU, allow them to compete with larger players (such as Harvard). Woodbury has continually managed to remain the #1 most visited real life educational spot in Second Life with a daily traffic average of 10,000.

76 Responses to “Woodbury: University or Conspiracy?”

  1. anon

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Seriously, I believe a the University needs to seek damages from Linden. And in my opinion they would be highly entitled to it.

  2. Daman Tenk

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Thanks for your view on the whole thing that went on around the university. It’s sad to see a place like you describe go because some griefers are on the land.

  3. urizenus

    Jul 8th, 2007

    >university or conspiracy?

    Can’t it be both?

  4. thrax

    Jul 8th, 2007

    oh no, but remember? we are all alts. and all greafers.

    no, but sereously its about time someone focused on what happend above ground. some of that stuff was pretty amazing. the quake 4 3d image was particualry interesting, i dont even know how he did that one. and one cannot forget the d&d club we had working for a fiew weeks before the sim was deleted. we built and set up stages to play on, costumes, and even wepons to work with. but because this WAS a open area, it attraced people of all types. just like any open place would. and they were usualy delt with if they were dicks in sim.

  5. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Virtual Woodbury University is indeed a conspiracy, a project with criminal intent, part of whose methods consist of deliberately misrepresenting, lying about, and distracting from its criminal essence.

    Anyone who can look you in the eye, bat their eyelashes, and lay on utter crap about being a lover of “Japanese images” in 4/chan, but not be in any way related to the vicious, violent, and nihilst culture it represents is indeed sinister and is indeed engaged in conspiracy to defraud people. That was the case in April; it’s the case now.

    If you accept these bland and banal pronunciations as the truth, you deserve to have your sim crashed.

    If this Lynn Insoo, who really have any Google cred that I can establish, is some sort of legitimate art project — great! But it’s the sort of legitimate or semi-legitimate stuff that these deliberate griefers have mixed in with their other malevolent acts to give it credibility.

    The idea that you can celebrate 4/chan; pretend you only pick out the good creative stuff from it (rolls eyes) or that somethingawful.com and all it spawns is creative and not malevolent is one that these terrorists love to give legs and spread as a meme. They’d love to portray their efforts as sincere, educational, and innocent, and that only a few bad eggs crept into their sandbox.

    But anybody with half a brain can see how easy it is to give the lie to this.

    Why is it that their sandbox just never gets under control? Why is it that they keep forming deliberate griefing groups? Why are they seen again and again at the scenes of crimes, crashing grids, like at the SL birthday party? Why do they all keep migrating to Ravenglass to crash my sims and harass my tenants? Why do they keep getting banned, even when I cease to report them? Why do the Lindens even end up finally having to confiscate their sim?

    These questions simply aren’t answered with the false and specious invocation of an ideal like “bans can’t silence ideas”. Um, bans can suppress malevolent, criminal conspiracies which shouldn’t pretend they are about ideas, when their “idea” is in fact criminal conspiracy.

    Where is the idea here? It’s the Big Lie. The claim that “we are about art and culture” when in fact the message is “we are about hiding behind art and culture to perpetrate violence, chaos, disruption, and terrorism.”

    Has no one asked why, if this story of Woodbury is true, Tizzers Foxchanse has lost her RL job at Woodbury?

    Woodbury is a small experimental college of 1,500. Like any such thing, it has a lot of extremists, Marxists, goofballs, and incompetents.

    Where is the course readings assignments for this course? Why is there no website for it? Why does Prof. Clift have nothing that even explains it, or contains any of his publications? Why, when googled, do we come up with only one publication to this guy’s name, which is about “anxient” and “hyper-capitalism” (*rolls eyes*).

    Why are none of the other educational leaders of Second Life coming forward and speaking about this incident as some kind of “horror” that is about “abuse of academic freedom”?

    >The new “downtown Los Angeles” themed campus was quickly reconstructed with the assistance of many sympathetic users from the university and 4chan. In order to prevent further griefing attacks, the “Woodbury University” group was formed with exclusive build and scripts rights being given to it.

    This sentence alone contains many laughable internal contradictions, but I think it’s helpful to point out that when this “good-willed group” was reconstituted, it formed “Woodbury University Security” which contained none other than Mudkips and Hazim Gazov in it. I mean, really, they must think people forget stuff like this, or forget that these people were banned by the Lindens for cause.

    I’ve also asked the highly pertinent question of where Janelle’s clothing designs are. Usually people, even of the most humble sort starting out, make little malls or stores or vendors or something in their “picks”. They have at least a girlfriend who puts out a vendor of theirs — something! Janelle has nothing. And when quizzed, she says “all my designs are in RL where I intend to use them” as an “alibi”. Huh?

