Natalia Zelmanov – Post 6 Grrrrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 14/09/07 at 11:31 pm
[Note from Justine Babii- Natalia Zelmanov is one of my heroes. She has done a lot of good with charitable fundraising in Second Life. Also, through her famous Blog, she has helped a zillion residents do everything from grow out of noobdom to learn the secrets of making hair. As her pictures hopefully show, she is also gorgeous. It was an honor to work with her on these and I hope you enjoy]
Hello Second Life Herald readers My name is Natalia Zelmanov.
When Justine asked me to be a Post 6 Grrrl, I was horrified and fascinated. It would be an honor to take part in a tradition dating back to December 2004. This tradition included such luminaries as Six Kennedy and Celebrity Trollop. Then again, I’m a virtual prude: let’s just say I’ve never been to the Amsterdam sim
But as Day 365 of my Second Life approaches, I decided to jump in, fin first. Umm…did I mention I’m a mermaid? (and a sneaky one too )
Natalia Zelmanov’s Second Life Diary is my blog. You know, the one with the silly mermaid running around SL taking pictures. With an occasional tutorial thrown in, just to prove that blonde fishes aren’t like totally stupid!
I’m also Miss Second Life 2007 (details are in my blog in case you’re curious). During the Sexy Wear round, I set an SL Clothing First with my “PG-compliant Particle Bikini Top” (Hey, don’t turn off particle display!) I just hope they don’t take my title away for being a Post 6 Grrrl!
I own Sirena Hair & Fashion, specializing in flexi prim hair, flexi dresses/gowns, and mermaid tails. After making 70 prim hairs, I’m beginning to notice torus-like prims on everyone’s head in Real Life…
Thanks for putting up with me today! And…um…I wish for World Peace!
Taylor Barnes
Sep 15th, 2007
I would first like to say that my comments are never aimed at the models on these pages directly. I have decided to only comment once per page, unless there is a comment that screams for an immediate response. I have decided to do this out of respect for the current Post 6 model & not to clutter the page with a back and forth conversation. I support each and every model that appears on these pages, despite my personal feelings. However, it is very difficult to comment truthfully without including the current model.
It is telling when a model appears on this page and is honored by following the footsteps of this page’s luminaries and overlooks the overwhelming majority of models (90%+) that have appeared on these pages that can not be classified as such. Natalia is the second of Justine’s models that have uttered Six Kennedy’s name in their remarks, while totally overlooking the point that Six posed in the traditional Post 6 way, while they managed to sidestep modeling in the same fashion.
I might not have stated my point as clear as I would have like to. I am fully aware that suggestiveness can often be very sexy, even more so than full nudity. Nudity was a type of litmus test. It separates those who would model from those that could not. Nudity could have easily been replaced by some else, something silly like wearing a neon green wardrobe, but it wasn’t.
To janeforyou Barbara, I am glad that you got from Post 6 what you wanted. The fact that you do not care whether you pose nude or not, is not really part of the comments I made. For models that had no problem posing nude, good for you. But because you found it so easy, does that make the decision that models like myself made less valid? I don’t know if you found it necessary to chime in, because I mentioned your name in my comments. I only stated that you were the last of a long line of models (98) that posed nude.
Let’s see the recent who’s who…editor of a major SL publication, Winner of August Budweiser Lingerie Contest & now the winner of Miss Second Life 2007.
Ultimately it is not the model that is responsible for whom and what appears on these pages, but the photographer. I am quite sure many Post 6 models would have elected to pose differently if given the same chance.
Virtual Prude? Modeling nude? It’s only pixels. Right Justine?
I appreciate the open invitation that Justine has extended to me and perhaps one day when our positions move closer to each other, I will be able to accept. I am very glad that you had a chance to speak to Ava, and I hope the two groups can co-exist, perhaps you can encourage newer Post 6 models to join the original group.
Justine, you mentioned that you get the feeling that I do not like you very much and I am sorry if you got that impression. It is not you I do not like, it is the actions that you have taken since you have been given control of this page. I am very capable of distinguishing the difference between who the person is and the things that they do. I have had the chance to read your writings in different places and I respect your skill as a journalist.
If you truly want to “keep the tradition of excellence“ of this page, as you have mentioned in the prior post, I have a few proposals.
