Is the FIC Fading?
by Alphaville Herald on 07/08/07 at 8:06 am
Smack Talking Blingtards say “We da Shiz Now!”
by Urizenus Sklar
Last month, while I was surfing the numerous SL Blingtard Blogs, I came across a very interesting discussion on Verbal Stew, a blog run by SL denizens JellyBean Madison and HawksRock Gunawan. JellyBean raised the question: is there now or was there ever a FIC, and if so what happened to it? JellyBean weighed in again in the comments with the following observation: In the post-flexiprim era we haven’t seen jack from the FIC. Quoting:
I haven’t seen the FIC “designers” (Aimee Weber, Mistress Midnight, etc.) spit anything new out since before the flexi prim. I could be mistaken. In fact I think Launa Fauna is FIC, and she’s about the only one doing anything & that’s not even regularly. Cristiano Midnight runs Snapzilla but I honestly don’t think he’s spit out an animation in awhile. ..
There’s new cliques arising from the FIC’s fading… the bloggers, the designing groups & quads, the techies, the scripters, and so on. Instead of one big Feted Inner Core holding them all. I think they’ve branched off without Linden influences & freebies.
So what happened to the SL Aristocracy exactly? One possibility is that when the meatspace invasion arrived the Linden’s steered all the business to the FIC and they got absorbed in giving the corps what they wanted – virtual monuments that are simulacra of their meatspace creations – and the FIC stopped being creative. They died of Linden Largess. What do you think? Is the FIC dead? If so, how did it die? –Uri
SqueezeOne Pow
Aug 8th, 2007
That’s about what I thought, Thal. Thanks for the info!
Aug 8th, 2007
“I haven’t imposed any ban on myself; I simply don’t wish to post stories, or post to comments, when the editors don’t stand up for reporters or the truth in the comments, and when they put themselves into a FIC grouplet and subject me to “filtration”. It’s a pretty transparent power grab that is rather unseemly, and based on fear.”
Could whoever at SLH go back to doing whatever it was that made Prok not wish to post stories (much more accurate than “articles”) and comments? I was just getting to like the atmosphere here!
You can’t see the “inner core” because you’re still on the outside of the apple, worm!
Aug 8th, 2007
dearie – there is no “Voice of Pixeleen”, there is only the Voice of the Poster.
Your reason for posting here is simply an excuse – you are still posting a comment. Full Stop. No excuses. No rebuttals (not that you could ever come up with anything that would hold water). Nothing at all to counter this base fact.
A comment is a comment.
Prokofy Neva
Aug 8th, 2007
Thal’s theory is completely laughable!
I can’t speak for Uri, but I sure didn’t “high-tail” it to SL. I visited SL, didn’t like it, it was too hard, and I stayed in TSO — where I still have an account and still pop in. I think it was probably a year or so after Uri and many other biggies stampeded into SL that I went to SL, after some friends from SimArts joined. SimArts emptied out, and I actually convinced some friends from SA to come over to SL — but I haven’t kept up with most of them and some even became ex-friends as they become unbearably arrogant and pretentious in SL when they became FIC or wannabee FIC there.
I’ve never suffered from “beta envy” over SL, which I continue to believe is needlessly complex and geeky. And even being a beta charter member at TSO, I was never part of the elite and criticized them there, too. It’s a good thing; every society should have critics of its elites and power-mongers.
After some months on the SL forums, it was clear to me that a tiny cadre of Linden pets, abetted by their old friends who were residents-turned-Lindens, were ruling the roost. The rules were not enforced fairly and equally; it was appalling selective and biased. I criticized this rightly. The few dozen forums FIC were big croakers in a small pond — their influence is heavily diluted now, of course. I was right to criticize them and I go on criticizing their pathetic bids to try to take power in SL, some of which succeed for a time — but most people just walk around them.
I’m not aware that I’ve “stepped on anyone” or “clawed my way to the top” ROFL. Examples? Meanwhile, I can think of plenty of people who have used and stepped on me, some of them right here on the masthead *cough*.
Yes, it is pretty sinister how the Lindens threw all the deals of the world to their friends, it kept the world very parochial and self-indulgent. It wasn’t a good thing.
