Sabotage in Badnarik Sim – Avalanche!!!

by Alphaville Herald on 25/08/07 at 1:53 pm

Badnarik sim pwned! Who is to blame for man-made disaster? Merczateer officers? South South African security staff?

by Ace Graveling – war correspondent

Searching for survivors of the Badnarik avalanche

I stood upon the frozen ground and surveyed the landscape, my trusty photographer Llama Mike at my side. I had been assigned to cover this story, and it would be a story that would forever change my perspective of war, of life, of love, and of mortality. Upon first laying eyes on the damage, only one thought passed through my mind. It is a powerful thought, maybe a feeling more than a thought, maybe both at the same time. Whatever it is, it is something that I have found myself unable to pass through parted lips, and something that I have not spoken of amongst my colleagues. It is something I can only express at a typewriter.

I think it’s awe.

In the darkest hours of the night, some person or persons had intentionally caused an avalanche from the tall mountain ranges of Badnarik sim, located just south of the southernmost part of South Africa. The entire complex had been wiped out, and only bits and pieces of it remained visible above the void created by the snow. The snow was a dirty grey, covered as it were in speckles of a brilliant crimson, and – except smelling of fuel, decay, and the bitter cold.

The freezing wind bit at my jacket like birds of carrion, and I motioned to Mike to follow me into a makeshift encampment established at the base of the newly created slope. We were signaled by a guard to enter a nearby tent, and we obeyed.

The scene inside was a profound picture of tormented humanity. The men stood there wrapped in blankets and drinking whatever warm liquids there was that could be swallowed. Stretchers covered in fresh blood lied abandoned in a pile near the door, and the silhouette of a medic with a bone saw flashed harshly against a plastic curtain. I could feel my blood curdle as I heard his screaming echo ghostly over the sound of the wind.

Incalculable quantities of snow

We asked for a drink, and our request was rudely declined by a angry man with long locks, his expression and identity hidden by both his hair and his deep shades of eyeliner. We did our best to try and find a comment, an interview, or even a noteworthy series of grunting noises; all were bound to silence. We stood there, looking out through a window cut in the tent at the rescue effort for some time until a skinny man ran through and nailed a sign to a support beam. It depicted a bald man in what appeared to be some sort of ceremonial dress (A toga, perhaps?). The words “WANTED FOR QUESTIONING” were stenciled underneath his picture in a harsh and hastily done military print. I placed my hand on the young man’s shoulder, a man of seventeen years at the most, and asked for an interview. He lead Mike and I out again into the harsh cold, to what appeared to be a command tent.

Inside, the familiar sound of the saw came alive again, although, this time, it did not appear to be for medicinal purposes; this time, it was on a man in a chair facing a spotlight, a spotlight that clearly illuminated the scene to those behind a partition which separated the rooms. A warm man who did not appear to have shaved in weeks welcomed us to sit. We talked for some time; apparently, there were only a handful of people who could get so far up the mountain as to be capable of causing this natural disaster, and they were being questioned one by one. I shuddered slightly at this as I glanced at the partition – it was harrowing, what these people would do for vengeance.

very little remains — the smell of fuel, decay, and the bitter cold

According to him, the prime suspect for organizing this scheme was one Avil Creeggan, the man in the toga (yes, it was a toga) from the sign. His accomplices were unknown; it varied from Merczateer officers to South South African security staff to third parties of questionable loyalties. Names were hard to come by – one named Stefan here, one named Naumova there, and a third man by the apparent name of Schuman arose and was quickly dismissed. An argument broke out between two of the officers, and the guard soon entered the tent; Mike and I took our chance and left the encampment for a closer look.

As we ascended higher, we… we… I don’t know what happened exactly. A stinging pain began in the back of my head, and my body collapsed as though it was a ragdoll. Mike… they didn’t find Mike. Mike was gone.