    < Lynn even named off many Lindens that visited the Woodbury campus to see exhibit as witnessed in chat logs I have of him speaking with Tizzers Foxchase:

    Hmm, I'd expect a more accurate rendering than hearsay.

    >Lynn Insoo: I actually remember bringing Jack to see the exhibit at Woodbury.
    Tizzers Foxchase: Was it true you brought Philip Rosedale to the exhibition?
    Lynn Insoo: There were several Lindens brought there. Jack, Glenn, Matthew, Which and Qarl Linden.

    Apparently even this list of Lindens wasn’t enough to save it. In the end, it was the *Lindens* who confiscated back the island. Hello? I mean, unless we are to posit some deeply-divided faction within the Linden camp (and I actually suspect that we *can*), I’m not sure this flies. I dno’t see any of these Lindens rushing to let it be known that they think some awful act of suppression of academic freedom has occurred.

    Woodbury is — was and always shall be — a stronghold for the PNs. For that, you have only to look at MC Fizgig’s profile, which contains a picture of the Pool’s Out guy with the big Afro in a parade through the Woodbury sim. Nobody who was busy trying to weed out the PN griefers and racists from WU’s ranks would be *featuring them* in his own profile.

    There are many, many other questions to be asked; many pieces of evidence one can put together to show that this is a conspiracy to commit griefing and try to get it blessed as art.

    This is a real struggle in the Metaverse, not a trivial one, and when the Metaverse becomes a place where the jackboot in the form of the texture particle blast comes down on your face over and over again, for eternity, you can remember what I’ve always said: it all began at Woodbury U.

  6. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 8th, 2007

    >but because this WAS a open area, it attraced people of all types. just like any open place would. and they were usualy delt with if they were dicks in sim.

    Yep, just like YOU showed up with the posse to grief Ravenglass and were banned.

    Are you any relation to Thrax Linden?

  7. WitnessX

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Nice fluff piece. Nice use of JLU stuff that was obtained ILLEGALLY. Nice that you didn’t include Tizzers posts on the PN forums or PN IRC convos under her “Tizzykips” handle.

    We don’t doubt that Woodbury is an actual, and great, University in RL.

    This has nothing to do with RL and everything to do with went on at Woodbury in SL. Everyone keeps dodging the fact that the Lindens must had enough reason to rid the grid of Woodbury it wasn’t on a whim.

    I deem parts of this article as biased and not showing the whole picture. It’s mostly what went on above ground, and barely goes into what went on below ground at Woodbury.

    Besides, there’s still that JLU wiki picture that was ILLEGALLY obtained when the PN hacked one of their members accounts and in that case why not show the data they have on Tizzers when she posted on the PN forums and KNEW very well what the PN were doing? Jannelle we know you are biased when it comes to this issue, this piece should have been done by an unbiased person not attached to Woodbury or anything involved.

  8. Khamon

    Jul 8th, 2007

    It’ve been nice if Woodbury could’ve hosted their own sim software and cleared accounts with registration and employment records. The learning would still be happening.

  9. Kryss Wanweird

    Jul 8th, 2007

    >>university or conspiracy?

    >Can’t it be both?

    According to logic, yes. ==> T or T = T or F = F or T = T

    If the propositions were mutually exclusive, then, a “xor” would have to be used in place of “or”. (T xor T = F)

  10. Dr. Timothy Reallyleary

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Oh, come on. I thought you and your tiny minority groups wore out your shit-spouts on the last couple articles’ comments posts janelle. Still taking the internets too seriously?

    If you hang with crackheads, don’t be surprised to find that you too are labeled a crackhead. If you harbor crackheads at your house – don’t cry when the law comes jack-booting the door down.

    You hate being labeled “Guilty By Association” don’t you? Hmmmm, How could you avoid guilt by association? Let’s see, by whining that 99 percent of the population is misinterpreting the literal laws of society, and wouldn’t it be easier if (as Bender from Futurama said), “everybody else were welded to the wall instead of me?”

    Or could you avoid guilt by association by NOT ASSOCIATING with them? Perhaps you might try studying garment making by taking a few of the classes offered in SL, or making friends with and observing some of the real progressive fashion designers in SL?

    As an outside observer on this story, you look to me like a “high-eschelon” griefer. There’s no proof whatsoever that you’re not using an alt here to hide your griefer alts. No proof that you were there simply to “study clothes making” and “play with your prims”. And if so – what have you lost? Is there absolutely no place else in SL that you can study clothes and play with prims (besides Prok’s rentals)?