Anyway, not worth debating at length someone who can’t be responsible enough to use a SL name on their vicious post.
Loloz Oh
Aug 8th, 2007
I got banned on Prok’s blog the other day. Turns out that even when you’re civil and express your views clearly and concisely it doesn’t matter, your comments get deleted and you get called a griefer.
I guess it’s her way of coping with people she can’t argue with. An example of me griefing on her blog would be humorous (hint: there aren’t any).
Aug 8th, 2007
It’s a “laugable theory” if you’re a self-righteous loon with too much time on your hands. Or if you have something to hide.
Not to the “top” prok. Do you always misrepresent what people say?
Nevermind. No need to answer that.
I said fame and notoriety.
If you deny that you have used the “FIC” to gain notoriety, I’ll call you a bald faced liar of the lowest order. Not that most people don’t already realize that you lie like a dog whenever it suits your purpose.
Aug 8th, 2007
“Anyway, not worth debating at length someone who can’t be responsible enough to use a SL name on their vicious post.”
dearie? a second Life name is worthless. Full stop.
Artemis Fate
Aug 8th, 2007
“Could whoever at SLH go back to doing whatever it was that made Prok not wish to post stories (much more accurate than “articles”) and comments? I was just getting to like the atmosphere here!”
Yeah, I came back when I heard Prokofy threw a bitch-fit about not being treated above everyone else, and for Pixeleen not deleting all the posts that argue against Prokofy (since obviously Prokofy only speaks the truth, and anything arguing against him is wrong). But, I didn’t expect that Prokofy would be gone entirely, it’s the same thing with Second Citizen, where he claims he’ll never go back and hates it, and yadda yadda yet has over a thousand posts and continues to do so, or SLCC where he claims he’ll not go every year, and then goes anyways. But, atleast I don’t have to deal with him posting 3 stories a day anymore.
“I got banned on Prok’s blog the other day. Turns out that even when you’re civil and express your views clearly and concisely it doesn’t matter, your comments get deleted and you get called a griefer.”
Haha yeah, that’s because Prokofy is a raging hypocrite, but sees it as okay because Prokofy is nuts and believes that he’s fighting evil in the name of truth, therefore banning, censoring, insulting, and harassing are justifiably okay, even when he bitches and complains about it happening to him.
But yeah, there’s no FIC in terms of conventional tinfoil prokofian description of “Vague power group out to get me and controlling every aspect of Second Life”, but there were in-crowds. I remember when the Midnight City Crew was IT, and since then they’ve fallen to the wayside for other groups, mostly now, the world is too big for just one large in crowd, and there are simply many different versions of the in-crowds for different places.
Prokofy Neva
Aug 8th, 2007
oops, Loloz Oh forget to mention that he is a member of the b/tards and The Prokofy Neva Fan Club, both groups which have repeatedly prim-littered my sims and crashed them. Members of such groups aren’t welcome on my blog due to my rule that if you cause and/or incite RL or SL damage, you aren’t welcome. Loloz posting was merely an extention of the inworld griefing.
I haven’t deliberately tried to gain any notoriety. I just write what seems important to write, by the light of my conscience. If that feels like a lie to you, so be it. I do what I have to do.
IntLibber Brautigan
Aug 8th, 2007
This is one of those situations where a myth dies when its primary proponent fades from history. Prok promoted the FIC concept, now that the Herald is raising its sights on higher quality, responsible journalism (sans paranoid conspriacy theories), and Prok fades into irrelevancy, so does the mythical FIC she promoted.
If the alleged members of the FIC were ever in collusion with anybody, it was with Prokofy who promoted them and their businesses in the Herald (ad fee free) far more than Philip Linden ever did.
(Oh, and BTW: Uri, have your ad people call my people, we’re ready to pay for ads now buddeh…. )
Now that the rest of SL has figured out all you need for free advertising is to get Prok to believe your conspiracy theory, the bubble is burst, the suspension of disbelief cracks, and the SLiterati will need to come up with a new marketing gimmick that takes forever for the hoi polloi to figure out.
Aug 8th, 2007
Tenshi said “Ugh. They won’t ban Prok, Nacon. I liked it better when you were quiet. Don’t you know Prok is Phillip Linden’s mother?”
