Anti-Autoreturn Flaunts SL Laws of Nature
by Alphaville Herald on 18/09/07 at 5:06 pm
Perma-park on Linden land – why buy land?
by Spikez Stine
I was just roaming around some quiet sims in early August and met up with this guy, name of Tre Giles, at Pennekamp. Giles was just standing there on this platform he had parked out in that same spot in Pennekamp for at least a week.
Pennekamp is owned by Governor Linden and autoreturn is on and is set to 60 minutes. Giles’s platform was out for at least a week! I start thinking some people in SL have been spending way too much on land.
I asked Giles how he did it and he said that he created the GiTech Anti-Autoreturn v7 – which helps him a lot. The anti-autoreturn obviously prevents objects from being autoreturned unless returned by a the person that owns that land! Especially in the sandbox, you can build something and it won’t be returned! Giles’s was letting anyone IM him for a beta copy (it’s was in beta testing in early August). Of course I had some questions.
Spikez Stine: So, what made you think about making the GiTech Anti-Autoreturn v7?
Tre Giles: Well, the Sandboxes of Second Life are a horrible mess as you may know
Spikez Stine: Ah, most definately.
Tre Giles: So, I moved here to Pennekamp and other Linden water sims to build and script in peace. There was one problem.
Spikez Stine: And what may that be?
Tre Giles: I could never really finish a script because I’d always ending up falling
Spikez Stine: Aw.
Tre Giles: or something like that with building. So… I decided to have a space in this sim where I could script and build outside the boring laws of Linden Labs
Furry Tre Giles offers freedom from pesky Linden laws of nature
Spikez Stine: I see. Hmm, that’s a good idea.
Tre Giles: A little patch where my objects wouldn’t get returned: I could
show off creations, and build/script ’till my fingers ached. all without the lag and death of the Sandboxes
Spikez Stine: Hehe.
Tre Giles: So- thats how the Anti-Autoreturn came into existance
Spikez Stine: Very very interesting. So, tell me something. Do you think that the GiTech Anti-Autoreturn v7 is legal in Second Life?
Tre Giles: After certain precautions I take with it, It’ll be as legal to LL
as orbiting a player in safe land, or using a “blitz” to crash someone’s
client. if they didn’t outlaw those devices I’m sure they won’t outlaw this
Spikez Stine: Ah. Yes.
Tre Giles: if the proper measures are taken to ensure its not used
incorrectly such as autodie over popular sandbox simulators which would stop griefers cold
Tre Giles camping out in Pennekamp
Spikez Stine: It would, yes. How long has this script been out? A week? A day?
Tre Giles: Its been Alpha tested its first 3 days by a few friends of mine. it didn’t really work too well but now, its being Beta tested
Spikez Stine: Cool!
Tre Giles: and its working pretty great about a week
Spikez Stine: Are you allowing anyone to help you beta test this unique
Tre Giles: Yes, I have about 5 or 6 people as of now Beta Testing it others are free to join the Beta upon request
Spikez Stine: Ah, so they just IM you and ask, right?
Tre Giles: Yep. Usually those in my beta testing group get first dibs, and then
outsiders get the remaining space on a “first come first serve” basis
Pennekamp’s Linden auto-return pwned
Spikez Stine: What would you think Lindens would think when they find out
about the GiTech Anti-Autoreturn v7?
Tre Giles: Exactly what they do with every potential crisis. nothing
Spikez Stine: Hehe, I see. Well, I hope your GiTect Anti-Autoreturn v7 will be a great and useful script for residents in Second Life. One thing I know so far, you’re a good scripter
Sep 18th, 2007
This won’t end well…
Alyx Stoklitsky
Sep 18th, 2007
I’ve known of this for months now.Basically, it’s a self-replication script that that re-rezzes a copy of the object before it gets returned.
I’m surprized the PN and such don’t use it, really. They could put their forts and weapon caches, or even more malicious objects, in any place with build and script enabled, regardless of auto return.
Maximilian Goldflake
Sep 18th, 2007
Hmm.. new Fort Longcats can’t be too far behind. What a boon to griefers who can now use this script in self replicating objects. The Lindens are going to have to do something drastic soon. If they are going to continue to let unverifieds exist, then don’t allow them to build or script. You want to build or script? Cough up a credit card. Pretty soon it’s going to be us or them. Better make the right choice Lindens.