I woke up some time later back in that same tent, covered in bandages and blankets and with an IV dripping slowly into either arm. My vision faded in and out. I didn’t have much memory of the next few hours – but I was apparently sedated. I didn’t know how much time passed. In time, however, I awoke and rose to a sitting position. My jacket was thrown over the back of the cot I was sat on, and I searched for my phone. In it’s place, I found a quickly scrawled letter.


What the fuck did that mean? Are the answers to the Badnarik sim disaster to remain forever buried? Is Avil Creeggan still hiding in the mountains, toying with us?

55 Responses to “Sabotage in Badnarik Sim – Avalanche!!!”

  1. urizenus

    Aug 25th, 2007

    That’s the best war reporting I’ve seen in 40 years. There is hope after all.

  2. Jeremy Duport

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Wait, what?
    Go away D:

  3. Stephmo Deckard

    Aug 25th, 2007


  4. Stefan Marquez

    Aug 25th, 2007

    It’s nice to know some reporters still care about the woes of the Merczateers.

    Whoever did do this, however, shall be dealt with in the most horrid, despicable, and sadistic manner known – Merczateer or not.

  5. Ethan Schuman

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Well, as much as I enjoy a good laugh (the damage to the sim isn’t what has us upset, Linden Lab had our sim rolled back in under 12 hours), the fact that Avil was willing to participate in a scheme such as this after we’ve been nothing but hospitable and friendly toward him is utterly disgusting. Just for the record, Avil was banned from our sim for constant disruptions before this, and according to logs in our possession, this is his revenge. Merczateers are conducting their own internal investigation right now, and BNT will certainly be doing the same. In either case, Avil’s level of involvement and lack of cooperation is such that he will be facing consequences, the very least of which will be an estate ban.

  6. Ishida Dye

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Wrong. Not South African. o_o

  7. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    This report makes me laugh because of how rediculously roleplayed it is, and how the one who did it is so damn obvious..

    …lol, mary jane.

  8. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Stefan, that’s exactly true. His “revenge” for us letting him screw around, rez … castles, bomb us, build, etc in Badnarik and then when we do get fed up with him and ban him, well his revenge is a bit over-the-top to say the least.

    I’ve completely stopped talking to him and communicating with him myself. I heard he was ripped when he did all this too. No doubt the burnout was hell, let alone when he got sobered up… But hey, you never know. It’s Avil, right? He don’t care o_o;

  9. Stephmo Deckard

    Aug 25th, 2007

    I have a question for anyone willing to answer. If Avil was banned from Badnarik for “constant disruptions” before this happened, as Ethan said, then how did he get sneak past the ban line and gain the group powers to terraform without there being clear evidence?

  10. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    About the above, I meant Ethan, Not Stefan. Got mixed up with the little… Posted By: thing … It don’t make sense, the way it’s set up. But whatever. Yeah.

  11. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007


    Well, apparently scripts have the power to terraform and return prims (Unless he had Lurdans mod rights – Unlikely, because Uildiars prims were gone too and I’m pretty sure he didn’t have his either.)

    As big as this is, and as much as a simple rollback fixes it, it’s still a problem and it’s being investigated even at this very moment. I myself am trying to help.

  12. Stephmo Deckard

    Aug 25th, 2007


    Yes, there are scripts that terraform. No, there are no scripts that can return prims.

    Yes, Avil could have used terraforming scripts. No, they would not have worked because:
    1) He was banned, therefore, unable to enter the sim or place objects, let alone scripted objects.
    2) You have to deed the object with the terraforming scripts to the group that owns the land, and Avil is not and was not in Badnarik’s land group.
    3) Notice the shape of the terrain. That’s a sim’s default starting layout. Someone reverted the terrain. The only people who would be able to do that are people who have estate powers. IE: Not Avil.

    Also, Domine, I don’t think you’re able to criticize Avil about the “mary jane” and him being “burned out”. I can pretty clearly remember the other night you were claiming to be “blazed out of your mind” over voice while you and Ishida were harassing Laraab. Man, you couldn’t even complete a sentence without giggling.

