Archive for August, 2007
What’s the Harm?

by Onder Skall This story began when I was directed to an essay over at the SLLU blog entitled "What’s The Harm?". Basically it was a review of Second Life’s more hardcore sexual enterprises and a little walk down "Hard Alley", with the general message being that real harm was coming from it all. I [...]
Full StoryThe Voyeur: You’re the Only One

Answers to your questions about love and sex in the metaverse by Wendell Holmer, virtual advice columnist You’re the Only One Q: My girlfriend is an escort, a very busy one. She makes good money and enjoys the parties and her friends at the club. She says the work is just an act and isn’t [...]
Full StorySex in SL: Dude Looks Like a Lady — part two

after the bomb drops – love does make impossible things happen sometimes by Aurel milesAs some of you might remember, my first article for the Herald was all about spotting imposters. Specifically it was about men who inhabit female avatars primarily for the purpose of getting their lesbian fantasies fulfilled. A lot of upheaval in [...]
Full StorySecond Life Stability Numbers Look Grim

24 Lindens work part time on 5% of the problem – what is everyone else doing? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk Not WorkingOnIt Linden – 99% of the server bugs are safe The 5041 residents who signed an open letter to Linden Lab asking for virtual world stability ahead of new features may not [...]
Full StoryHe’s Baaaaaack! The Return of Gideon Television.
“The last thing I remember, I was running for the door….” That was eight months ago, at the Aloft. The fog clears, and memory comes streaming back to me, gushing across my eyes like an enthusiastic actress in a hard-to-believe-it’s-real stag loop. But as the drugs finally wane, I begin to question. Where am I? [...]
Full StorySecond Life Corporate Hype Bubble Deflates – Now What?

Riding a DotCom non-strategy into the ground? by Inigo Chamerberlin Recent articles have focused on various issues affecting Second Life of late. But they have simply reported issues and, sometimes, commented on the issues as isolated events. I think it’s about time the causes were discussed, the likely outcomes and potential future moves. Most of [...]
Full StoryKristina Dell Can’t Get the Box Off Her Head.
Time magazine joins SL haters by Tenshi Vielle, Fabulous Fashionista I’ve been rather annoyed with Time magazine the past few days. Icracked open an issue to read the interview with Drew Carey, and thenseveral pages in I was assaulted with an article about Second Life -illustrated by some horrible mash up of a Second Life [...]
Full StoryHave a Heart!

SL organ donation moves beyond “Kidney Thief Bathtub” by Jessica Holyoke Organ Donation means many things to different people. To some, it is just an option while getting your driver’s license. For others, it is a profession that requires empathy, medical knowledge and the ability to chose who gets an organ from a transplant list. [...]
Full StoryForbes WoW Player Talkin’ Smack On Second Life

Will SL be the first virtual world to fail? by Pixeleen Mistral, National Affairs desk WoW player Dave Ewalt says SL players are losers The iMojo wire’s inter-world taunting alarm went off this morning – and with good reason. After sitting through a couple ads in the Forbes video clip here, and some blather about [...]
Full StoryWe Luv Borked SL Betaverse – Every Single Weekend!!!

Blinged-out Mia Linden leaves customer support award up for grabsLinden leadership missing – front line support left twisting in the breeze by Pixeleen Mistral, food critic Volunteers don’t have answers, and neither does Mia Long suffering residents of the Second Life betaverse – a sometimes semi-functional virtual world – enjoyed the by now traditional weekend [...]
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