    And speaking of Prok’s rentals – the fact that, as soon as “Griefer U” was shut down, you trudged straight to Prok’s place in a blatant infiltration attempt to grief her place? Pretty ballsy for a “good girl” like you.

    But oh no you wouldn’t do something like that you innocent little sweetie, that would never occur to you – you just want to play with your prims don’tcha? Yeah. Good Girl. Right.

    Dude, listen – you and your weeny friends have lost any credibility (and hiding behind a female alt doesn’t elicit any sympathy here). From what I have read in these posts, Woodbury seems to be no more than a school for santorum feltching, minimum wage graduates, impotent anarchist wanna-bees, and other various and sundry social degenerates. The faculty speaks with the professionalism of a forum post troll, and Burbank, as a city, ranks right up there with having genital warts removed with a hot knife.

    This is the impression you guys have given outside observers of this “university”. WTG – Be true to your school!

    Makes me wonder – if Woodbury offers asylum for these kinds of people in a simple online game, what kinds of REAL anarchy/terror groups do they harbor in RL? What does THEIR underground bunker look like in RL? Are they studying clothing and playing with cardboard boxes down there too?

    Dude, you’ve ruined a school’s reputation – if that was the goal you intended, you’ve done a great job. Any parent considering enrolling their kid as a student there would do well to find this episode in their research. Look at what happened to Rochdale College when they let the “anarchists” take over. It went from a free-thought utopia straight to a crackhouse in the span of a few short years (maybe months). And by saying it turned into a crackhouse I do not exaggerate – it turned into a place to buy crack off of street-thugs and nothing more.

    Only Woodbury will probably go the cheap meth route, as crack is old-school by now and you guys are progressive, right?

    So face it. You and your little internet buddies screwed yourselves (and any innocent friends they may have had there), got your school banned and defamed in the eyes of the majority of people here, and have nobody but your own selves to blame, …and now you’re crying for sympathy (and a rent refund) while STILL griefing people. Boo-hoo.

    No 3-D Metaverse Future for Woodbury. Not yours. Go make your machinima in Sims Online from now on. Just don’t let it interfere with your “extra-curricular activities” like studying clothing in the meth lab.

  11. Anonymous

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Sad thing is, the lindens just want large scale models that no one can touch for display that makes their world look pretty. “LOOK! REAL COLLEGES USE US FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES!”

    educational how? as in you know what the campus looks like or know that school exists now?

    with woodbury you could actually learn how to make things.

    Yeah we did have our share of retards who came in and caused problems, but we usually kicked them out or asked them to go elsewhere (usually first)

    some of them thought it was funny to test their shit out on the sim. Somehow, we were blamed for this. Which is why I think either the lindens wanted: A) scapegoat for the 4th birthday bash attack, which seems likely as the admin was banned that weekend and the campus got fucked up by a furry griefer who infiltrated the group and gained trust, it should be noted he had connections with certain lindens who wanted to see woodbury burn.

    Then suddenly after the bash, the sim gets deleted for supporting griefers and troublemaking. It seems a bit unusual. Thing is, if this is how Linden Labs treats its customers, then here’s to any competition that will destroy them in the future.

    If there’s any conspiracy at all, I believe it would be the people who are doing everything in their power to tarnish the school’s reputation on SL and in reality, and make its life on SL a living nightmare.

  12. Anonymous

    Jul 8th, 2007

    To Prokofy Neva:
    quoted: “Virtual Woodbury University is indeed a conspiracy, a project with criminal intent, part of whose methods consist of deliberately misrepresenting, lying about, and distracting from its criminal essence.”

    I must ask that you cite your source of credible information for this libelous allegation.

  13. anon

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Posted Above:

    “Which is why I think either the lindens wanted: A) scapegoat for the 4th birthday bash attack,”

    I thought about this as well. Funny Linden can shut a sim down and run people off for not being able, or not taking the necessary precautions against the issues, while yet Linden cannot even run a successful birthday party without having their own sims terrorized. The point being, Linden needs to clean up their own garbage before making such accusations as they have with Woodbury. Anshe Chung cannot be interviewed without being griefed with dancing dildos, Linden cannot provide an event without
    the griefing issues, and Linden blames a single “private” sim.

    Looks to me like Linden just does what Linden wants. They do no better at keeping the negative activity out than anyone else does.

    This would make a great court case. Hopefully the University would shove this one right up Linden’s ass.

  14. Alyx Stoklitsky

    Jul 8th, 2007

    “Besides, there’s still that JLU wiki picture that was ILLEGALLY obtained when the PN hacked one of their members accounts”

    Get your facts right buddy – no hacking was done whatsoever in order to obtain that image. When viewing the JLU’s wiki in IE7, it automatically logged you in as the last active account.

