Vera Nikolaidis – Post 6 Grrrrl
by Alphaville Herald on 05/10/07 at 7:29 pm
[Note from Justine Babii- Vera Nikolaidis IM'd me out of the clear blue sky one day about being a Post 6 model, and after just a little bit of chat I decided that she needed to pose for the Herald before I'd even seen her. Read her words and you'll agree that she is truly a wonderfully original gal and her energy alone makes her a great Post 6 Grrrl.]
Okay here goes, I am just going to write whatever pops into my head. First off Justine was a such a blast to pose for she made the shoot fun and easy and I hope we can become closer friends. I joined SL In February 2007, and quickly got a job in the sex biz, anyways not doing that anymore I did make most of my truest, closest & coolest friends on SL from there and it’s great money.
Now I ‘m just chilling and looking for new things to do like posing for Post 6 Grrrrrl which is splendid or at least to me it is and the 12 Avatars search thing (Didn’t do good on that ; ( Moving on, I just basically asked Justine if I could pose and a few weeks later she let me ; ). What else is there? Chocolate gives me headaches. Oh right, now I am working at One Source Modeling Agency (That’s a plug) as a model and also fashion scout (that’s a funny title) and I am enjoying that so so so much right now I hope everyone on SL is doing something or someone they love on here. The SL fashion industry is crazy and hard when you have no idea what the hell you are doing, I try though all that counts.
Plus, I also just started dancing at Club Rendezvous (Another plug, hope I dont get in trouble for that), a new club in SL that is co-owned by my SL sis and good freind Kizz and Scar. I am so glad it’s clothing optional for these photos, I just want to show crack.
I guess one final thing, I kinda hesitated about posing after looking more into the
Post 6 Grrrrl articles cause of the haters and some mean comments but oh well, who really cares anyways, and the positives definitely outweigh the negatives. Big thank u to Justine Babii, The SL Herald, its smart and sexy readers, and especially my SL family and friends, love u guys & girls!!! Ella you are my rock. (Wish I could do another article about how much I love you all and what you all mean to me) Everyone be good to each other. Have a great day. I hope you enjoy the pics.
Peace Out ; P (Cause I am a dork) – Vera Nikolaidis (Say my name bi-otch, before I slap u. LOL)
Oct 5th, 2007
oh my god – look at the size of those lips! Jesus, fish lips.
Oct 5th, 2007
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth
greta garbo
Oct 5th, 2007
lips too wide,lips too fat for face, nose too thin, bags under eyes, torso too long, hips too wide out of proportion with shoulders, hair prims poor quality, no fingernail polish or jewelry
other then that . . looks great
if you dont want critique dont post your avatar, you cant have your cake and eat it too, well unless you know how to bake a cake which you dont
not insulting player who plays this avatar just trying to help you out by pointing out how to make improvements
youre welcome <3
General Cronon
Oct 5th, 2007
If you got any skinner you could be the Featherweight Champion of fitness.
Jewella Stine
Oct 6th, 2007
Hot damn! – congratulations to Justine for choosing to feature such a remarkably fine young woman as Vera – with her beauty, intelligence, self-depreciating humour, and enthusiastic enterprise, she exemplifies everything that is great about SL
Oct 6th, 2007
I have nothing for or against the Post6 Grrrl concept, and have enjoyed reading previous articles by the various girls. However, this one is vapid, to say the least. Come on, “I got here, worked in sex industry, made friends, work elsewhere, come and see me dance, I asked to post and they said yes, hi to my friends, I want to model, blah blah” …. that could have been written by any of the thousands of airhead youngsters wandering in SL bumping into things. Not one interesting comment or original thought, and to top it all off, she has lips that look like they were pumped up with an air hose.
It’s not my way to put anyone down, but come on now. Is this the best the Herald can do? What’s next? Oh, here’s a few comments the next girl can use in case she also doesn’t have a real thought in her head — “shoutouts to my homies, I like long walks on the beach, I strip for tips, my SL family is the best, hi sis and bro I luv ya, isn’t SL interesting, the chance to be a Post6 Grrl has been my dream, everyone is so creative here, I want to learn to make clothes ”
Oct 6th, 2007
Well…that av could use a few improvements…but Vera sounds like a realy cool and smart girl.Don’t stress ’bout the bad comments,V
.You’ll get that perfect look.After all,it’s just a few slider moves awai:)
marilyn murphy
Oct 6th, 2007
what we see as “beauty” in the femme body shape is dictated to us by media. notice the difference between miss america 1927 with her wide hips and small chest and bobbed hair and todays version. magazines and fashion runways and movies decide what we in the western world find fabulous. our culture dictates our discerning eye.
i find it interesting that when post sixx displays a model who meets our 21st century media dictated criteria, the complaint is that they all look the same, stop posting barbie clones… when a model is displayed that is outside the dictates of our culture, she gets pasted with this sort of criticism.
so where is the acclaim from those who demand different looking models? speak up, those who decry the barbie sameness. lets hear from you.
Nina A
Oct 6th, 2007
Nice! The second pic looks great, the others sort of look like you’ve over done the cosmetic surgery. The kind that aging Hollywood ladies favor. Bad lighting probably. Nice to have met you:)
Nick Ramsay
Oct 6th, 2007
“I just want to show crack”
Excuse me? Did I read that right?
Milev Milev
Oct 6th, 2007
since when did Joan Rivers join SL?
Oct 6th, 2007
OK, that shape is REALLY disturbing.
Oct 6th, 2007
Nice job on your fake shadow and background.
(vomits out a cat)
Mytwo Cents
Oct 6th, 2007
Reading these comments reminds me of what my grandma told me once: If you don’t have anything good to say about a person, staying silent is sometimes the most civilized behaviour.
