Marilyn Murphy – über Post 6 Grrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 19/10/07 at 11:35 pm
[Marilyn Murphy stopped by the Herald offices yesterday and said she had something special for the Herald readers. After we traded gossip for a few minutes, she dropped an envelope on my desk and teleported out to an exclusive island retreat - she said something about hanging out with Winston Wolfe when he is not having to solve problems.
It was good to see Marilyn - the south of France is definitely agreeing with her. She looked great and gave me a few suggestions on how to improve my fall cassoulet recipe before she disappeared. I immediately called Justine Babii and we both agreed that this was an historic occasion. The queen of Post 6 Grrrl photographers is now a Post 6 Grrrl. Long live the queen! - the Editirx]
i have no class. i don’t care. i wear jeans much more often than a skirt. i wear what i like. i don’t understand fashion and don’t pretend to.
my avatar…i like her. in july of 03 i started out with the ruth template. ha ha. i was always blonde. at that time i was quite unusual, actually. the vast majority of women in sl were brunette or redheads. most of the time i was the only blonde in any given group.
after tweaking my avatar for months, i thought i arrived at just the right thing but was a bit bothered. i went to my good friend chip and showed her to him and said that i think i had turned her into barbie. he said i was the only barbie he knew, so thats ok. hmmm. i reverse engineered her some and installed some flaws. she has remained this look for over four years. interesting thing tho, i went from being the unusual look to being a very common look as, over time, many ladies decided to have a tall blonde avatar.
i tweak her yearly when i change skins, to return her to the look she should have. i change skins only once a year. it takes me a month or longer to shop for a skin.
oh, here are some things about the pictures:
bikini bottom: by aces spade
leg wrap: by mistress midnight
blouse: by nephilaine protaganist
skin: carrot and rubies by starley therian
jewelry: by ricx curie
hair: up do by zyrra falcone- tammy up twist
hair: long by six kennedy- tangled
shape: mine
eyes: linden default set to unnatural
boys, if you don’t like my avatar that’s just tough. on the other hand, if you like her, you are exhibiting wonderfully good taste.
i salute all those wonderful ladies over the years who posed for post sixx. bless you all.
Oct 20th, 2007
Uma Troell
Oct 20th, 2007
Ay Caramba!
Marilyn Murphy is the Post 6 Grrrl?!?! More like the Empress of Post 6… and what a hot little number she is! Marilyn, you were so kind to me when I posed for you, took such great care of me, gently guided me away from some nutty ideas I had about things that I thought would look good and yet left the shoot so very much in my control. You were the very first person to photograph me in SL and I am honored to have worked with you. Now here you are in the column you made famous, showing your tatas in support of sweet Justine! What a damn classy lady you are…and hey…you’re naked! Love it love it love it!
Kahni Poitier
Oct 20th, 2007
Very pretty. And I like the photo work also.
Cindy Claveau
Oct 20th, 2007
I feel like Alice in Wonderland. I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole and the mirror is reflecting back its own reflection.
It’s about time, Marilyn
Now you get to withstand the slings and arrows of SLH comments. The difference between us is that you don’t seem to have any “baby fat”. What’s up with that? Did you overlook that when you added flaws? Maybe you can upgrade to Babyfat v.4?
Seriously, this is a nice layout. Well done. And nothing’s sexier than a smartass model
Oct 20th, 2007
Your avatar looks like a child, you still have no shape, all i see is flat ass yet again and tits too far apart, the freckles – just gross, do i care if you get offended by my opinions, no. Go ahead call me immature, rude whatever – don’t care. wankette said it best “barf”
Joannah Cramer
Oct 20th, 2007
“Your avatar looks like a child”
Puberty. look it up, read, try to understand.
marilyn murphy
Oct 20th, 2007
hmmmm. you know, i had never thought she looked that young. does she really? how about that. not sure what to say. until i did these pics no one had ever made that comment to me. i never saw it. looking at the pictures i agree she is looking rather young in them. im to close to the forest i guess. in sl, when mobile, i dont think she looks that young. stationary, in a still picture, she does look younger i agree. interesting. now, in the first picture, with blouse on, i think she looks more like she does in sl. the nudes do look rather young i guess. well, live and learn.
Patrice Cournoyer
Oct 20th, 2007
Marilyn, you look fab! Welcome back to Post 6.
Nina A
Oct 20th, 2007
Milev Milev
Oct 20th, 2007
better than the last few post 6 girls, at least.
Melissa Yeuxdoux
Oct 20th, 2007
Beautifully done… and anyone using the Hokusai painting as a backdrop has pretty well won me over from the start.
Kahni Poitier
Oct 20th, 2007
Actually, I think the complainers just want more Post 6 guys.
Nina A
Oct 20th, 2007
“Actually, I think the complainers just want more Post 6 guys.”
LOL. It’s actually pretty sad too when people are all grossed out by freckles!!!