    So there goes your hacking theories.


    Woodbury? A PN stronghold? What do the PN need a stronghold for?

    Have you ever even seen the PN forums? They’re full of “DO NOT GO TO WOODBURY – IT’S A BANTRAP” threads.

  15. Your Sanity

    Jul 8th, 2007

    God you people are blind. I saw what went on at Woodbury. I witnessed many /b/tard related gatherings. I was even questioned many times by the PN that hid there, forcing me to answer their stupid Meme test.

    It was all 4chan related stuff down in that sandbox. Access to the sandbox was easy to find. All you had to do was fall through the floor next to a nicely displayed Palm Tree.
    Down below was an arsenal of griefer weapons and avatars. A sign towards the Pool of AIDS displayed proclaiming a new set of rules (thanks to the Lindens) that residence had to follow.

    And Tizzers allowed it. She proclaimed she was supportive of the PN and attacks on furries. And for the record I don’t care for the Furries and their weird fetish.

    I witnessed all this back in March I think. It was after my old avatar Napalm Vernon was deleted by LL for crap I had nothing to do with. I created avatar, I was not a griefer.
    But LL being the all wise ones, decided I was a threat to SL and the residents, all because of whom I socialized with. People who weren’t even in the PN. It’s just bs. And as far as I am concerned, Woodbury is guilty for harboring the PN. Damn me for not taking pictures.

  16. T. Waydelich

    Jul 8th, 2007

    To Prokofy Neva:
    Of what conspiracy to defraud people do you speak? This is quite honestly the first I have actually heard such allegations used in a context related to the current happenings of 4chan and Second Life that is not directed towards either you or Linden Labs.

    In terms of your own sims, and the suspected crashings caused by Woodbury University group members– have you reported the specific members who are suspect to have caused such crashes to the Woodbury University admins? I suspect that this would be of great use in either removing the people actually involved in such troubles from the group, or incriminating the group for the actions put forth by your allegations.

    To your query as to why Linden Labs repossessed the Woodbury area– was it not temporary? Is a presence not allowed back in once allegations were proved false? Additionally, was not the documented loss in fact the Woodbury sim itself? If a conspiracy, or group dedicated to griefing instead of education, were to have been found guilty, why was the group allowed–by Linden Labs– to remain existance?

    Why are the other educational leaders of Second Life coming forward to speak against this? Perhaps it is due to mass quantities of false or misleading allegations that remains, to date, wholly unsupported by any source of true credibility. Primary research beats second-hand gossip or libel any day, and sadly this remains largely unviable to the majority of the public.

  17. thrax

    Jul 8th, 2007

    “Are you any relation to Thrax Linden?”

    yes prok, im thrax lindens orginal account, they banned me from being a linden because i hung out around woodbury. *rolls eyes* dident i say something about this last time you asked me that? ffs im not thrax linden.

  18. NobodyImportant

    Jul 8th, 2007

    “WitnessX”, White Nationalist, or whatever you really are (I don’t really care anymore):
    “Besides, there’s still that JLU wiki picture that was ILLEGALLY obtained when the PN hacked one of their members accounts [...]”

    Actually, having been there when it happened, I’ll tell you right out there was no hacking going on.

    First of all: the JLU member Carigorp Matzerath is partially to blame for being a dumbass. You see, he used the same password for nearly everything on the internet he had.

    When he was found out, his password was used to get into his email account, SL account, everything – he wasn’t hacked, he was a dumbass to use the same password for everything as well as trying to be a spy.
    As far as I know, all his stuff’s been recovered. Hopefully he’s learned a lesson about passwords and playing “spy”.

    To put it bluntly, you’re suffering from the same problems any other online community faces when dealing with an incident of account “theft” – calling it hacking, even if it was password-guessing or lax password security.

    And by the way, access to the JLU Wiki was gained through a glitch in their Wiki software with Internet Explorer. Again, no hacking.

  19. thrax

    Jul 8th, 2007

    sorry for the double post, but i had to point this out “you can remember what I’ve always said: it all began at Woodbury U.”

    haha, thats a good one, because you yourself said that the w-hats and voter five were here before us, so, it realy would have started in saytr or earlier, now your just going back on yourself clearly trying to make WU look worse than it realy is….started in wu, what are you retarded? its been around in the internet WAY before wu or the others even! so when you die of old age and retardation, remember what i always said, your nuts prok.

  20. Intliber

    Jul 8th, 2007

    OH MY!

  21. Tizzers Foxchase

    Jul 8th, 2007

    WitnessX, that JLU article was obtained legally through Carigorp, in fact he sent it to me directly over Skype.

