SL Saints of Hell MC’s Biketoberfest
by Alphaville Herald on 17/10/07 at 11:32 pm
by Jessica Holyoke
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Many of us have been touched by breast cancer, either ourselves, or our family members. If you are interested in doing something in Second Life dealing with Breast Cancer, there are a few options.
This Saturday, the Saints of Hell Motorcycle Club is holding Biketoberfest
In the club’s sim of SLaytona, there will be live music, motorcycle races and other activities with the purpose of raising funds for Breast Cancer research.
If you are more interested in quiet reflection, the Breast Cancer Awareness garden might be for you. Links to are provided along with a place for quiet reflection.
The art at the Breast Cancer Awareness garden includes poetry
Also, you can visit the American Cancer Society’s location in order to get more information and a gift bag, one for men and one for women.
If you are looking for French information on cancer, visit the La Ligue Contre Le Cancer
Cocoanut Koala
Oct 17th, 2007
OK now, that’s an adorable bear on a bike!
Oct 18th, 2007
Sometimes I get the feeling 2007 has been breast cancer awareness year after all, we have just gotten over relay for life.
Never mind me, I’m just grumpy today.
MissyA Price
Oct 18th, 2007
Tyssm for the announcements, Jessica!
My mother is a breast cancer survivor, thankfully she has been cancer-free for ten years :’)
I’ll visit the places you mentioned
Connie Molinaro
Oct 18th, 2007
It is great to see that so many actions are taken place for Pink Ribbon’s breastcancer awareness month!
I would like to add an event to this list; the Ewing Fashion Week. You can read detailed information about this week and the Pink Ribbon action at the blog of the agency
You’re invited! See you there…
Belarius Slade
Jan 8th, 2009
the kraken
May 26th, 2012
Cool seeing this old site and slaytona pic Saints of Hell still goin strong 5/26/12. Outlawbiker crazyboi SOH Prez