Jimbo Quality – On the SL President Campaign Trail

by Alphaville Herald on 13/10/07 at 10:10 am

The candidate is sent to study inflation in Second Life in preparation for the debates

by Jimbo Quality

Jimbo_signI was upstairs at the Herald Office signing copies of my butt, trying to be as quiet as possible because I was using Tenshi’s markers again and because I’m pretty sure Miss Pixeleen knows that I’m the one who made the mess in the bathroom.

I guess I should explain that I was signing copies of my butt from my legendary run as a Post 6 Girl, because I’m worried about my campaign for President of SL. Other than the lovely Hillary, I haven’t seen any signs of any other candidates, so they’re probably lurking, doing sneaky things that will cost my campaign plenty to out maneuver. I already know Hillary is loaded, I went to her sim and saw her dolphins.

So to raise money, I’m thought I would sell limited edition autographed pictures of my magnificent ass. I was signing them quietly with Tenshi’s awesome markers, maybe humming to myself when I looked up and saw Miss Pixeleen. I nearly crapped my pants.

Then she smiled. I nearly crapped them again.

“Hi Jimbo,” she said. “How’s the campaign going?”

I freaked and blurted it all out, confessing everything I had done. I told her about the mess in the bathroom. I told her about how it was me and not Onder Skall who blew up the Herald news van, and even fessed up that it was me who had maybe set fire to her favorite hair back around Christmas time. Once I was done I sat, cringing, waiting.

She smiled again and shrugged. “I knew all that,” she said. Then she whipped a landmark out of her pocket and handed it to me. “Do you still like camping chairs? I found this place that has good ones that were mostly empty and thought you might like it.”

I was in love.

I took the landmark and went back to signing butt pictures, hoping she’d go away before she remembered how mad she got when that hair went up in flames. Pretty soon she was talking again though, and asking me about my campaign, because she was telling me I needed to learn more about inflation.

“Nah,” I said, “Inflation is measured as the growth of the money supply in an economy, without a commensurate increase in the supply of goods and services.”

She looked at me as if I’d just spun my head all the way around.

I blinked back.

“Really Jimbo, inflation in Second Life is different. Go find out about it.” I could swear she was surpressing a laugh. I shrugged.

“What’s in it for me?”

[Note- Come down to the Second Life Herald Office and get your limited edition, signed picture of Jimbo Quality's famous Post 6 Girl Butt Picture for L$500. All proceeds will go to support his Presidential bid, or to pay for whatever he breaks when the Inflationists get hold of him].

4 Responses to “Jimbo Quality – On the SL President Campaign Trail”

  1. anon

    Oct 13th, 2007

    Oh Jimbo, you’re such a card.

  2. Tenshi Vielle

    Oct 14th, 2007

    Jimbo, don’t smell the markers. They’ll kill your brain!

    I love you though.

  3. Jimbo4prez

    Oct 14th, 2007

    LOL *note to self:get jimbo’s signed butt picture*

  4. DarthBlueAfro

    Oct 16th, 2007

    hahahahha now that is a way to run a campain!

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