  22. Janelle Kyomoon

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Prokofy I will not respond to your silly conspiracy theories b/c they are just that.. theories. There are no fact behind them. I have provided proof of educational activities going on at Woodbury campus. You rant and rave of conspiracy and doom and none of it is true.

    But you did make one claim I will respond to. If you are so worried about my clothing. I do not sell it on SL b/c unlike you I do not want to turn a profit from SL. My attempts at clothing are for me. I do not think they are quality enough to be put out on the SL market. I am using it for my own purposes, don’t believe me? I’ll see you at the SLCC in an outfit modeled from one I am currently making in SL. I will bring the printed out proof with me to SLCC as well.

    Also you trust googling only for your basis of truth on Professor Clift and Lynn Insoo? So you base everything off the internet? Which in cases outside of SL have sometimes proven to be false?? Google is simply an algorithm which bases off how many sites are linked, most hits, etc. It simply checks groups backlinks to see what is deemed most important by how many times its linked. Bravo for quality fact checking Prok… bravo.

  23. Janelle Kyomoon

    Jul 8th, 2007

    To Dr. Timothy ReallyLeary, your response is simply laughable. Your response would sound somewhat intelligent if you didn’t continually shout crackhead, dude, and constantly refer to meth labs. You use drug references, but you use the name reference of a man who was known very well for his use of LSD. Of course yes he was a brilliant writer and psychologist but if you ask your everday Joe on the street who Timothy Leary is.. he automatically links it to LSD/acid.

    As far as me being a “good girl” I never claimed to be and I don’t want my money back from Prokofy. My renting there simple proves how prejudice and stuck to her conspiracy theories she is. What I will say in my defense is simply that I am there just to “play” with prims for my own personal use. I am not on Second Life to turn a profit.

  24. The One

    Jul 8th, 2007

    Prokofy, please do not attempt discredit those with some semblance of credit and stature if you have nothing other than your own words to base those claims on. If your words are indeed enough, read us the verifiable sources of your stature, and we will welcome you to this discussion.

    If you are to do battle with giants, give them the respect enough to let them, and the audience, know you adequate for their time.

  25. Jim Schack

    Jul 8th, 2007

    >The idea that you can celebrate 4/chan; pretend you only pick out the good creative stuff from it (rolls eyes) or that somethingawful.com and all it spawns is creative and not malevolent is one that these terrorists love to give legs and spread as a meme. They’d love to portray their efforts as sincere, educational, and innocent, and that only a few bad eggs crept into their sandbox.

    To think that once you visit a website that just passes around funny pictures is a conspiracy to destroy Second Life as we know it just shows the world how perposteriously ignorant you are. Even when Intlibber and I encountered our first PN account one of the things we had to learn is that PN are /b/tards but /b/tards ARE NOT PN. Sure women who hord cats liek you do can’t all be lumped into the same group you are. Crazy cat ladies the world over are asking me to not compair them to the likes of you.

    You are a shame, Prokofy. Total shame.

    Why is it that their sandbox just never gets under control?

    It was usually peaceful there about 95% of the time.

    >Why is it that they keep forming deliberate griefing groups?

    Ok, Straw man.

    >Why are they seen again and again at the scenes of crimes, crashing grids, like at the SL birthday party?

    Well you were at the SL4B, does that mean you crashed the grid? OHHH no because YOU can’t be in on the conspiracy, because it’s YOUR conspiracy.

    >Woodbury is — was and always shall be — a stronghold for the PNs

    If this doesn’t show you how stupid you are I don’t know what will. There’s no proof (and by proof I mean tangible evidence)that the PN was there for one. Secondly it is impossible for the PN to have a stronghold in WU neither now nor the future. Why? BECAUSE IT’S NOT EVEN THERE! Yes, the PN has a stronghold in an non existent simulator. BRILLIANT!

    >it all began at Woodbury U.

    PN were in SL long before WU ever thought about having a virtual campus, toots. That is just an outright lie if I have ever heard one. BnT’s first encounter with the PN when they crashed Lorrey came before WU came about.

    Prok, you are so full of crap it blows my mind. If not crap that just true lunacy. Please do us all a favor, and just just go away. Quit shooting yourself in the foot. You are an embarrassment to human civilization. Go back to drinking your whiter wine and soap operas and playing catch the turd with your cats.

  26. WitnessX

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Intlibber isn’t real, its an alt used by a PN to launder hacked sl money.

  27. FailX

    Jul 9th, 2007

    protip: Rule is that any PN that talks to or associates with WU gets b& from PN.

  28. BaconX

    Jul 9th, 2007

    “it all began at Woodbury U.”