The second picture looks fantastic. Well done Marilyn for being brave enough to put yourself in the firing line. It’s been pretty nasty here lately.
marilyn murphy
Oct 20th, 2007
ty all for the kind comments. it really is nice to hear people i dont even know talk pleasantly about my avatar.
i have been thinking about the comments on her youthful appearance. and asked a friend in sl about it, and she looked up at me and said, “you are 7 feet tall.” perhaps that is why i dont look like a child in sl.
(yes, cindy, it really is my turn.)
Oct 20th, 2007
Thanks for including the Manufacturers of you outfits. as a shopper in SL I appreciate it.
marilyn murphy
Oct 20th, 2007
i looked at them again. i really don’t think she looks all that young. really. maybe…i don’t know.
yeah cali, it has seemed strange all these so called fashion types don’t talk about their clothes much. you would think explaining where they got their clothes would be a large part of their thought process. actually, as you can see, my list wasn’t very long cuz im nakie here mostly.
i noticed that nina. i felt maybe i should put myself out there like so many brave people have before. it’s been pretty nice really. i’m having a good experience actually.
i do wonder if she looks to young tho. i looked again and i’m thinking she looks at least 20. sorta. i don’t know.
CronoCloud Creeggan
Oct 20th, 2007
I find it interesting to read how rarely Marilyn changes her skin, when I often change my skin to match/work with whatever I’m wearing at the time.
sue sands
Oct 20th, 2007
hey marilyn, nice to see you finally doing the post sixx. you look as beautiful as ever and you are the classiest lady i know in SL. darlin’ you ROCK this page.
Lacie Babenco
Oct 20th, 2007
Marilyn helped me with my look some time back and really made me more aware of how I had presented myself. Being the first to give me a dose of “truth” about my “Oh-so-newbie” look has me, still, so appreciative of your comments. You’re looking fantastic, and what’s wrong with looking youngish? It’s your SL – let it be whatever you wish Marilyn, I’m sure the sh*t that anyone slings hasn’t met you. Nice to officially see you back from your vaca.
Siobhan OFlynn
Oct 20th, 2007
Beautiful layout, Marilyn! Congrats on becoming a Post Six Grrrl. I had a blast posing for my layout and the best part was getting to know you.
Oct 21st, 2007
Oh my – the right-hand in that last pic:
is that lobster girl?
wtf is she doing with that lobster-hand???!!!
January Bauhaus
Oct 21st, 2007
You look so lovely mari. It is a rare treat for us all to see you in front of the camera for a change.
Hope to see more of ya =)
Cole DeSantis
Oct 21st, 2007
Marilyn, you have a knack for finding beautiful models, and this time you outdid yourself… you look great. I like Uma’s Empress of Post 6 comment, and everybody loves naked royalty. So I’m glad your class is still showing in this tabloid of a comment page, not that I am surprised, and I am glad your artistic talent is still pushing the limits and up for view on the Herald. Lastly, ignore ummm’s lobster hand comment… SL avatars never bend the way I want them to, and that doesn’t actually look unnatural. (Just perhaps a bit erotic! *wink) Great spread, Empress.
marilyn murphy
Oct 21st, 2007
like_ummm: the proper title is “Lobster Hand Girl!!” she flails at the ignorant and unwashed with her helpless deformed claw like hand. she finds it all sort of unrewarding really, but continues on because she saw her parents brutally savaged in some blog somewhere….or maybe she was bombarded by radiation.
cronocloud: i get so set in my ways. when i do find a skin i want i have to sorta get used to it over time, changing back and forth between my old skin and the new for a few days, then settling on the new. its just me.
ty all for posting such nice comments. this has all been so nice.
Perphides Capalini
Oct 21st, 2007
Wow Marilyn! You look great and its refreshing to see nudes again on Post6. I was afraid we had seen the end of an era in that respect. Like most of the Post6 grrrls you chose, the first photos of taken of me were by you. I know you made a big impression on a lot of us with your patience and professionalism as a photog, and I’ll always be thankful. I do wonder how you came back from vacation looking so good. If we hadn’t all missed you so much I’d say the Herald should give you more sabbatical time.
Oct 21st, 2007
pretty as always even if you need a bigger rear
but then I think everyone needs a bigger rear, hehe
am glad to see you here most powerful Maam
Oct 21st, 2007
Lose the longer hair, the shorter spikier do in the first pic suits her much better. The shading on her tits are to dark and spaced too far apart as someone said earlier. I think it’s a good skin but it looks much better clothed due to the shading flaws.
Stroker Serpentine
Oct 21st, 2007
At the risque of blathering a la fanboi/fangrrl, I must point out that the pictures do not do Mari justice. She is an engaging and enticing woman. As a long time dear friend I was surprised to find her on these pages (What took you so long?). A pictoral testament to the creativity and composure (exposure?) of one of the classiest ladies in SL. Love you Mari! StrokkKKZZzz!!
Pie Psaltery
Oct 21st, 2007
Ya look super.