1. Instead of handing out Post 6 pages weeks or months in advance, perhaps this page would be better served if certain models were given preference over other models. Any model that is willing to pose in the traditional way, are moved up on the release of their page, while others that remain clothed or want to pose in a coy fashion are moved down. This would still allow you to manage this page with the least amount of work, while still providing an incentive to pose nude to get published. Not exactly what I would like to see, but is tremendously better than the “if you want to” policy.
Don’t worry about being fair, any model that truly want to appear will either step up or wait. Every model should feel honored to appear, don’t make this into a situation that Post 6 is honored that the model has graced us with their presence.
2. Move the more attractive and more interesting models ahead of the models that are not so attractive or interesting. Making a drop dead gorgeous avie with a great cause you meet today, wait 5-7 weeks to be published, does this page a disservice.
3. Lesser known models are moved ahead of more well known models. So Jane Doe has a better chance of being published than a recent contest winner. This would continue the tradition of providing a platform for models that would otherwise not have one.
4. I am happy that Natalia was aware of some of the history of this page. Before selecting or considering a model, please make the model aware of the history of this page in it’s entirety. Perhaps my comments on Graciana’s page would be a good place to start. Therefore, I or any other person commenting on this page will know that the model made an informed decision when selecting the way they decided to pose. It was very insightful to read Graciana’s reasoning explaining her poses. This trend should continue.
5. You are a very good journalist, but perhaps you should consider allowing some of the many very talented SL photographers to provide the images for this page.
6. I grow concerned that the people you attract to the page come from your travels and your circle of acquaintances. Perhaps there should be an open call? Would there be any way a model can be selected by the existing fraternity of Post 6 models? As a group, we should be able to vote for the models to join our ranks? What better way to honor the past models?
I really hope you take some or all of these suggestions into consideration, not two months from now, but starting next week. As much as you may want to “improve” the image of this page, people do not come to this page for fashion tips. Perhaps the Herald’s tag of this page will provide a clue “Sex, Cybersex and Beyond”.
Wockin Woller
Sep 15th, 2007
Taylor Barnes is completely insane. She’s clearly off her meds if she’s stalking the Post 6 post with a 500 word essay about nudity every week. Taylor, go look at your own pictures, you were barely nude. stfu and go back to your cats, they miss you since you started on teh internets.
These pictures are great and the more people that know about Natalia Zelmanov’s blog the better. I’m learning to make hair using Natalia’s tutorials. I already used them to learn to make clothes. Thank you for them Natalia.
Keep up the good work Justine and thank you for bringing Natalia some of the recognition she deserves for all her work with those tutorials.
Personally speaking, when Marilyn Murphy did Post 6 I skipped over the column most weeks because I didn’t care about seeing a parade of Miss Nobody posing. Even nude. I mean they wear the same skins, so seeing an avatar naked is as easy as going to Celestial Studios, X2 or RealSkin and looking at the advertisements.
Having some models I’ve heard of is a good thing. When I saw that this week is Natalia, whose tutorials I’ve been studying, I had to speak up. You’ve brought new life to a column that was sagging.
Also, your pictures are better than Marilyn’s. No disrespect intended because her pictures were great. Yours are just better.
I look forward to seeing who you will find and how you will shoot them week after week, and if comments are a measurement of success I’d say you’re doing well. Nobody commented before, people are obviously reading it now.
Ignore the psycho and keep bringing us good stuff.
Sep 15th, 2007
Best featured grrl that I’ve seen since reading SLH; the other posts were just boring, including the gratuitous nudity. This post has no nudity, and is FAR more interesting because of it being someone that’s done lots of interesting things. Sorry other nekkid grrrls, but if SL nudity is the only thing that makes you interesting, you’re VERY dull — work on WHO you are to become more interesting and sexy. Natalia has substance, an obvious brain, and a fantastic teaching blog, which is far sexier than purchased pixels of naughty bits.
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 15th, 2007
I’m concerned that Taylor Barnes feels the need to comment each week with a new essay of how Post 6 should be run.
Lugh Ingraham
Sep 15th, 2007
Here’s a little secret….
No guy reads Playboy for the “articles”
Same goes for Post 6…..did anyone buy Onder’s rape spawn yet?
Natalia Zelmanov
Sep 15th, 2007
Did I mention Im a sneaky mermaid? ;P
Taylor, I totally understand where you are coming from. It does indeed seem unfair (one group had to do something, while another did not). If I gave offense, I do apologize.