  29. Janelle Kyomoon

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >>Jannelle we know you are biased when it comes to this issue, this piece should have been done by an unbiased person not attached to Woodbury or anything involved.

    So WitnessX, you think what Prokofy writes is unbiased????

    My point in this article was to show what went on above ground and at the ACTUAL educational part of the sim. I DO NOT condone griefing or the few griefers that actually got into Woodbury university. My point was to prove Prokofy and others claims WRONG. The fact that they claimed there was no educational activities at Woodbury. Well I have proved them wrong. I have used FACT to back up my claims, something that Prokofy knows little about. I did my research, even to the point of finding why the Woodbury sim was started in the first place. Something Prokofy REFUSED to do. She thinks Google is fact enough, well its not.

    The below ground area of the Woodbury was a small part of the sim. One actually did have to look for the area to actually be able to find it. I was on the above ground part of it for almost a month before Tizzers actually had to point the below ground sandbox to me.

  30. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >Have you ever even seen the PN forums? They’re full of “DO NOT GO TO WOODBURY – IT’S A BANTRAP” threads.

    Gosh, judging from the very thinned ranks of The Prokofy Fan Club, I’d say that was a bantrap too! But…it’s well known that the most common method used by Leninist propagandists is merely to repeat the opposite of the truth very loudly and many times over lol. “Gosh, somebody posted that it’s a b&trap so LAWL don’t go there!” Like…that in itself doesn’t tell us what’s really up?

    “It all began in Woodbury” is a reference to the RL legitimization of virtul griefing groups and a kind of literary reference.

  31. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >My point in this article was to show what went on above ground and at the ACTUAL educational part of the sim. I DO NOT condone griefing or the few griefers that actually got into Woodbury university. My point was to prove Prokofy and others claims WRONG. The fact that they claimed there was no educational activities at Woodbury. Well I have proved them wrong. I have used FACT to back up my claims, something that Prokofy knows little about. I did my research, even to the point of finding why the Woodbury sim was started in the first place. Something Prokofy REFUSED to do. She thinks Google is fact enough, well its not.

    Where are the facts? Where are the pictures, screenshots, websites — anything? There’s nothing. Nothing at all. Just hollow lies. If these things were true, there’d be no need to come to Ravenglass. Just because someone spins a yarn doesn’t mean it’s true. I don’t see any pictures, links, posts, *stuff*.

    It’s part of the scheme to constantly deny the truth.

    Educational activities of this grand a nature, with 5 Lindens even present at an art show, well, they’d have pictures, a website, a blog, *something*.

  32. shockwave yareach

    Jul 9th, 2007


    If Woodbury was not, as you say, a front for griefers, then why and how did a “super secret underground lair” for them get built in the sim? How did this place exist after the restrictions put into place after the simcrashings? Are you telling me that this not-exactly-hidden lab could be built without the sim owner (or reps) knowing about what was happening in their own area?

    My thinking is that originally the sim was exactly as you said – an experiment in a virtual campus. But a couple of people responsible for the sim turned the keys over to troublemakers, and they used it for ill purposes. Since this is the VR world, I don’t give a tinkers damn what Woodbury is in the real world. What happened in SL with Woodbury sim is the only issue here – all else is irrelevant. And what happened is they gave command of their sim to untrustworthy people who sold them down the river and caused their sim to be overrun by punks, who then punked Woodbury itself. It is regrettable that your “wonderful university” did not care enough about its investment to actually visit it or spend enough time there that they could see how it was being abused. But they didn’t, it was, and we in SL are better off without it.

  33. Dr. Timothy Reallyleary

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >Your response would sound somewhat intelligent if you didn’t continually shout crackhead…<

    Okay, I may be a bit behind the times, what do you guys call yourselves now? Loiterers? Street Merchants?

    Timothy Leary’s dead.

    …or outside, looking in. Depending upon your perspective.

    So, if taking out all my references to crackheads will make me look intelligent, just ignore the word and bask in my brilliance, haha.

    I admit, I went off on a tangent there, but I hate to see a small clique of miscreants ruin the reputation of any learning institution. My comment about Rochdale becoming a crackhouse *is* accurate though – look it up. It turned into a crackhouse – no way to dress that up. Unless you prefer I call it “a 24-hour purveyor of reconstituted cocaine for career criminals” I guess.

    It just breaks my heart to see this happen to a place of knowledge. People like you cheapen it, dumb it down, and ruin it – making everybody’s hard work go for naught and killing any chances for innocent students to progress in this world.

    Just for LULZ and funny little pictures. Oh and there’s also that “King (Queen) of the Forum” syndrome too, but you guys aced that class.