…Uhh I hope you understood what the banning was all about… We’re talking about banned from estate sims across the grid, not from Herald’s posting. And yes, I’m sure you did like it when I’m quiet. I am too often abused mentally at Prok’s raving non-sense dirt crap across the mean of SL’s news.
Prok has been banned more than I have been to. Singing in her faggy underwear, pulled up over her belly with beer bottle in her hand. Wake up in middle of nighttime, assuming spirits from other side of the world had come forth telling her that she is banned from a “FIC” sim for harassing people… but really it was all a dream. Then later she founds out that she is actually banned for no reason, for something she can’t remember a shit before that night. Decided to go IMing random people, whomever she can find on search. To go spreading out her words. Complaining about problems with her cat (yes, her little hairy pussy) unable to get any attention from these people, scaring newbies away. And……..
Come`on… how much more crap do we need? The woman has no talents… so she got jealous of these “FIC” people for bullshits. Not forget to mention that she hates you for being too young.
(God damn Prok, go cry me a river so I can float away from you.)
Jim Schack
Aug 8th, 2007
500 prim aluminum foil hat?! I made mine with 4 prims using sculpties with a regular wall texture as the sculpties map. blank texture and high shine, you got yourself a wad of foil!
Aug 8th, 2007
“Loloz posting was merely an extention of the inworld griefing.”
Dearie? You need proof of ‘griefing’ outside of Second Life to make that statement.
You have no proof. Posting comments on a blog is not griefing – Of course I would not expect you to know or understand this as you have no grasp at all on the real world and think anyone disagreeing with you is a griefer.
Loloz Oh
Aug 8th, 2007
So did you notice how Prok couldn’t cite any comments from her blog where I was griefing her.
link plz
Aug 8th, 2007
Oh great, here comes comments from Dirty Hands Intlibber and his loud mouth no sense crony Jim.
I haerd you like PN Intlibber?
How’s that who PN personal army thing going for you? You paying them enough? If everyone knew what was going on with Intlibber I bet your business would be done for good. Your dirty deeds will catch up with you.
I can’t wait for someone to do a story and expose your whole mess Intlibber. HINT HINT SOMEONE DO IT.
protip- Start with Maldavious Figtree and go on from there.
Prokofy Neva
Aug 8th, 2007
>This is one of those situations where a myth dies when its primary proponent fades from history. Prok promoted the FIC concept, now that the Herald is raising its sights on higher quality, responsible journalism (sans paranoid conspriacy theories), and Prok fades into irrelevancy, so does the mythical FIC she promoted.
>Prok has been banned more than I have been to. Singing in her faggy underwear, pulled up over her belly with beer bottle in her hand. Wake up in middle of nighttime, assuming spirits from other side of the world had come forth telling her that she is banned from a “FIC” sim for harassing people… but really it was all a dream. Then later she founds out that she is actually banned for no reason, for something she can’t remember a shit before that night. Decided to go IMing random people, whomever she can find on search. To go spreading out her words. Complaining about problems with her cat (yes, her little hairy pussy) unable to get any attention from these people, scaring newbies away. And…
>You have no proof. Posting comments on a blog is not griefing – Of course I would not expect you to know or understand this as you have no grasp at all on the real world and think anyone disagreeing with you is a griefer.
Yes, somebody really needs to do an in-depth expose of the whole Intlibber empire and all its sub-plots. Not likely to appear in the Herald ROFL.
Yes, big black dudes with tats, FIC debunking, bukakke — it’s all for high journalism now at the Herald, those tabloid days are gone.
Aug 8th, 2007
I consider myself part of the Bizarro Universe FIC, where members are as far away and antagonized from the Lindens as possible.
Jessica Holyoke
Aug 8th, 2007
Here’s something that the Herald could talk about.
What if there was a Second Life commentator that was in the grid for years. And because of their seniority in Second Life, they feel that they can comment on anything and pretty much say whatever they want to, without being called on any factual inaccuracies or witch hunts they may prosecute. In fact, this Second Life Commentator feels that if anyone else exposes wrong-doing in Second Life, that person is a “play prosecutor” and must be shut down quickly lest the world fall apart.
