Auctioning Off My Illegitimate Spawn At BidSL
by onder on 08/09/07 at 3:07 pm
Love for sale to highest bidder
by Onder Skall, former Unicorn daddy
Yesterday at the First Friday technology expo we saw some incredible inventions, but one in particular had the power to change the way we buy and sell things in Second Life. Through BidSL you can put things up for auction quickly and easily, and bidding is fast and fun! For Second Life society at large this is big deal, and could change the way we think about selling things in-world.
For me, I saw it as an opportunity to dump find a loving home for the rape spawn sweet little things that were the product of me stupidly following the latest fad some unfortunate incidents I’d rather not discuss. Let’s just say that mating with unicorns isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, and I thought perhaps people would like baby unicorns without having to do the deed.
The BidSL Auction House (SLurl) is laid out into sections for various types of items, and a handy elevator lets you go upstairs for the adult stuff. Lucky for me I was there early on opening day and got to grab the prime Featured item spot right near the door.
Setting up an auction is easy. Click on the board, say in chat the number of days you want the auction open for, make a payment to the board for L$1 for every day, and ctrl-drag-drop a texture, notecard, and the item in question. Naming conventions make everything work, so check the instructions. You can click the board and hit "clear" to reset, or hit "ready" to start your auction.
Next thing I knew, the babies were up for sale ready to find loving parents. Problem solved! Uh… the problem being finding parents who could love and care for such beautiful creatures. I’m just too busy, that’s all… and… well everybody knows guys wearing horns are notoriously terrible parents! I’m doing this because I want to be rid of the little pests love them!
Do you have some junk you’d like to dump from your inventory for a few Lindens? Swing by the BidSL Auction House in BongSwang (SLurl) or check out the website!
Sep 8th, 2007
Onder said “Do you have some junk you’d like to dump from your inventory for a few Lindens?”
You and many many other idiots who does the same with Yard-sale, on SL Exchange, OnRez, and endless rental spots.
(better off to delete them all)
Jessica Holyoke
Sep 8th, 2007
why is it better to delete your unwanted inventory then to try and resell it?
Ex Sella
Sep 8th, 2007
I would like to dump off my GIGANTIC PENIS, can those go on sale too?
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 8th, 2007
ROTFL @ Staff title
Will you be my UniBabyDaddy?
Nacon: I hear they artificially grow brains now. Science has come a long way. Maybe you should look into it.
Artemis Fate
Sep 8th, 2007
Could have the tag line:
Herald Reporter Onder Skall: Getting fucked by a unicorn, so you don’t have too.
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 8th, 2007
Artie… I think a turn on the unicorn might do ya some good
Prokofy Neva
Sep 9th, 2007
Excellent story, Onder! Herald classic! It has everything, illegitimate spawn, unwanted baby unicorns, baby-selling, a new bidding invention, horns — not a chime left unwrung, especially if you say you blew your Ginkos cashout on the bid cost.
Lugh Ingraham
Sep 9th, 2007
Whoooooo is the man that takes it like a unicorn caaan?
Ksso Yamauba
Sep 9th, 2007
Hey Onder, BidSL looks awesome indeed !
Btw, I noticed you’re using SL-Messenger, as you know it’s beta, and I’d love to hear your thoughts about it as I’m sure you might have a lot of ideas to improve it!
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 9th, 2007
“by Onder Skall, former Unicorn daddy”
Correction: “by Onder Skall, former Unincorn MOMMY”.
You got raped by a unicorn and then shat out a couple of baby unicorns. Your parents must be damned proud of you, Onder. Har har har!
Sep 9th, 2007
Jessica said “Nacon, why is it better to delete your unwanted inventory then to try and resell it?”
Ahh finally someone with reasonable sense to ask such a good question. (Pixeleen, you better be reading this)
Because the more crap kept in SL, the more shitty database it grow. Making SL slower and LL would have to get more damned HDDs for their servers to keep it all up.
However, how does one try to resell an crappy item, so cheap? Having a yard-sale would require a land/parcel, which aren’t free to get. Ad? not free either, 50 L$ a week. One week alone won’t make any sales. You’d have to do something to get people to come over and look at crappy items you’re trying to sell. YOU will end up paying more fee to get your junks out there than trying to gain anything at all. Plus, it’s more safe to buy something from original creator than owner.
However… So many good worthy items are copy/no tran. You’d be wasting your time as much you’re trying to sell people a wooden cube. BUT WAIT! THERE’S MORE! CYLINDER & SPHERE! Just delete them already.
Tenshi said “Nacon: I hear they artificially grow brains now. Science has come a long way. Maybe you should look into it.
Yeah… I’m not gonna buy you one, cause you’re gonna put your old brain on eBay.
(Quit being an idiot before your brain become a worthless value.)
(Maybe on Christmas)
Jessica Holyoke
Sep 9th, 2007
Thank you for showing that comment debates can be civil.
Onder Skall
Sep 9th, 2007
mommy/daddy/birthed/pooped/buy/adopt/baby/doll… whatever, it’s all good, it’s the metaverse.
Artemis Fate
Sep 9th, 2007
“However, how does one try to resell an crappy item, so cheap? Having a yard-sale would require a land/parcel, which aren’t free to get. Ad? not free either, 50 L$ a week. One week alone won’t make any sales. You’d have to do something to get people to come over and look at crappy items you’re trying to sell. YOU will end up paying more fee to get your junks out there than trying to gain anything at all. Plus, it’s more safe to buy something from original creator than owner.”
Don’t forget the long ass time it takes (and the L10$ fee) to take a snapshot of every single item you’re selling individually for the vendors, unless it’s a prim item you can set out.
Lugh Ingraham
Sep 9th, 2007
If you think a human getting raped by a Unicorn is disturbing then you should see a Pegasus getting raped by a giant spider….now that is just hilariously disturbing!
Second Lulz Vigilante
Sep 9th, 2007
@Lugh Ingraham
Sounds like a more deviant version of Pokemon.
Sep 9th, 2007
Artemis said: “Don’t forget the long ass time it takes (and the L10$ fee) to take a snapshot of every single item you’re selling individually for the vendors, unless it’s a prim item you can set out.”
Yup, even she knows. She has been in SL almost longer than anyone who post in here.
Sorry if it doesn’t sound so civil, but I’m sure you can tell that I’m fed up with them.
Jimmy Hertzhog
Nov 5th, 2007
What ever happened with yer auction Onder? Did you sell it off. What has become of the baby since?