  34. Jim Schack

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >Where are the facts?

    Since when do you need facts? Where are the facts about me crashing your sim?

  35. anon

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Prok: “It’s well known that the most common method used by Leninist propagandists is merely to repeat the opposite of the truth very loudly and many times over”

    Like… You?

  36. Jim Schack

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Prok: “It’s well known that the most common method used by Leninist propagandists is merely to repeat the opposite of the truth very loudly and many times over”

    Like… You?

    LOL, so true.

  37. Anonymous

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >Gosh, judging from the very thinned ranks of The Prokofy Fan Club, I’d say that was a bantrap too! But…it’s well known that the most common method used by Leninist propagandists is merely to repeat the opposite of the truth very loudly and many times over lol. “Gosh, somebody posted that it’s a b&trap so LAWL don’t go there!” Like…that in itself doesn’t tell us what’s really up?

    Is that all you ever do? Spin tales about Russian politics into SL form? Is that why your demented mind is so set on comparisons between griefers and communists? ITS JUST A GAME. Turn the computer off and start looking after your kids for once.

  38. loller

    Jul 9th, 2007


    A bunch of people arguing over something really stupid to begin with.

    Here’s an idea:

    WU admins, boot out PN and troublemakers.

    Everyone else, report troublemakers and suspected PN to WU admins

    problem solved :OOOOOOO

  39. Anonymous

    Jul 9th, 2007

    last poster:

    We did.

    but everyone else go to the lindens for EVERYTHING. because no on reports shit to landowners, namely because the “report abuse option” goes directly to the lindens.

    maybe the lindens should start making a landowner contact button. just one that wont cause message spam.

  40. Anonymous

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Timothy Reallyleary.

    What the hell are you on right now?

    Do you want us to be drug dealers in your little mind so you can get your e-fix or what? lol. or are you one of those idiots who thinks drugs are cool while you’ve never taken them, or a fucking stoner idiot who thinks life is explained by drugs? I know a few stoners IRL, and they try to say everything in life is because of some drug.

    You’re sounding a LOT like them atm. lay off whatever you’re taking.

  41. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >Turn the computer off and start looking after your kids for once.

    Are you jealous that you have no children? or that you ARE a child?

  42. Prokofy Neva

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >To Prokofy Neva:
    quoted: “Virtual Woodbury University is indeed a conspiracy, a project with criminal intent, part of whose methods consist of deliberately misrepresenting, lying about, and distracting from its criminal essence.”

    >I must ask that you cite your source of credible information for this libelous allegation


    Start with Tizzers completely fake wide-eyed outrageous claim that 4/chan is just “a Japanese images site” about “art”. Go to the site, read the disclaimers, follow it around the Internet, see how it has been banned in some countries, banned by some providers, for its obscenity and racism


  43. Nidol

    Jul 9th, 2007

    I now believe Prokofy Neva is the main alt of a semi-intelligent griefer who trolls and provokes people to do his/her bidding. I propose a full investigation into all of the IPs associated with the Second Life accounts Prokovy Neva and Random Unsung. He or her is slandering other groups (even known griefer groups such as the PN) as a scapegoat to redirect attention from its own lawbreaking activities. I also believe he or her is involved in a child-pornography ring secretly run in a tiny group owned sim far away from mainland.

    What proof do I have? None, but that doesn’t matter, because Prokofy Neva is in a large conspiracy by claiming outrageous conspiracies. Ban him or her and all of their alts. Destroy Ravenglass, and anyone associated with Ravenglass, ban any friends Prokovy Neva plus alts may have because this is the only way to save Second Life from certain doom. Believing otherwise is siding with the criminals, and makes you one of them.

  44. Kalel Venkman

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Considering that the Justice League wiki’s pages are viewable only to registered members who have logged in, the acquisition of such pages without a legitimate account exploited a flaw in the software. Such access is flatly illegal, under any interpretation of United States law, but specifically of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which makes it a federal offense to acquire information by intentionally circumventing security, encoding or encryption intended to prevent or limit access to that information. Obviously, the theft of the information was performed by these means. If one used the same logic by those above speaking in defense of their own actions, if one found a weakness in a financial institution’s web site and exploited it to gain access to financial records, one would not have committed any crime, and this could not be reasonably argued by anyone.

    That having been said, the information in the captured page does accurately reflect the contents of the Justice League wiki page on Woodbury University, and to lay the matter to rest, I hereby authorize its use for this article. I do wish we had been consulted prior to its inclusion, however.

    Anyone may contact me in-world to verify my post ex facto release of this information.