And then when you have a pretty cut and dried case of defamation and you call that Second Life commentator out on it, they say that they are being threatened, the revealer of the libel is banned from their blog and then there’s a long post about how other people’s bad behavior shouldn’t go unchecked while the commentator’s own is allowed to continue. Of course it doesn’t help that the Second Life commenter word salads some quotes, states that you are stupid for saying quote A said X, when Quote B,C and D said X, and then bans you from their blog. (Although its more likely that it was a banning from the blog, and then calling you stupid without an opportunity to respond.)
Now what makes this Second Life Commentator interesting is that they have stated that griefer’s bad behavior should be legally prosecuted, but not this particular commentator’s bad behavior. Or alternatively, free speech is so vital that no infringment can ever be tolerated, like facing a libel suit for their defamatory comments, but that BDSM adherents should keep quiet about their views that their community is not bringing about the end of democracy because its a jackboot in the face.
Or how about a Second Life commentator that states that they’ll consider things illegal, such as Ginko, illegal when the Linden’s consider it illegal, because he signed a ToS with them and not when other people, who do have knowledge about the law, say its illegal. But then say that just because the Linden’s say something is a legal activity doesn’t make that activity legal.
Or how about a Second Life Commentator that engages in some questionable behavior. For example, if a Second Life commentator saw an editorial stating that “guilt by association is bad” and then posted a different editorial saying “guilt by association” isn’t being advocated, guilty groups are like the Bloods and Crips and then follows that up a few weeks later by saying “guilt by association is the only way to go” then you may have to question the ability for this particular commentator to reason.
Aug 8th, 2007
Prok said “…it’s all for high journalism now at the Herald, those tabloid days are gone.”
….what tabloids?
Aug 9th, 2007
No dearie:
“This is one of those situations where a myth dies when its primary proponent fades from history. Prok promoted the FIC concept, now that the Herald is raising its sights on higher quality, responsible journalism (sans paranoid conspriacy theories), and Prok fades into irrelevancy, so does the mythical FIC she promoted.” – The Voice of Intlibber
“Prok has been banned more than I have been to. Singing in her faggy underwear, pulled up over her belly with beer bottle in her hand. Wake up in middle of nighttime, assuming spirits from other side of the world had come forth telling her that she is banned from a “FIC” sim for harassing people… but really it was all a dream. Then later she founds out that she is actually banned for no reason, for something she can’t remember a shit before that night. Decided to go IMing random people, whomever she can find on search. To go spreading out her words. Complaining about problems with her cat (yes, her little hairy pussy) unable to get any attention from these people, scaring newbies away. And…” – The Voice of Nacon
“You have no proof. Posting comments on a blog is not griefing – Of course I would not expect you to know or understand this as you have no grasp at all on the real world and think anyone disagreeing with you is a griefer.” The Voice of Reality
Notice how none of the posters you have quoted is Pixeleen? Once again Dearie – there is no “Voice of Pixeleen”. You really do not have anything to back up this wild delusion of yours.
Your opinion and belief in the matter amount to nothing whatsoever Dearie. You have no facts to support your belief, nothing at all.
You have returned to this place several times now after saying you are done with it: when a person is done with a website Dearie, that means they leave and do not come back to respond to anything whatsoever. Full Stop. No Excuses. Done with the Herald or Not? If you are done – you have no reason to be here. Full Stop. No Excuses.
Prokofy Neva
Aug 9th, 2007
Um, Jessica, what *are* you going on about?! There isn’t any libel or defamation on my blog or in the Herald.
Rather than rambling on hysterically, get a lawyer, service me a notice, and see where you get with it, if you feel indeed you have a case. The test for libel is very high in the U.S. I suggest you do some reading.
I have no idea what you’re babbling about with “guilt by association”. Criminal groups are criminal groups. They commit crimes. You document them. And you ban on the basis of group membership. Think of it as a de-Nazification program or the banning of gang insignia in public high schools.
BDSM *is* a jackboot in the face. Anyway, your silly little post with no name and ramblings about matters over your head only makes you look stupid!