In particular, I am very sorry that I mentioned Six and Celebrity by name. They were my “personal” reasons for posing (i.e. if these giants could do it, this little fish could too!) But by mentioned their names, I made it sound like they were somehow “better”. This was insensitive of me!
If it’s any consolation, I did try to preserve the tradition. Marilyn’s Post 6 had already begun adding “Man”, “Furry”, and “Robot”. They are beautiful in their own way, but not traditional female nudes. So being a sneaky mermaid, I thought I could do the traditional format: 1 with clothes, and 2 without clothing. And I didnt wearing clothing in 2 of the shots (yes…its a technicality ;P)
The 2 mermaid poses took about 4 hours of preparation. One of the poses had to be custom made (mermaid modeling poses are very scarce
). I did a lot of tweaking to get the hairs and mermaid tail just right. Justine was super helpful and patient with me when we ran into issues during the shot. It would have been a lot easier to just pose in girl-form (and Im sure Lugh would have enjoyed it more ;P)
My goal was to be fun and silly. Please dont ever take me too seriously! Im half-fish after all
Thank you Wockin and JJ for your warm comments
ListenBoys IKnowWhatI'mTalkingBout
Sep 16th, 2007
See what a little professional lighting does to show off a well made skin?
Looking gorgeous, girl!
Maxx Something
Sep 16th, 2007
Is it true that celebrity trollop is a man?
Natalia Zelmanov\'s Second Life Diary
Sep 16th, 2007
Day 356: Post 6 Grrrl and Getting Started Guide Update #3
The Second Life Herald has an infamous, long-running feature called Post 6 Grrrl that dates back to December 2004.
When Justine Babii was kind enough to ask me to become a Post 6 Grrrl, I didnt know what to say: the traditional post has 1 shot with …
Taylor Barnes
Sep 17th, 2007
I promised to limit my comments to once a week, but there was a comment that screamed for an immediate response.
Was it Wockin Woller’s personal attack? No. I come from the school of thought that the first person to use profanity or launch personal attacks is usually on the losing end of an argument. Plus, I never care what cowards that hide behind month old avies have to say. To compare the models that appear on this page to the nameless models seen on skin ads is insulting. If 500 words are too much for you, I can send you a condensed version.
While I firmly believe in most of my statements, I do owe Natalia Zelmanov an apology. My statements were harsh and I apologize. It is my greatest hope that future Post 6 models can take only a fraction of the time to learn about this page that you have. You not only opened the page to a new category (mermaid), but you cleverly managed to pose in a way that the vast majority of models have. I thank you for your attempt to stick to tradition; which I can’t see being much different than Marilyn’s cut angles she used for shy or reserved models.
Doctor said that the new meds should work fine and my crazy half blind aunt is caring for my cats, so they are being well cared for.
I have done some archive reading and I would love to hear your concerns Tenshi Vielle, IM me when you get a chance. Thanks
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 20th, 2007
Taylor: I can’t believe you’re still on here.
My concern is that you’re coming on to the Post 6 archives, after (I’ve heard) that you appeared on Post 6 previously at some point or another, and whining. If you don’t like how it’s run, go elsewhere. Leave Justine alone; she’s doing an amazing job.
I don’t care how kindly you present yourself – unwelcome criticism on how you can do something better is still just criticism. She didn’t ask for your input.
<3 Marilyn is on break. Justine is doing Post 6. Suck it up until Marilyn gets back and quit harassing Justine over comments on an internet site.
Besides, nobody FORCED you to pose naked… in fact, nobody forced you to ever pose at all. Is that what the problem is? Models now have a choice of how they want to pose? O_o
Darrk Auer
Sep 20th, 2007
You know I tend to agree with Taylor Barnes on some of her key points (although maybe not her tone which is a little strident), particularly I prefer to see the Post 6 Grrrl as a lesser known not some big SL celebrity. And its not because Natalia or Celebrity Trollop aren’t interesting or talented people. I mean most of us have read at least parts of her blog and also seen the great work that Celebrity has done. However there are literally thousands of fascinating people with beautiful or interesting avis and stories to tell in SL. Lets see the Herald get out there, find them and bring them to the attention of your readers. Lets not create a cult of celebrity here like in rl. Its such a feeble part of our rl society these days imo. Oh ya….Do I as a male reader prefer nudity in these shots?……well, duh!