  45. T. Waydelich

    Jul 9th, 2007

    >Start with Tizzers completely fake wide-eyed outrageous claim that 4/chan is just “a Japanese images site” about “art”. Go to the site, read the disclaimers, follow it around the Internet, see how it has been banned in some countries, banned by some providers, for its obscenity and racism…

    I refer you to:

  46. Allana Dion

    Jul 9th, 2007

    “Virtual Woodbury University is indeed a conspiracy, a project with criminal intent, part of whose methods consist of deliberately misrepresenting, lying about, and distracting from its criminal essence.”

    Although I believe the Lindens were correct in closing down Woodbury, even I can’t support this foaming at the mouth exaggeration.

    Woodbury is a real world University and Clift is a real Associate Professor. I think it’s pretty clear what happened here, it’s the same thing that happens on real world college campuses everywhere.

    Take your head out of SL for a minute. In the real world, it’s really not unusual for a first year college student to go a little nuts when faced with all that complete freedom combined with the bad influences of binge drinking roomates and frat parties. Most college students go through a period of partying too hard and having too much fun, then recover from it and go on with their educations. A few go way overboard and if they’re lucky and don’t end up drinking themselves to death, they just get kicked out of school for awhile. The ones who rediscover themselves and continue on the right road, do so often because there are administrators, teachers, and parents to help them.

    Given how incredibly common this scenerio is, just imagine what would happen if the administrators of a real world university simply vanished and left the hard partying students to run the place. You’d have complete anarchy, a few individuals still trying to hold it together, a whole lot more having a grand old time ripping the place apart, and in the end some authority would step in and shut it all down.

    Well that’s basically what happened here. A well meaning, if naive and probably very lazy, associate professor thought a virtual equivalent of the student union hangout would be cool. The students came in probably as well meaning as he was. But then so did the bad influences, the complete freedom, the lack of responsibility that comes from anonymity. Add to that an almost completely absent authority figure and you’ve got this mess.

    The students partied too hard. The student who was placed in charge was partying harder possibly. The students them became the “bad influence”, the griefers, letting the PN and the /b/whatevers and whoever else wanted to play take over. The professor was ignoring the problems so there was no one to crack down on them and say, this is not how you’re supposed to behave.

    It’s not a conspiracy. It’s just an ugly mess that was associate professor Clift’s responsibility to prevent and he failed in that responsibility. I think Tizzers was having too much fun playing PN/griefer/partygal and she failed in her responsibility, which would likely be the reason she was fired, if in fact she was.

    Woodbury in SL started out as something good, it started out with a goal, and then with no guidance, the students lost sight of the goal and it became something else. So the authorities (the Lindens) shut it down. Problem solved.

  47. Anon

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Considering that the Justice League wiki’s pages are viewable only to registered members who have logged in, the acquisition of such pages without a legitimate account exploited a flaw in the software. Such access is flatly illegal, under any interpretation of United States law, but specifically of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which makes it a federal offense to acquire information by intentionally circumventing security, encoding or encryption intended to prevent or limit access to that information. Obviously, the theft of the information was performed by these means. If one used the same logic by those above speaking in defense of their own actions, if one found a weakness in a financial institution’s web site and exploited it to gain access to financial records, one would not have committed any crime, and this could not be reasonably argued by anyone.

    That having been said, the information in the captured page does accurately reflect the contents of the Justice League wiki page on Woodbury University, and to lay the matter to rest, I hereby authorize its use for this article. I do wish we had been consulted prior to its inclusion, however.

    Anyone may contact me in-world to verify my post ex facto release of this information.”

    Wow, way to go Janelle. Didn’t realize you needed to get permission to use stuff eh? Illegally obtained stuff still, will not so much illegal now that it was JUST NOW authorize but still obtained illegally. What about those other articles? Did you get permission to use those too? By the way Tizzers you word really mean dirt nowadays, if Carigorp the JLU /b/tard sympathizer did really give those to you which is doubtful he needs to change his name to Caridope. No wonder the loser got his account hacked what a dipshit.

  48. Jim Schack

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Yea, http://www.lysanderspooner.org/ is blocked is some countries too. where’s the porn and racism there?


  49. Jessica Holyoke

    Jul 9th, 2007

    Wait, the people that are going by JLU and dressing up as Superman and other heroes (copyright and trademark DC Comics) are accusing others of using things without permission? Also, has anyone confirmed with Carigorp if he gave the image to them?

  50. HamburgerX

    Jul 9th, 2007


    I doubt anyone cares if you “sanction” it or not, except for a 1 or 2 people complaining.

    Im assuming you “sanction” it because that wiki page shows the pro JLU side of the story of when you attacked the WU sim.

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