Greefin Oh
Sep 18th, 2007
Hmmm… This would making griefing problematic I bet.
buster mcnutter
Sep 18th, 2007
i wrote one of these about a month after i joined sl, its very simple….
Sep 18th, 2007
One thing I know so far: you’re both morons, and the SL Herald is at an all-time low if it publishes “stories” like this one.
Ravatar Riverez
Sep 18th, 2007
“Pennekamp’s Linden auto-return pwned”
“Furry Tre Giles offers freedom from pesky Linden laws of nature”
intresting, I wonder what technique he uses… and if its mod permisions
Sep 18th, 2007
“I’ve known of this for months now.Basically, it’s a self-replication script that that re-rezzes a copy of the object before it gets returned.
I’m surprized the PN and such don’t use it, really. They could put their forts and weapon caches, or even more malicious objects, in any place with build and script enabled, regardless of auto return.”
Its been in use. Also we dont use caches anymore because lindens often found them, watched them and then popped in at inoppurtune times to foil our plans.
Also here is another new weapon:
Sep 19th, 2007
“Spikez Stine: So, what made you think about making the GiTech Anti-Autoreturn v7?
Tre Giles: Well, the Sandboxes of Second Life are a horrible mess as you may know”
Lack of logic.
Melissa Yeuxdoux
Sep 19th, 2007
flaunt: to display ostentatiously
flout: to treat with contemptuous disregard
The dictionary is your friend.
pixeleen mistral
Sep 19th, 2007
I can see the headline was not clear enough – there is both flouting and flaunting with two laws of nature in action in this story.
One laws of nature says anyone can make as many objects and scripts as they like, while another law of nature is the auto-return setting.
In retrospect, “Anti-Autoreturn Flouts, Flaunts SL Laws of Nature” would have been clearer, and scored alliteration points as well.
Coincidental Avatar
Sep 19th, 2007
I too scripted that but I was not stupid to publish it. These are becoming more common because I heard a business being harassed by these. And when a business is being harassed, it is usually done by a competitor in SL.
PNs can’t script, thus they are being sent to Iraq.
Sep 19th, 2007
@ Concindiental Avatar:
“PNs can’t script, thus they are being sent to Iraq.”
Oh ye of little faith. If you honestly care, our scripts are easily available. At least the finished ones, and certain ones that are still in beta testing.
@ Maximilian Goldflake and Alyx:
We’ve had something like this for months. Also what d3adlyc0d3c said is true.
Nidol Slazar
Sep 19th, 2007
>> If they are going to continue to let unverifieds exist, then don’t allow them to build or script. You want to build or script? Cough up a credit card.
You want to dance and have virtual sex all of the time? Cough up a real life.
Sep 19th, 2007
yawn, you can just sit on a prim and it won’t be returned.
John Hensley
Sep 21st, 2007
old concept…
Screw FurFags
Sep 23rd, 2007
WTF?? Screw The FurFags, The Deserve To Die A Bloody Death In Hell!
Tre Giles
Dec 11th, 2007
Yes, it is a simple script – very simple. I never said it wasn’t simple lol (nor did I say it was complicated).
Everyone exept that guy above me made funny comments – I’m still rofling xD
Doc Eigen
May 23rd, 2008
An auto-rezzing script has to be put into everything OR everything has to be put into a prim with an auto-rezzing script. Having a platform stay put is a small part of the problem… the harder part is ‘updating’… I mean updating as in, when you make a change to a script or a construct, or a construct with a script… its a new version, so then you have to save it to inventory. Soon, you are saving to inventory constantly, over and over with each iteration of your object/script or… combination. THAT is more challenging than a platform staying put.
If one is obliged to identify a really! serious error in ‘this general direction’… I would identify that many of my object/script combos, go off-world and NEVER return in any form to my inventory. Now… I just pull one out of inventory to replace it and proceed… that is IF!… I bothered to save it in time before I actuated it… and it flew to hell in a handbasket out of the world!! In other words, the opposite script would be really useful!, …one that autosaves to your inventory, updated copies as you work… yup! Making a platform stay put… is just not that great.
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lupindo tailleur
Jun 15th, 2010
i WOULD LOVE to beta test your script, i have plans to test it as a permanent external inventory so if i die of heart attack//ban//wev people can have access to my goods when im gone and so its not waisted