It’s the freckles bringing out the pedophiles.
marilyn murphy
Oct 21st, 2007
wow. perphides, stroker, pie and i should not have started naming names. ty all so much.
this does not mean i am doing the post sixx thing again. i would never have featured myself if i were running it. one of the surest ways to not be a post sixx girl was to be a close friend to me. i tried to seek out people with some interesting facet to their look or activities. i never wanted to abuse my position. for instance, jaime wheeler was never asked to pose while i ran it. sue sands never appeared. sarahlouise waited 5 months and was only shoved in at the last minute when a model failed me and deadline required someone.
i needed to retire from so much activity in second life and do things in real life. i always wanted to be a post sixx girl tho. so i made some time and made these pictures and pixeleen and justine were nice enough to let me appear.
this column is still run by justine. just wanted to clarify that.
i am so happy that i did. its been so fun for me. even the negative comments by anonymous boys is amusing. ty to everyone who read this and commented.
Oct 21st, 2007
lobster-girl, lobster-hand girl – whichever – this photo shoot continues on with the fine and long-standing tradition of the grotesque freak show that is:
Post 6 Grrrl
congrats marilyn!
marilyn murphy
Oct 21st, 2007
*flails at like_ummm with her helpless deformed claw like hand.
Firiel McGann
Oct 22nd, 2007
And if you think she looks like a child, you can’t have seen many children, in or out of SL
Oct 22nd, 2007
woot Marilyn , feels another story coming on about her and well cannot say,,but I know she will enjoy it, gratz hun and keep up the good work and jeans look sooo gooddd on you to
marilyn murphy
Oct 22nd, 2007
ok. i wanted to clarify something to the two boys who mention that the breasts are to far apart.
there are limitations to what the sl avatar can do. you cannot make the breasts on the femme av behave like they do in real life no matter what.
if you distance the nipples so that they actually imitate real life there is a distance between the breasts that gravity does not act upon as it does in real life.
some day, you will get to actually see a woman topless in real life. maybe. the breasts look far more seperated on a lady nude than they do clothed because our clothing tends to draw them together. at least a person with a large B cup or more.
your confusion on this issue is understandable. i hope this clarifies it for you.
Oct 22nd, 2007
Well after seeing the shots and reading the post I thought I’d throw in mho as well.
Generally, no matter what you put on the web, someone’s gonna hate it.
Personally, I like the shots and freckles….well I find them cute. Everything else has been stated so I might as well keep it short.
Congrats Mari
Oct 22nd, 2007
What exactly is she trying to pull out of her ass, next weeks ‘model’?
marilyn murphy
Oct 22nd, 2007
whatever: your head.
Sadako Shikami
Oct 23rd, 2007
awesome to see you here, Marilyn! you gave me a few tips about my avatar a while back, and your help really made a difference in my look. i still want to be a Post Sixx girl, SLH commenters may complain but i think it’s one helluva interesting column, to show a bit of the personalities behind the avatars. i can vouch that your avatar is much more adult looking in person *winks*
Jova Song
Oct 23rd, 2007
Beautiful woman inside and out. is about time mary xxx
Taylor Barnes
Oct 23rd, 2007
Hi Mari,
Sorry I am late to the Mari love fest, but I’ve been busy down in St. Louis at the offices of Anheuser-Busch. Been counseling Budweiser ad executives, keeping them away from sharp objects and open windows.
Mari you should have been wearing a white hat, the way you’ve rode in and saved us from the debacle of last week and giving the Post another week to recover.
The best comments have been already said so I will just say, you look great, the pictures are fabulous and you editorial is thought provoking. Eagerly awaiting your return.
Oct 26th, 2007
Psst Marilyn…bout damn time. What a lonnnnnnng strange trip it’s beeeeeeeeeeeeen. Nuf said.
Love you …
Jellin Pico
Oct 29th, 2007
Mari — beautiful as always
And I’m surprised it took you this long to do a shoot on yourself.
As far as Ummm or whoever … I wouldn’t take there bs’ery seriously. I mean, you have to pity anyone who doesn’t like pcitures of beautiful naked women. And then laugh at them behind their backs.
archie lukas
Nov 3rd, 2007
I love freckles, they are fun to count and Marilyn has lovely womanly boobs, there’s no doubt she is all woman.
I met Marilyn sometime last christmas at a now defunct club with Allie 8->
I must admit – she didn’t seem that young then; but the magic of a cosmetic makeover does a girl good !
(Nasty boys: – it ain’t a ‘plastic’ makeover, I know the signs professionally -so bog off huh?)
What I am impressed with though – is that the photo has been taken with care and allowed time for rezzing, pose suitability etc.
Recently Marilyns photos have seemed rushed, not even rezzed fully with the last furry.
This shot is much more in keeping with your famous style girl !
Have you heard of Suze Randall?
The very famous Playboy photographer – she turned the cameras on herself in a close session – so Marilyn is following in the footsteps of the famous.
On a personal note, may I just add. Yummy scrummy !
Archie Lukas