  13. Mikael Khalamov

    Aug 25th, 2007

    For the record, the AN had nothing to do with it.

  14. Mr Sim

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Karma anyone *cough* *cough*

  15. Extrems Brock

    Aug 25th, 2007

    “…Notice the shape of the terrain. That’s a sim’s default starting layout. Someone reverted the terrain. The only people who would be able to do that are people who have estate powers…”

    Wrong, you can revert the shape of the terrain with the normal terraforming tools (See ‘Revert Land’ option).

    Also: Objects gets auto-returned when they are burried enough.

  16. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    I’m not criticizing him, I’m just saying. People do stupid shit when they’re high, like myself. >_>; And I think I was sober when the whole Ishida/Laraab thing. But hey, I don’t really remember. Memory has gone to shit, at least it’s gone selective after smoking it so damn much. Lulz.

  17. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    I also suspect a few people of doing it. Whoever said Stefan had anything to do with it is a fucking idiot. Stefan wouldn’t do something like that, but apparently Ethan thinks he did at least from what I’ve heard… Whatever, whoever did do it is going to get in deep shit. No doubt legal shit.

  18. Domine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Too many posts I know. Mikael, if you’re just going to outright say that, it makes it even more suspicious. Seriously dude, smart. o_o; Defending yourself right from the get-go EVEN THOUGH I’m sure you, and a shitload of other AN were in Nolan watching, inviting more people, no doubt laughing. ” VICTOREE 4 AN AGEN LULZ ” is what comes to my mind, judging by how quickly you seem to claim it… Haha.. wow. k.

  19. Extrems Brock

    Aug 25th, 2007

    “…located just south of the southernmost part of South Africa…”

    More like ‘North-East Ancapistan’.

  20. Stephmo Deckard

    Aug 25th, 2007

    “Wrong, you can revert the shape of the terrain with the normal terraforming tools (See ‘Revert Land’ option).

    Also: Objects gets auto-returned when they are burried enough.”

    Ah. That’s right. Still the point is, Avil did not and was not able to gain those land powers required to do the deed.

    It was not Avil who destroyed Badnarik.

  21. Spikez Stine

    Aug 25th, 2007

    Damn… xD

  22. Sn4x15

    Aug 26th, 2007


  23. PN member.

    Aug 26th, 2007

    It was Uildiar.

  24. shoopdawhoop

    Aug 26th, 2007

    It was Ethan.

  25. anon

    Aug 26th, 2007

    It was Bin Laden

  26. oh lawd

    Aug 26th, 2007

    It was Lurdan!

  27. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Aug 26th, 2007

    It was Barney the Gay Purple Dinosaur.

  28. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Aug 26th, 2007

    @Stephan Marquez

    “Whoever did do this, however, shall be dealt with in the most horrid, despicable, and sadistic manner known – Merczateer or not.”

    Ruh roh! Sounds like somebody’s going to get their health meter lowered to 0%!

    Dude, switch to decaf.


    Aug 26th, 2007


  30. Anonymous

    Aug 26th, 2007

    Ruh roh! Sounds like somebody’s going to get their health meter lowered to 0%!

    Dude, switch to decaf.
    (end quote)

    If I deleted files from your computer, what’s that, just roleplaying?
    Obvious trolls are obvious…

  31. Stefan Marquez

    Aug 26th, 2007

    Yeah, that and blackscreen’d..


    I forgot to add the bit in the first post about me being a sarcastic devil.

    And your request for me to switch to decaffeinated is denied. What the hell is the point of drinking coffee without the caffeine?


  32. NobodyImportant

    Aug 26th, 2007

    It was obviously Frontier Linden.

  33. Dj

    Aug 27th, 2007

    Hum. this is messed up. I’m in the AN and well i think its messed up. And well we need to quit with the “he said she said bullshit” yes i took it from a song. :)

  34. Kirill Moskvitch

    Aug 27th, 2007

    Mr. Reporter, your fucking ego is really annoying.