Aug 9th, 2007
Dearie, the only thing I see here that could be described as “A jackboot in the face” …. is the constant responses and comments you have made – even after stating you were done with the Herald (posting any comment at all is still posting Dearie, and shows you’re not done at all) – each comment and response you’ve made has been little more than thrusting your own opinions at the readers. In some cases you do so in such a manner as to be cramming your opinion down a poor reader’s throat.
Your opinions Dearie …. are not hard facts set in stone.
Lumiere Noir
Aug 9th, 2007
Hi! What’s the FIC?
dandellion Kimban
Aug 9th, 2007
Jessica Holyoke
Aug 9th, 2007
How about this Prok? You select a third party neural in SL and we’ll settle it with them. Because you did engage in libel against me.
Aug 10th, 2007
FIC is where people get along together well more than Prok can. Basically any friends that you get along, are the FIC that Prok can’t handle along. Meaning… Prok is hopeless in every societies she/he/it go.
Stands for “Fucking Internet Cats” We’re cat cause we’re so cool, where Prok is a cool-tarded dog, “Bitch”.
Prokofy Neva
Aug 10th, 2007
Oh, hell, no. I don’t play court and lawyer in Second Life. That would be allowing it to be a game. And I don’t view such a serious matter as a challenge of libel to be a “mediation” issue. Nothing of the kind. No, you want to play lawyer, play lawyer in RL, and try to meet the test in real life where it can be met.
Lumiere is funny. She’s about as old as God in Second Life and as FIC as FIC comes lol.
Jessica Holyoke
Aug 10th, 2007
Who said that you don’t meet a Real life test for libel? I think you do for many reasons. More importantly, you meet New York’s test for libel. I’m offering you a chance to prove publicly that I’m wrong in a way that protects my RL information.
So many times you write about people working in SL and being involved in SL. But somehow, on this, people can’t resolve their disputes in SL because then “its a game.” Even though there would be instances where disputes would be more ideally resolved in world.
What are you so afraid of? Are you afraid that other people will point out your bad behavior?
Aug 10th, 2007
1. a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a living person
2. the written statement of a plaintiff explaining the cause of action (the defamation) and any relief he seeks
…and Prok’s writings are definitely false and malicious to say the least!
Come on, Prok. You’re supposedly a champion of justice in SL…why not have the just truth revealed in the very game you take seriously when writing/crying about land prices and griefers? It’s not like you wouldn’t love the attention…I mean the opportunity to speak the truth to the public. I’d certainly go!
Prokofy Neva
Aug 10th, 2007
Hahaha, too funny! Jessica playing the old anonymous avatar card! She dare not reveal her RL identity by filing a suit, so she says, endlessly enabling her to hide behind her disclosure concerns as an excuse not to really come up with the goods in a libel suit!
I don’t meet any RL test for libel whatsoever. My, a great deal of reading has to be done even after law school, I guess!
If someone is going to accuse me of the RL crime of libel, they have to sue me in RL. I don’t sit around holding hands and singing Kumbayah at the Second Life Campfire Kids Circle.
jumpman lane
Aug 10th, 2007
the fic may or may not have existed! but when i look up at all the shinig lights in sl very few of them have ever really done anything. they are somebodies just because they have been here!the anshe chungs aside the rest had 4 years do do something with sl before we (those born on or after may 5 07, my sl b-day)got here to do something with this dump and aint done shit! So we takin over!and i am a blingtard? Just cause i like to sparkle shine glitter and glow? so be it!
Coincidental Avatar
Aug 11th, 2007
FIC doesn’t seem to survive the competition from outsiders like Anshe Chung etc.
Aug 12th, 2007
“The old FIC guard is no longer necessary. They had a role to play and they played it. In a nut shell. “Then they got played”. Over 7 million subscribers, lots of wonderful work being done now by; new people who are; highly professional, motivated individuals, which i might also add are in fact; extremely talented. PPL need to lift their reads up from that prim every now and again; and realize that not only has the old FIC been replaced; they have been out done. I welcome this new generation of free thinkers, movers, shakers, designers, artists, and those that can push SL in a new direction that is not predefined for them.
No false limits, no false expectations.
Posted by: Cat Cotton | August 08, 2007 at 12:50 PM”