Taylor Barnes
Sep 21st, 2007
Tenshi Vielle,
I can’t believe you had the gall to respond again. You are a very good friend to Justine. Isn’t it you that bashed others in the name of journalism so badly that you felt it was necessary to issue a public apology. Amazing how we have such short memories. But I guess if you say you are sorry that makes it all go away and you can join the ranks of the righteous. We are talking about criticism right?
How many articles/posts have we seen the Herald publish on what Linden Labs is doing wrong and what they should be doing.
I will continue to comment when I find it necessary despite what you say or think. If the Herald decides not to publish my comments, that is up to them. If Justine wants me to stop commenting, I am quite sure she can contact me herself or address the many points that I have made. I have mentioned nudity, but no one has commented on any of the other points. I would like to caution you not to believe everything that someone may write or say. I will give your suggestions some thought and keep in mind that these suggestions came from a person who would rather rely on hearsay rather than take the effort of actually reading the prior posts.
Tenshi Vielle
Sep 22nd, 2007
What’s the matter, Taylor? You didn’t expect opposition to your constant railings?
Taylor Barnes
Sep 22nd, 2007
Hey Tenshi,
Is that your version of the “your mama” response?
I’ve exposed you as the hypocrite that you are, pointed out that the Herald engages in the very same behavior that you accuse me of and pointed out that you’ve dived into a dialog that you were ill prepared for. And that is your witty response? You should have just said “your mama”.
P.S. Tell Justine she needs another mouthpiece.
General Cronon
Sep 22nd, 2007
Tenshi, Got OWNED!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone has a problem with this comment IM me in world.
Justine Babii
Sep 22nd, 2007
After your post during Graciana’s week I offered an apology for having hurt your feelings. You responded to that with an IM stating that it was your belief that “a public forum is not the place to discuss.” We had a long conversation via IM after that, and I was of the opinion that we had agreed to disagree. I can publish the chat log from that conversation should you have forgotten.
You can then imagine my confusion, and disappointment, over the fact that a week later you again felt the need to post to a public forum your unhappiness with the changes in Post 6. I have not responded in part because it’s quite clear that there will be no pleasing you, but also because the comment section for Post 6 should be a celebration of the models, not for this silly drama.
I have not asked people to speak for me, though I do appreciate their efforts. I will say that I thought that what Wocking said was mean spirited. I will also say that I think that your use of “the archive” to attack Tenshi is also mean spirited. I was taught that in debate you should stick to the topic, not attack the person making the argument.
This is my last response to you on this matter in the comment section of a post 6 model, as I do feel bad that Natalia’s moment in the Herald spotlight was blighted by this. You made that promise too and then broke it. I won’t.
Should you want a public forum to speak from, I offer you the opportunity to publish on, a blog I edit. You can write an editorial about the travesty that has befallen Post 6, or about the nature of pixelated nudity, or whatever topics you want. You can publish one essay or several. You can start your own Post 6 column there and begin the tradition anew. I feel that this is another generous offer from me to you, despite the fact that I was not in any way associated with either the Herald or with Post 6 when you modeled, AND the fact I’ve never even met your avatar in “person”.
The part of this that I find most galling is that you yourself have admitted that you don’t read Post 6. You had no idea that Marilyn was taking a break when I invited you to join the official group. If you are going to designate yourself as the keeper of a tradition, you should at least keep up with the program. (I can publish that conversation also should you have forgotten it).
I have offered an apology, I have offered you the ability to participate in anything the Post 6 models may do in the future despite your shabby treatment of me, at your suggestion I have even offered to let you play Post 6 photographer while I pose nude, and I have now offered you a place to publish your ideas. I think I’ve been far more generous than you have here, especially given that you don’t actually read Post 6 anymore.
I like the fact that I am giving the models a choice about nudity, and the models seem to appreciate it also. Your other concern, about featuring only well-known avatars, is not correct. I have featured several “SLebrities” here, yes, but I’ve also featured several “regular peoples” and will continue to feature a mix of people, famous, infamous and not famous, as long as I’m doing this column. I say this because it seems that the only way to make you happy is to go back to the way things were, which I won’t do. I’ve offered you several alternatives, the ability to publish on SLebration is the last one, so either take it or resolve yourself to being unhappy. (Also, before you complain about Tizzers as a model, let me point to your well-worn archive and remind you that the Herald’s Jimbo Quality once posed for Post 6, so there is precedent from Marilyn’s era for humorous or off-beat models).