    The rest of you who are serious about finding the “culprit,” keep bitching and posting your theories. For those few of us who know who did it will keep it quiet and reduced to rumors.

  35. Stone Culdesac

    Aug 27th, 2007

    It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick.

  36. Stephmo Deckard

    Aug 27th, 2007

    “Mr. Reporter, your fucking ego is really annoying.”

    What ego? All I see is some creative, fun, roleplay. I like how Ace Graveling wrote this article. It made it fun and interesting to read. If it was just a story on the event it would be boring and rather short.

    “It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick.”

    I knew it! D=

  37. Fox Mainline-AM Sky Marshal and Former Merczateer AD Efraytor/

    Aug 27th, 2007

    Christoph an Intlibber!
    john stark!

  38. oh lawd

    Aug 27th, 2007

    Christoph an Intlibber!
    john stark!”

    You’re stupid!

  39. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Aug 27th, 2007


    “If I deleted files from your computer, what’s that, just roleplaying?”

    Of course not. But did Marquez represent himself as a hacker? No. I’ve heard these warrior types make all kinds of pwnage threats to each other before but I’ve yet to hear of anything like “I’m going to delete files off your PC”.

    “Obvious trolls are obvious…”

    Of course. The Herald has lots of obvious trolling going around just like the rest of the internet. Thank you for pointing out the obvious.

  40. Anon

    Aug 28th, 2007

    I blame Bin Lurdan.

  41. Kirill Moskvitch

    Aug 28th, 2007

    Fox Mainline, if anyone took the Alpha Marines seriously, or you for that matter, your opinion would mean something. But until you quit R2 bombing John Stark and lying about me attacking you on a “sandbox patrol in Cordova” to survive being shot in safe land, your ban will remain.

    I will give you all a clue

    It’s not Int, Stefan, Alliance Navy, Christoph or any Vanguard.

  42. Second Lulz Vigilante

    Aug 28th, 2007

    @Stefan Marquez

    “I forgot to add the bit in the first post about me being a sarcastic devil.”

    Okay, Marquez. You got me on that one. lol!

    “And your request for me to switch to decaffeinated is denied. What the hell is the point of drinking coffee without the caffeine?”

    Meet my shift supervisor sometime and you’ll understand that at least some people seriously need to go decaf. It would really keep her car doors from being keyed so frequently by us employees. ;)

  43. Anon

    Aug 30th, 2007

    I still blame Bin Lurdan.

  44. Pauleh Kamachi

    Aug 30th, 2007

    Sounds pretty funny but its all fixed now ohhh well.

    Though the best part was “the fact that Avil was willing to participate in a scheme such as this after we’ve been nothing but hospitable and friendly toward him is utterly disgusting.”

    that part made me lol

  45. Sl freelancer

    Sep 2nd, 2007

    I wouldn’t put this past any senior members of vanguard for 2 reasons.
    1 seeing as most of there high command is a splinter group of mercz and there is severely bad blood between the two groups

    2 several members of vanguard are former members of the republic of Germany who’s tactics involved but were not limited hacking other groups and general greifing

    lolz at the bin Lurden gag

  46. Sl freelancer

    Sep 2nd, 2007

    I wouldn’t put this past any senior members of vanguard for 2 reasons.
    1 seeing as most of there high command is a splinter group of mercz and there is severely bad blood between the two groups

    2 several members of vanguard are former members of the republic of Germany who’s tactics involved but were not limited hacking other groups and general greifing

    lolz at the bin Lurden gag

  47. Dumb ass

    Sep 4th, 2007

    My ass did it hahaha

  48. tony zadoq

    Sep 4th, 2007


  49. Avil Creeggan

    Sep 11th, 2007

    lol, bump

  50. Sperm Project

    Sep 14th, 2007

    Lethan did it

    Lethal Ethan

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