I think that her avatar looks fine and if dancing and hanging out with friends is the fun thing do for her in SL I can’t see why somebody would feel the need criticize this.
After all, you are not really spending your time discussing the nature of identity in virtual realities in the SL philosophy forums before heading off to work further on your LSL scripts for your sculpted prims artificial evolution sim after having finished your daily exercise routine and translated the Canterbury tales into Modern Greek either. And I bet that your avatars really suck
Just my 2c.
ToKizzable Zeddmore
Oct 6th, 2007
Vera..if people can sit her and judge you why can’t they pose can all go on looks if you wish..but a souls inner beauty is what counts..and atleast she was so honest about her SL life…then again how many self made milliomares are there in SL…lol how many just sit around and build…or all the time they spend is working…lol get real people…almost EVERYONE in SL has had sex or been in the sex’s money right…i say time to grow up and SHOW US YOU AVATAR!! oh and the fish lips comment..all the better to suck you with!! HAHAHA!!
Taylor Barnes
Oct 7th, 2007
Anyone that has been reading Post 6 the last few weeks knows that I have been highly critical of the recent format changes. I have tried to navigate the minefield of expressing displeasure with the direction of Post 6, while trying to stand clear of directly criticizing the week’s model. I’ve had mixed results.
As a Post 6 model, I ask the readers of this Post to please keep in mind that it can be very difficult to pose for this page. The pressures of being selected, posing for the photoshoot, writing your editorial, revealing yourself (both figuratively and actually) to the public and waiting for the public’s response can be huge. If your comments are genuine attempts to express your opinion to the quality of this post, I support you. However, if your comments are mean-spirited and only seek to ridicule the model, please don’t post, it only show the dark side of our SL community.
Please keep in mind that public “advice” is nothing more than disguised criticism.
Vera, I applaud your willingness and courage to appear on this week’s Post and want to thank you for your decisions. I wish you much luck, pleasure and success in your future SL experiences.
greta garbo
Oct 7th, 2007
“Vera..if people can sit her and judge you why can’t they pose can all go on looks if you wish..but a souls inner beauty is what counts..and atleast she was so honest about her SL life…then again how many self made milliomares are there in SL…lol how many just sit around and build…or all the time they spend is working…lol get real people…almost EVERYONE in SL has had sex or been in the sex’s money right…i say time to grow up and SHOW US YOU AVATAR!! oh and the fish lips comment..all the better to suck you with!! HAHAHA!!”
classy . .
Oct 7th, 2007
wow. She’s got nalirra rosewood fat assed lips. Ewww! Disgusting.
archie lukas
Oct 7th, 2007
What do you know, I know a girl exactly like her in Real Life
Honest Injun and its pretty damn weird too.
However I would have liked to see some boob, after all -everything else is on display already, ‘cept those fun buns. (don’t ask)
Tenshi Vielle
Oct 7th, 2007
Oh, Taylor… shut your pretty little mouth. <3
But yeah, those lips? :O
Maxx Something
Oct 8th, 2007
There has to be a guy playing that avatar, because no real woman would make one looking so messed up
Oct 8th, 2007
Seriously people, take an art class, I recommend Life Drawing, you’ll learn proportion and what the attractive elements of the human form are, which is a science, btw, and can be quantified.
I’ve made way more attractive female avatars, and I’m a dude. Hell, my male avatar is cuter than this chick. lol
Maxx Something
Oct 8th, 2007
I bet she regrets posing, and wager she’ll delete and start a new avatar now. Feel bad for saying so, but that avatar is not creative or pretty and is just downright scary looking.
Alec Caprilli
Oct 9th, 2007
Is that Six Kennedy?
Melissa Yeuxdoux
Oct 9th, 2007
I’m reminded of the time I had the misfortune of listening to “Dr. Laura”, because my reaction is the same: where do you find enough masochists to feature, because only a masochist would knowingly submit to such abuse.
Aya P
Oct 9th, 2007
I am not going to say my style in Real Life and Second Life means I am a model ….but seriously….why try to make your avatar look so cheap that it makes you look unrealistic.
As Dolly Parton used to say “it takes a lot to look this cheap” and this is no exception to the saying. I bet you she over payed for the body and hair, clothes to go with it and over sized herself to make up for something she doesn’t have in real life.
Which is no self Avatar Confidence and Self Esteem in Real Life…
Not to say I am no different as far as looks go. But I at least try to make my Avatar look like myself…because I am myself…with out the occasional hair changes…
Looking cheap doesn’t mean you are attractive.
Oct 9th, 2007
OMFG Are we being punked here? Is this some kind of pre-Halloween joke of some sort? I have seen newbie avs straight outta orientation island that look better than this chic. Hell, I’ve seen trannys look better. This is really the best av that could be found this week? There are a lot of beautiful avatars in SL and this post in particular really is a let down and a kick in the face to others who actually work on their av and make it look nice. Some people really need to get out and about more in SL and find some real women to showcase. This really has to be the most ridiculous ‘model’ I have ever seen and I find it hard to believe that any worthwhile modeling agency in SL would have this as a representation of their agency. Very sad, very sad indeed.
Oct 9th, 2007
Hello? This av is definitely a guy.
Oct 9th, 2007
I still can’t believe those lips. Nalirra Rosewood called. She wants her lips back.
Nov 12th, 2007
Everyone has a different idea of beauty….
And as for my lips…yep..they’re big..i like em like that. They’ve never been quite that large, but w/e.
lol @ posters who like to rip apart others in the safety of a cozy anon blanket.
Maks Vendetta
Nov 13th, 2007
hahaha I love how people are bashing her for not having a perfectly proportioned only image.