I would like to leave you with a snippet from our conversation on Saturday, September 8.
[11:06] Taylor Barnes: ok, as one model told me, things change. I made a mistake of believing that this tradition was so entrenched, that it would never change. Thanks for your time and good luck. I wish we could have come closer in our views.
It’s now fourteen days later. Why is this conversation still going on?
And this, where I was discussing when I would allow you to be the photographer while I pose nude for Post 6, which was, i should add, your idea.
[11:10] Justine Babii: I’ll IM you closer to the date and if you’re still burning to make this an issue I will be happy to accomodate.
[11:13] Taylor Barnes: no, that is okay…it would only further damage the Post 6 tradition, and would be viewed as a side show. But thanks
Don’t you think you’ve accomplished the “side show” now Taylor?
I look forward to reading your thoughts on SLebration.
Thank you for reading,
Justine Babii
Taylor Barnes
Sep 22nd, 2007
>You responded to that with an IM stating that it was your belief that “a public forum is not the place to discuss.”
The log I have says this…
[9:50] Taylor Barnes: I really appreciate your comments, I think it would be better if we had a conversation in private rather than displaying them in public forum. Despite what you may think, I am not angry with you, it is a bit more complex than that. When you have the time let me know. Thanks
[10:01] Justine Babii: hi taylor! sorry i was on the phone!
[10:02] Taylor Barnes: no problem
[10:02] Justine Babii: i agree, a public forum is not the place to discuss differences
I think it is totally lame that you have decided to use our IM as a basis for your statements here. But if you are going to, I would suggest that you use full quotes coming from the correct person. Please tell me this was a misstatement and not an attempt to further mislead the people who would read our comments here.
Taylor Barnes
Sep 22nd, 2007
Let me know if you really want to have this discussion here? I suggest IM.
Stacii Stardust
Sep 23rd, 2007
There’s no doubt that this conversation is of extreme vital importance not only to Post 6 girls and the Herald, but the entire planet itself. I see Taylor Barnes as a modern day Joan of Arc, selflessly campaigning to make the world safe for more nipples…thank god someone has the courage to do it!
Personally, I think the far more important question is, when was the last time a Post 6 girl showed her toenails??? Why is this being censored? Today, no toenails, tomorrow no knee dimples…where will this outrage end?
Again, I thank Taylor for putting the time, energy and commitment into this vital issue and I’d appreciate everyone recognizing her for the heroine she is.
Jaime Wheeler
Sep 23rd, 2007
Taylor I think it’s time to let this go. You were a lovely Post 6 girl. Let that be your legacy instead of this argument. Do you want people to remember you as the beautiful avatar who tried to raise money for charity or as the crazy woman who wanted all Post Sixx grrls to be nekkid?
Taylor Barnes
Sep 23rd, 2007
I always find it funny that people that want to offer golden nuggets of advice seem to choose to do it in open forum. If I felt I wanted to offer advice, I would simply send an IM to that person. I will take the “advice” I’ve received under advisement.
Jamie, under normal circumstances, I would not bother with a response to your comments. You have expressed your opinion of me publicly and I wish to return the favor. You sat as a PR person, wrangler and judge in pageants that selected Post 6 models. You were fully aware that the winner would be required to pose nude for Post 6 and as I understand, was present at some shoots. After 98 pages, you became the very first model ever to pose clothed. This choice may not rise to the level of hypocrisy, but it certainly reached the level of betrayal in multiple ways.
The true irony of this exchange of comments is that I elected NOT to comment on the current post (Tizzers Foxchase). But Tenshi Vielle decided to comment, Justine Babii decided to comment, and now you. I sent a copy of my response directly to Justine, rather than to post it publicly. Each time I would think it would be my last response on this page, someone else pops up with a comment. Any others?
archie lukas
Sep 27th, 2007
Much better than recent photo shoots
back to the gold standard at last
Natalia Zelmanov
Sep 27th, 2007
Stacii, my fin was totally out there! I put fresh kelp all over it before coming to the photo-shoot ;P
Oct 27th, 2007
i know ur still
i like it
thank u